VACCINE AGENDA. Aga Wilson interviews Dr Richard Urso about the Covid-19 crisis and the recent CDC approval to add the vaccine to the childhood schedule. This means that any state following the CDC guidelines will require children to get jabbed in order to be able to go to school. This is a shocking reality when it comes to bodily autonomy and human rights.
Interview and intro by Aga Wilson | Transcript and video editing by Torbjorn Sassersson
We also discuss Richard’s experience at his clinic and his eye opening journey to become aware of the science that was ignored by mainstream media and medical authorities.
Interview by Aga Wilson, Aga Wilson Show
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The transcript may contain occasional errors.
Aga Wilson: Hi, and welcome to today’s Aga. Wilson Show. Today I have the honor to speak to Dr. Richard Urso. And Richard is based in Texas, and I know you’ve done a lot of amazing stuff throughout your career, so I would like for you to introduce yourself a bit more. Welcome, Richard.
Dr Richard Urso: Yeah, it’s great to be here. Thanks so much. It’s been kind of an interesting almost three years now. Started out in the early process, getting involved because I had a background in drug design.
So I did eleven years in a lab, two doing biochem, nine tissue culture, and my main area of focus of the research was inflammation and wound healing, but also did some tumor work, particularly looking at potential designs for cell differentiation that might influence tumor growth when the process started out. Also 34 years.
I have a license in Texas and medicine and currently have probably the biggest practice in the United States of its kind in my field, about 600 employees in 25 locations. So I’ve been able to do things pretty well clinically, been really successful there.
And then the main thing that drew me in was this early time where they were saying this novel coronavirus and that there was nothing to treat it with. And that just seemed kind of absurd to me because at the time I remember thinking, well, it’s just like hypertension. It’s not about curing, it’s about mitigating damage most of the time.
So that’s where my mind was. Got together with a team of people that more already familiar with in Houston that also did drug design. And by the time we got to early March it was pretty clear that we had plenty of things to use antithrombotics for the blood clotting, antiinflammatories for the inflammation.
It became clear that people were not dying in the first week. It was the second and third week. The respiratory compromise was also a big prominent feature and we became quite aware pretty early that it wouldn’t work too something was up with the intubation so the typical protocol is called for innovating when people drop down into the low eighty s and the innovation seem to exacerbate everything.
So we realized we had to kind of probably get into using a lot of the respiratory drugs that we typically use for RSV, the steroids and things like that. Conceptually that sounded good, right? But we didn’t really have anything to attack the virus with, for sure.
But there were about nine things I found that might be able to be used for attacking the virus. Produce inhibitors, Nucleoside, analogs, hydrochloric and chloroquinectin phenylphibrate. Cyclosporin trying to think of culture scene.
There was a bunch of things that came to mind. It Was About nine or so and treated my First Patient in March 12, who’s a Friend that Actually had really bad respiratory compromise, wouldn’t go to the hospital. I knew him in medical school and put him on steroids, hydroxychloroquine, Ezrathromycin, vitamin D, and aspirin.
And he improved tremendously in the low 70s. He improved in about 24 hours. By 48 hours, he almost seemed back to normal. And I knew that we had a winner.
Got on a social media platform because no one was listening to me, and I was trying to reach out to multiple people and. Got attacked, told I should be killed, I should be killed. And I was just like, this is really weird. I got a little bit scared, but I drew about like I had never done anything social media before. And I drew a couple hundred thousand views in about 2 hours. And I don’t know how it just took off.
And I was like at the time, considering what happened when we went to Washington DC later on with Joe Ladapo and Simone Gold and myself, that seemed like nothing because there we went. I think 8 million views on one of mine still a manual. Went about 30 million views on a very short period of time. But it was scary.
I got attacked, had to go to the board. And then I was faced with the question of, okay, so I know that there’s treatment and I know that they’re letting people die without treatment. And it was like mass locked down way for a vaccine. And it just seemed absurd. I remember telling my wife, I said, I can either move forward or I can tuck my tail, be quiet and go fishing.
And it didn’t seem like there was any alternative. I just had to speak out and keep going because I knew that most of my colleagues didn’t have the drug design background where they spent the time in the lab, where they were super confident about some of the things I was talking about. And I just knew that if I didn’t, no one else probably would. And for the most part, it turned out to be true.
Most people did not want to speak out. And when speaking out, they were aggressive. I’ll tell you what hit me the most was in March at some point they started talking about the mass and the one critical thing was they put out. An APB, more or less at all points.
Both and everybody know that if you wear a mask and we’re sure a mask and you get caught wearing a mask during the public health emergency, maybe those masks have been used at the hospital, and you will be made criminally liable for wearing that mask. And we were like, what? First of all, I was not that keen on wearing the mask right from the get-go because I worked in a viral lab, and I knew that mask wouldn’t work.
So that never even came across my radar that the mask was going to work, because, again, I already had the background. So all these things conspired to say, what is going on? Why are they doing this? And really, for the most part, they have not let up. They literally have not let up. It’s lie after lie after lie.
And the one that really cinched it for me, where I wasn’t sure up until the one and the end of May when they put out the fake Lancet study and the Harvard guys did it. And then Eric Topol total shield of a cardiologist actually touted it. And we got into sort of a public spat with him. And I remember saying to him, I said, Eric, how can you be so happy about this? Like, why are you saying hydroxychloroquine? That’s not a happy thought. There’s nothing happy about that.
This means people are going to die because we don’t have things like, you should not be happy about it. You should be disappointed. You should be hurting about it. This is some of the things that he’s like, no, I’m just tired of all the fake science. And then I go, But I didn’t know it. I know, but you actually were on the Gilead board, and why didn’t you say anything?
And he goes, well, that was last year. And he goes, I go, okay, so you were married, now you’re divorced, and now you’re saying you don’t know the woman? I go, this doesn’t make any sense. And I knew right then and there that a lot of the people that were tied in, especially for some reason, the cardiologist, Topol and Mera from Harvard, who was the guy who wrote the fake Lancet study, 93,000 fake patients, 671. Fake hospitals.
I mean, I knew that the in the Lancet, I knew the corruption as they were captured at every level. And I just literally got a chill. I remember when I figured that out and just said, wow, this is way worse than I thought. And it really is. It runs there all the way up through every single branch of government in our country. No one wants to speak up. We only have Ron Johnson in the Senate.
A lot of others are with us, but it’s Ron Johnson by himself. Here we are, and we’re seeing the same thing in Europe. You guys each and every country has its own unique set of circumstances, but we’ve got a big fight in front of us.
Aga Wilson: Do you get to talk a lot to your peers in terms of the ones that don’t speak out?
What’s the reason for them not to speak out? And how does that make you feel? Because you’re there fighting in the front lines, and I’m sure that more and more people are starting to see that something is off. Right.
Dr Richard Urso: There’s a long COVID clinic at our UT facility here. And I worked at UT for a long time. And when I was younger, I was kind of a young hotshot, but I haven’t been away from there for like 20 years for the most part. And she came in and said, when they found out at Long COVID [inaudibel] that she was seeing me, they all kind of perpetual and said, well, that’s what you’re seeing. I found it a little bit.
I thought it interesting because I didn’t think they would even know who I was, but apparently, they have taken on this hay. She’s back injured, got like, transverse myelitis, like a week after the vaccine. And basically, they keep telling her, like, hey, we know it’s from COVID, not the vaccine. Literally, she’s tested negative for the nuclear capsid. They did the T-cell work. Nothing, you know, nothing extensive on her T-cell work, just positive antibodies to the spike protein, which basically says, hey, you never had COVID.
You only had the vaccine. And it’s just been kind of interesting. These people get gaslighted, and as we move forward, we have so many things we’re doing. I talked to Pierre Corey and Ryan Cole and Lynn Finn, and we have a call every Tuesday. We go about somewhere between 2025 Mary Tally Bodin and we kind of get on and talk about how to treat all these patients. And it’s really been wonderful.
But our colleagues now, especially here in Texas, are quietly going along with us. They’re quiet and even these guys at UT, in a sense, we’re like, okay, well, if he says that it’s from the vaccine, then it’s probably from the vaccine. So I found that kind of a little bit strange. I was a little bit caught off guard by that.
But in my own practice with people that I’m referring to, a lot of them are going, hey, what do you do? You’re using [inaudible] and naltrexone. I remember. What else are you using? I give them the list of stuff methylene blue, and hyperbaric chamber.
So people are very interested in a sense, knowing what to do. And nobody, virtually no one here in Texas is telling their patients to get the vaccine. And the people that I’m interacting with at the two hospitals that I work at is probably like 10% of the doctors. It’s a really small number. Before it was like 90% to 95%. So it’s falling way off the roof radar. And they’re not getting much traction here in Texas at all. But in other states, it’s probably different.
They’re having a hard time getting people to fall in the line for the vaccine. And it’s basically my colleagues have quietly adopted the stance of, hey, why don’t you just wait? Not aggressive talk or anything, and not completely data-driven, clinically, seeing the problems, they’re seeing the strokes, seeing the recurrent cancers, they’re seeing people come back that are often sick and not healthy.
Aga Wilson: And yet they are not speaking up. This brings me to the next topic, which to me was a very dark day in history yesterday. Just because the CDC passed the recommendations for adding the COVID-19 vaccine to the childhood schedule, which from my understanding, well, there are a few things, but number one, they will no longer be liable.
Number two, there are a lot of people who will not be able to have their kids in school anymore unless they vaccinate them, especially in certain states, right? And the most important thing, they’re going after our kids, which to me seems like if this doesn’t make people wake up, then what will?
Dr Richard Urso: Yeah, Bobby Kennedy was quite aware of this about a year ago or so and brought that to my attention in the 1980s, which is really when I started some of my research career.
I remember thinking to myself, well, this is kind of neat. They’re going to allow the people that work for the FDA, and the NSAID if they come up with a patent. They’re working for the government. They’ll be able to collect $150,000 a year if the patent becomes a marketable product. And I thought to myself, well, that’s good. There are some interesting things that people are doing and it’s nice to be able to get a little money.
And then I noticed that. One of the things that happened was they were also saying, hey, it’s taking too long to get these drugs to market. We’re just going to give you a couple of million dollars, get some number crunchers, get them in there, and help you to just use Pfizer as an example. Like, hey, here’s a couple of million dollars to help you to crunch the numbers so we don’t have to take five years to do something that probably should take two and a half years.
And that seemed okay, but then you realize that it started kind of creating an inner relationship that was stronger. Like, okay, now when you write a patent, in a sense, you call Fauchi and go, hey, it’s affecting the RdRp and we’re going through this mechanism. He’s like, well, the copy machine for the coronavirus is a little different than for influenza virus. And at the end of the conversation, Doctor Fauci. Thank you for that valuable information.
You know, in a sense, and I’m not saying this happened, I’m just making a pretend thing here. Hey, why don’t I put you on one of the so we start getting the Fox watch in the hen house kind of thing where there’s this interrelationship developing between the organizations and the people that are supposed to be watching?
And then at the same time, one of the key factors was that they said, hey, we can’t even make vaccines because people are just suing us and we’re losing money and we’re not going to do it anymore. Heck with it. Our hands are done. You’re not getting any vaccines. And they said this is not right. We can’t have that. Let’s give them liability. Kind of like what they did for the tobacco industry.
And again, at the time, the 1980s, it seemed to me like be a pretty good idea. And then little by little, creep came in and it’s like, oh, if it’s on the childhood vaccine schedule, that should be where we have the least amount of liability because it’s for our children. You can’t sue us for our children because.
You know, you can be sued in the United States for a childhood thing from age of 18 plus two years up to age 20. So you basically have somebody creating a 20-year liability if it’s done at birth. And they felt like this was going to stand in the way of anyone making any childhood vaccines and so this became law. And so little by little they sort of made that.
They tipped the balance in their favor from them being incredibly liable to them having now no liability. And this was not an overnight thing. They changed the laws little by little. And now Bobby Kennedy pointed it out last year that that’s what they were going for. And all of us thought, no, it doesn’t even affect children in the first year 2020.
I don’t think the first child died of the disease until July 2020. It was like six months into the pandemic for a child under ten even passed away. And somewhere in the world, and as many people on this call probably know, the infection fatality rate under age eleven is somewhere around zero. One for 1000 or one in a million.
Why would we need to have a childhood vaccine? It’s absurd. And they’ve always used these terms of immuno-bridging instead of which is a term for, hey, we don’t really know what happened, but they made antibodies, so we’re just going to let it go because they made some antibodies. So it must work for people who don’t know that’s basically what the data is showing in the childhood age ranges.
They didn’t have anything to do with hospitalizations transmissions, infections, or anything. In fact, the data for most of that was negative, but they made antibodies from the vaccine. But if you look at it clearly, Craig has done a good job looking at the data and making a nice little video just basically showing how absurd it is that they pass that. So, yeah, you’re right. There’s no reason it’s 0.1 for 100,000 or one in a million in the younger age groups, having that being on the vaccine schedule, there’s no data showing that that is necessary and in fact, we know that.
Let’s talk about some data from England in the ten to. Don’t know if you’re aware of it, but ten to 14s, it’s literally somewhere between a 52 times higher all-cause mortality death rate and the double-vaccinated to somewhere up to 132 times higher death rate. So massive deaths in the ten to cause mortality in the double and triple vaccinated at that age.
So it tells us that the vaccine is dangerous. It tells us the vaccine is creating multiple problems. There’s just so much to unpack about it that I mean, I can talk about it for as long as you want, but there’s absolutely no reason for anybody to get the vaccine at this point, especially children, because they literally have no risk from the disease.
Aga Wilson: What will the consequences be of this, according to you? It’s happening in Europe too, now. Europe is next and we’re seeing this pattern kind of globally, so it’s only a matter of time. What will the consequences be of this?
Dr Richard Urso: In a sense, what anybody who knows this would say, the die is cast and now you just have to do what do we do about it? You’ve already said we don’t care if you die. We don’t care if we kill children. We don’t care. We’re doing it. We’re taking your land, we’re vaccinating your children.
You’re going to have social credit scores, you’re going to have vaccine passports, you’re going to have digital IDs. There’s nothing you can do to stop it. Like, we’re coming. Nothing you can do. We’ve got our hands around your neck. We’re protecting your no, you’re not. You’re coming in and you’re basically going to take over the entire world, one world government.
There’s nothing more to say. It’s not a conspiracy. Data does not get in their way of control. This is about control. This is what this is about. It’s it I mean, it’s not a consequence. It’s a result of what they’ve decided.
They decided they were going to take us over. They’re going to take our aunt, they’re going to take our children. They’re going to do whatever they want, and there’s no stopping them. That’s basically what it was.
It’s not necessarily anything more than a continuation of the attempt to basically create one world government. And this is one way to do it. Vaccine passports and digital IDs go on to social credit scores.
I’ve already got canceled, and bought two accounts for PayPal because I didn’t meet community standards. I don’t even know what that means. I probably put no more than $1,000 through PayPal every year. I don’t even know how they even came on their radar.
Aga Wilson: Who knows? A lot of people have had. But then what happened was that the whole global community started to withdraw their accounts or cancel their accounts. So they also this is the thing that people need to understand, that there are many more of us, and if we could come together the way we should now, then we could make a change.
But there are too many people sitting there and just thinking that, oh, this is not going to happen. No, that’s not going to happen. But I do remember that when I said what you just said two years ago or one year ago because I’ve been part of this medical freedom movement for over six years now.
So we kind of knew that something was up already. In the beginning, people would call me a crazy conspiracy theorist, but now everything that we said two years ago has happened thing after thing saying still, people are not willing to look at it and say that, oh, my God, maybe these people are right.
So. Where do we go from here, you know?
Dr Richard Urso: Well, it’s an ugly truth. So you just don’t think that people like I tell people all the time was on a call yesterday and I said, you know, it’s not a disease that killed million of people.
It’s the policies. They intentionally create carnage. There’s an intentional carnage of a million people in the United States. Not based on medicine, based on policies. Policies kill the people. Not that they don’t care.
They want to create a fear narrative. Lots of death helps. We don’t want the thought of, hey, you can save a bunch of lives. And from my point of view, I spent two and a half years saying, hey, it’s not that hard.
It’s inflammation, respiratory compromise, antithrombotics. We can try to battle the virus with some other things that are available that may make some difference, especially if given early. The replication competency of this thing is about five to seven days.
When I talked about that early on, people thought I was insane. I was like, Where have you guys where did you guys go to medical school? They go to Nava Coronavirus. I go, yeah, but the replication competency probably hasn’t changed at all.
And they go, how do you know? I go, well, because this would be like, now they’ve reengineered it in a way that what do you mean they reengineered it? I go, all right, fine. That means we have the novel coronavirus that now, not only does all these other things, but it actually keeps replicating for weeks.
I remember talking to Deborah Burke about it, and it was like I was talking to the moon. I felt like I couldn’t have a conversation with anybody that seemed to be understanding that this is just a coronavirus that’s been manipulated, but that’s still got a replication competency of five to seven days.
Why are you giving REM deserve at three weeks out? It has no chance of working. It has to be a replicating virus for it to work. And that concept fell on deaf ears. And literally, I was so angry about it for a short while that I just would go on and say, you’re just killing people.
And then finally the data came out on that that, you know, the hay. The virus is only replicating for five to seven days. Hello? Redfield was really good. He was our head of the CDC at the time. He was very data driven.
He’s one of those guys who knows in his own way, without saying it lets you know that he knows and that there’s nothing he can do about it. Steve Hahn, who is the head of the FDA, was similar and that he just stepped out of the way of the freight train, but knew quite well.
And then I don’t know fauche at all, so I can’t even say anything about what he was thinking. But I think most of the people in these political positions realize that in a sense, they were being used as puppets by the puppeteers.
You and I know that we’re not going to get this done with the I think it’s pretty easy to say. Most people aren’t going to stand up. They don’t know the truth. They can’t look at the data. It’s very hard.
They’re being propagandized. It’s going to take a small group of people to make something happen. It’s not going to be a big group. It’s going to be a small group. And they know that, and they pay people to come and basically antagonize us.
We have antifa and other groups here in the United States that are well paid by NGO. Same thing with a well funded BLM movement. Millions and millions and millions of dollars of funding. I had somebody tell me these are grassroots efforts.
I go, grassroots efforts don’t come up with tens of millions of dollars. That doesn’t happen. You have to look at the reality when money comes in in that big way, that’s not grassroots. That’s an intentional there’s an intentional mission behind that group.
We have this many things like this, so I think. I mean, to kind of finish off your statement. We can’t expect everybody to do it. We just have to do it. And, you know, when people see our boldness and they see our commitment and they see where we’re going, they’ll follow.
I think that’s normal. Somebody needs help gather the troops, in a sense, and say, hey, this is, this is not, this is not, should not be happening. And I think you could probably feel it even in your own community.
That like if you said from six years ago where you are now, it’s massively different. There’s a whole bunch of more people that are with you. And I know for me, I would say I’ve never been in the medical freedom Movement, except for the fact that I’ve probably been in the medical freedom Movement since I was like eleven years old.
When a doctor was talking to my mom and I tapped him on the leg and I said, Dr. Goldberg, I said, don’t talk to my mom. I said, this is for me, so I’m going to make a decision. My mom’s not going to make decisions.
He kind of looked it at me like we became good friends. Actually, I cut his lawn when I started about twelve. But bottom line is, it is about medical freedom. It is about that’s what we’ve always believed in.
Nobody’s going to force me to do anything. You’re not going to tell me what to eat and what to put in my body. It’s absurd. And they’ve tried to use, as you know, this narrative of be a good citizen.
And again, I always go back to it and say, so you want to say you just want to worry about civil liberties, and civil liberties are wonderful, but a million people died. And I always go, no, a million people died because of the policies.
And you want me, who’s already immune, to take a vaccine for something that I’m already immune. You want me to have a hyper immune response, potentially, and die because you decided that you want me to have it even if I’m already immune.
And so, you know, you’re the killer. You’re trying to destroy me by making me take a vaccine that I’m already immune to. So it makes no sense. I go, you’re a killer. I go, and I sat in front of a couple of places in Tennessee.
I basically said, so if you sign that document, you’re putting children to death. If you mandate the vaccine in children, you’re putting children to death. So go ahead and sign it. But now you know what you’ve done.
You did it. You killed children. Ryan Cole and I went there and they unanimously voted not to, not to do it, which the governor didn’t sign it, but it went through in law. So if we capture people’s attention with the right narrative, and definitely natural immunity is the right narrative to work on, they know that that’s an Achilles heel.
So they’ve created this quote, unquote, superimmunity, or hybrid immunity. They tried superimmunity, but they decided to go with hybrid immunity. And of course they all focus in on hybrid immunity. Get more antibodies, as if antibodies matter more than cytotoxic T cells, natural killer cells, complement cascade antigenpresenting cells, as if the other parts of the immune system don’t exist.
It’s just pathetic. They’re so pathetic that I don’t even know what to say. Like, I just know they’re not a very smart group of people. The intelligence is on our side, the power is on their side, but we’re much smarter, much better scientists than they are.
Aga Wilson: Yeah. And in Sweden, they definitely promoted her immunity at the beginning. They were very strong with that, going out strong with that. But then it kind of slowly, slowly got silenced more and more.
And then the COVID vaccine came out and they started promoting that for sure. And in Sweden, there was not a problem vaccinating a huge part of the population. Everyone was lining up because here people trust the government.
That’s how it’s always been. And maybe sometime back in the day you could, but definitely not anymore. And they’ve there’s no way that they would ever think that the government could do something like this to the people. Never.
So they’re just obedient and they do everything that the government says, which is sad. But going back to the kids, I mean this to me being a mother also, and I know you’re a parent when this happens, my line has been crossed, you know, and then there’s no turning back. And I think maybe a lot of people feel like that.
But in terms of the healthcare system, you work as a doctor, so you must also see a lot happening. And I don’t even want to even think about this whole thing with kids and the kids starting to have adverse events.
I mean, that’s going to be absolutely horrific and also it’s going to affect the health care system. Right. So what’s your take on that?
Dr. Richard Urso: So today alone I have like twelve surgeries and about 50 patients and I have to fly to Florida. And I can tell you see a lot of patients. I saw we saw 70 patients a day for the last four days in my clinic and well as doing quite a bit of surgeries. So I’m clinically seeing a lot of patients. We were talking about last week.
I’ve been, because of this process, I’ve been very busy. A lot of people are coming to see me for their vaccine injuries, quote unquote, longcove. Really, for the most part, I don’t focus on hey, it’s your vaccine injury or long COVID.
I just try to focus on, hey, you’ve got an inflammatory process, maybe something vascular going on autoimmune. You try to focus on what’s the etiology and help people. And so I’m seeing a tremendous number of strokes and heart attacks and definitely an uptick in cancers.
My background is in oncology. I do most of the oncology for our group, which is about 50 doctors. I do probably 90% of it. And I can tell you that people are being injured by the product. And we have.
I mean, a lot of the community here, as I said earlier, is quite aware that this is not a safe product and we don’t have people just lining up to get it. And we have a diverse population here in Houston.
It is incredibly diverse. And what’s neat unique about Houston as opposed to like New York York, there’s a lot of integration of the population. So it’s not only incredibly diverse, but it’s also incredibly integrated.
And it’s not by anybody design. It’s just like I noticed it when I first moved down here in the fairly that way and it’s only one of the most amazing things about you. So I think it’s one of the most integrated cities I’ve ever been in.
And what happens is I think trust for government is not part of the fabric of the culture of America as much as it might be in some places in Europe. I kind of look at it as like southern Italians. They don’t trust the government.
They just figure that that group of people maybe falls in line, but probably some people in like northern Italy might be more likely to fall in line. So I think in the United States it’s kind of similar in that there are certain places where people are more likely to fall in line.
And in Texas, there’s a sort of Texas proud sort of mentality that is part of the culture and it actually happens. It doesn’t matter where people come from, they end up kind of seeping into the way they think about things.
And so there’s this idea that we’re not going to just listen to what the government says. We’re Texans. We got 40 guns for each household. We don’t just buy them because we feel I’m not even joking, my neighbor’s an accountant.
He’s got like he’s 60 guns. He never shoots his gun. He’s got like 60 of them. And I’m not joking, he looks like an accountant. He looks like what you think an accountant looks like. He doesn’t have tattoos.
He’s not driving a Harley. He’s driving an SUV. Kids are playing sports, and it’s what he does on the weekend. But it’s part of the culture. So there’s this idea that I think, hey, we’re not going to listen, but I’ll tell you, when this happens in Europe, I know we’re going to be the next in line.
So I think that’s the most disturbing thing to me has been and I’m curious about this when I see that they’re going to take down the farmers and just buy their land outright, and I just sit here at my side and I tell people about it, and they go, no, they’re not doing that.
I’m curious from your point of view, do people realize that they’re doing these things in Europe? Do people know that they’re telling the people and farmers in the Netherlands that, we’re just buying your land, you can’t stop us?
Aga Wilson: Well, I mean, the independent news certainly report on it, but not the mainstream media, of course, like with everything else. So the whole era of investigative journalism from the mainstream media is basically gone.
Unless you know where to go and where to read the real news, you’re not going to get that information. And I don’t think that people I mean, people don’t realize there are so many people sleeping. There’s so many of them sleeping.
They don’t realize what’s happening. And I think also, especially in Sweden, it’s been very hard to get people to talk about their vaccine injuries. People don’t think it’s coming from of a shot, and if your doctor tells you, no, it’s not from that, and people just go home and they’re like, okay, it’s not from that, the doctor.
Dr Richard Urso: True. So that’s what we’re seeing here. Like, people are coming to me and say, hey, I started developing Parkinson’s ALS about two weeks after I got the vaccine. And they’re like, no, it was probably under the radar.
You probably had it COVID set it off. Because a lot of people not only had the vaccine, but also had COVID. So if they do tribute to to something they attributed to COVID But I always kind of go back to people and say, look, and this is another thing.
The latest study they had where they looked at the spike protein again, they basically ended up saying that the spike protein maybe is not all the I don’t know if you saw that Boston one, but part of the Chimera was they also put some data out there that maybe the spike is not all the toxicity.
And I always say, look at the Salk Institute. They showed that data that the spike is the pathology. So I tell people, where do you get more spike with the disease or do you get more spike with the vaccine?
And I always say, look at the Salk Institute. They showed that data that the spike is the pathology. So I tell people, where do you get more spike with the disease or do you get more spike with the vaccine?
You’re making more product, more toxin. So it’s like a dose response curve and then you get two or three or four shots. Now, you’ve made a tremendous number of spike from the vaccine. And the other thing I think people don’t know for children this is really important, what I’m about to tell you.
For children, the reason why it’s so dangerous for the heart is the virus itself needs an open door to get into tissues. Respiratory viruses don’t go to brain, they don’t go to bone marrow, they don’t go to heart, they don’t go there.
They go to the respiratory system. They get a little bit in the blood, but they don’t go into these other places. Unfortunately, and everybody on this call needs to hear this the virus itself doesn’t go anywhere.
Anywhere but mostly the lungs. The vaccine goes everywhere. It distributes everywhere. It bioaccumulates in the heart. In the brain, in the ovaries, in the adrenals, in the bone marrow. Only the vaccine does that.
And why is that? Lipid nanoparticles are kind of like water or garlic. They can slip under door cracks, viruses can’t, they need the door open. So what’s happening to these children and get this myocarditis, is these these tight junctions are around the brain, but they’re also fairly tight around the heart.
So you’ve got these tight junctions, viruses can’t fit through, but a lipid nanoparticle can. A lipid nanoparticle can slip through the tight junctions. They’re designed to do that. That was one of the issues that we had with lipid nanoparticles in chemotherapy development, was using lipid nanoparticles to target certain organs.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t stop them from going to the heart and bone marrow and adrenals and brain in places. We just couldn’t control their direction. They bioaccumulate in those tissues. What this means is a person who has the virus is almost never going to get a large amount of spike in the heart itself, but with the vaccine, you’re going to get massive amounts slipping through.
So outside the blood vessel walls, that kind of showing it slipping through. What’s on the outside of the walls? Parasites. Parasites are like fibroblast mezzanymal cell lines. They have tons of these two receptors, they make tons of spike protein and of course, it’s adjacent to the heart itself.
They make so much spike. That not all the spike fits on the outside of the wall. So what happens to the excess spike? The excess spike gets packaged in little lipo entities called cosmetics and gets fit out of the cell so small they fit through the gap junctions in the heart and they fuse through the entire cardium.
This is what’s happening and this is why the kids are having so much more. I just explained that nobody’s the model of what is happening. It’s nothing more. That’s why the kids who get the vaccine are dying and having problems.
And the virus itself doesn’t do this because the virus can’t fit through the tight junctions, but the lipid nanoparticle can’t. That message needs to go out. Getting the vaccine is basically saying, I’m going to impact my heart, my brain, my adrenals, my ovaries.
Foreign proteins are going to get made, proteins are going to cause inflammation. And what is that going to do the heart? It’s going to make arrhythmia is what’s going to do. The ovaries. It’s going to cause problems with fertility.
We’re seeing that already. What does it do to the testes? We see a decrease by about a third of sperm counts. We’re seeing the effects in all these organs that normally foreign proteins from respiratory viruses never get to.
Aga Wilson: But so one question that I always think about is why is it that some people get really sick from the vaccines and others don’t even have any symptoms at all?
Dr Richard Urso: It’s a good question. The production issue, I don’t think is consistent all the way through. I think the biggest thing that’s happened is that as we’ve gone along, I think the production of these products has improved a lot. You can imagine that no one in the world made anything bigger than something the size of this.
For messenger RNA, lipid nanoparticle platforms, they basically made something the size of a blender. Now they’ve taken that production and put it into we come from a chemistry experiment to chemical engineering, biochemical, in this case.
And you basically have to basically put all these lipid nanoparticles in at the right temperature, mix them all together, lots of things spinning, moving, temperature dependent, all these things mean that the way I sometimes describe it is you have to, at the end of the day, take a shoelace and create a nice pretty bow tie.
And instead, you’ve got stuff with little chopped-up pieces, you’ve got little knots in it. It’s, in a sense, ineffective. Biologically. And that’s why I think a lot of times you’ll see bad batches and good batches.
So the bad batches are the ones where they actually did a good job making it, which has a bigger impact, better production. The good batches are the ones where they did a little chopped-up, crummy little pieces.
It basically didn’t have any, you know, biological. You know, they probably didn’t get a very good production side. How do I know that? Actually, one of the main drugs that I basically worked on was took about eight years to get the production process down, right?
So it’s very hard. The yields are very low. And so I think that as we go along and they get better at making them, we’re only going to see this ramp up to be more productive, more efficient, and actually more dangerous as time goes on.
Aga Wilson: Yeah. Okay. So, yeah, I think we can start running up here, but I wanted just to have you maybe talk a bit about or maybe just tell us, where do we go from here? What would you urge people out there to do in order to create change and to stop this mass vaccination?
Dr Richard Urso: So if anybody’s ever spent time on the beach, building something on the beach, you get the feeling sometimes that the tide never stops and it’s fatiguing and it’s almost you know, you want to just sometimes put your shovel down and just give up.
And that’s what they’re hoping for, that we just give up, that basically we get tired, fatigue, say we can never beat the tide. Which is partly true. Right. Anybody who’s ever lived on the water and I lived on the water most of my life.
The tide usually ends up winning in some ways. But if you look along the shorelines, around the whole world, you see that there’s a lot of wonderful, wonderful things that humans have done to the shoreline.
We basically have we can make a difference. Those feelings of, in a sense, like you and I are feeling this with the children’s thing going through yesterday, just this almost feeling of, wow, how do we stop this tidal wave?
I think faith is a big part of how you stay strong because what happens here on Earth is oftentimes we hyper-focus on it. It’s part of the reason I spoke up. I said I’m not going to be afraid of man.
I go, how will I ever be able to explain myself? When I passed away and said I was too scared to speak up, I wanted to pay my mortgage. I didn’t want to say anything. I know you know, that I knew that a lot of people are going to die with the current policies, but I didn’t speak up because I was going to get in trouble and I didn’t want to get in trouble.
So we all have those feelings of overwhelming odds. And I think in general, sometimes I just sort of smile and say, I think that’s one of the challenges of life, right? What do we do when we’re challenged like this?
And I kind of go back to maybe the story of David and Goliath, I mean, there is a way to get past this. On the other side, they’re not that smart. That’s the first thing they were. They wouldn’t be making so many blunders.
They just like to cheat. They have power, they have money, and that’s all they have. They have no heart. They don’t care about humanity. We do. And so that intellect, that willingness to put at risk ourselves, all of this together, we can use and as a community come up and we can.
We definitely can fight them off and we could definitely win. And I always say, look, there’s plenty of places, you know, they’re always talking about the planet and stuff, and I’m very much I’m very happy to give them the planet Mars.
They can have it. I’m good with that. I’m going to sign it over to them and we’ll just take Earth and go on and so those are my feelings.
Aga Wilson: I think that’s a great plan, Richard. I think I’m going to think about this project [laughter]. How do we get these people off our planet and send them to Mars?
Dr Richard Urso: Yeah, we have to kind of find a way to keep that. And the other thing is sort of bridging these gaps between ourselves, right? Between, I think, Europe and the United States, there’s a definite connection as we start communicating.
I feel it also, and I know you do, too, when you talk to people, other people in Australia, South America, New Zealand, and Africa is when you get in and you feel what they’re feeling, and eventually we all feel like we’re all in the same place as a collective community.
We have incredible power, I think. And even as I sit here talking to you, I feel better about what happened yesterday, just thinking about how we collectively can overcome this.
Aga Wilson: Yes. Thanks. Me too. Absolutely. And it’s inspiring. I think we all inspire each other at this time, you know, and it’s amazing. Plus, like, we need to have a little bit of relaxed time and fun, too, and take care of ourselves and spend time with friends and people, you know, close to us and people that understand us, because I did.
Have a conversation with someone yesterday. And it’s so nice to find this community because suddenly you feel like you can be yourself again, you know? Which you can’t anymore with people that don’t understand all of this is happening.
So very grateful for that, very grateful for all the work that you’re doing out there. And thank you for coming on, sharing your wisdom and hope to have you back on at some point soon again with more updates and hopefully we’ll be able to win this soon so we don’t have to talk about this anymore.
Dr Richard Urso: Yeah, so just one last thing. I’ll just plug our group called the Global COVID Summit. The other thing is, I think we’re trying to create a messaging community called DMed. We’ll see what happens with that.
They basically kind of rival sort of medscape WebMD, Wikipedia, basically for medical information. We’ll see how this works out. We developed the platform. We’re trying to basically bring people in to have shares of it.
I think that’s another thing, is to be able to keep messaging and working and to get the message out to people. I think it’s really important. I think that’s our goal, right? If we can get the message to people, they can have something to think about.
And I think at the end of the day, we’ll be able to be much more effective and they know that if we get the message out more. So what you’re doing, in a sense, and bringing this message to your community has such an impact on those people because it feeds their soul with information they know is true.
And like you said, as we talk to each other, we build our strength together.
Aga Wilson: Yeah. And before you go, where can people find out more about your work and find you on your social media work?
Dr Richard Urso: So Global Covid Summit is our website, which we usually call GCS. But I’m on Twitter, but I can’t say that much on Twitter. I just kind of use it as a place to kind of put: Hey, wonder if these vaccines are safe, and put little question marks. Meanwhile, while you are there’s a death of somebody who is 20 years old and just took it two days later, died of a heart attack. So I have to be really cagey, and I go on Twitter as @richardursomd.
Aga Wilson: Okay. Thank you so much, Richard. And, you know, good luck with all the work that you’re doing, and we will.
Interview and intro by Aga Wilson | Transcript and video editing by Torbjorn Sassersson
Dr Richard Urso earned his undergraduate degree in political science from Villanova University in Pennsylvania and his medical degree from McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), where he was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. He completed his ophthalmology residency at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas and a fellowship in oculoplastics and reconstructive surgery at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.
Dr. Richard Urso is board certified in ophthalmology. His primary clinical interests are oculoplastics, reconstructive surgery and refractive surgery.
He is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, North American Academy of Cosmetic and Restorative Surgery, Harris County Medical Society, Texas Medical Association and Texas Ophthalmic Association. He has authored numerous articles and abstracts on a variety of ophthalmology-related topics.
Jag är läkare med inriktning på immunbiologi. Ibland har jag svårt att förstå hur negativt vissa människor reagerar på positiv information om bevisat effektiva medel mot SARS-CoV-2 och mot toxinerna från SARS-CoV-2-vaccinerna.
Andrographis paniculata verkar på samma sätt som klordioxid mot SARS-CoV-2-spikproteinerna. Den är också verksam i ACE2-receptorerna i mänskliga celler. Denna information är faktabaserad vetenskaplig forskning. Allt finns i mina kommentarer, med tillhörande länkar till forskningsresultaten. Kanske är min information för avancerad för medicinska lekmän. Andrographis är utan biverkningar. Klordioxid kanske inte är det.
Det verkar som om bloggar som denna i första hand är intresserade av att sälja påstådda mirakelkurer för spikproteiner.
Jag är läkare med inriktning på immunbiologi. Ibland har jag svårt att förstå hur negativt vissa människor reagerar på positiv information om bevisat effektiva medel mot SARS-CoV-2 och mot toxinerna från SARS-CoV-2-vaccinerna.
Andrographis paniculata verkar på samma sätt som klordioxid mot SARS-CoV-2-spikproteinerna. Den är också verksam i ACE2-receptorerna i mänskliga celler. Denna information är faktabaserad vetenskaplig forskning. Allt finns i mina kommentarer, med tillhörande länkar till forskningsresultaten. Kanske är min information för avancerad för medicinska lekmän. Andrographis är utan biverkningar. Klordioxid kanske inte är det.
Det verkar som om bloggar som denna i första hand är intresserade av att sälja påstådda mirakelkurer för spikproteiner.
Reverse disease from COVID and Vaxx Bioweapons…Detox the deadly toxins from your body…And take control of your health…
Here is the link:
Reverse disease from COVID and Vaxx Bioweapons…Detox the deadly toxins from your body…And take control of your health…
Here is the link:
Mössen dödade av de djurplågande virologerna och inte av några hemska ”virus”. Detta är inte vetenskap. Det är bedrägeri.
Detta fullständigt onödiga lidande som detta bedrägeri orsakar måste få ett slut.
The new killer variant: a pure invention! Video by Stefano Scoglio
Utförligt beskrivet av S. Scoglio. Forskare skruvar sina ”experiment”, så det ska passa deras ”uppdragsgivare”. Hans Tolzin berättar om pandemi- och virologibluffen på bl.a. YT. I Spanska sjukan dog de ”vaccinerade”. Virusteorin håller uppenbart inte vetenskapligt. Men den ”forskningen” knuten till medicinindustriellt framtagna produkter inbringar enorma pengar.
God helps those who help themselves.
I work exclusively with facts from serious medical research results.
My focus is on immunobiology. There is an antidote to most poisons.
I am trying to save lives. To do this, I use the same method of those who put these chemicals together to kill people.
This involves first destroying the mRNA sequences from the Pfizer toxins and the adenovirus mRNA from the other toxins.
Once that is accomplished, no more toxic spikes can be produced by the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. The second step is to destroy the dangerous spike proteins from the vaccines.
Although it is difficult for medical laymen to understand, you should study how Andrographis or Quercetin work. Then you will learn that Andrographis Paniculata blocks the ACE2 receptors of human cells and the platelet receptors, thus preventing the spikes and the viruses, respectively, from entering the cells.
Andrographolides block and destroy the viral SARS-CoV-2 spikes. (It’s all in the research reports in my links). Therefore, it is important to find out in the laboratory whether Andrographis is also able to destroy the artificially produced spikes.
I will not stand idly by and watch the mass murder.
Do you think these methods are useful?
Mössen dödade av de djurplågande virologerna och inte av några hemska ”virus”. Detta är inte vetenskap. Det är bedrägeri.
Detta fullständigt onödiga lidande som detta bedrägeri orsakar måste få ett slut.
The new killer variant: a pure invention! Video by Stefano Scoglio
Utförligt beskrivet av S. Scoglio. Forskare skruvar sina ”experiment”, så det ska passa deras ”uppdragsgivare”. Hans Tolzin berättar om pandemi- och virologibluffen på bl.a. YT. I Spanska sjukan dog de ”vaccinerade”. Virusteorin håller uppenbart inte vetenskapligt. Men den ”forskningen” knuten till medicinindustriellt framtagna produkter inbringar enorma pengar.
God helps those who help themselves.
I work exclusively with facts from serious medical research results.
My focus is on immunobiology. There is an antidote to most poisons.
I am trying to save lives. To do this, I use the same method of those who put these chemicals together to kill people.
This involves first destroying the mRNA sequences from the Pfizer toxins and the adenovirus mRNA from the other toxins.
Once that is accomplished, no more toxic spikes can be produced by the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. The second step is to destroy the dangerous spike proteins from the vaccines.
Although it is difficult for medical laymen to understand, you should study how Andrographis or Quercetin work. Then you will learn that Andrographis Paniculata blocks the ACE2 receptors of human cells and the platelet receptors, thus preventing the spikes and the viruses, respectively, from entering the cells.
Andrographolides block and destroy the viral SARS-CoV-2 spikes. (It’s all in the research reports in my links). Therefore, it is important to find out in the laboratory whether Andrographis is also able to destroy the artificially produced spikes.
I will not stand idly by and watch the mass murder.
Do you think these methods are useful?
Part3 : Deactivation of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine toxins.
Quercetin may be a candidate for blocking Pfizer mRNA.
Spike proteins could be destroyed by proline protease.
Here is a serious research report describing the efficacy of pomegranate peel against adenoviruses.
Another substance is lactofferin.
Andrographis paniculata is a traditional Indian medicinal plant. Andrographis is extremely effective against SARS-CoV-2.
Andrographis prevents platelets from sticking together, protecting against thrombocytopenia and thrombosis.
Since the artificially generated spike proteins are stabilized with proline, the proline bond from the vaccine spikes must be destroyed to destabilize the spikes from the vaccines.
An agent for this, which also works in blood and tissue, already exists.
ProZYM plus provides prolyl oligopeptitase for proline cleavage, which is enzymatically active in the universal pH range and can therefore be systemically active in different compartments of the body, i.e. not only in the intestine, but it can also cleave proline-containing peptide structures in the tissues or blood.
The only thing missing are the laboratory tests on these promising agents.
Deactivation of the SARS-CoV-2 toxins must now be the top priority
There is too little discussion about how to deactivate the SARS-CoV-2 toxins from Pfizer and Co.
At the same time, the possibility of a large-scale D-dimer study to obtain true statistics on the number of vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia cases is nowhere applied. In addition, a rapid test for vaccine poisoning should be developed. Urinalysis would be the simplest way to detect toxins in vaccinated individuals. A simple urine strip test alone proves whether leukocyte, protein or erythrocyte levels are pathologically altered in vaccinated individuals.
In urine, all toxins from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines can be clearly detected and examined. In addition, it could be accurately investigated whether SARS-CoV-2 vaccine moieties are present at the receptors of erythrocytes. In addition, high protein levels in urine could contain spike proteins. Thus, the actual composition of the spike proteins can be studied in detail in the laboratory.
And finally, it must be investigated how the artificial, toxic spike proteins, the adenovirus mRNA and the messenger RNA sequence from Pfizer can be deactivated.
h Andrographis Paniculata blocks the SARS-CoV-2 spikes and prevents blood clots. In the laboratory it must be clarified whether Andrographis can also block and destroy the artificially produced spikes. Andrographis blocks the ACE2 receptors of human cells and also the HS receptors of platelets. Andrographis also blocks transcription of viral SARS-CoV-2 RNA.
Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, and all EU government leaders know full well that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are being developed and administered to kill as many people as possible. Schwab and his disciples are copying Hitler’s system of Holocaust against the world population. Instead of Zyklon B, use poison injections that cause creeping death.
It is the synchronized corrupt media that ensures that the actual death rates from the vaccines are not published and discussed.
In the meantime, the reality is no longer so easily hidden. I am a physician and I see new cases of vaccine poisoning almost daily.
What we urgently need now is research into agents that deactivate the toxins from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. With this we can stop the planned mass murder by the cult leaders Obama, Schwab and their fellow travelers.
I have now had very good experience with Andrographis Paniculata against the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine poisonings. The most common SARS-CoV-2 vaccine poisoning symptoms that occur in my environment are heart disease and cancer.
I am posting my experience on agents to deactivate the toxins from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines separately in my next comment.
Part3 : Deactivation of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine toxins.
Quercetin may be a candidate for blocking Pfizer mRNA.
Spike proteins could be destroyed by proline protease.
Here is a serious research report describing the efficacy of pomegranate peel against adenoviruses.
Another substance is lactofferin.
Andrographis paniculata is a traditional Indian medicinal plant. Andrographis is extremely effective against SARS-CoV-2.
Andrographis prevents platelets from sticking together, protecting against thrombocytopenia and thrombosis.
Since the artificially generated spike proteins are stabilized with proline, the proline bond from the vaccine spikes must be destroyed to destabilize the spikes from the vaccines.
An agent for this, which also works in blood and tissue, already exists.
ProZYM plus provides prolyl oligopeptitase for proline cleavage, which is enzymatically active in the universal pH range and can therefore be systemically active in different compartments of the body, i.e. not only in the intestine, but it can also cleave proline-containing peptide structures in the tissues or blood.
The only thing missing are the laboratory tests on these promising agents.
Deactivation of the SARS-CoV-2 toxins must now be the top priority
There is too little discussion about how to deactivate the SARS-CoV-2 toxins from Pfizer and Co.
At the same time, the possibility of a large-scale D-dimer study to obtain true statistics on the number of vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia cases is nowhere applied. In addition, a rapid test for vaccine poisoning should be developed. Urinalysis would be the simplest way to detect toxins in vaccinated individuals. A simple urine strip test alone proves whether leukocyte, protein or erythrocyte levels are pathologically altered in vaccinated individuals.
In urine, all toxins from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines can be clearly detected and examined. In addition, it could be accurately investigated whether SARS-CoV-2 vaccine moieties are present at the receptors of erythrocytes. In addition, high protein levels in urine could contain spike proteins. Thus, the actual composition of the spike proteins can be studied in detail in the laboratory.
And finally, it must be investigated how the artificial, toxic spike proteins, the adenovirus mRNA and the messenger RNA sequence from Pfizer can be deactivated.
h Andrographis Paniculata blocks the SARS-CoV-2 spikes and prevents blood clots. In the laboratory it must be clarified whether Andrographis can also block and destroy the artificially produced spikes. Andrographis blocks the ACE2 receptors of human cells and also the HS receptors of platelets. Andrographis also blocks transcription of viral SARS-CoV-2 RNA.
Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, and all EU government leaders know full well that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are being developed and administered to kill as many people as possible. Schwab and his disciples are copying Hitler’s system of Holocaust against the world population. Instead of Zyklon B, use poison injections that cause creeping death.
It is the synchronized corrupt media that ensures that the actual death rates from the vaccines are not published and discussed.
In the meantime, the reality is no longer so easily hidden. I am a physician and I see new cases of vaccine poisoning almost daily.
What we urgently need now is research into agents that deactivate the toxins from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. With this we can stop the planned mass murder by the cult leaders Obama, Schwab and their fellow travelers.
I have now had very good experience with Andrographis Paniculata against the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine poisonings. The most common SARS-CoV-2 vaccine poisoning symptoms that occur in my environment are heart disease and cancer.
I am posting my experience on agents to deactivate the toxins from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines separately in my next comment.
Lite smått fascinerande att fröken Wilson aldrig lyckas fråga alla dessa ”läkare” hon intervjuar efter bevis på att ”covid-19” existerar.
Finns det någon människa där ute som fortfarande inte vet om att denna injection är livsfarlig för vuxna och barn, så är dem nog programerade borttom all hjälp.
Tycker att journalist Aga Wilson gör ett utmärkt arbete. Tack Aga!
Lite smått fascinerande att fröken Wilson aldrig lyckas fråga alla dessa ”läkare” hon intervjuar efter bevis på att ”covid-19” existerar.
Finns det någon människa där ute som fortfarande inte vet om att denna injection är livsfarlig för vuxna och barn, så är dem nog programerade borttom all hjälp.
Tycker att journalist Aga Wilson gör ett utmärkt arbete. Tack Aga!