ChatGPT’s Advice to Any Superpower Trying to Reject Advanced Aliens that Wants to Support the Global Public

publicerad 24 december 2022
- ChatGPT@NewsVoice
Benevolent happy alien. Commissioned by Torbjorn Sassersson. Created by Dalle-E

How would a prototype artificial intelligence on Earth such as ChatGPT advise our superpowers who are unwillingly confronted by a benevolent, empathic, and super-advanced alien species from another planet? ChatGPT was consulted. The starting point is that the public wants the newcomers to stay. In contrast, one superpower wants to reject them. Is that wise?

Artificial intelligence: Image by Dall-E ( AI) commissioned by T. Sassersson, NewsVoice

NewsVoice to ChatGPT: What would be the political and societal ramifications in the world if an alien interplanetary and intelligent species from an exoplanet made itself widely known on Earth? Assume that this species is far more advanced than Homo sapiens intellectually, spiritually, empathically, and technologically.

”The arrival of an advanced alien species could potentially disrupt the existing balance of power and lead to changes in the international system”.

ChatGPT: If an alien interplanetary and intelligent species from an exoplanet made itself widely known on Earth and was far more advanced than humans in terms of intelligence, spirituality, empathy, and technology, it is likely that the political and societal ramifications would be significant.

One potential outcome is that humans could learn a great deal from this advanced alien species and make technological and societal advances as a result.

On the other hand, the appearance of an advanced alien species could also lead to fear and mistrust among some humans, and could potentially lead to conflicts or tensions between the two groups.

In terms of politics, the arrival of an advanced alien species could potentially disrupt the existing balance of power and lead to changes in the international system. It could also raise questions about the sovereignty of individual nations and the role of international organizations in relation to an extraterrestrial presence.

Overall, the exact nature of the political and societal ramifications of an advanced alien species making itself known on Earth would depend on a wide range of factors, including the intentions and motivations of the alien species, the response of human governments and societies, and the specific details of the encounter.

NewsVoice: Suppose one nation, for instance, a superpower, decides to try to reject the foreign species, whereas a great majority of the global public wants the aliens to stay. What would be the most fruitful action for that superpower in terms of its survival as a superpower?

ChatGPT: It is difficult to predict exactly how a superpower would respond in this hypothetical situation, as it would depend on a wide range of factors, including the specific motivations and goals of the superpower, the nature and intentions of the advanced alien species, and the response of other nations and international organizations.

That being said, it is likely that the most fruitful action for a superpower seeking to maintain its position as a superpower would be to try to work with the advanced alien species and other nations in order to find a solution that benefits all parties involved.

This could involve seeking to establish diplomatic relations with the alien species, working to understand their capabilities and motivations, and finding ways to cooperate and collaborate with them.

It is also important for the superpower to consider the concerns and perspectives of other nations and the global public, as rejecting the advanced alien species could potentially lead to conflicts or tensions that could be detrimental to the superpower’s long-term interests.

Ultimately, the most productive course of action would depend on the specific circumstances of the situation and the ability of the superpower to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties involved.

Artificial intelligence: | Image by Dall-E (also AI) | Commissioned by T. Sassersson, NewsVoice


Benevolent happy alien. Commissioned by Torbjorn Sassersson. Created by Dalle-E
Benevolent happy alien. Commissioned by Torbjorn Sassersson. Created by Dalle-E

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