Federal employees score a huge legal victory against Biden’s mandatory mRNA injections

publicerad 31 mars 2023
- Guest writer
Dr Simone Gold. Pressfoto: americasfrontlinedoctors.org

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) just helped score a major victory against the Biden Administration’s medical tyranny. AFLDS legal team assisted the employees and filed an amicus curiae brief on the employee’s behalf, a copy of which can be found here.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit recently ruled in favor of over 8,500 federal employees who challenged the Biden Administration’s illegal mandate, which required employees to receive experimental injections or lose their jobs.

The court, with 10 of the 17 judges ruling in favor of the employees, decided that the Biden Administration didn’t have the Constitutional authority to issue the federal employee jab mandate.

AFLDS’s legal team filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of the employees and was proud to assist in the case. AFLDS’s legal team noted,

”All Americans can be happy that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, sitting en banc, issued their remarkable opinion on Thursday, completely supporting medical freedom and our constitutional rights to be free of unwanted, unnecessary, and possibly dangerous experimental injections. The Court was very clear that the administration cannot force irreversible medical decisions upon federal employees against their will.”

It’s a great day for liberty and America when tyrannical mandates are stopped. America’s Frontline Doctors have been fighting for medical freedom since the beginning of the lockdowns.

Our legal team has sued the Department of Defense and numerous universities for their COVID-19 mandates, fought against mandates, and we continue to defend doctors who are prioritizing their patients’ best interests.

We will continue fighting jab mandates and employee mandates in all 50 states.

By Dr. Simone Gold, MD, J, America’s Frontline Doctors (donate)

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