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NY Times Presents Alternative Nord Stream Narrative – Signalling End to Further Military Support for Kyiv

publicerad 10 mars 2023
- Kristoffer Hell
Volodymyr Zelensky. Foto: President of Ukraine. Licens: Public Domain

OPINION. On 7 mars 2023, New York Times presented a ”solution” to the recent double whammy to the American Empire: Seymour Hersh’s revelation that the United States carried out the sabotage against the Nord Stream pipelines in 2022 and the fact that the Russian Federation is about to win the war in Ukraine.

The ”solution” is that the US abandons Ukraine whilst putting the blame for the Nord Stream attack, and much else which went wrong in NATO:s failed war effort, on an unidentified ”pro-Ukrainian group,” over which neither Kyiv nor Washington is said to exercise control, or even know about, but anonymous US intelligence sources still claim exist.[1]

In the article, The New York Times adds insult to injury by making connections between a number of potential war crimes against the Russian Federation and the alleged pro-Ukrainian group:

  • The attack in August 2022 against the Russian Air Force base at Saki[2]
  • The bomb destroyed parts of the Kerch bridge which connects Crimea with mainland Russia[3]
  • Drone attacks against two Russian military bases in Ryazan and Engels in December 2022[4]
  • The murder of Russian reporter Daria Dugina in Moscow[5]

New York Times even offer a prophecy or policy guidance?

”Any findings that put blame on Kyiv or Ukrainian proxies could prompt a backlash in Europe and make it harder for the West to maintain a united front in support of Ukraine.”

By a remarkable coincidence, German media, on the very same day, claimed that the vessel used to carry out the Nord Stream attack was owned by Ukrainian nationals:[6]

”… yacht set sail from the German northeastern port city of Rostock on September 6, having received explosives and equipment for the operation a from a delivery truck. The yacht was later identified on the Danish island of Christiansø, located just northeast of the island of Bornholm, where the pipelines were damaged on September 26, 2022.

The vessel was then returned to the owners, where investigators managed to find traces of explosives on a cabin table, the outlet’s claim. The sabotage was reportedly carried out by a team of six people, including a captain, two divers, two diving assistants, and a female doctor.”

Implied by the New York Times article is that Washington no longer accuses Moscow for blowing up their own pipeline and that the very vagueness of the definition of the alleged pro-Ukrainian group, makes it possible to include pretty much anyone rooting for Kyiv as a suspect.

Up until 7 March 2023, the World’s most pro-Ukrainian actor was the United States.


  1. New York Times: Intelligence Suggests Pro-Ukrainian Group Sabotaged Pipelines, U.S. Officials Say
  2. Washington Post: At least six explosions hit Crimea air base in nearly an hour
  3. Japan Times: Key Crimea bridge erupts into a fireball after apparent car bomb
  4. BBC: Ukraine war: Drone attack on Russian bomber base leaves three dead
  5. The Times of Israel: Russia names 2nd suspect in the killing of Daria Dugina, daughter of ‘Putin’s brain’
  6. RT: Investigators find vessel involved in Nord Stream sabotage – media

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  • Är det inte en välkänt fenomen att man pekar med fingret åt annat håll, men egentligen pekar ju 3 fingrar åt en själv, så att säga. New York Times var en gång i tiden en renommerat tidning, men detta är inte fallet längre, det var för många lögner de senaste åren. Än märkligare är ju att Sverige som var först på ” brottsplatsen” och har städat upp, inte vill avslöja var de hittade med argumentet att förundersökningar är sekretess belagda. Vem vill Sverige skyddar?

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