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Robert Bridge – Exploring the Depths of the Jeffrey Epstein Case

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publicerad 7 januari 2024
- NewsVoice redaktion
Robert Bridge, American journalist living in Moscow
Robert Bridge, American journalist living in Moscow.

In a recent article, the American journalist Robert Bridge delves into the perplexing and dark saga surrounding Jeffrey Epstein and his associates. His insights paint a picture of a justice system seemingly impotent against the powerful elite.

This analysis seeks to explore and expand upon Bridge’s views, highlighting the intricacies and implications of the Epstein case.

Bridge opens with a sobering reminder of the gravity and complexity of the Epstein scandal. He refers to the release of about 200 names linked to Epstein, a convicted sex offender, and suggests that these revelations, while shocking, are unlikely to lead to significant legal repercussions.

This assertion sets the tone for his critique of the justice system’s handling of high-profile individuals.

Bridge’s description of Epstein as an ”enigma” aptly captures the financier’s mystifying ascent from a college dropout to a financial advisor to the rich and famous.

His apparent suicide in August 2019 only adds to the enigma, leaving a trail of unanswered questions and theories, including those linking him to intelligence agencies like Mossad or the FBI.

A critical aspect of Bridge’s article is discussing Epstein’s 2008 plea deal. This lenient agreement, which saw Epstein serve a mere 18 months for soliciting prostitution, including with a minor, is cited as a prime example of the legal system’s failure to punish the wealthy and influential adequately.

Bridge contends that this case exemplifies the disparity in how justice is meted out, depending on one’s social and financial standing.

Furthermore, Bridge highlights the continued association of public figures with Epstein, even after his conviction. Names like Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, and Bill Clinton are mentioned, indicating a perplexing disregard for Epstein’s criminal background.

According to Bridge, this reflects a broader societal issue where wealth and power can eclipse moral and legal accountability.

Robert Bridge: Justice for the elite is blind

The release of the sealed documents from Virginia Giuffre’s defamation lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s alleged accomplice, is another focal point of Bridge’s article.

While these documents provide a glimpse into the sordid world of Epstein and his associates, Bridge suggests that they offer little in terms of concrete evidence that could lead to further convictions. This again underscores his scepticism about the likelihood of justice being served.

Bridge also discusses the FBI’s seizure of computers from Epstein’s island, hinting at the potential of uncovering an extensive intelligence operation. This aspect raises questions about the extent of Epstein’s connections and the possible implications for those involved.

”Two days after Epstein committed suicide on August 10, 2019, FBI agents seized computers during a raid of the late pedophile’s private island, according to drone footage obtained by NBC News. The footage shows that at least two computer desktops and an Apple computer were removed from Little St. James island as part of the FBI probe.”

In conclusion, while Bridge’s article paints a grim picture of the judicial system’s ability to hold the rich and powerful accountable, it raises crucial questions about societal values and the rule of law.

His analysis suggests that, in cases involving individuals like Epstein, justice may not only be blind but also bound by the very powers it seeks to regulate.

As we grapple with the aftermath of the Epstein case, it becomes increasingly clear that pursuing justice in such complex and high-profile cases remains a daunting and, perhaps, unfulfilled endeavour.



Robert Bridge’s article ”Will any of Jeffrey Epstein’s associates face justice?” was published in RT. Bridge is a native of Pennsylvania, where he attended the University of Pittsburgh. He moved to Moscow in 1996 and worked as a freelance journalist before joining The Moscow News, serving as editor-in-chief from 2007-2009. Bridge is presently working with RT as a political observer and columnist.

Robert Bridge is the author of: Midnight in the American Empire: How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American Dream

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  • Här på tråden finns de som har insikt, men hur är det med övriga befolkning? När skall det sovande folk vakna? Eller är det så att många egentligen vet men vet inte hur man skall göra något åt det och hoppas på ett under utifrån man behöver inte göra en revolution men bara att vägra att spela med.Det kommer mer och mer som börjar undersöka och visa fakta vilket är ett slag i ansikte för ärliga medborgare. Bojkotta riksnyheter, stäng av TV låt er inte duperas av banal underhållning.Observerar vad som sker utanför skärmen.

  • ”His insights paint a picture of a justice system seemingly impotent against the powerful elite.”
    ”Hans insikter målar en bild av ett rättssystem som verkar impotent mot den mäktiga eliten.”

    Här skall påpekas att detta inte bara gäller faller Epstein. Det gäller allt mer hur samhället, den så kallade ”demokratin”, drivs och kontrolleras av osynliga krafter. esse non videri, att verka utan att synas, av oligarker, och politiker för deras egen vinning. Notera att fackföreningarna, LO, Socialdemokraterna och domstolarna i Sverige är i realiteten samma makt. Folkviljan är blockerad. Notera NATO, värdlandsavtalet, kärnvapenavtalet, och en rad beslut som går rätt emot folkviljan. Notera massövervakning som ”Chat Control”. Notera hur MSM och Public Service media dagligen driver den amerikanska krigs propagandan. Allt tydligt signifikativ för en diktatur regim.

  • tittar man lite närmare på bilder av Epstein före ”mordet” och den bild som rullades ut från bårhuset, så stämmer varken näsa eller öron överens.

  • Detta gäller inte bara för USA utan du har samma i Sverige och övriga EU att höga politiker slipper straff eller ens åtal! Vi har ju brottslingar som Mona Sahlin, Anders Sundström, Kalle Bildt som springer lösa trots deras dokumenterade lagöverträdelser. Men ett av politiker styrt och korrumperat rättsväsende fixar biffen och vi har i praktiken ett politikervälde som åtnjuter straffrihet och ansvar. Sedan har samma politiker mage att kritisera länder utanför västvärlden för att göra samma sak…Hyckleriet är som vanligt monumentalt i dessa kretsar!

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