What’s the Latest at Yubo?

publicerad 13 juli 2023
- Underhållning @NewsVoice
What´s the latest at Yubo? Foto: Kampus Production Licens: Pexels
What´s the latest at Yubo?

The Yubo live social discovery platform offers a unique social media experience. Without likes and follows, Yubo’s Gen Z users are free to socialize and make friends with other teens or young adults in their age groups around the world. While users can connect via chats, group livestreams (or “Lives”), and games, they also get a chance to meet people from other countries and cultures.

Working hard behind the scenes to constantly evolve and develop new features to help Yubo users connect is a vast leadership team, dedicated to innovation and enhancing the user experience for more than 60 million people across the globe.

Toward Better User Experiences

Every user deserves an online experience that feels as safe as possible. Yubo applies the following four tactics to help accomplish the goal of making its platform as safe as it can possibly be.

Social Media Use That Makes Sense

In today’s technology-centric world, social media enables convenient connections to family, friends, and business colleagues. It’s also an ideal way to connect with others who have similar interests and experiences.

However, social media can easily morph into a constant barrage of user posts, notifications, and private messages. Some users may share negative content and/or opinions about others. Together, this digital noise and negative energy can cause some users to experience stress and anxiety.

Set Social Media Boundaries

Spending less time on social media reduces the potential impact of digital clutter and negative content. Each day, users should set a social media time limit and adhere to it without exception. A screen time app can help to monitor an individual’s daily social media usage.

Search for Groups with Similar Interests

Finding communities with like-minded users helps to promote a better social media experience. Whether a group shares a hobby, online gaming interest, or other common ground, interacting with these groups can provide a sense of camaraderie and friendship. Finally, users who are navigating personal challenges will likely find support and inspiration from fellow members.

Block Out Unwanted Content

Regardless of the social media platform, users may be exposed to content they’d rather avoid. Fortunately, most social platforms enable users to block specific users and/or keywords or phrases. For example, Yubo’s “Muted Words” feature invites users to block certain words, phrases, and even emojis that may upset that user.

Create Social Media Downtime

Taking regular breaks from social media, it may be a less-stressful and more pleasant place to connect with others. Engaging in a fun outdoor activity, or meeting a friend for lunch, may enable a user to clear their head. When they log back on, they may be less bothered by distractions and negativity.

Zeroing In on Like-Minded Users

On every social media app, finding others with shared interests helps create a quality user experience. However, a user must often sift through multiple menus to narrow down their search for potential friends.

Fortunately, live social discovery app Yubo has greatly streamlined the friend selection process. Each Yubo user can tap the app’s profile tag feature to telegraph their interests to others. Currently, more than six million Yubo members have used this innovative enhancement.

Yubo’s profile tag feature works in two ways. First, a user can select topic tags when they create their platform profile. Whether they love ethnic food, video gaming, or Netflix binges, they can add the preference(s) to their Yubo profile. Second, by adding these profile tags, this user will pop up in others’ searches for a specific interest.

Livestream Audio Moderation in 4 International Markets

Yubo now offers industry-leading livestream audio and video moderation in four large international markets. In late May 2022, the company introduced real-time audio moderation to a small group of United States users. Working in collaboration with Hive, Yubo became the first top-tier global social media platform to conquer real-time audio interpretation’s challenges.

Since its U.S. market introduction, Yubo has expanded its livestream audio moderation to three more mostly English-speaking markets. The company deployed this livestream capability in its Canadian, United Kingdom, and Australian operations.

Yubo launched this trial market penetration to collect insights about the safety tool’s user benefits. Specifically, the technology can detect imminent risky behaviors such as self-harm or violence committed on other users.

How the Hive Technology Works

Hive’s innovative technology operates in livestreams (or “Lives”) containing 10+ users. Hive records and transcribes 10-second audio clips, and an AI-enabled scanner quickly evaluates the transcripts.

If an exchange violates Yubo’s Community Guidelines, a Safety Specialist receives an alert to investigate the incident and determine the appropriate action. If a transcript contains no potential violations, the algorithm does not review or keep this snippet. Transcripts that require investigation are held in storage for up to one year.

However, a substantial number of flagged transcripts are “false positives.” Here, a background song or a joke that contains suspect keywords may be flagged, although neither one constitutes “harmful speech.” For this reason, a Yubo Safety Specialist issues the final verdict on each incident’s resolution.

Yubo Partners with NCMEC for Online User Safety

In February 2023, Yubo expanded its five-year partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Specifically, Yubo announced its support of NCMEC’s new “Take It Down” online service.

This free program is designed to assist minors in removing their nude images and videos from the Internet. On a larger scale, “Take It Down” will help put a halt to child sexual exploitation. This practice (in part) relates to the non-consensual usage of sexually exploitative videos and photos of under-18 subjects.

How “Take It Down” Works

For each “Take It Down” request, an adult (or a minor) chooses an inappropriate or sexually explicit video or image from their device. This digital record must have been taken prior to the person’s 18th birthday. They now want the record removed.

The individual submits the record to NCMEC via the organization’s “Take It Down” service. Each record receives a dedicated hash (or digital fingerprint), which is added to NCMEC’s hash-sharing list.

Participating platforms (including Yubo) scan their databases, removing and/or reporting any exact hash matches. Throughout the process, the video or image never leaves the individual’s device, and no one else can view this digital record.

Sacha Lazimi, Yubo’s co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (or CEO) affirmed the “Take It Down” service’s benefits. “ ‘Take It Down’ provides young people with a meaningful tool to better control how and where their images are used online.

’Take It Down’ serves as an added layer of safety and protection for the teens and young adults socializing on Yubo. We are proud to be a partner to NCMEC in the launch of this service and to support innovation that effectively fights the non-consensual spread of content while preserving our users’ privacy,” Sacha Lazimi concluded.

Graduation Signals a New Beginning

Graduation marks one of the biggest milestones in a person’s lifetime. Whether they’re graduating high school, college, or an advanced-degree program, their graduation is the culmination of years of hard work. Because their family and friends want to celebrate this achievement, the graduate’s family is likely to throw them a gala graduation party.

So What Comes Next?

After the excitement wears off, the new graduate may wonder what the next chapter holds. Maybe they’ll continue their education. Perhaps they’ll consider relocation to another city or a gap year packed full of travel or learning. Everyone’s situation is different, so they should make the decision that’s right for them.

Set Realistic Goals

By setting challenging (but achievable) goals, a new graduate can maintain a sense of balance and control. Maybe they want to choose a college, get a job they enjoy, or delve into a new interest.
Breaking the goal into smaller chunks enables the individual to check off their accomplishments and maintain their momentum. Before long, they’ll complete that task and progress to the next one.

Make Meaningful Connections

When a graduate settles into a new living environment, their family and friends may be several hours (or several states) away. Lacking that familiar support system, the graduate should turn to activities they enjoy. Chances are that they’ll find others who share their enthusiasm.

Get Outside the Comfort Zone

This post-graduation period is an ideal time to take a fun class, learn a hobby, or otherwise step outside someone’s comfort zone. Although perhaps a bit unnerving, this represents an opportunity for personal growth.

Of course, recent graduates should remember that friendships take time to develop, and no one learns a new skill or talent overnight. With a generous helping of patience, and ongoing support from others, an individual can make steady progress toward their goal.

Finally, if someone is experiencing loneliness or uncertainty, professional help is readily available. A licensed therapist can provide clinically based guidance. An online support group can serve as an excellent sounding board and source of affirmation.

Yubo Continues to Evolve User Experiences

While Yubo continues its technological innovations, this major social media platform is also focused on users’ well-being and safety. With plenty of user feedback, and with the Yubo Safety Board’s guidance, Yubo will continue to be a major force in the digital world.

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