US Domestic Chaos in 2024 or a Return to a Peaceful Coexistence with Russia?

The Elections in 2024 Will Decide a Future for the United States

publicerad 5 oktober 2023
Chaos or Peace? Photos by and NewsComAu. Montage: NewsVoice
Chaos or Peace? Montage: NewsVoice

ANALYSIS. The loss of control of Congress by the Democrats after the mid-term elections in November meant that the Republicans would begin to control arms aid to Ukraine, estimated to date at 80,000 million dollars and in force until the end of 2023, as well as increasing the thorough tracing of such weapons to avoid their passage to the arms black market in addition to a growing wave of political disaffection with Zelenski that would cover the entire US political spectrum.

By German Gorraiz López, Analyst

Thus, the Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in an interview in ”New Statesman”, stated that ”the US is sending 113,000 million dollars to Ukraine when a quarter of American citizens goes to bed hungry”.

On the Republican side, former President Donald Trump said on his networks that ”we have never been so close to World War III” and that there must be a ”total commitment to dismantle the globalist neoconservative power group responsible for dragging the world into endless wars”.

Likewise, the Republican candidate, Ron Desantis, affirmed that ”Washington has many vital national interests, but getting even more entangled in the territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them”.

The coup de grace to Ukraine would be the recent approval by Congress and Senate of an emergency budget to keep the Public Administration functioning for 45 days.

In that agreement reached in extremis, Biden’s proposed aid of $24 billion more in military or humanitarian aid to Kyiv was rejected due to the frontal opposition of the radical Republican wing of Congress led by Donald Trump, with which the economic resources of Ukraine would reach only until November.

Trump’s handjob in Congress?

The aforementioned agreement between Democrats and Republicans to achieve an emergency budget to avoid the paralysis of the Administration would be the excuse chosen by the radical Republican wing to depose the President of Congress, also Republican Kevin McCarthy.

Thus, the Republican congressmen of the MAGA, (Make America Great Again), natural heirs of the Trump legacy and led by the Florida congressman Matt Gaetz framed in the Freedom Caucus, united their votes to the Democrats to depose McCarthy, with the triple objective of provoking congressional inaction, the ensuing chaos in the US Federal Administration and Zelensky’s economic starvation suffocation to force him to sign a peace agreement with Putin.

A Republican Victory in 2024 Could Mean a Return to a Peaceful Coexistence with Russia

On the domestic scene, signs of Biden’s senility, high inflation, the entry into recession of the economy next year and the possible paralysis of the US administration could degenerate in 2024 into a scenario of domestic chaos that would sink Biden’s popularity to historic lows and facilitate the triumphant return of Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election, a candidate that according to a poll by CBS News and YouGov, would have the support of 65% of Republican voters.

On the geopolitical level, A republican victory in 2024 would represent the decline of the Atlantist strategy of Biden and George Soros, committed to defending Vladimir Putin from power as well as labour signing a peace agreement in Ukraine and the return to the Doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence with Russia, the enthronement of the G3 (USA, Russia and China) as ”primus inter pares” in world governance and the end of the obsessive dream of the globalists headed by Soros and the Open Society Foundation (OSF) to achieve the balkanization of Russia, ”the white whale globalists have been hunting for decades”.

This peace agreement will attempt to be torpedoed by the plot led by Zelensky, Poland and the Baltic States to involve NATO in the Ukrainian conflict. The United States would have become a liability on which it would be advisable to detach itself immediately, and it is not ruled out that he should be accused of corruption and forced into exile in the United States, after which we will attend the design of the new cartography of Ukraine.

By German Gorraiz López, Analyst

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