Terrorists and White Helmets in Idlib prepare to stage false flag chemical attack

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publicerad 8 september 2018
- NewsVoice redaktion
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RT. ”The Russian military has obtained “irrefutable” data that terrorist groups, including Jabhat an-Nusra, and the infamous White Helmets met in Idlib province on Sunday, according to the ministry’s spokesperson Igor Konashenkov.”

”The militants plotted the final scenarios for the chemical attacks that the Syrian army are expected to make in the cities of Jisr ash-Shugur, Serakab, Taftanaz and Sarmin, the Russian military revealed.”

“Full readiness of all participants involved in the staging of the provocations is be ensured by the evening of September 8,”Konashenkov stated. He added that the terrorists are to receive a “special” signal from some “foreign friends of Syrian revolution” to launch the operation.

Source: RT.com

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