BBC Africa Eye performs dishonest reporting about the Cameroon civil resistance

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publicerad 26 september 2018
- NewsVoice redaktion

ANALYSIS. In this short documentary called ”The unseen war” produced by BBC Africa Eye the british channel builds its narrative on private mobile phone videos, a few local voices, Planet Labs imagery [similar to Google Earth] and some unchallenged statements by the Cameroon Minister of Communication. The end product is false storytelling.

Analysis: NewsVoice | Updated: 7:35 PM, Sep 26, 2018

At first glance the reporting seem to be neutral and unbiased but the devil is in the details. The reporting effort is obviously shallow and the picture that is painted gives the image of two adversaries in conflict with each other where it is not possible do assess who is the true ”bad guy”. When BBC Africa Eye is in contact with the Minister of Communication no counterquestions are asked. The Minister is unchallenged while presenting his notion of the rebels masquerading as government troops committing atrocities against common villagers.

This disinformation technique is commonly used by Western countries in order to justify aggressions against minor countries of interest. In this case it is pretty obvious that the BBC does not want to anger France, the country that has been in control of Cameroon for many decades. The UK and France share Cameroon to harvest natural resources.

BBC Africa Eye

BBC Africa Eye. Screenshot from BBC.
BBC Africa Eye performs dishonest reporting about the Cameroon civil resistance. Screenshot from BBC.

In fact the state financed BBC helps the Cameroonian government to inject doubt into the international viewers about who the true adversary in action really is, the constant Paul Biya Government that has been in power since more than 30 years. It is however not difficult to find out what the Cameroonian government is capable of for it to maintain status quo. It will use any force and violence at hand to damp down and kill any civil resistance.

BBC claims the civil war started in 2016, but the uprising has been brewing during many years before that. NewsVoice has met with several politically enlightened and highly educated Cameroonians since 2010 in Cameroon and abroad and the picture is much different from the image presented by BBC Africa Eye. There simply are no doubts. The current regime of Cameroon do anything to stay in power, including burning villages and killing people.

Locals report to NewsVoice that Government troops are systemically capturing all young men in the western [English speaking] regions of Cameroon. Soldiers move from house to house in the minor towns. They seize the boys for transport to undisclosed locations where they are kept for uncertain time, not charged for any wrongdoings except for being potential future rebels.

BBC is an expert media channel in producing angled narratives in order to protect British interests in shared and permanently colonized areas of the world. Instead of producing public service BBC Africa Eye choose to maintain industrial service. There is simply no ”neutral” or ”balanced” way of describing the situation i Cameroon. The game is clear. It’s a classical drama consisting of an oppressive regime and a suppressed people. BBC Africa Eye has unfortunately decided not to cut through the politics and the diplomacy between the two elite regimes. 

Analysis: NewsVoice

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