utkastThe biggest problem with OBEs that you never hear about in books is that at the start, your OBEs are going to be the pits!
Movie: ”Hereafter”, In search of the After Life, Matt Damon
FILM"Hereafter” tells the story of three people who are haunted by mortality in different ways. Matt Damon stars as George, a blue–collar American who has a connection to the afterlife.
Movie: The Scientist (Out of Body Experiences)
FILMA reclusive physicist creates an infinite-energy machine in his basement that changes his life and all those around him. Directed by Zach Lebeau.
New Scientist explain away the out-of-body experience too easily
KULTURA science writer for New Scientist October 13, 2009 reports on the latest research on claimed malfunctioning brains causing out-of-body experiences but fails to explain all related phenomena by simply not mentioning them. We have seen the same pattern in earlier history of science.