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torsdag, oktober 24, 2024

Torbjorn Sassersson is a freelance writer, communications consultant, editor, lecturer, filmmaker and television personality, whose areas of expertise are in Information technology consulting and environmental protection. During the years 1993-1995 he was working as an environmental consultant for companies such as Telia Sonera and Ibis Hotels. Since 1997 Torbjorn Sassersson has been working as a communications consultant for many big and small organizations (Danish Bank in Sweden, Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Farmers) concerning information technology related commissions in his own company Sasser Media Lab as well as on contract for governmental web projects. Torbjorn Sassersson also had a company (1999-2002) dealing with intelligent homes sponsored by Swedish leading companies in construction (, energy ( and hardware (

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Torbjorn Sassersson attended Stockholm University where he 1989-1992 studied environmental protection – Study Programme in Biology and Earth Sciences. After graduation (fil kand.) Torbjorn Sassersson studied information technology at Academedia in 1995, Stockholm. During the following years he has gone through different IT educations pertinent to his commissions as a consultant.

Special skills

Due to his interest in scientific research on extrasensory perception Torbjorn Sassersson studied both theoretically and practically a mental technique called remote viewing developed by SRI International, one of the biggest think tanks in the US. He has also trained using the Monroe Institute Gateway programme. Torbjorn Sassersson has been featured three times in scientific experiments on Swedish TV.

Sport skills: PADI Dive Master, Ju Jutsu, Aikido, Tai-Ji, Xing-i.


Torbjorn Sassersson gives lectures on social media and reputation management, marketing on the web and on environmental issues. Due to mainstream interest in as well as skepticism to parapsychology Torbjorn Sassersson became a lecturer on parapsychology, skepticism and the psychology of change.

Appearances: TV, radio and press

Torbjorn Sassersson was featured three times as an experimental subject for tests on extra sensory perception and a mental technique called remote viewing in the Swedish TV series ”The Unknown”(”Det okända”, TV4 Plus) and also in a documentary. First appearance in Dec 8, 2004 (Archive n:o TVS05-21718-21721. Source: The National Library of Sweden – The Department of Audiovisual Material (abbr. NLS-DAM) and in Nov 23, 2005 (Archive n:o XA_TV4TV4PLUS_20051123).

Torbjorn Sassersson also took part in a radio show in Apr 27, 2006 produced by ”Red Ice Creations” as one of the first three interview subjects.

In Dec 15, 2005 Torbjorn Sassersson was featured in Swedish Television (SVT) in the show ”Good Morning Sweden” (”Gomorron Sverige”, Archive n:o 20-05/8620-247. NLS-DAM) debating extra sensory perception with a previous Swedish government advisor Christer Sturmark.

Torbjorn Sassersson was interviewed by the Swedish public service radio station P1 and the radio series called ”Tendency” (”Tendens”, archive n:o XASRP1_20070206. NLS-DAM) in Feb 6, 2007.

In Aug 26, 2009 Torbjorn Sassersson was featured on TV4, one of the biggest commercial TV channels in Sweden, concerning remote viewing as a part of the documentary ”The big grey” on remote viewing (”Det stora grå”, Archive n:o XATV4TV4 20090826. NLS-DAM).

In Feb 26, 2009 Torbjorn Sassersson was also featured in the public service channel SVT in the TV series called”Brainstorm” (”Hjärnstorm”, Archive n:o DVCPRO TVB-20090271. NLS-DAM).

In december 2009 Torbjorn Sassersson was supposed to be a part of a show called SVT Skavlan to demonstrate remote viewing as the author of the book: ”Men who stare at goats” by Jon Ronson was interviewed. SVT got cold feet one hour before filming.


The Stargate Remote Viewer: The documentary is a dramatized deep interview with Joseph McMoneagle a former intelligence officer employed by the US Army. Reg n:o VR10-0010, The National Library of Sweden – The Department of Audiovisual Material. Trailer on Youtube. The documentary was co-produced with Ivar Edding and Annelie Paulsen (camera). Factual TV Network is broadcasting the documentary over the webb. Torbjorn Sassersson and Ivar Edding are credited as film directors, producers and screenwriters.

Read more about ”The Stargate Remote Viewer” and buy th DVD!

Among additional interviewed people for coming documentaries are: Dean Radin and Lyn Buchanan.

On-line publications

Torbjorn Sassersson is the editor of the Skeptical School ( Swedens first online education (currently only in Swedish) about retorics and how to become a super skeptic or debunker. Torbjorn Sassersson was the editor of  Soul Travel Magazine 2002-2009. – Den ständigt växande länkkatalogen