Just now: Occupy protests around the United States

Torbjörn Sassersson är grundare av NewsVoice som startade 2011. Torbjörn har arbetat inom media sedan 1995. Han har en fil kand (1992) inom miljövård från Stockholms Universitet. Stöd hans arbete genom en direktdonation via Paypal.
publicerad 16 november 2011
- Torbjörn Sassersson

Occupy movements around the U.S. are increasingly encountering the heavy hand of the law.

The NYPD’s crackdown on the Zuccotti Park protesters was just the latest in a series of police raids on the tent cities which have sprung up around the country since September 17.

The movement released a statement Tuesday night expressing their support for a “4-foot 10-inch, 84-year-old woman, a priest and a pregnant woman who as of this writing is still in the hospital.”

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