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National Defense Authorization Act (NDDA) – US Senate wants the entire USA to be a ”battleground”

publicerad 2 december 2011
- Mike Adams
Day 14 Occupy Wall Street September 30, 2011
Day 14 Occupy Wall Street September 30, 2011.

In a stunning move that has civil libertarians stuttering with disbelief, the U.S. Senate has just passed a bill that effectively ends the Bill of Rights in America and will turn USA into a battleground.

Text: Mike Adams | Also watch this video: The US Constitution is gone 

The National Defense Authorization Act is being called the most traitorous act ever witnessed in the Senate, and the language of the bill is cleverly designed to make you think it doesn’t apply to Americans, but toward the end of the bill it essentially says it can apply to Americans ”if we want it to.”

Bill Summary & Status, 112th Congress (2011 – 2012) | S.1867 | Latest Title: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 | Sponsor: Sen Levin, Carl [MI] (introduced 11/15/2011) | Related Bills: H.R.1540 | Latest Major Action: 12/1/2011 Passed/agreed to in Senate. | Status: Passed Senate with amendments by Yea-Nay. 93 – 7. | Record Vote Number: 218. | Latest Action: 12/1/2011 National Defense Authorization Act | Amendment details

This bill, passed late last night in a 93-7 vote, declares the entire USA to be a ”battleground” upon which U.S. military forces can operate with impunity, overriding Posse Comitatus and granting the military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate and even assassinate U.S. citizens with impunity.

Even WIRED magazine was outraged at this bill, reporting:

Senate Wants the Military to Lock You Up Without Trial
…the detention mandate to use indefinite military detention in terrorism cases isn’t limited to foreigners. It’s confusing, because two different sections of the bill seem to contradict each other, but in the judgment of the University of Texas’ Robert Chesney — a nonpartisan authority on military detention — “U.S. citizens are included in the grant of detention authority.” Source

The passage of this law is nothing less than an outright declaration of WAR against the American People by the military-connected power elite. If this is signed into law, it will shred the remaining tenants of the Bill of Rights and unleash upon America a total military dictatorship, complete with secret arrests, secret prisons, unlawful interrogations, indefinite detainment without ever being charged with a crime, the torture of Americans and even the ”legitimate assassination” of U.S. citizens on right here on American soil!

If you have not yet woken up to the reality of the police state we’ve been warning you about, I hope you realize we are fast running out of time. Once this becomes law, you have no rights whatsoever in America — no due process, no First Amendment speech rights, no right to remain silent, nothing.

Text: Mike Adams

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  • ”US Senate wants the entire USA to be a battleground”

    The entire USA is already a battleground, as the United States Northern Command (NorthCom) has the American homeland as theatre of operations. NorthCom was established a new military command early 2002, half a year after the events of September 11th, 2001 :

    U.S. Northern Command

    The Pentagon Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support gives some more background on their tasks :

    Pentagon Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support

    ”Fear. Mongering.”

    No, rather a naive article.

  • ”US Senate wants the entire USA to be a battleground”

    The entire USA is already a battleground, as the United States Northern Command (NorthCom) has the American homeland as theatre of operations. NorthCom was established a new military command early 2002, half a year after the events of September 11th, 2001 :

    U.S. Northern Command

    The Pentagon Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support gives some more background on their tasks :

    Pentagon Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support

    ”Fear. Mongering.”

    No, rather a naive article.

  • None of us true Americans[of both north and south] can allow this, nor can Chinese or Russian or any other country founded upon the ideals of rebels and revolutionaries. This is exactly what the monarchies of Europe attempted to do to America so many years ago, and guess what? We won! I shall leave you all with this lone quote…

    ”They may come for our blood, BUT THEY SHALL DROWN IN THEIR OWN!

  • None of us true Americans[of both north and south] can allow this, nor can Chinese or Russian or any other country founded upon the ideals of rebels and revolutionaries. This is exactly what the monarchies of Europe attempted to do to America so many years ago, and guess what? We won! I shall leave you all with this lone quote…

    ”They may come for our blood, BUT THEY SHALL DROWN IN THEIR OWN!

  • again, not to add even more pointless babel, but i may have said something earlier on, i cant find it now, about military soldiers actually doing this.
    Firstly, i am proud in many (not all) ways our American military serves. I am also glad service members are discussing this as well.
    secondly what i said earlier may have been misinterpreted, what i meant to say is that it is possible, for a selected group of FBI or CIA or any of those other acronyms, who have served in military, to be made into a section of home land security that could do as the article says.
    thirdly, i am more than proud and glad that our American service members would not shoot at an American civilian.
    and i ask, though beyond unlikely that it seems, that if the president or some general would ask you to shoot American citizens, that you remember that you are our protectors. and you protect the rights of the continuation, the bill of rights, and all bills there in. use your mind, not your gun.

  • again, not to add even more pointless babel, but i may have said something earlier on, i cant find it now, about military soldiers actually doing this.
    Firstly, i am proud in many (not all) ways our American military serves. I am also glad service members are discussing this as well.
    secondly what i said earlier may have been misinterpreted, what i meant to say is that it is possible, for a selected group of FBI or CIA or any of those other acronyms, who have served in military, to be made into a section of home land security that could do as the article says.
    thirdly, i am more than proud and glad that our American service members would not shoot at an American civilian.
    and i ask, though beyond unlikely that it seems, that if the president or some general would ask you to shoot American citizens, that you remember that you are our protectors. and you protect the rights of the continuation, the bill of rights, and all bills there in. use your mind, not your gun.

    • This is true, it hasn’t changed since my days in Desert Shield and Desert Storm or since its inception in 1974 and likely never will. However, the bigger concern is that this bill allows for indefinite detainment without due process. Though morally wrong, this bill could be argued to allow the executive branch (through order of the Commander-in-Chief) to pick up whoever they want and lock them away practically without a paper trail simply by saying that they were suspected of terrorist activities. In essence, immediately terminating all of that persons rights as though they never had any. This is the very same basis used to incarcerate political prisoners in other countries. This bill is the single most horrible thing that Obama has done in office, and has potential of being that for which he is most remembered.

      • Actually OBAMA didn’t do this. Congress did. Obama had no helping hand in passing this bill whatsoever. Remember, By the system of checks and balances, the judicial and legislative branch can pass their own bill, and the executive can veto it. I don’t think something like this would happen without something bigger going on behind the scenes. You think Obama is scared of retaliation if he does veto it?

    • This is true, it hasn’t changed since my days in Desert Shield and Desert Storm or since its inception in 1974 and likely never will. However, the bigger concern is that this bill allows for indefinite detainment without due process. Though morally wrong, this bill could be argued to allow the executive branch (through order of the Commander-in-Chief) to pick up whoever they want and lock them away practically without a paper trail simply by saying that they were suspected of terrorist activities. In essence, immediately terminating all of that persons rights as though they never had any. This is the very same basis used to incarcerate political prisoners in other countries. This bill is the single most horrible thing that Obama has done in office, and has potential of being that for which he is most remembered.

      • Actually OBAMA didn’t do this. Congress did. Obama had no helping hand in passing this bill whatsoever. Remember, By the system of checks and balances, the judicial and legislative branch can pass their own bill, and the executive can veto it. I don’t think something like this would happen without something bigger going on behind the scenes. You think Obama is scared of retaliation if he does veto it?

  • You know what I think? I think that europe should introduce entry visas for Americans. If you American citizens, you agree to the fact that foreigners so treat your government, then I think you xenophobe. So it think germany during Adolf Hitler’s government, they were stunned by hate and rage and insecurity that they been told, burned and murdered ksążki Jews and other citizens.
    I am a Pole, I do not wish your rights in europe arrest me for your army, without a reason. Because you and your government to agree to it.
    This is not a war on terror, this is not a holy inquisition. Your government conducts a war with the inhabitants of the earth. This is what your government is doing is sick and is in violation of any rights of free citizenship.
    Rejoice that this Act does not apply to U.S. citizens, but I assure you that it will not last long, not perception will be introduced an amendment to this Act, and the justification is the same as always. ”NATIONAL SECURITY” A whose specific? If the nation is arrested? …
    Have a nice day and more Coca-Cola.

  • You know what I think? I think that europe should introduce entry visas for Americans. If you American citizens, you agree to the fact that foreigners so treat your government, then I think you xenophobe. So it think germany during Adolf Hitler’s government, they were stunned by hate and rage and insecurity that they been told, burned and murdered ksążki Jews and other citizens.
    I am a Pole, I do not wish your rights in europe arrest me for your army, without a reason. Because you and your government to agree to it.
    This is not a war on terror, this is not a holy inquisition. Your government conducts a war with the inhabitants of the earth. This is what your government is doing is sick and is in violation of any rights of free citizenship.
    Rejoice that this Act does not apply to U.S. citizens, but I assure you that it will not last long, not perception will be introduced an amendment to this Act, and the justification is the same as always. ”NATIONAL SECURITY” A whose specific? If the nation is arrested? …
    Have a nice day and more Coca-Cola.

  • There is a civil war coming not just in the US but all over the world! Everyone who works to enslave people will regret being alive! Now,everyone who votes in favor of these laws should be executed for treason!

    Revenge is on its way!

  • There is a civil war coming not just in the US but all over the world! Everyone who works to enslave people will regret being alive! Now,everyone who votes in favor of these laws should be executed for treason!

    Revenge is on its way!

  • ”If this is signed into law, it will shred the remaining tenants of the Bill of Rights” I think they meant tenets! Unless there are somehow people who live in the Bill of Rights.

  • Does Dan Brown know about this?! He ought to secure the novelization rights to this story before David Ickes makes up his own mind about and once again corners the ”I <3 Mett Bellamy" market. It would be about a grizzled veteran Starbucks employee who has sex about 89 times a minute, who accidently stumbles upon a cabal of muslim communist space lizards (with their army of were-cyborg rock stars you all thought died aged 27… EXCEPT REALLY THEY DIDN'T DUN DUN DUUUNNNN) hell bent on wotrld domination. He teams up with Rage Against The Machine and Brian Blessed and together they attempt to put a stop to the N.W.O.'s insidious machinations by kicking it in the face and bumming its corpse into a mangled unrecognizable pulp. He could call it 'TRUTH RAPE: The Truthening', a powerful and chilling metaphor for the current political landscape… I'd buy it.

  • ”If this is signed into law, it will shred the remaining tenants of the Bill of Rights” I think they meant tenets! Unless there are somehow people who live in the Bill of Rights.

  • Does Dan Brown know about this?! He ought to secure the novelization rights to this story before David Ickes makes up his own mind about and once again corners the ”I <3 Mett Bellamy" market. It would be about a grizzled veteran Starbucks employee who has sex about 89 times a minute, who accidently stumbles upon a cabal of muslim communist space lizards (with their army of were-cyborg rock stars you all thought died aged 27… EXCEPT REALLY THEY DIDN&#039T DUN DUN DUUUNNNN) hell bent on wotrld domination. He teams up with Rage Against The Machine and Brian Blessed and together they attempt to put a stop to the N.W.O.&#039s insidious machinations by kicking it in the face and bumming its corpse into a mangled unrecognizable pulp. He could call it &#039TRUTH RAPE: The Truthening&#039, a powerful and chilling metaphor for the current political landscape… I&#039d buy it.

  • to all those who cite

    UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    need to read 1031 first.

    meaning of this quoted passage is – ”they can but are not required to detain us citizens”

  • Just to clarify, I am not in any association with the group ”Anonymous”, I just don’t want to be known
    The bill that just passed in congress is, in itself, the complete and total annihilation of our constitutional rights, some people in the military MIGHT accept this and comply with it because the military has people in it who just want to do nothing but kill. I know that sounds ignorant but thats my belief. If the 93 voters of that bill who were for it had seen the end of the bill and really thought about, it would have been a whole lot different. All people should stand up and be against this horrible bill. I might be over exaggerating this, but if this happened, ANY military member could kill anybody in America, even a newly born child. This bill gives NO limits what so ever. Anything can be done by the military.

  • to all those who cite

    UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    need to read 1031 first.

    meaning of this quoted passage is – ”they can but are not required to detain us citizens”

  • Just to clarify, I am not in any association with the group ”Anonymous”, I just don’t want to be known
    The bill that just passed in congress is, in itself, the complete and total annihilation of our constitutional rights, some people in the military MIGHT accept this and comply with it because the military has people in it who just want to do nothing but kill. I know that sounds ignorant but thats my belief. If the 93 voters of that bill who were for it had seen the end of the bill and really thought about, it would have been a whole lot different. All people should stand up and be against this horrible bill. I might be over exaggerating this, but if this happened, ANY military member could kill anybody in America, even a newly born child. This bill gives NO limits what so ever. Anything can be done by the military.

  • Okay many of you will probably call me an idiot for even Bringing up a videogame in this board but, seriously, look up information on the game Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Patriots. You will get me once you read the overall situation in it.

  • @ Faye Marie Constantino: What you fail to see is that elsewhere in the bill they have sneakily snuck in language that declares it CAN apply to American citizens.

    And as to ”Covered Persons” — further language so vaguely articulated that it could apply to anyone. Anyone SUSPECTED, not proven, to be involved in ”terrorist” activities, as determined by the DHS which could mean anything, up for interpretation.

  • oh, and a P.S. this specifically applies to a certain group of People, not just anyone: SEC. 1032. REQUIREMENT FOR MILITARY CUSTODY.

    (a) Custody Pending Disposition Under Law of War-
    (1) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in paragraph (4), the Armed Forces of the United States shall hold a person described in paragraph (2) who is captured in the course of hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) in military custody pending disposition under the law of war.
    (2) COVERED PERSONS- The requirement in paragraph (1) shall apply to any person whose detention is authorized under section 1031 who is determined–
    (A) to be a member of, or part of, al-Qaeda or an associated force that acts in coordination with or pursuant to the direction of al-Qaeda; and
    (B) to have participated in the course of planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.
    (3) DISPOSITION UNDER LAW OF WAR- For purposes of this subsection, the disposition of a person under the law of war has the meaning given in section 1031(c), except that no transfer otherwise described in paragraph (4) of that section shall be made unless consistent with the requirements of section 1033.
    (4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY- The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States. It’s about people who is captured during hostilities and who attacked or attempted to attack the United States, specifically supporting al-Qaeda etc. Please read some more of this document as it also bans sexual assault on children by the military personnel among other atrocities.

  • http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c112:1:./temp/~c112jviacx:e458336: Read the applicable part of the bill, it wasn’t easy to find if you click on the links but here’s the important part: (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

    • Sorry to tell you this Faye, but all of it is the important part. This bill will be subject to interpretation. And this can easily be argued away with the ”covered persons” clause.

  • Okay many of you will probably call me an idiot for even Bringing up a videogame in this board but, seriously, look up information on the game Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Patriots. You will get me once you read the overall situation in it.

  • @ Faye Marie Constantino: What you fail to see is that elsewhere in the bill they have sneakily snuck in language that declares it CAN apply to American citizens.

    And as to ”Covered Persons” — further language so vaguely articulated that it could apply to anyone. Anyone SUSPECTED, not proven, to be involved in ”terrorist” activities, as determined by the DHS which could mean anything, up for interpretation.

  • oh, and a P.S. this specifically applies to a certain group of People, not just anyone: SEC. 1032. REQUIREMENT FOR MILITARY CUSTODY.

    (a) Custody Pending Disposition Under Law of War-
    (1) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in paragraph (4), the Armed Forces of the United States shall hold a person described in paragraph (2) who is captured in the course of hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) in military custody pending disposition under the law of war.
    (2) COVERED PERSONS- The requirement in paragraph (1) shall apply to any person whose detention is authorized under section 1031 who is determined–
    (A) to be a member of, or part of, al-Qaeda or an associated force that acts in coordination with or pursuant to the direction of al-Qaeda; and
    (B) to have participated in the course of planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.
    (3) DISPOSITION UNDER LAW OF WAR- For purposes of this subsection, the disposition of a person under the law of war has the meaning given in section 1031(c), except that no transfer otherwise described in paragraph (4) of that section shall be made unless consistent with the requirements of section 1033.
    (4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY- The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States. It’s about people who is captured during hostilities and who attacked or attempted to attack the United States, specifically supporting al-Qaeda etc. Please read some more of this document as it also bans sexual assault on children by the military personnel among other atrocities.

  • http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c112:1:./temp/~c112jviacx:e458336: Read the applicable part of the bill, it wasn’t easy to find if you click on the links but here’s the important part: (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

    • Sorry to tell you this Faye, but all of it is the important part. This bill will be subject to interpretation. And this can easily be argued away with the ”covered persons” clause.

  • Hmm, well well this is a problem wouldn’t you say? I’ve simply given up on this little country of ours but I will say this. I do respect the military but if push comes to shove better be careful might piss off the wrong people (Not me I simply don’t care)… Meh, next Civil War or would you call it the next Revolutionary War? Either way both wars was about freedom and power (Don’t you dare get started on the slave crap) oh well best of luck to you America

    • Brent,

      Trust me. Military members would not contribute to any such acts. When was the last time you even saw the national guard working in a defense type role in America? The military’s main involvement at home involves aid during disasters. I see more cops out there during these protests in armor than I see guys in camo.

      But I do agree with you, a civil war isn’t but years away. The path we are on, it could be sooner. Unless we do a complete 180, the simple lack of cohesion in this country will tear us apart; let alone the debt and poor economy.

      • Military personnel do as they are told by their superiors as long as they do not believe they are going against their post. And at that, sometimes they do as they are told even if they know that it goes against their post. If I had a nickel for every time that an order has been given and followed that violated standing orders, I would be hobnobbing with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Oprah.

  • Where in the bill does it says this I’ve read it do t see it. Now I did see it I. The 2007 bill the. It was overturned. But in reality the patriot act and the war on drugs did that anyway.

  • Yep I am so glad my family fought and died for their freedom, to later have it yanked from under them. I might as well pack my family and go back over to Europe were we had originated from. With every president and every rich, retarded, no good, egotistical politian out there, the US is going to hell in a hand basket. Give it another 5-10 years and we wont be any better than third world countries who are in poverty and dying from starvation. In no time other countries will be seeing us on those ” send only $0.50 and day to save a child” ads. I find it funny that when something bad happens in another country (i.e Japan and the carribean) the US is the first to help and send money. But where are the other countries to return the favor to us when it happens, no one was there to help us when 9/11 happened I didn’t see or hear about other countries coming to our aid or sending us money, so why the hell should we help other countries. When we (the US) needs it more. Charity starts at home, before helping everyone else we need to help ourselves first. We need to stand together and hold our ground against the Senate, House of Rep., Congress and the President himself and say ” Stop F*&$king up our country!” what they are doing isn’t helping anyone but themselves. How are we benifiting from having our writes taken from us. They are already limiting our freedom to speech and religion and they are trying to take away the right to petition the goverment and to assemble. Soon it’ll be taking away the Freedom to press and to bear arms. The goverment has completely gone away with the 10th Amendment which states ”Limits the powers of the federal government to those delegated to it by the Constitution”. But no matter how much we complain and hate the goverment there’s nothing that we can do except to sit back and watch the S**t hit the fan, or move out of the country and come reclaime it again for ourselves in a few hundred years after the goverment has fallen and the people have to live off the earth once more.

    • Bravo! I agree completely. Charity starts at home.

      There are so many people worried about providing aid to others and our poor neighbors down south in need. WE ARE IN NEED! We can’t help others unless we help ourselves! I am all for giving aid and helping people out, but you are right….we need to stop for a moment, catch our bearings, and start producing again before we can rush to everyone’s aid.

      You are also right on about never getting help from others. We were the first to offer help to Japan after the disaster; who ever offered us aid after 9/11? How many of our allies refused to help us catch Bin Laden? It seems everyone else puts on a smile and makes promises of helping each other out but never follows through. America needs to get that message too.

      As far as our politicians go that are running America into the ground, we also have some select people who are just to blame. There are so many collecting free checks and at the same time asking for more. They are the same ones who protest the border patrol. They receive other’s money and then want them to give out their money to people who aren’t even registered. We lose BILLIONS a year in income taxes from under the table illegal workers. They also take millions of jobs from those who are on unemployment. With the only argument, ”we do the jobs they don’t like.” Not so….job placement agencies could easily fill those positions and if someone on unemployment were to say, ”No. I don’t want to do that.” Then the reply is, ”Ok. That is just fine. But there is a job available that you have turned down. Your unemployment now ends today. Have a nice day!” It’s as simple as that. We WORK to earn what we receive.

      I know many have a hard time finding jobs but I have not had many problems. Does it take some more searching than it did a decade ago? You bet. But it is not impossible. And I am the type of person who will be living out of their car before asking for free money from someone else. It’s just too bad not many others feel the same. Those who are collecting, making babies for checks, and using tax dollars are just as much to blame as the poor leadership we have right now. We need changes at the top and changes at the bottom. Because it is us in the middle who are hurting more than anyone else.

  • Hmm, well well this is a problem wouldn’t you say? I’ve simply given up on this little country of ours but I will say this. I do respect the military but if push comes to shove better be careful might piss off the wrong people (Not me I simply don’t care)… Meh, next Civil War or would you call it the next Revolutionary War? Either way both wars was about freedom and power (Don’t you dare get started on the slave crap) oh well best of luck to you America

    • Brent,

      Trust me. Military members would not contribute to any such acts. When was the last time you even saw the national guard working in a defense type role in America? The military’s main involvement at home involves aid during disasters. I see more cops out there during these protests in armor than I see guys in camo.

      But I do agree with you, a civil war isn’t but years away. The path we are on, it could be sooner. Unless we do a complete 180, the simple lack of cohesion in this country will tear us apart; let alone the debt and poor economy.

      • Military personnel do as they are told by their superiors as long as they do not believe they are going against their post. And at that, sometimes they do as they are told even if they know that it goes against their post. If I had a nickel for every time that an order has been given and followed that violated standing orders, I would be hobnobbing with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Oprah.

  • what makes you tards think that they need a bill to lock you up or torture you lmfao what you think your free or something that’s funny we are already slaves and you tarts don’t even know it that’s the greatest part hahahaha

  • I’m 16 years old in high school and yet I can see things you can’t were suppose to have freedom and rights. Well they’re being taken away by our own people we need to get rid of electoral collages they throw in votes for who they want NOT for who the state picked its about time the heart of America stood up its people not government yes we have check and balance but that only works if we make it. ”By the People for the people !” We need new leaders people who we know and can trust. There are so very few of the good ones left. I think Oboma needs to go as well he isn’t helping us,but hurting us. I love our soldiers all of them, but there has to be a limit… Congress passes this bill it will be the death of the nation all hell will break loose fear is a big thing.

    • Rebecca,

      It’s not that our military has too many people. The military has been down sizing for the last few years. Attrition rates are high as deployments are constant and people are getting tired of seeing their families for 2 months a year.

      Many arguments involving DOD is the spending. Spending on the equipment and support that our troops need is very important. But there IS a lot of reckless and unnecessary spending. We can’t completely stop with exploration of new technology (it was the DOD that created the Internet after all) but there are many avenues that we never should have followed, where millions were spent just to have programs die. DOD leadership is at fault for these things and it sickens me. The average US troop gets minimal pay, nothing compared to their civilian counterpart, with little benefits. The way Liberal America is, troops don’t even get the gratitude they once had. Meanwhile, leaders are taking private flights all across the world. Going wherever they feel. Making absurd amounts of money.

      My first 4 years in the military netted me an average of $23K a year. I could have very well doubled that working in the civilian world. But it is what we love to do. It’s just sad we now have a terrible reputation and worse leadership. They care little about their personnel and spend more in a quarter than we receive in a year.

      I am all for limiting DOD budget. But my only problem is, that I KNOW it will be the hard working troops that hurt the most. Leaders won’t even be touched and they will take away from us to supplement their budgets. It’s not even stipulation, it’s a guarantee. That is why I can’t condone a DOD cut. Because the average troop will take a big hit. It’s one thing to take away extraneous spending but another to take away pay and benefits for those who not only earn them, they desperately NEED them. It’s just too bad our nations power is filled with people who don’t give a shit about their people.

  • Where in the bill does it says this I’ve read it do t see it. Now I did see it I. The 2007 bill the. It was overturned. But in reality the patriot act and the war on drugs did that anyway.

  • Yep I am so glad my family fought and died for their freedom, to later have it yanked from under them. I might as well pack my family and go back over to Europe were we had originated from. With every president and every rich, retarded, no good, egotistical politian out there, the US is going to hell in a hand basket. Give it another 5-10 years and we wont be any better than third world countries who are in poverty and dying from starvation. In no time other countries will be seeing us on those ” send only $0.50 and day to save a child” ads. I find it funny that when something bad happens in another country (i.e Japan and the carribean) the US is the first to help and send money. But where are the other countries to return the favor to us when it happens, no one was there to help us when 9/11 happened I didn’t see or hear about other countries coming to our aid or sending us money, so why the hell should we help other countries. When we (the US) needs it more. Charity starts at home, before helping everyone else we need to help ourselves first. We need to stand together and hold our ground against the Senate, House of Rep., Congress and the President himself and say ” Stop F*&$king up our country!” what they are doing isn’t helping anyone but themselves. How are we benifiting from having our writes taken from us. They are already limiting our freedom to speech and religion and they are trying to take away the right to petition the goverment and to assemble. Soon it’ll be taking away the Freedom to press and to bear arms. The goverment has completely gone away with the 10th Amendment which states ”Limits the powers of the federal government to those delegated to it by the Constitution”. But no matter how much we complain and hate the goverment there’s nothing that we can do except to sit back and watch the S**t hit the fan, or move out of the country and come reclaime it again for ourselves in a few hundred years after the goverment has fallen and the people have to live off the earth once more.

    • Bravo! I agree completely. Charity starts at home.

      There are so many people worried about providing aid to others and our poor neighbors down south in need. WE ARE IN NEED! We can’t help others unless we help ourselves! I am all for giving aid and helping people out, but you are right….we need to stop for a moment, catch our bearings, and start producing again before we can rush to everyone’s aid.

      You are also right on about never getting help from others. We were the first to offer help to Japan after the disaster; who ever offered us aid after 9/11? How many of our allies refused to help us catch Bin Laden? It seems everyone else puts on a smile and makes promises of helping each other out but never follows through. America needs to get that message too.

      As far as our politicians go that are running America into the ground, we also have some select people who are just to blame. There are so many collecting free checks and at the same time asking for more. They are the same ones who protest the border patrol. They receive other’s money and then want them to give out their money to people who aren’t even registered. We lose BILLIONS a year in income taxes from under the table illegal workers. They also take millions of jobs from those who are on unemployment. With the only argument, ”we do the jobs they don’t like.” Not so….job placement agencies could easily fill those positions and if someone on unemployment were to say, ”No. I don’t want to do that.” Then the reply is, ”Ok. That is just fine. But there is a job available that you have turned down. Your unemployment now ends today. Have a nice day!” It’s as simple as that. We WORK to earn what we receive.

      I know many have a hard time finding jobs but I have not had many problems. Does it take some more searching than it did a decade ago? You bet. But it is not impossible. And I am the type of person who will be living out of their car before asking for free money from someone else. It’s just too bad not many others feel the same. Those who are collecting, making babies for checks, and using tax dollars are just as much to blame as the poor leadership we have right now. We need changes at the top and changes at the bottom. Because it is us in the middle who are hurting more than anyone else.

    • And you are exactly America’s problem…..you and everyone like you. You disagree with probably 90% of others opinions, just for the sake of disagreeing. And instead of voicing a justification why with articulate input, you say some stupid shit like that.

      Go play in traffic, Juilan B…..iatch

    • I believe this… Possibly because I actually read and pay attention to what my lawmakers are passing in my name.

      But, I would much prefer to ”Off” you… That should cause a noticeable rise in the overall I.Q. of the planet.

  • what makes you tards think that they need a bill to lock you up or torture you lmfao what you think your free or something that’s funny we are already slaves and you tarts don’t even know it that’s the greatest part hahahaha

  • Leave it up to the media to make something sound worse than it is, nothing like this is ever going to happen. The Senate knows if this were to take place, the country would fall apart.

    • Funny thing that…
      Democracy dies with a whimper… killed by a million paper cuts.
      I used to believe that my government would just randomly listen to my phone calls…Then they did.
      I used to believe that my government would never use torture…Then they did.
      I used to believe that my government would never use propaganda on its own people…Then they did.

      I personally am very afraid of all the things that I believe my government would not do…

  • I’m 16 years old in high school and yet I can see things you can’t were suppose to have freedom and rights. Well they’re being taken away by our own people we need to get rid of electoral collages they throw in votes for who they want NOT for who the state picked its about time the heart of America stood up its people not government yes we have check and balance but that only works if we make it. ”By the People for the people !” We need new leaders people who we know and can trust. There are so very few of the good ones left. I think Oboma needs to go as well he isn’t helping us,but hurting us. I love our soldiers all of them, but there has to be a limit… Congress passes this bill it will be the death of the nation all hell will break loose fear is a big thing.

    • Rebecca,

      It’s not that our military has too many people. The military has been down sizing for the last few years. Attrition rates are high as deployments are constant and people are getting tired of seeing their families for 2 months a year.

      Many arguments involving DOD is the spending. Spending on the equipment and support that our troops need is very important. But there IS a lot of reckless and unnecessary spending. We can’t completely stop with exploration of new technology (it was the DOD that created the Internet after all) but there are many avenues that we never should have followed, where millions were spent just to have programs die. DOD leadership is at fault for these things and it sickens me. The average US troop gets minimal pay, nothing compared to their civilian counterpart, with little benefits. The way Liberal America is, troops don’t even get the gratitude they once had. Meanwhile, leaders are taking private flights all across the world. Going wherever they feel. Making absurd amounts of money.

      My first 4 years in the military netted me an average of $23K a year. I could have very well doubled that working in the civilian world. But it is what we love to do. It’s just sad we now have a terrible reputation and worse leadership. They care little about their personnel and spend more in a quarter than we receive in a year.

      I am all for limiting DOD budget. But my only problem is, that I KNOW it will be the hard working troops that hurt the most. Leaders won’t even be touched and they will take away from us to supplement their budgets. It’s not even stipulation, it’s a guarantee. That is why I can’t condone a DOD cut. Because the average troop will take a big hit. It’s one thing to take away extraneous spending but another to take away pay and benefits for those who not only earn them, they desperately NEED them. It’s just too bad our nations power is filled with people who don’t give a shit about their people.

    • And you are exactly America’s problem…..you and everyone like you. You disagree with probably 90% of others opinions, just for the sake of disagreeing. And instead of voicing a justification why with articulate input, you say some stupid shit like that.

      Go play in traffic, Juilan B…..iatch

    • I believe this… Possibly because I actually read and pay attention to what my lawmakers are passing in my name.

      But, I would much prefer to ”Off” you… That should cause a noticeable rise in the overall I.Q. of the planet.

  • Much as anything there is a large amount of fear mongering going on however that said it’s still a bad idea. The military is by definition in place to protect the country and it’s government, the police are in place to protect people. Once these lines are blurred providing the military with more authority domestically over it’s own citizens, and no matter what arguments I’ve read the bill does do that, the people then transitively become enemy’s of the state when there is no need for that.

  • Leave it up to the media to make something sound worse than it is, nothing like this is ever going to happen. The Senate knows if this were to take place, the country would fall apart.

    • Funny thing that…
      Democracy dies with a whimper… killed by a million paper cuts.
      I used to believe that my government would just randomly listen to my phone calls…Then they did.
      I used to believe that my government would never use torture…Then they did.
      I used to believe that my government would never use propaganda on its own people…Then they did.

      I personally am very afraid of all the things that I believe my government would not do…

  • I reckon the Space Lizards did it. It says so in the bible… and in the Twilight books (but only people with magic powers can read that bit)

  • Tom,

    (b) COVERED PERSONS.—A covered person under this section is any person as follows:
    (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.
    (2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.

    ”Associated forces” and ”any person who has committed a belligerent act” or ”has directly supported such hosilities in aid of such enemy forces.” Enemy forces are anyone against the US Government. They call us ”home grown terrorists” or ”domestic terrorists” if we agree with Ron Paul or the Tea Party. Anyone who opposes the government of which they will simply label a ”domestic terrorist” at the discression of the President and imprison.

    • Well, I personally agree that the Tea Party are anti-American and ”domestic terrorists”, but they are Americans none-the-less. That said, this bill disgusts me and brings shame to the government and the military.

  • Much as anything there is a large amount of fear mongering going on however that said it’s still a bad idea. The military is by definition in place to protect the country and it’s government, the police are in place to protect people. Once these lines are blurred providing the military with more authority domestically over it’s own citizens, and no matter what arguments I’ve read the bill does do that, the people then transitively become enemy’s of the state when there is no need for that.

  • I reckon the Space Lizards did it. It says so in the bible… and in the Twilight books (but only people with magic powers can read that bit)

  • Tom,

    (b) COVERED PERSONS.—A covered person under this section is any person as follows:
    (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.
    (2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.

    ”Associated forces” and ”any person who has committed a belligerent act” or ”has directly supported such hosilities in aid of such enemy forces.” Enemy forces are anyone against the US Government. They call us ”home grown terrorists” or ”domestic terrorists” if we agree with Ron Paul or the Tea Party. Anyone who opposes the government of which they will simply label a ”domestic terrorist” at the discression of the President and imprison.

    • Well, I personally agree that the Tea Party are anti-American and ”domestic terrorists”, but they are Americans none-the-less. That said, this bill disgusts me and brings shame to the government and the military.



    UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    • Yes Tom,
      We know… But we also read the conflicting (and much broader) definition of covered person. This section that says it does not extend to citizens of the United States is overshadowed and easily argued to be over-ruled by the covered persons clause.

      So, in your words… FOR FUCK SAKE, READ PEOPLE.

      And it might help just a little to try to think like a lawyer.

  • The rights of the americans are being slowly taken away
    American started out as a lamb like beast in character but it slowly
    Becoming fully beast. People need to read their bible and live for christ second coming.




    UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    • Yes Tom,
      We know… But we also read the conflicting (and much broader) definition of covered person. This section that says it does not extend to citizens of the United States is overshadowed and easily argued to be over-ruled by the covered persons clause.

      So, in your words… FOR FUCK SAKE, READ PEOPLE.

      And it might help just a little to try to think like a lawyer.

  • The rights of the americans are being slowly taken away
    American started out as a lamb like beast in character but it slowly
    Becoming fully beast. People need to read their bible and live for christ second coming.

  • The passage of this bill is just a precautionary measure for the upcoming Bluebeam events. If you don’t know what Bluebeam is or how it will change your life, you had better look it up. It is not science fiction. It has been in the planning phase for the last 40 years.


  • Anthony Diaz, the ”I was just following orders” defense and the tendency for group think to override rational decision making say otherwise. But it’s nice you think you would never do something horrific just because you were told to.

  • Before you get the notion that the military will be running rampant through the streets killing everyone, you have to realize that the military is there for ”us” every citizen is being protected by the military. Also every member of the military is an American first, these fears are wrongly based and are actually quite humorous to me. I’m not worried about anything and neither should you, if anything this bill is an improvement, you’ll see what I mean in the future.

      • Fuck you,

        You really need to just go play in traffic, run around on a gravel drive way with a gun in your mouth, go OD on drugs, jump off of a tall building, drink poison, and/or many other things to rid us of your presence. Anyone who honestly sits there and giggles to themselves, alone in their mothers basement, writing shit like that on a news board is a god damn loser and should not even breathe.

        What do you offer society? I mean really? That is the only bullshit you can come up with? On a thread like this? There are so many political opinions you could voice but instead you write, ”Fuck you”. You’re an idiot. You obviously have absolutely no political knowledge what-so-ever and probably have little knowledge about anything else. You are a loser, it is evident by your post. I’m sure you are collecting unemployment or welfare. And if you’re too young, you most likely will. Please do us a favor and rid our society of your filth. You will just leach off of taxpayers money and continue spreading this type of trash like a rampant disease.

        To: Fuck you……..FUCK YOU

        • Wow, much more long-winded, and slightly more eloquent, but apparently just a regurgitation of the comment that you were commenting on… Are you a politician?

    • As I have said before, the military does as they are told. There is great reason to be worried. The idea that you are not says to me that either a) you are not an American, or b) you are ignorant. This is an example of the terrorists winning. Bit by bit America is stopping to be America. We are doing it to ourselves largely by allowing fear to scare us into giving up our rights in the name of being more safe.

  • The passage of this bill is just a precautionary measure for the upcoming Bluebeam events. If you don’t know what Bluebeam is or how it will change your life, you had better look it up. It is not science fiction. It has been in the planning phase for the last 40 years.

  • Anthony Diaz, the ”I was just following orders” defense and the tendency for group think to override rational decision making say otherwise. But it’s nice you think you would never do something horrific just because you were told to.

  • Before you get the notion that the military will be running rampant through the streets killing everyone, you have to realize that the military is there for ”us” every citizen is being protected by the military. Also every member of the military is an American first, these fears are wrongly based and are actually quite humorous to me. I’m not worried about anything and neither should you, if anything this bill is an improvement, you’ll see what I mean in the future.

      • Fuck you,

        You really need to just go play in traffic, run around on a gravel drive way with a gun in your mouth, go OD on drugs, jump off of a tall building, drink poison, and/or many other things to rid us of your presence. Anyone who honestly sits there and giggles to themselves, alone in their mothers basement, writing shit like that on a news board is a god damn loser and should not even breathe.

        What do you offer society? I mean really? That is the only bullshit you can come up with? On a thread like this? There are so many political opinions you could voice but instead you write, ”Fuck you”. You’re an idiot. You obviously have absolutely no political knowledge what-so-ever and probably have little knowledge about anything else. You are a loser, it is evident by your post. I’m sure you are collecting unemployment or welfare. And if you’re too young, you most likely will. Please do us a favor and rid our society of your filth. You will just leach off of taxpayers money and continue spreading this type of trash like a rampant disease.

        To: Fuck you……..FUCK YOU

        • Wow, much more long-winded, and slightly more eloquent, but apparently just a regurgitation of the comment that you were commenting on… Are you a politician?

    • As I have said before, the military does as they are told. There is great reason to be worried. The idea that you are not says to me that either a) you are not an American, or b) you are ignorant. This is an example of the terrorists winning. Bit by bit America is stopping to be America. We are doing it to ourselves largely by allowing fear to scare us into giving up our rights in the name of being more safe.

  • I cannot speak for anyone else nor can I tell anyone else what to think but I will say this, I have been in the military for over 18 years. I have done 6 combat tours in the Middle East and Afghanistan combined. I have served with every branch of service in some way shape or form in combat. I have seen my friends die in combat and I have seen my friend kill in combat. I believe I can say without any hesitation that if anyone I served with was asked to execute an American who was not guilty of treason or of killing another American….no one I have ever served with would do it. Do not confuse ”your” military for a group of assassins who will simply kill without thought. If anything today’s military thinks twice shoots once.
    I believe and this is my personal opinion not the opinion of anyone else. But I believe that this bill will allow the military to become more involved in actively protecting good Americans that want a good life her in the United Stated and are not out to hurt other Americans who believe the wars going on in the Middle East are illegal. Think about how many United States citizens have converted in our country and have actively spoke out in threat to other Americans. These are American citizens not people from other countries. These are your neighbors not someone a 100 miles away. That is the purpose of this law…to target those individuals.

    • Anthony,

      I agree with everything in your post and it was well said. Many people are ignorant about the military and act like they are some foreign entity that they never come in contact with. Military members are just like any other person. Depending on where you live, you will pass by some on a daily basis or once every month or two; and have no idea. Because they are no different from any other American. They take family vacations so many of you have probably shared a beach or cruise with them. They live in local neighborhoods. They buy from the same dealerships and grocery stores are you. And just like you, their families are the most important thing in their lives. If America started going crazy and the military was told to start doing some immoral and basically illegal acts, their first thought would be of their families safety and would be by their side protecting them instead of acting out heinous acts.

      The sad part is that the rules of engagement are more strict for the military in a combat zone than they are for Cops in America. The military only shoots once they are fired upon. A Cop can shoot you at the sight of a weapon, whether that be a gun, knife, or a frying pan that they felt ’threatened’ by. I wouldn’t hesitate to think local police forces would enforce more of these type actions than the military would. Military members are trained to LOVE America and hate their enemy. Cops are taught to be suspicious of everyone and act aggressive towards them to show power. You see it every day and it is getting worse all of the time. It’s almost like local police forces WANT to be some sort of special tactical Military operator and try their best to be like them. It’s unnecessary and they start making reckless decisions. My biggest fear is of a cop coming into or by my house and shooting my dog, who I love so much, because my dog was running up to him to start licking him. They are itching to shoot all of the time and use harmless dogs as an excuse; like they’re less of a loss than a human. Very seldom is one of those family friends, that cops have shot, threatening to them. Most of the time they are running up to play. Even if a dog were to attack, they wouldn’t kill on the first bite. I would wait until I got bit before drawing my weapon and shooting……..OK that was way off topic but I really am scared of an overzealous cop shooting my dog. I don’t even know how I would react. I may go to jail for life because my dog is literally my best friend. No one else is as faithful as he is and I just wish I was half the man he thought I was.

      But Anthony, 100 miles away isn’t far. That’s the size of a few neighboring cities, not even a state. Your reference was more along the lines of 7,000+ miles away

  • I cannot speak for anyone else nor can I tell anyone else what to think but I will say this, I have been in the military for over 18 years. I have done 6 combat tours in the Middle East and Afghanistan combined. I have served with every branch of service in some way shape or form in combat. I have seen my friends die in combat and I have seen my friend kill in combat. I believe I can say without any hesitation that if anyone I served with was asked to execute an American who was not guilty of treason or of killing another American….no one I have ever served with would do it. Do not confuse ”your” military for a group of assassins who will simply kill without thought. If anything today’s military thinks twice shoots once.
    I believe and this is my personal opinion not the opinion of anyone else. But I believe that this bill will allow the military to become more involved in actively protecting good Americans that want a good life her in the United Stated and are not out to hurt other Americans who believe the wars going on in the Middle East are illegal. Think about how many United States citizens have converted in our country and have actively spoke out in threat to other Americans. These are American citizens not people from other countries. These are your neighbors not someone a 100 miles away. That is the purpose of this law…to target those individuals.

    • Anthony,

      I agree with everything in your post and it was well said. Many people are ignorant about the military and act like they are some foreign entity that they never come in contact with. Military members are just like any other person. Depending on where you live, you will pass by some on a daily basis or once every month or two; and have no idea. Because they are no different from any other American. They take family vacations so many of you have probably shared a beach or cruise with them. They live in local neighborhoods. They buy from the same dealerships and grocery stores are you. And just like you, their families are the most important thing in their lives. If America started going crazy and the military was told to start doing some immoral and basically illegal acts, their first thought would be of their families safety and would be by their side protecting them instead of acting out heinous acts.

      The sad part is that the rules of engagement are more strict for the military in a combat zone than they are for Cops in America. The military only shoots once they are fired upon. A Cop can shoot you at the sight of a weapon, whether that be a gun, knife, or a frying pan that they felt ’threatened’ by. I wouldn’t hesitate to think local police forces would enforce more of these type actions than the military would. Military members are trained to LOVE America and hate their enemy. Cops are taught to be suspicious of everyone and act aggressive towards them to show power. You see it every day and it is getting worse all of the time. It’s almost like local police forces WANT to be some sort of special tactical Military operator and try their best to be like them. It’s unnecessary and they start making reckless decisions. My biggest fear is of a cop coming into or by my house and shooting my dog, who I love so much, because my dog was running up to him to start licking him. They are itching to shoot all of the time and use harmless dogs as an excuse; like they’re less of a loss than a human. Very seldom is one of those family friends, that cops have shot, threatening to them. Most of the time they are running up to play. Even if a dog were to attack, they wouldn’t kill on the first bite. I would wait until I got bit before drawing my weapon and shooting……..OK that was way off topic but I really am scared of an overzealous cop shooting my dog. I don’t even know how I would react. I may go to jail for life because my dog is literally my best friend. No one else is as faithful as he is and I just wish I was half the man he thought I was.

      But Anthony, 100 miles away isn’t far. That’s the size of a few neighboring cities, not even a state. Your reference was more along the lines of 7,000+ miles away

  • If you are taking this seriously, WITHOUT, looking into, investigating on your own then go back under your rock. With that being said, your rights as an American have slowly been changed and in some cases entirely eliminated. If that surprises you go back under your rock. If President Dumbass Bush did his job when 9/11 happened the Towers would still be standing. How many times do you have to say ”all I want to do is fly the plane, not take off or land just fly” before doing something? Also, remember HIS father the first Bush said that we were coming into a New World Order, welcome. We are here and have been here for long time.

  • There is no need to get so upset over this. There is no need to worry. The day that the military starts shooting people is the day that we can start talking like this and fighting back but until then we need to have faith in our government and elect the right people who will revise these laws if there are any flaws to them. We also need to read the actual information instead of getting it from a ”news” source.

    • You need to wake up fast. Do not have faith in your government, because it is not for the people. It only serves the few in the elite. It is a ruthless machine that cares about money, not the people, sadly.

    • The longer we wait to act the less time we have to make changes the time is now the people need to unite because the government is no longer looking out for their people they’re only looking out for them selves they crave power and power only breeds destruction and fear in those who get in the way of the people who hunger for it, when individuals optain power they are consumed by it power should be controlled by the people as a whole not by 1 man or a group of men who only seek power for there own gain but! Ask yourself what are you to your government? what power do you have over them & power they have over you? Open your mind!

    • Well, since I disagree with their policies, I apparently could be considered their enemy. Forget that I am an American citizen. Forget that I believe in due process… Actually, don’t forget that. Don’t EVER forget that. Due process (or lack thereof) is EXACTLY why this sickens me.

  • If you are taking this seriously, WITHOUT, looking into, investigating on your own then go back under your rock. With that being said, your rights as an American have slowly been changed and in some cases entirely eliminated. If that surprises you go back under your rock. If President Dumbass Bush did his job when 9/11 happened the Towers would still be standing. How many times do you have to say ”all I want to do is fly the plane, not take off or land just fly” before doing something? Also, remember HIS father the first Bush said that we were coming into a New World Order, welcome. We are here and have been here for long time.

  • ”Mostly”, Rick. That’s the key word. Did you read these sections?

    Subtitle C—Intelligence Matters
    Sec. 921. Expansion of authority for exchanges of mapping, charting, and geo-
    detic data to include nongovernmental organizations and aca-
    demic institutions.
    Sec. 922. Facilities for intelligence collection or special operations activities
    Sec. 923. Ozone Widget Framework.
    Sec. 924. Plan for incorporation of enterprise query and correlation capability
    into the Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise.
    Subtitle D—Cybersecurity Matters
    Sec. 931. Strategy to acquire capabilities to detect previously unknown cyber
    Sec. 932. Program in support of Department of Defense policy on sustaining
    and expanding information sharing.

  • Well, way to go US!! I wonder; does this bill that our ”Government” is trying to pass limited to just us ”po” folks and old people ??? Or does include even the wealthiest citizens too? Further more, while I am at it; WTFs next? Everybody and Anybody that has any common sense left watch your back, you never know ”Who” is doing what now a days.Makes you think that you should watch what you write on the computer or say out loud in public, Ohhhhhhhhhh wait, I am on the computer, that’s right come get me guys. When it comes down to it I have only my father to answer to. In all I’m not shakin’ in my shoes and they will never see me sweat!

  • There is no need to get so upset over this. There is no need to worry. The day that the military starts shooting people is the day that we can start talking like this and fighting back but until then we need to have faith in our government and elect the right people who will revise these laws if there are any flaws to them. We also need to read the actual information instead of getting it from a ”news” source.

    • You need to wake up fast. Do not have faith in your government, because it is not for the people. It only serves the few in the elite. It is a ruthless machine that cares about money, not the people, sadly.

    • The longer we wait to act the less time we have to make changes the time is now the people need to unite because the government is no longer looking out for their people they’re only looking out for them selves they crave power and power only breeds destruction and fear in those who get in the way of the people who hunger for it, when individuals optain power they are consumed by it power should be controlled by the people as a whole not by 1 man or a group of men who only seek power for there own gain but! Ask yourself what are you to your government? what power do you have over them & power they have over you? Open your mind!

    • Well, since I disagree with their policies, I apparently could be considered their enemy. Forget that I am an American citizen. Forget that I believe in due process… Actually, don’t forget that. Don’t EVER forget that. Due process (or lack thereof) is EXACTLY why this sickens me.

  • wow – some of you have been hitting the propagandad pipe HARD.

    bit of advice for those of you making political rants… If you come across as an illiterate fuck who can’t even be bothered to spell check – no one will take you seriously.

    The back-woods thinking some of you are showing is pretty sad.

    • ”If you come across as an illiterate fuck who can’t even be bothered to spell check – no one will take you seriously.”
      does that count for the propagandad pipe, too?

  • i was judged on my grammer earlier wtf america is that what its all about to judge hope you like being judged in a cell and ass rapped im leaving god help us all

    • It’s because you logged on here, Kyle, and began whining about how you can’t pay your bills but weren’t even articulate enough to make any sense. Do you think you are the only one with bills? No one on here complains about bills, it’s a given. Some complain about jobs, others complain about rights; political things. Bills are not politics; they’re responsibilities. Yes the poor economy affects your bills but basically it was like saying, ”I looked up at the sky today and it was blue. The sky was blue!” ….Except with terrible grammer

      Yes, we know. We ALL know.

      But in all seriousness….really learn how to write, man. For an 18 year old….that’s bad.

      I do love, however, when you try to sound all moral in the beginning of your post and then show your true immature 18 year old colors when you start talking about ass rape.

      Nicely done Cryle

  • Bullshit. They can have you elect any puppet they want, why would they needs dictatorship? Really, you people fell for the emptiest of promises. ”Hope and chane”, come on these are place holders not even complete slogans.

    ”we need something that signifies hope, you know to convey the people voting for our candidate will bring change”

    ”eh, what about ’hope and change’ ”

    ”don’t be an idiot”

    ”no aim serious, people have an attention span of a few seconds, they’ve been dumbed down sufficiantly by mass media for this to work. We should try.”

    ”you know son, you may be on to something…”

  • ”Mostly”, Rick. That’s the key word. Did you read these sections?

    Subtitle C—Intelligence Matters
    Sec. 921. Expansion of authority for exchanges of mapping, charting, and geo-
    detic data to include nongovernmental organizations and aca-
    demic institutions.
    Sec. 922. Facilities for intelligence collection or special operations activities
    Sec. 923. Ozone Widget Framework.
    Sec. 924. Plan for incorporation of enterprise query and correlation capability
    into the Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise.
    Subtitle D—Cybersecurity Matters
    Sec. 931. Strategy to acquire capabilities to detect previously unknown cyber
    Sec. 932. Program in support of Department of Defense policy on sustaining
    and expanding information sharing.

  • it’s soooo boring to keep reading how this is Obama’s doing! one really does not have to step back too far to really see the big picture here, and it’s not any one person or any one party doing this. you honestly think that once Obama is out of office, everything will return to freewheeling good times and freedom and jobs for all? anyone that believes that has to be so utterly moronic that they WILL NOT wake up until they themselves are being carted off to a prison during a Republican’s term in office!

    it’s really terribly sad… BUT, this is the exact reason that this stuff is happening now and why it will not stop: because there are still a lot of people that are convinced that their side is better! Sadly juvenile perspective!! well, I got news for you: the Controllers are in both parties and NO parties.

    • It’s not that that the current state of America was started by Obama. We started hurting years ago when Clinton send major mfg companies overseas. Then Bush set us up for failure with his wonderful presidency. However, Bush set it up….Obama ran us straight into the ground.

      No one argues that as soon as Obama is gone, things will be better. It’s the fact that even after Bush’s shitty job, he has put MORE debt and spent MORE money his first term than Bush did in 2.

      As far as jobs go, that should have been Obama’s greatest focus during his presidency. He has not created any jobs for anyone. The final nail in the coffin for me is that he not only hasn’t created jobs, he is trying to hurt the job market even more by selling out our country by promising illegals amnesty all for votes. It’s extremely selfish. Both party’s political news commentators have said, Obama KNOWS he is not a good President for America and is not very popular. Because of this, he is scheming for the Hispanic vote. He is literally selling us out just so he can be president again. Even though he knows, we know, and he knows we know that he is not a good economist nor has any good foreign policies. He passed over the drilling for oil which would have brought in Billions to America and instead tried to push his Go Green trash.

      It has been said and might be true, he is one of the US worst presidents ever.

  • Well, way to go US!! I wonder; does this bill that our ”Government” is trying to pass limited to just us ”po” folks and old people ??? Or does include even the wealthiest citizens too? Further more, while I am at it; WTFs next? Everybody and Anybody that has any common sense left watch your back, you never know ”Who” is doing what now a days.Makes you think that you should watch what you write on the computer or say out loud in public, Ohhhhhhhhhh wait, I am on the computer, that’s right come get me guys. When it comes down to it I have only my father to answer to. In all I’m not shakin’ in my shoes and they will never see me sweat!

  • I think that anyone whom does not inform themselves regarding this matter by actually reading the 926 pages of this bill should realize that not only is it our right to be informed, it is our RESPONSIBILITY to be informed. Don’t just be lazy and let someone else do the interpreting for you, actually take the time to at least read the section titles (i.e. table of contents) in order to narrow your search, find the section you think contains pertinent information, open another tab with dictionary.com on it to ensure your translation of the legal jargon is accurate, and ensure the information has been interpreted correctly on your own. The saddest thing we can do as citizens with the right to access this kind of information is become blinded sheep following a Shepard who incorrectly interprets this information for us.

  • wow – some of you have been hitting the propagandad pipe HARD.

    bit of advice for those of you making political rants… If you come across as an illiterate fuck who can’t even be bothered to spell check – no one will take you seriously.

    The back-woods thinking some of you are showing is pretty sad.

    • ”If you come across as an illiterate fuck who can’t even be bothered to spell check – no one will take you seriously.”
      does that count for the propagandad pipe, too?

  • i was judged on my grammer earlier wtf america is that what its all about to judge hope you like being judged in a cell and ass rapped im leaving god help us all

    • It’s because you logged on here, Kyle, and began whining about how you can’t pay your bills but weren’t even articulate enough to make any sense. Do you think you are the only one with bills? No one on here complains about bills, it’s a given. Some complain about jobs, others complain about rights; political things. Bills are not politics; they’re responsibilities. Yes the poor economy affects your bills but basically it was like saying, ”I looked up at the sky today and it was blue. The sky was blue!” ….Except with terrible grammer

      Yes, we know. We ALL know.

      But in all seriousness….really learn how to write, man. For an 18 year old….that’s bad.

      I do love, however, when you try to sound all moral in the beginning of your post and then show your true immature 18 year old colors when you start talking about ass rape.

      Nicely done Cryle

  • Though I can not deny that things are changing… This article is over exagerating. Have you noticed that it only paraphrases bits and pieces of the amendment? ” ending the bill of rights”? Come on. Violating maybe. But that was an unneeded exageration

  • Bullshit. They can have you elect any puppet they want, why would they needs dictatorship? Really, you people fell for the emptiest of promises. ”Hope and chane”, come on these are place holders not even complete slogans.

    ”we need something that signifies hope, you know to convey the people voting for our candidate will bring change”

    ”eh, what about ’hope and change’ ”

    ”don’t be an idiot”

    ”no aim serious, people have an attention span of a few seconds, they’ve been dumbed down sufficiantly by mass media for this to work. We should try.”

    ”you know son, you may be on to something…”

    • Michael,

      Do you even know what this bill is about? Why do you European faggets continue to focus so much on America. Oh, I know! Because your lives are pointless. We are so interesting to you and your lives are so dull that you can’t stop talking about us. Seriously, your biggest event out there is soccer… AKA Football. Soccer in America gets no attention because it’s boring as hell. Yet it is still a huge hit in Europe. Watching some dudes running around on a field for 90 minutes to watch a tie game 0-0. Again, pointless….just like your lives.

      You just said, ”YOU FUCKED IT AGAIN FOR EVERYBODY!” This Bill has nothing to do with anyone but people in America. So who did we, ”Fucked it”? No one in the entire world besides those living in America are impacted by this.

      So yet again, Europeans embarrass themselves because their lives are so empty and pitiful that they can’t stop focusing on someone else. You couldn’t even take the time to figure out what this was about and went ahead and spoke out anyway. Now you look stupid because your comment has no relevancy. But Europe has always looked stupid. Since America had to save your ass in WWII. We should have left all of you queers to live under Hitlers rule. None of you gay boys would be alive. Our mistake….we did, ”Fucked it again for everybody!” back then.

    • David, this is why your country sucks and ours is great. This is why your country can’t stop focusing and talking about us.

      No one cares about you and your little worthless country. Oh you have some nice monuments? Neat! NO ONE IN THE WORLD CARES ABOUT YOU!!!! That is why you focus on us so much to write shit like that.

      Face it, we will always be better than you. Even if our entire country loses all of its money, has no power, and has to eat out of trash cans…..we are still better than you.

      You’re a queer. Nice name, ”David.” In America, men are called ’Dave’. Homosexuals are called David. But I guess that is why you are pledging your allegiance to fags.

      Have fun plugging butt holes you poop dick waste of life

  • it’s soooo boring to keep reading how this is Obama’s doing! one really does not have to step back too far to really see the big picture here, and it’s not any one person or any one party doing this. you honestly think that once Obama is out of office, everything will return to freewheeling good times and freedom and jobs for all? anyone that believes that has to be so utterly moronic that they WILL NOT wake up until they themselves are being carted off to a prison during a Republican’s term in office!

    it’s really terribly sad… BUT, this is the exact reason that this stuff is happening now and why it will not stop: because there are still a lot of people that are convinced that their side is better! Sadly juvenile perspective!! well, I got news for you: the Controllers are in both parties and NO parties.

    • It’s not that that the current state of America was started by Obama. We started hurting years ago when Clinton send major mfg companies overseas. Then Bush set us up for failure with his wonderful presidency. However, Bush set it up….Obama ran us straight into the ground.

      No one argues that as soon as Obama is gone, things will be better. It’s the fact that even after Bush’s shitty job, he has put MORE debt and spent MORE money his first term than Bush did in 2.

      As far as jobs go, that should have been Obama’s greatest focus during his presidency. He has not created any jobs for anyone. The final nail in the coffin for me is that he not only hasn’t created jobs, he is trying to hurt the job market even more by selling out our country by promising illegals amnesty all for votes. It’s extremely selfish. Both party’s political news commentators have said, Obama KNOWS he is not a good President for America and is not very popular. Because of this, he is scheming for the Hispanic vote. He is literally selling us out just so he can be president again. Even though he knows, we know, and he knows we know that he is not a good economist nor has any good foreign policies. He passed over the drilling for oil which would have brought in Billions to America and instead tried to push his Go Green trash.

      It has been said and might be true, he is one of the US worst presidents ever.

  • I think that anyone whom does not inform themselves regarding this matter by actually reading the 926 pages of this bill should realize that not only is it our right to be informed, it is our RESPONSIBILITY to be informed. Don’t just be lazy and let someone else do the interpreting for you, actually take the time to at least read the section titles (i.e. table of contents) in order to narrow your search, find the section you think contains pertinent information, open another tab with dictionary.com on it to ensure your translation of the legal jargon is accurate, and ensure the information has been interpreted correctly on your own. The saddest thing we can do as citizens with the right to access this kind of information is become blinded sheep following a Shepard who incorrectly interprets this information for us.

  • Whoever the Senator or Legislator was that introduced this Bill should be prosecuted for Treason to these United States. Our Military Leadership is held under oath to protect the Constitution/ us from all enemies of this Country Foreign & Domestic. This person or these people are no doubt enemies of these United States of America. Outrageous

  • Though I can not deny that things are changing… This article is over exagerating. Have you noticed that it only paraphrases bits and pieces of the amendment? ” ending the bill of rights”? Come on. Violating maybe. But that was an unneeded exageration

  • If you truly believe you have ”rights” you’re sadly mistaken. Once again, history, folks, is THE most important subject and points us to lessons most Americans are sadly negligent of. Ask the *Americans* of Japanese descent how well their ”rights” served them when they were hoarded up like animals and locked up in concentration camps. Wasn’t so long ago that happened. They had ”rights” and it did little good. George Carlin was and is right; we don’t have rights, but privileges, and they remain so until the evil empire just takes them away. Get ready, cuz the big hurt is upon us, and with Europe roiling away, the ticking time bomb is set. It’s just a matter of time, and believe me, if you thought 2008 was wild, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    • Michael,

      Do you even know what this bill is about? Why do you European faggets continue to focus so much on America. Oh, I know! Because your lives are pointless. We are so interesting to you and your lives are so dull that you can’t stop talking about us. Seriously, your biggest event out there is soccer… AKA Football. Soccer in America gets no attention because it’s boring as hell. Yet it is still a huge hit in Europe. Watching some dudes running around on a field for 90 minutes to watch a tie game 0-0. Again, pointless….just like your lives.

      You just said, ”YOU FUCKED IT AGAIN FOR EVERYBODY!” This Bill has nothing to do with anyone but people in America. So who did we, ”Fucked it”? No one in the entire world besides those living in America are impacted by this.

      So yet again, Europeans embarrass themselves because their lives are so empty and pitiful that they can’t stop focusing on someone else. You couldn’t even take the time to figure out what this was about and went ahead and spoke out anyway. Now you look stupid because your comment has no relevancy. But Europe has always looked stupid. Since America had to save your ass in WWII. We should have left all of you queers to live under Hitlers rule. None of you gay boys would be alive. Our mistake….we did, ”Fucked it again for everybody!” back then.

    • David, this is why your country sucks and ours is great. This is why your country can’t stop focusing and talking about us.

      No one cares about you and your little worthless country. Oh you have some nice monuments? Neat! NO ONE IN THE WORLD CARES ABOUT YOU!!!! That is why you focus on us so much to write shit like that.

      Face it, we will always be better than you. Even if our entire country loses all of its money, has no power, and has to eat out of trash cans…..we are still better than you.

      You’re a queer. Nice name, ”David.” In America, men are called ’Dave’. Homosexuals are called David. But I guess that is why you are pledging your allegiance to fags.

      Have fun plugging butt holes you poop dick waste of life

  • Whoever the Senator or Legislator was that introduced this Bill should be prosecuted for Treason to these United States. Our Military Leadership is held under oath to protect the Constitution/ us from all enemies of this Country Foreign & Domestic. This person or these people are no doubt enemies of these United States of America. Outrageous

  • shalom

    first obama is not muslim, second he is converted to judaisme since he practiced our religion. thist seems american are stupid not to understand the gravity of what is coming to them. you will soon face civil war too.

    • You are absolutely right. We honestly will face a civil war before my life is over.

      And the generations of people that made America the most powerful and richest country in the world many decades ago, will be the last people standing.

      There’s a reason those type of people were once and will again be in charge. And all of those who complained, have finally ruined everything they were given. I’m not talking about race, either, I’m talking about mentality. A certain type of people were the most powerful and smartest men in America. People cried and called them corrupt and racist. Well once the ’people’ had their over powered freedom, they ruined this country. I mean absolutely ruined it. I thank today’s generation of 18-40 year olds. You are America’s cancer. (not all of you, just the liberals and the liberal leaning progressives)

      I CAN’T WAIT! It will be such a better place when the filth is washed away.

      ***You can’t even argue with what I said either. Were we or were we not the greatest nation in the world many decades ago? What was the typical American religious and political belief? Now how does America run? And what is our financial and social state? You can’t fight the facts. It has officially played out, there’s no denying it. You all did a great job.***

  • @showme
    SEC. 1034. (4) Pg 571 Line 9-13 of HR1540 (currently being resolved of differences with S1867, in preperation for either signature by the president, or Overturn by the 77% of the House of Reps and the 90% of the Senate which supported it, since it only needs 66% to be able to be forced into passage without Presidential signature.)

    9 the President’s authority pursuant to the
    10 Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law
    11 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) includes the authority
    12 to detain belligerents, including persons described in
    13 paragraph (3), until the termination of hostilities.

    In short, it declares the ability to detain any person who is deemed to be an enemy of the state, according to the declaration under the ’War on Terrorism”, as an enemy belligerent, indefinitely without trial until the cessation of hostilites against ’terror’.
    Notice it does not say ”limited to persons described in paragraph (3)” but rather says ”including…”

  • The declaration of independence grants us, the citizens, the power to over turn the government if it gets to be out of hand. The founding fathers saw this coming.

  • If you truly believe you have ”rights” you’re sadly mistaken. Once again, history, folks, is THE most important subject and points us to lessons most Americans are sadly negligent of. Ask the *Americans* of Japanese descent how well their ”rights” served them when they were hoarded up like animals and locked up in concentration camps. Wasn’t so long ago that happened. They had ”rights” and it did little good. George Carlin was and is right; we don’t have rights, but privileges, and they remain so until the evil empire just takes them away. Get ready, cuz the big hurt is upon us, and with Europe roiling away, the ticking time bomb is set. It’s just a matter of time, and believe me, if you thought 2008 was wild, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

  • this article is an outright lie. there is nothing in this bill even close to what the article says. if so i challenge you to list the subtitle and section. the only people that need to be afraid of this are terrorist.

  • im sorry when did dictatorship become part of the senate? when did they become what they souly thought they were getting rid of? thank you for putting sadem ,sadem bin ladden ,omar kadafi in the drivers seat of destruction of the united states!!!! thanks tp the striking of the match by sadem bin ladden by hitting the world trade centers and the pentigon the U.S senate is nothing but scared little cowards be brave and stand up for your country do not spit in the eye of America for as we that fought for freedom of opression of dictatorship from the british in the thirteen colinies and to put us back from which we come from the start of a new hypocracy dictatorship should be fighting words for every natural and unnatural red blooded American like the flag says ”DON`T TRED ON ME”!!!! the U.S constitution will stand for liberty freedom and justic for all. to sever the bill of rights is to destroy not only our heritage but our rights as a free country to have rights. and if the senate passes this may they rot and forever burn in hell as god as their witness – amen

  • I believe I prevailed in the Federal case over my Hiroshima day arrest for being in the public right of way where the nukes came from (USDC Complaint No. C03-3665 SBA Oakland Div.) and it didn’t apparently get me killed, yet either…

    • Madaleine,

      Americans will never ”run” anywhere. We aren’t like you Europeans who run from every controversy that comes our way.

      We always prevail. This economy and current state are very rough waters and may take decades to get past. But even if a civil war starts, we will never flee.

      But let us know if you guys are unable to solve anymore problems that you would like America to fix for you. Then you can act ungrateful about it years later, like it never happened.

      …..Silly Euros who think America cares what they think about us. Their lives are so worthless they can’t keep their mind off of us.

  • Now it is up to O”bomb”a to veto it. Certainly the Congressmen would not want their children and grandchildren to live under such a dictatorship (one would think) – regardless what kickbacks and or monetary prizes thrown to them from the bowels of hell for their votes right?

  • shalom

    first obama is not muslim, second he is converted to judaisme since he practiced our religion. thist seems american are stupid not to understand the gravity of what is coming to them. you will soon face civil war too.

    • You are absolutely right. We honestly will face a civil war before my life is over.

      And the generations of people that made America the most powerful and richest country in the world many decades ago, will be the last people standing.

      There’s a reason those type of people were once and will again be in charge. And all of those who complained, have finally ruined everything they were given. I’m not talking about race, either, I’m talking about mentality. A certain type of people were the most powerful and smartest men in America. People cried and called them corrupt and racist. Well once the ’people’ had their over powered freedom, they ruined this country. I mean absolutely ruined it. I thank today’s generation of 18-40 year olds. You are America’s cancer. (not all of you, just the liberals and the liberal leaning progressives)

      I CAN’T WAIT! It will be such a better place when the filth is washed away.

      ***You can’t even argue with what I said either. Were we or were we not the greatest nation in the world many decades ago? What was the typical American religious and political belief? Now how does America run? And what is our financial and social state? You can’t fight the facts. It has officially played out, there’s no denying it. You all did a great job.***

  • Obama Won’t Veto the NDAA because he doesn’t have to… an amendment passed including language that takes indefinite detention off the table for citizens or any other persons….

    Why can’t you find a news report about this? Am I looking in the wrong places? I had to go look this up myself… and I’m no wonk.

    On December 1, 2011 all but 7 senators voted for the NDAA with the indefinite detention provisions. A few minutes later the following amendment was inserted and passed 99:1

    Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.


  • @showme
    SEC. 1034. (4) Pg 571 Line 9-13 of HR1540 (currently being resolved of differences with S1867, in preperation for either signature by the president, or Overturn by the 77% of the House of Reps and the 90% of the Senate which supported it, since it only needs 66% to be able to be forced into passage without Presidential signature.)

    9 the President’s authority pursuant to the
    10 Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law
    11 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) includes the authority
    12 to detain belligerents, including persons described in
    13 paragraph (3), until the termination of hostilities.

    In short, it declares the ability to detain any person who is deemed to be an enemy of the state, according to the declaration under the ’War on Terrorism”, as an enemy belligerent, indefinitely without trial until the cessation of hostilites against ’terror’.
    Notice it does not say ”limited to persons described in paragraph (3)” but rather says ”including…”

  • This is an outrage!
    What is happening now has been referred to as ”time for the Jews to get out of Germany.” Only, who is the target? Any ”terrorist” right? Well, I hate to break it to everyone but terrorism is an idea and no matter how badly we want it to disappear it wont. Because ideas are born in people. Until EVERY person is dead the idea wont disappear either. And who, according to ”America” is a terrorist anyway? It is anyone who threatens to destroy the way we currently enjoy living. Who is currently threatening that?! The main culprit is not a turban-headed moslem. Not even a foreigner. No, it is our own representatives and senators. This country was founded on the idea that the people would be in control, that the people should not be afraid of the government but the government should be afraid of the people. What happened to the American ideal? When did the government loose sight of what America is? I have an answer for that too. It is like Thomas Jefferson himself feared: ”America will be great until it learns that they can vote themselves money.” This whole conundrum that the US gov. is putting us through is solely based on greed. And it is time for the truly humble to step in and take there place and for the REAL terrorists to be put behind bars, exactly where they voted themselves to be… without trial.

  • Once again King Hussein Obama slides another bill under the door of the senate and congress. Fro the last three years, he has done nothing but turn this country upside down, and inside out. One more step toward the communist doctrine that we have fought and died to keep away from our front doors. And guess what, King Hussein Obama just rammed it down our throats. I hope all you people that voted for this person are happy with the change he is bringing around, because you are the ones who will pay the price of loosing everything to a Totalitarian Government. Take a long look at what you have now, because if this bill becomes law, you will have nothing left. Me, I intend to fight for my freedom, and if I have to, I’ll die for it.

    • Don, this bill has nothing to do with Obama. It’s driven by Republican representatives, and Obama has threatened to veto it, which I sincerely hope and trust he will. That is, he is against this kind of totalitarian measure. The Patriot Act (the beginning of restricting our Bill of Rights in same way as this bill) was created by the Bush regime.

    • Don,

      I hate to admit it but azas is right. I don’t know wtf prompted this but it was an awful decision. But yes, Obama still sucks. He still hasn’t stopped the war like he promised he would within 12 months of his inauguration. He still followed in Bush’s footsteps and has put us in greater debt and spent more in 1 term than bush did in 2 terms. He still hasn’t created any jobs. And he still is prancing around promoting his Green campaign instead of giving the ”Green” light to start drilling and begin putting BILLIONS in America’s pockets.

  • This website is complete horseshit hahhahahhahah. Clearly not a reliable source for information… I will commend whoever made it though… you’ve got a lot of time on your hands!

  • The declaration of independence grants us, the citizens, the power to over turn the government if it gets to be out of hand. The founding fathers saw this coming.

  • this article is an outright lie. there is nothing in this bill even close to what the article says. if so i challenge you to list the subtitle and section. the only people that need to be afraid of this are terrorist.

  • im sorry when did dictatorship become part of the senate? when did they become what they souly thought they were getting rid of? thank you for putting sadem ,sadem bin ladden ,omar kadafi in the drivers seat of destruction of the united states!!!! thanks tp the striking of the match by sadem bin ladden by hitting the world trade centers and the pentigon the U.S senate is nothing but scared little cowards be brave and stand up for your country do not spit in the eye of America for as we that fought for freedom of opression of dictatorship from the british in the thirteen colinies and to put us back from which we come from the start of a new hypocracy dictatorship should be fighting words for every natural and unnatural red blooded American like the flag says ”DON`T TRED ON ME”!!!! the U.S constitution will stand for liberty freedom and justic for all. to sever the bill of rights is to destroy not only our heritage but our rights as a free country to have rights. and if the senate passes this may they rot and forever burn in hell as god as their witness – amen

  • Wut? This website isn’t even U.s. based. I believe this bill has been completely misconstrued for the purpose of this outlandish article. Tell me, for what reason exactly would the U.S institute marshal law at this point in time? There isn’t a legitimate reason. This is total garbage and propaganda. Why don’t you guys like study outer space or something instead of being conspiracy obsessed and so overly pessimistic. It is much more rewarding,
    K thx Ken!

  • As I read it.. It is indeed explicitly stated in this bill that the measure does not extend to citizens of the United States. However, the impunity seemingly granted by the law to the military for its activities, if they are poorly executed or misguided, deprives the citizens of any substantive guaranties that they will not be ”processed” as enemies of the state just as easily as foreign subjects. This means that persons who are afterwards found to be US citizens, or innocent, or executed mistakenly and whatnot cannot seek justice by pressing charges against mistakes, negligence or excessive force on the part of the military – for reasons that the military is unanswerable for any of its actions by default of this law. The law gives the military authority a green light to do pretty much everything they think expedient without concern for legal consequences of their actions.

      • ”they gona be able”?

        If they did shoot them, it would make my week. I am so tired of this occupy whiny protest bullshit. All these people, probably yourself included, are doing is complaining about not having any money. The teachers are the worst. They pay almost nothing into their pensions and receive a crazy amount. I have a friend who’s mom is a teacher getting close to retirement and her pension is worth $1 Million….and they complain when they don’t get a raise? Many of us this year not only didn’t get a raise, we got a pay cut. Welcome to the REAL WORLD ladies and gentlemen.

        Occupy is fueled by everyone who has feasted off of the money of people like me who have worked hard for years, earning a salary and paying taxes regularly. I have never taken a single check from the government except for a tax return on overpaid taxes; because yes I pay my taxes. So now that you selfish irresponsible ”citizens” have bled us dry, you are feeling our pain. But now because you can’t suck money from anyone else, it’s someone’s fault and you have to go protest about it. Anyone who says finding a job is hard is ridiculous. I have been offered 5 jobs in the past year. One I applied for when I moved and the rest came to me after I was hired, without me even looking for them. It’s only hard for felons and idiots. Or those of you who would rather stay in an expensive city like LA or New York and crowd with everyone else. I don’t think that is anyone else’s fault, is it?

          • 2 were various administrative positions at a couple nearby state Universities. I’m not sure why because although I have done administrative work, nothing with universities…other than attending as a student. As far as the other 3, one was for a local private practice, one at the VA med center, and the 3rd at the local city hospital. My prior work involved training with the CDC, OSHA, and EPA for regulatory compliance standards. In Oklahoma I was in charge of infection control policies and standards for a hospital. Writing and enforcing asepsis policies, performing inspections, following up on any incidents, briefing staff or OSHA/CDC inspectors on any trend statistics or areas of concern.

            If you have seen the movie, ”Contagion” it kind of has to do with some things I work on. Like when she explains every so many seconds some one touches their face, then sneezes, then touches a door knob, then shakes hands, and so on and so on. Those are the things in a hospital setting that have guidelines set in place to prevent the transmission of any potential pathogen. And I’m the one who makes/changes/ updates them. Like getting sinks installed with foot controls instead of handles to turn on the water so staff don’t contaminate their hands touching the handles is a basic example.

            Anyway, much more than you asked for but I am a little wired tonight so I’m hoping to fall asleep soon.

            My point is, those 2 university positions were way out of my normal line of duty and I’m not even sure how or why they chose me. The other 3 are obvious why I would be sought to work. The private practice just wanted someone with experience to take a look at their written policies for correctness and make updates because they were getting a OSHA inspector visit soon and that’s an inspectable item.

            It’s not hard getting a job. If you can’t get one, you’re in the wrong city or you are undesirable for one reason or another. I have felt I worked hard during my life. But there have also been points where I was a lazy POS. Either way, I’ve never had trouble finding work and I don’t just think I’m ’lucky’.

      • I do not know what the definition of impunity is operative in this law. Generally, impunity means ”exemption from punishment or loss or escape from fines”. ”the impossibility, de jure or de facto, of bringing the perpetrators of violations to account – whether in criminal, civil, administrative or disciplinary proceedings – since they are not subject to any inquiry that might lead to their being accused, arrested, tried and, if found guilty, sentenced to appropriate penalties, and to making reparations to their victims.”

        Diplomatic immunity: from wiki

        In January 1997, in the U.S., the Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia, Gueorgui Makharadze, caused an accident that injured four people and killed a 16-year-old girl. He was found to have a blood-alcohol level of 0.15% but was released from custody because he was a diplomat.

  • I believe I prevailed in the Federal case over my Hiroshima day arrest for being in the public right of way where the nukes came from (USDC Complaint No. C03-3665 SBA Oakland Div.) and it didn’t apparently get me killed, yet either…

    • Madaleine,

      Americans will never ”run” anywhere. We aren’t like you Europeans who run from every controversy that comes our way.

      We always prevail. This economy and current state are very rough waters and may take decades to get past. But even if a civil war starts, we will never flee.

      But let us know if you guys are unable to solve anymore problems that you would like America to fix for you. Then you can act ungrateful about it years later, like it never happened.

      …..Silly Euros who think America cares what they think about us. Their lives are so worthless they can’t keep their mind off of us.

  • Now it is up to O”bomb”a to veto it. Certainly the Congressmen would not want their children and grandchildren to live under such a dictatorship (one would think) – regardless what kickbacks and or monetary prizes thrown to them from the bowels of hell for their votes right?

  • First of all, I’d just like to point out that, in the future, the bill can be translated differently to suit their purposes, as it has been done in the past.

    Now that’s out of the way, and I can state that this won’t happen as long a we the people are against it. congress seems to think they have some ridiculous power over the people, when it is us who hire them, it is us who can take them out of office, because we have the right to. We did that with governors in the past, we can certainly change the entire senate if we really wanted to.

    In the most extreme circumstances, we even nave the right to overthrow the government, should the majority of the nation feel that we are no longer america. I think the people at the top need to realize what little power they actually have, and stop trying to take power that’s not theirs to begin with.

  • I understand Alexa, and yes, am completely greatful for the separation of powers motif our government is modeled on, however; some of us are still a little thrown off by the obvious attempts of those in power (in this case congress) to try to supress the voices and dissent of Americans against what is quite clearly an abuse of power by so many hands on so many levels in this country. They dont want us waking up too fast, they want to get richer still before they inevitably destroy our country!!!!

  • i think everyone needs to wake up. If this isn’t happening now, it very well could. At this point I trust neither party to protect our Constitutional rights. They are being chipped away again and again. Corporations control us. We will do what they want, or else.

  • Obama Won’t Veto the NDAA because he doesn’t have to… an amendment passed including language that takes indefinite detention off the table for citizens or any other persons….

    Why can’t you find a news report about this? Am I looking in the wrong places? I had to go look this up myself… and I’m no wonk.

    On December 1, 2011 all but 7 senators voted for the NDAA with the indefinite detention provisions. A few minutes later the following amendment was inserted and passed 99:1

    Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.


  • What you need to realize is this:

    The U.S government is not here to provide rights to it’s citizens. It exists solely to appease the entities that give it the means to exist. The Fed ( World Bank ) and Corporations enable our government to exist.

    America is a CONSUMER. America does not export goods that other countries need. We are a giant hulking behemoth that is a resource hog. We are the 700 lb gorilla in the room. We have the technology and the means to stop all of the socio-economincal problems that plague this planet but we dont…. why? America thrives off inefficiency and problems and turmoil.

    America needs to keep going to war because we have no other mearns to make money. Defense contractors need a new enemy every day to create weapons to battle…

    Endless war is our policy. The Blue Blood families that exist will go to any means to keep themselves in power….they will kill anyone and untold amounts of human life to keep this process in motion…they do not have any empathy for their actions…. just look at death toll in iraq and afghanistan… tolling over 1 million people….. this is the new age holocaust. If future human civilizations exist they will look back at America as we ”look back” at Germany.

    The human race is a disgrace to organisms.

  • Will it be challenged? Sure. But anybody who challenges it may be accused of conspiracy against the US and find themselve indefinitly detained. That’s the problem with these sort of liberty killing laws. They give govt way too much power.

  • This is an outrage!
    What is happening now has been referred to as ”time for the Jews to get out of Germany.” Only, who is the target? Any ”terrorist” right? Well, I hate to break it to everyone but terrorism is an idea and no matter how badly we want it to disappear it wont. Because ideas are born in people. Until EVERY person is dead the idea wont disappear either. And who, according to ”America” is a terrorist anyway? It is anyone who threatens to destroy the way we currently enjoy living. Who is currently threatening that?! The main culprit is not a turban-headed moslem. Not even a foreigner. No, it is our own representatives and senators. This country was founded on the idea that the people would be in control, that the people should not be afraid of the government but the government should be afraid of the people. What happened to the American ideal? When did the government loose sight of what America is? I have an answer for that too. It is like Thomas Jefferson himself feared: ”America will be great until it learns that they can vote themselves money.” This whole conundrum that the US gov. is putting us through is solely based on greed. And it is time for the truly humble to step in and take there place and for the REAL terrorists to be put behind bars, exactly where they voted themselves to be… without trial.

  • Once again King Hussein Obama slides another bill under the door of the senate and congress. Fro the last three years, he has done nothing but turn this country upside down, and inside out. One more step toward the communist doctrine that we have fought and died to keep away from our front doors. And guess what, King Hussein Obama just rammed it down our throats. I hope all you people that voted for this person are happy with the change he is bringing around, because you are the ones who will pay the price of loosing everything to a Totalitarian Government. Take a long look at what you have now, because if this bill becomes law, you will have nothing left. Me, I intend to fight for my freedom, and if I have to, I’ll die for it.

    • Don, this bill has nothing to do with Obama. It’s driven by Republican representatives, and Obama has threatened to veto it, which I sincerely hope and trust he will. That is, he is against this kind of totalitarian measure. The Patriot Act (the beginning of restricting our Bill of Rights in same way as this bill) was created by the Bush regime.

    • Don,

      I hate to admit it but azas is right. I don’t know wtf prompted this but it was an awful decision. But yes, Obama still sucks. He still hasn’t stopped the war like he promised he would within 12 months of his inauguration. He still followed in Bush’s footsteps and has put us in greater debt and spent more in 1 term than bush did in 2 terms. He still hasn’t created any jobs. And he still is prancing around promoting his Green campaign instead of giving the ”Green” light to start drilling and begin putting BILLIONS in America’s pockets.

  • This website is complete horseshit hahhahahhahah. Clearly not a reliable source for information… I will commend whoever made it though… you’ve got a lot of time on your hands!

  • People need to realize that this bill is completely outright unconstitutional, and if it even goes into effect, once challenged it will never hold up. We have a Supreme Court for times like these when Congress tries to pass bills like this one. The Supreme Court has already ruled that detaining a civilian in a military prison and trying them in a military court is unconstitutional back in the 1860’s in a case called Ex Parte Milligan. It angers me that people don’t understand that Congress is not the final say on everything. If this bill was passed, it would still be up to the President to enforce it because he is commander-in-chief of the army, and if Obama wants any shot at re-election he won’t even sign this bill, never mind enforce it. Everyone needs to realized there are 3 branches of government, and bills that are just outright unconstitutional will just not stand up against the branch designed to interpret the Constitution.

  • Well said.
    Although I agree there’s a lot of ”panic” in the article, I think Josh is right. Don’t panic. That will just give the gov ”justification” to follow through.
    As for the bill saying ”only terrorist connection” folks are subject, its wording DOES let them do this to ANYONE. Here’s how:
    So, let’s pretend I’m a cop. I’m going to haul in ”don’t believe media guy” for questioning. The bill states its with discretion. So, even though Don’t Believe was NO WHERE NEAR involved, and keeps saying just that, I used my ”discretion” and have ”reason to suspect” I can detain him INDEFINATELY for ”questioning”. No lawyer. No right to remain silent. AAAAND I can do ALL those ”fun” things (stated in the bill) to Don’t Believe to ”get info”. That’s the worry. We KNOW for a FACT that they’ve been erroding our right with some shaddy business for a while now. What makes you think they’re going to ”turn good” and ”look out” for their people now?

  • This website is completely blowing it out of proportion. If you read the bill (and they give you the link above) it says anyone connected to the September 11, 2001 Terrorists attacks and goes on to list that they mean anyone involved in the planning, attacks and/or anyone who harbored someone who had to do with the attacks on the US. This site just wants to scare you.

    • And how are they supposed to determine whether or not you, Don’t Believe Everything Media Says, are NOT involved in the Sept 11 terrorist attacks? That’s the point. Simply because you mention 9/11 could raise a flag and you could find yourself detained indefinitely.

  • Wut? This website isn’t even U.s. based. I believe this bill has been completely misconstrued for the purpose of this outlandish article. Tell me, for what reason exactly would the U.S institute marshal law at this point in time? There isn’t a legitimate reason. This is total garbage and propaganda. Why don’t you guys like study outer space or something instead of being conspiracy obsessed and so overly pessimistic. It is much more rewarding,
    K thx Ken!

  • another note what makes money in america and big ones WAR the government is starting a war on its own people to raise money they put them selves in. look up FEMA camps it shows that the government will lock you away to rehibilitate us citizens how do you rehibilitate us citizens in cages and lock away in the cold they are plannng and we need to plan to

    • Kyleeeeee………you need some serious writing skills! Just don’t even type anymore until you learn how to express your thoughts. No one knows what the hell you are saying.

      But this is another prime example of a ’great’ American.

      You complain about being broke and the mean old government not giving you anything but look how educated you are. Did you even finish high school? Or did you go the ’cool’ way and get a GED? That’s some serious 6th grade talent my friend. No wonder you are broke. Who would hire you when you write like that on a job application.

      But it’s not your fault is it?

  • im 18 got nothing due to the economy have no way to go to college living beetween friends this bill, or marshall law that is trying to be past shows what the government shows they want you to feel scared to give your rights up so then they can support gentic testing and other crap the government hides and then you wont have any say in it

    • Kyle, let us grownups talk. It is pretty sad that those are your writing skills at the age of 18. You definitely need college.

      So…..Just do what everyone else does. Take out a Federal Student Aid loan. Also file for a couple of grants. Then go to college on the governments dime (my tax dollars). Once you start school, file for unemployment so you can have plenty of beer money and party through college.

      Finally, IF you graduate. Gather in protest and complain to the government that you are poor. Meanwhile you have a brand new iPhone in your hand, taking protest videos, and a nice LCD flat screen TV at home…..but not a cent of that student loan (my tax dollars) are paid back.

      That’s what 80% of the college students participating in the Occupy bullshit have done. It’s the new American way. Take money from others and then complain when you don’t get any more.

      • @Say What: You’re a fucking prick. Give the kid a break, your English skills aren’t so hot either. Try proofreading before posting. Oh, and take that broomstick out of your ass.

      • So, you’re a grown-up huh? I grown-up what? Moron? Willingly ignorant?
        Well, regardless of what it is that you think you are a grown-up of, your viewpoints appear to based on a lot of false premises (actually, almost all of what you posted seems like a pretty twisted perspective based on things you might have been told, but are just plain lies). I support kyle. Well, at least kind-of. I support his right to protest something that he believes is wrong. I support his desire to make accountable the ”privileged”.
        I am part of the 99% (though apparently only like 3% of it). Truthfully, anyone that doesn’t support the occupy movement (at least a little) is apparently a) part of the privileged b) part of the people that the privileged have conned into dragging themselves and everyone else down.

        • Mr. Thomas,

          I have gone down the page and noticed you have been at this thread for some time. Critiquing each comment as you see fit. While I applaud your acknowledgment of civil liberties and freedoms, I do disagree with your comment about the Occupy movement.

          Believe it or not, there are plenty of people who are fed up with this organization (if you can call it that). I witnessed at a local University, students gathering to protest their student loans. How is that justified? Should I protest my mortgage? How about my car loan? I have watched many youtube videos of people from the occupy movement. Many of them are quite humorous but so they are intended to be by the interviewer. Others were pro-Occupy and still didn’t catch my interest. This government/administration is worse than many before it and we, as citizens, are certainly paying for it. But to protest things like corporate greed is a pretty biased argument.

          Let me explain. I watched one video as an Occupier said, ”The top 1% only gets taxes $0.25 to every $1.00 of the American people.” That is so far from the truth that he obviously had no clue. I can’t find current stats but in 2009, the top 1% paid 35% of America’s taxes. The bottom 50% (me included) only paid 2%. How sad is that? Yes they have billions of more dollars than we do, but we have billions of more people than they do. Proportionally, it seems off. The top 1% already pays more than we do and to say, ”they are greedy” just because they are wealthy, isn’t justified. Should they pay more to their employees? Absolutely. Should they hand out any more than they already do to anyone outside of their company? No.

          Students attending college are doing so by choice, not force. It is said all over the media all the time, college almost isn’t worth attending anymore as it will take years to pay off the debt with the small average salary when starting out. Yet many still go; and no shame to them. But to complain of YOUR loan is ridiculous. Instead of these people complaining they have to pay back money that THEY BORROWED, they should acknowledge that those government loans they took out are largely contributing to the nation’s deficit. I feel we should be protesting them to pay back what they owe. Forget the fact that FAFSA is a low interest government loan; seems ungrateful to complain about that.

          To me, from what I have heard and seen, the Occupy movement involves a lot of selfishness and irresponsibility. Yes, our government is extremely flawed right now. But it is not because of corporations who not only pay more taxes than us combined, they are also responsible for many jobs (whatever companies that aren’t overseas).

          As a backround….I am an average middle class citizen, on the lower end of the scale. This year I will stand to make a little under $22k after taxes. Thankfully I have a loving wife who is also employed and helps to pay the bills while I attend college. We have a 3 bedroom house and a dog named Finn. My parents are also middle class, my father is the director of sales for a large private travel agency while my mother is an insurance agent for a private insurance firm. They are on the upper end of the middle class scale. However, striving for the ”American Dream” they invested their entire life savings into opening up a franchise in their city. It started off very well but has long since tapered off. They HOPE to start writing themselves checks in 2012 after 3 years of making nothing off of their investment. They were told that it would take a year or two to start earning profit after paying employees and eating the initial costs of equipment and supplies.

          All that background was for is to prove to you, that we are not privileged. We work very hard for what we have. Yet my family and our friends feel the same as I do and do NOT support the Occupy movement. America truly has less responsibility and work ethics than we once had a few decades ago. Complaining about being broke isn’t going to do anything. Go out and earn it, there are jobs….I know because I have had to look

          • Interesting…
            Your post is wonderful. It explains your position as a ”b” from my previous post. The point in the ”occupy” movement (not an organization, though there was an organization formed to help support the movement), is to make fiscal changes in our system. Once you are able to reach the upper end of the financial system, things start changing. Because you now have considerably more resources coming in than NEED (this is where many trust-fund failures lose it) to go out, you have options. There are many loopholes in the current system that allow you to take advantage of things like buying real estate and then allowing public use (though you still own it), and have to pay next to nothing on it, and get a tax advantage from it. This is just one of MANY options. I know this for a fact, as I take advantage of some of those loopholes myself (I worked my butt off since I was barely a teen). This said, the exact figure that he gave you is most likely incorrect, but certainly not in the wrong neighborhood.
            The fact that you somehow believe that the ”occupy” movement is all about forgiveness of student loans shows that you are just taking what is being fed to you (eg. propaganda). The movement is not complaining about being poor, the movement is about people playing by the same fiscal rules.

            I really believe that you fall into the ”b” category, though, there is a third ”c) Just too ignorant to care” category that I had not thought to mention earlier.

            P.S. Just to be clear, I may not be part of the 1%, but well within the 4%. I work hard, am good at what I do, and have been doing it for a LONG time.

  • As I read it.. It is indeed explicitly stated in this bill that the measure does not extend to citizens of the United States. However, the impunity seemingly granted by the law to the military for its activities, if they are poorly executed or misguided, deprives the citizens of any substantive guaranties that they will not be ”processed” as enemies of the state just as easily as foreign subjects. This means that persons who are afterwards found to be US citizens, or innocent, or executed mistakenly and whatnot cannot seek justice by pressing charges against mistakes, negligence or excessive force on the part of the military – for reasons that the military is unanswerable for any of its actions by default of this law. The law gives the military authority a green light to do pretty much everything they think expedient without concern for legal consequences of their actions.

      • ”they gona be able”?

        If they did shoot them, it would make my week. I am so tired of this occupy whiny protest bullshit. All these people, probably yourself included, are doing is complaining about not having any money. The teachers are the worst. They pay almost nothing into their pensions and receive a crazy amount. I have a friend who’s mom is a teacher getting close to retirement and her pension is worth $1 Million….and they complain when they don’t get a raise? Many of us this year not only didn’t get a raise, we got a pay cut. Welcome to the REAL WORLD ladies and gentlemen.

        Occupy is fueled by everyone who has feasted off of the money of people like me who have worked hard for years, earning a salary and paying taxes regularly. I have never taken a single check from the government except for a tax return on overpaid taxes; because yes I pay my taxes. So now that you selfish irresponsible ”citizens” have bled us dry, you are feeling our pain. But now because you can’t suck money from anyone else, it’s someone’s fault and you have to go protest about it. Anyone who says finding a job is hard is ridiculous. I have been offered 5 jobs in the past year. One I applied for when I moved and the rest came to me after I was hired, without me even looking for them. It’s only hard for felons and idiots. Or those of you who would rather stay in an expensive city like LA or New York and crowd with everyone else. I don’t think that is anyone else’s fault, is it?

          • 2 were various administrative positions at a couple nearby state Universities. I’m not sure why because although I have done administrative work, nothing with universities…other than attending as a student. As far as the other 3, one was for a local private practice, one at the VA med center, and the 3rd at the local city hospital. My prior work involved training with the CDC, OSHA, and EPA for regulatory compliance standards. In Oklahoma I was in charge of infection control policies and standards for a hospital. Writing and enforcing asepsis policies, performing inspections, following up on any incidents, briefing staff or OSHA/CDC inspectors on any trend statistics or areas of concern.

            If you have seen the movie, ”Contagion” it kind of has to do with some things I work on. Like when she explains every so many seconds some one touches their face, then sneezes, then touches a door knob, then shakes hands, and so on and so on. Those are the things in a hospital setting that have guidelines set in place to prevent the transmission of any potential pathogen. And I’m the one who makes/changes/ updates them. Like getting sinks installed with foot controls instead of handles to turn on the water so staff don’t contaminate their hands touching the handles is a basic example.

            Anyway, much more than you asked for but I am a little wired tonight so I’m hoping to fall asleep soon.

            My point is, those 2 university positions were way out of my normal line of duty and I’m not even sure how or why they chose me. The other 3 are obvious why I would be sought to work. The private practice just wanted someone with experience to take a look at their written policies for correctness and make updates because they were getting a OSHA inspector visit soon and that’s an inspectable item.

            It’s not hard getting a job. If you can’t get one, you’re in the wrong city or you are undesirable for one reason or another. I have felt I worked hard during my life. But there have also been points where I was a lazy POS. Either way, I’ve never had trouble finding work and I don’t just think I’m ’lucky’.

      • I do not know what the definition of impunity is operative in this law. Generally, impunity means ”exemption from punishment or loss or escape from fines”. ”the impossibility, de jure or de facto, of bringing the perpetrators of violations to account – whether in criminal, civil, administrative or disciplinary proceedings – since they are not subject to any inquiry that might lead to their being accused, arrested, tried and, if found guilty, sentenced to appropriate penalties, and to making reparations to their victims.”

        Diplomatic immunity: from wiki

        In January 1997, in the U.S., the Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia, Gueorgui Makharadze, caused an accident that injured four people and killed a 16-year-old girl. He was found to have a blood-alcohol level of 0.15% but was released from custody because he was a diplomat.

  • I can’t believe what I’m reading. The reason we are losing our rights is because we can not come together united. We continue to to fight against ourselves and with each passing min. We lose more freedoms. Its not about Obama nor Republicans or Democrats, its about big government. We as a nation, are damned. I’m a patriot and love my Country, I’ve bleed for it and would again if called. On the other hand, I hate my gov. And will not follow this police state dictatorship. Anyone that voted for this new bill needs to be arrested and held as a act of treason. When you give the military such power then all is lost. What will stop them from passing more laws and powers. Do you really thing the government cares about you in any way. Our Nation was founded to give the people its power, so our government should fear us. I swore to protect my Country from any enemy, foreign or domestic.

    • You’re right. We are no longer America, ”The Melting Pot.” We are America, ”The Sea of Sharks.”

      What has happened is minority groups have cried discrimination and pulled the race card for so many years that not only were they given full rights, they were overcompensated for and given greater power than any normal American. Now all of these minority groups have taken and taken and forced things upon others that wouldn’t have been forced upon them. It has turned into an all out turf war. I have to be ok with a Mosque down in NY near the 9/11 site but the pledge of allegiance has been taken out of school because it has the word ”god” in it. Not only that but it is now acceptable to not stand for the National Anthem. It’s almost considered a bold statement that is respected.

      All of those aforementioned issues are what is tearing America apart. They should all be crimes. We need to go back to our roots when we were happy and prospering. Decades ago anyone who didn’t stand for the Star Spangled Banner would have been locked up. It should be that way. Don’t come to a country and use it for everything it offers and not pay any respect. Completely ungrateful. Do you say thank you when you get a present on your birthday? Or do you just look at the person and walk away? No respect in America anymore. Selfish sharks

      • Wow. So basically, Jamie is saying we should stop arguing about petty differences and come together. Then Agreed comes in and makes a whole bunch of incredibly racist and downright ignorant comments in response. Agreed, you are totally and completely missing the point.

        • Apparently you are missing the point. Nothing in the previous statement is racist. Speaking the truth of the way the country has acted is racist?

          Here’s a fact. Ohio State University’s Dental school, one of the largest in the nation, has over 1700 applicants each class and only 315 seats. Ohio State as a whole has decided that they want to focus on more African American and Hispanic acceptances than Asians and Whites. White males are now only guaranteed 30% of the seats for that program. I have a friend who is much farther ahead of me who applied with a 3.75 GPA. He went and took his DAT (dental application test) with his African American female friend who had a 3.4 GPA. He scored higher than she did. Not saying she did bad, but he did better. Guess who got accepted. Not him. How is that fair?

          So now we are making people doctors not because of their talents but because of their race. Another story, Dayton, OH was on the news about 4-5 months ago when it was announced that they are throwing out the entrance exam for becoming a police officer and only doing interviews because the state feels there are not enough African Americans on the force. Many were called back who had previously FAILED the test, not even scored high enough to apply and they were hired. A month later a mentally disabled child was maced, hog tied, and throw in the back of a police car while he was playing outside in front of his home. His mother and the neighbors came out trying to explain his condition but the officer wouldn’t listen. His reasoning……”He was disrespecting me.” Because of the child’s disability and its associated speech impediment, the officer thought the child was taunting him, or disrespecting him. A direct result of a failed system.

          Now when referring to Jamie’s ”come together with limited government” post. That is what progressive America has lost sight of. They want government aid around every corner. Some want health care, others want more welfare and unemployment benefits, housing opportunities, tax deductions for the lower 50% (who by the way only pay 2% of America’s income taxes!) This large government involvement is partially responsible for why the Feds have become so powerful to write up bills like this. At this point, we almost have no statehood anymore

          How is this relevant to the aforementioned ”racism” which is the farthest thing from racism I have ever seen. The two stories above I told you about must be racist x20 then, but I don’t consider them to be because it is the truth. I hear many progressives who are anti gun as well as against other constitutional amendments say, ”The constitution was signed in the late 1700’s, it doesn’t apply to modern America.” The sad thing is, the more we have deviated from traditional American traditions and tendencies, the more distant our country has become. Decades ago when immigrants flooded to Ellis island, they came for a better life and all had something to contribute. Now they want to PUSH their beliefs on everyone and some still try and complain of oppression. Many Americans just want things to be like America has been since it was born. Which is having no problem with individual beliefs and traditions. Just as long as they aren’t forced upon anybody.

          Again, minority groups have fought hard in the 2000’s to get many things. The whole PC issue is garbage because it only applies to traditional America, not anyone else. Since those values have been lost, America has come into debt and in constant conflict externally and most importantly, internally. Is it false? Absolutely not. And if you think it’s racist it’s probably only because you think it is coming from a white man…..and you are the exact problem we have keeping us from being united. Have your church, have your holidays, have your clothing….just don’t take MY pledge of allegiance out of MY children’s’ schools, don’t take MY god out of MY national anthem, and don’t take the meaning out of MY holidays. Why does PC say Merry Christmas is wrong, you have to say Happy Holidays? The Holiday is celebrating the birth of Christ. So what F*cking ”Holiday” are you celebrating if you don’t believe in him? Just celebrating because it is winter? And I am not referencing to the Jews either because they do get recognition for having a real holiday during this time of the year and I respect them for that. They have had a tradition and have followed it. Now minority groups who don’t believe in Christmas make me not say it. Absolute BS. These traditions were here long before them, you, me, anybody. Stop trying to take them away. They are ours. It’s what started America. If you don’t like it, leave. But let us have OUR holidays and beliefs, we aren’t hurting you anymore than you are hurting me with your holidays and beliefs……That’s all any American wants and no one is willing to give.

          These are the reasons why we aren’t united. No one can understand this and compromise.

          • Umm… So you know… That holiday would be yule. And as far as people leaving… I say you first. It is NOT YOUR pledge of allegiance. The way you talk you don’t deserve to be called American. So take YOUR happy ass to whatever country might have you. Because I doubt the one your ancestors came from would accept you, and I know that I certainly wouldn’t. You wrap yourself in your self-righteousness and opinions. Your type disgusts me.

  • I’m 17 years old, still in high school learning from only one great class- political science. I think that the resentment between political parties need to stop, that’s truly the civil war right now in this country. It’s so intense that the government decides what each party can and can’t vote on in their ballot. What the heck?? When I register to vote, as well as a great amount of my friends, will be independent. What I have noticed is that so many American citizens don’t even keep up on what’s going on this nation. Especially a LOT of teachers who belong to the union and are told exactly what to vote. Voting has essentially lost all meaning and importance. Being in a mostly idiotic liberal state, I feel as my vote doesn’t even matter. I think we need to redo the voting system.

    I also think that we need to get rid of everyone in the big 3 houses and start from scratch. I honestly think there will be civil war, I just hope it can wait till I’m 18 so I can move to Texas and legally be able to take up arms. What the politicians are missing is reality. They become incredibly corrupted spending so much time in their little bubble of politics that they forget what really needs to change and be done. But this nation doesn’t need MORE government in our lives, we need a significant amount less. A couple of my unbiased teachers showed us how in economic downfalls a communist or socialist minded politician will rear their ugly little head and try to take over the country, of course they gave me examples and names of which I will not say because of this crap bill they just passed. Even though I don’t agree with their thinking I do not want them to have their freedom taken. All in all I think the citizens of this nation just need to step up, become educated and become valued voters. We can see how it turned out having Obama be elected based on his color instead of what he stood for. Too quick to jump on the race wagon. I hope that my generation will come to their senses and help to bring this nation back to it’s rightful glory.

    ( I think I just wrote most of my analytical essay haha sweet 🙂 )

    • I too, PeopleAreStupid, did just what you’re going to do. I registered Independent when I turned 18. Over time I realized that if I wanted to have any influence in changing the my county’s (not country) conservative bent, I’d have to register as a Democrat. I couldn’t vote one way or the other in the primary elections. If I wanted my voice to count and help influence more left thinkers in our county, I’d have to be a democrat for that to happen.

      And you’re right. The only way things will change is if we get rid of everyone and start over. But that’s not likely to happen. Ever.

    • I agree that we need to (as a nation) step up and become educated voters. Unfortunately, the ”education” that our youths are getting is the propaganda that is handed to them. Our children are unprepared for the rhetoric and propaganda that is becoming imbued in our society. What we need is to teach our country how to see past rhetoric and opinions. Otherwise, all of the ”education” that they are going to get, is actually ”indoctrination”.

  • Taking drastic action would only support a decision to institute martial law. We, the people, must prepare for such an event to take place, but hope it never does. In fact, we should all be writing to and talking with our congressmen to ensure that we are represented in their decisions. They may not listen, but that is a necessary risk to prevent widespread chaos.

  • First of all, I’d just like to point out that, in the future, the bill can be translated differently to suit their purposes, as it has been done in the past.

    Now that’s out of the way, and I can state that this won’t happen as long a we the people are against it. congress seems to think they have some ridiculous power over the people, when it is us who hire them, it is us who can take them out of office, because we have the right to. We did that with governors in the past, we can certainly change the entire senate if we really wanted to.

    In the most extreme circumstances, we even nave the right to overthrow the government, should the majority of the nation feel that we are no longer america. I think the people at the top need to realize what little power they actually have, and stop trying to take power that’s not theirs to begin with.

  • I understand Alexa, and yes, am completely greatful for the separation of powers motif our government is modeled on, however; some of us are still a little thrown off by the obvious attempts of those in power (in this case congress) to try to supress the voices and dissent of Americans against what is quite clearly an abuse of power by so many hands on so many levels in this country. They dont want us waking up too fast, they want to get richer still before they inevitably destroy our country!!!!

  • i think everyone needs to wake up. If this isn’t happening now, it very well could. At this point I trust neither party to protect our Constitutional rights. They are being chipped away again and again. Corporations control us. We will do what they want, or else.

  • What you need to realize is this:

    The U.S government is not here to provide rights to it’s citizens. It exists solely to appease the entities that give it the means to exist. The Fed ( World Bank ) and Corporations enable our government to exist.

    America is a CONSUMER. America does not export goods that other countries need. We are a giant hulking behemoth that is a resource hog. We are the 700 lb gorilla in the room. We have the technology and the means to stop all of the socio-economincal problems that plague this planet but we dont…. why? America thrives off inefficiency and problems and turmoil.

    America needs to keep going to war because we have no other mearns to make money. Defense contractors need a new enemy every day to create weapons to battle…

    Endless war is our policy. The Blue Blood families that exist will go to any means to keep themselves in power….they will kill anyone and untold amounts of human life to keep this process in motion…they do not have any empathy for their actions…. just look at death toll in iraq and afghanistan… tolling over 1 million people….. this is the new age holocaust. If future human civilizations exist they will look back at America as we ”look back” at Germany.

    The human race is a disgrace to organisms.

  • For those railing against our President he is the one that has threatened veto of a bill that was co-written by their darling John McCain which is something they are conveniently forgetting.

    • Bush set America up for failure. Obama has run it into the ground. I’m sure your dumbass will vote for him again. This forum will be reality by the end of his second term.

      Thank you for ruining MY country. Voting for Obama again is going to do that.

  • Will it be challenged? Sure. But anybody who challenges it may be accused of conspiracy against the US and find themselve indefinitly detained. That’s the problem with these sort of liberty killing laws. They give govt way too much power.

  • There’s just one thing I want to say to everyone in this thread:

    What if you’re wrong?

    What if you don’t know all there is to know?
    What if you don’t really understand the situations you talk about deeply enough to draw final conclusions?
    What if something else is more true?
    What if your antagonists are right?

    I ask only that you Think About It. If you don’t, that is the path to becoming brainwashed (and you will be convinced that it is the others that are brainwashed.)

  • People need to realize that this bill is completely outright unconstitutional, and if it even goes into effect, once challenged it will never hold up. We have a Supreme Court for times like these when Congress tries to pass bills like this one. The Supreme Court has already ruled that detaining a civilian in a military prison and trying them in a military court is unconstitutional back in the 1860’s in a case called Ex Parte Milligan. It angers me that people don’t understand that Congress is not the final say on everything. If this bill was passed, it would still be up to the President to enforce it because he is commander-in-chief of the army, and if Obama wants any shot at re-election he won’t even sign this bill, never mind enforce it. Everyone needs to realized there are 3 branches of government, and bills that are just outright unconstitutional will just not stand up against the branch designed to interpret the Constitution.

  • Well said.
    Although I agree there’s a lot of ”panic” in the article, I think Josh is right. Don’t panic. That will just give the gov ”justification” to follow through.
    As for the bill saying ”only terrorist connection” folks are subject, its wording DOES let them do this to ANYONE. Here’s how:
    So, let’s pretend I’m a cop. I’m going to haul in ”don’t believe media guy” for questioning. The bill states its with discretion. So, even though Don’t Believe was NO WHERE NEAR involved, and keeps saying just that, I used my ”discretion” and have ”reason to suspect” I can detain him INDEFINATELY for ”questioning”. No lawyer. No right to remain silent. AAAAND I can do ALL those ”fun” things (stated in the bill) to Don’t Believe to ”get info”. That’s the worry. We KNOW for a FACT that they’ve been erroding our right with some shaddy business for a while now. What makes you think they’re going to ”turn good” and ”look out” for their people now?

  • This website is completely blowing it out of proportion. If you read the bill (and they give you the link above) it says anyone connected to the September 11, 2001 Terrorists attacks and goes on to list that they mean anyone involved in the planning, attacks and/or anyone who harbored someone who had to do with the attacks on the US. This site just wants to scare you.

    • And how are they supposed to determine whether or not you, Don’t Believe Everything Media Says, are NOT involved in the Sept 11 terrorist attacks? That’s the point. Simply because you mention 9/11 could raise a flag and you could find yourself detained indefinitely.

  • Attention American public servants:

    From the White House to the local city council, it is the job of public servants to do just that, to serve the American public. Your only job is to protect the rights and property of American citizens and nothing else.

    We do not need you to bailout corporations or foreign countries. We will help who we want without you.

    We do not need you to create a police state in the name of public safety. We can and will protect ourselves.

    We do not need you to create a confusing taxation system that you ignore as you bleed us dry. We will pay for infrastructure and military protection, but not your private islands, jets, and illegal alien servants.

    We do not need you to spend our hard earned money as though the supply were limitless. We need you to spend our tax dollars responsibly and frugally.

    We do not need you to regulate the trivial while ignoring the obvious. We know the difference and we are fed up.

    American politicians, if you cannot do your job ethically and responsibly, we do not need you.


  • another note what makes money in america and big ones WAR the government is starting a war on its own people to raise money they put them selves in. look up FEMA camps it shows that the government will lock you away to rehibilitate us citizens how do you rehibilitate us citizens in cages and lock away in the cold they are plannng and we need to plan to

    • Kyleeeeee………you need some serious writing skills! Just don’t even type anymore until you learn how to express your thoughts. No one knows what the hell you are saying.

      But this is another prime example of a ’great’ American.

      You complain about being broke and the mean old government not giving you anything but look how educated you are. Did you even finish high school? Or did you go the ’cool’ way and get a GED? That’s some serious 6th grade talent my friend. No wonder you are broke. Who would hire you when you write like that on a job application.

      But it’s not your fault is it?

  • im 18 got nothing due to the economy have no way to go to college living beetween friends this bill, or marshall law that is trying to be past shows what the government shows they want you to feel scared to give your rights up so then they can support gentic testing and other crap the government hides and then you wont have any say in it

    • Kyle, let us grownups talk. It is pretty sad that those are your writing skills at the age of 18. You definitely need college.

      So…..Just do what everyone else does. Take out a Federal Student Aid loan. Also file for a couple of grants. Then go to college on the governments dime (my tax dollars). Once you start school, file for unemployment so you can have plenty of beer money and party through college.

      Finally, IF you graduate. Gather in protest and complain to the government that you are poor. Meanwhile you have a brand new iPhone in your hand, taking protest videos, and a nice LCD flat screen TV at home…..but not a cent of that student loan (my tax dollars) are paid back.

      That’s what 80% of the college students participating in the Occupy bullshit have done. It’s the new American way. Take money from others and then complain when you don’t get any more.

      • @Say What: You’re a fucking prick. Give the kid a break, your English skills aren’t so hot either. Try proofreading before posting. Oh, and take that broomstick out of your ass.

      • So, you’re a grown-up huh? I grown-up what? Moron? Willingly ignorant?
        Well, regardless of what it is that you think you are a grown-up of, your viewpoints appear to based on a lot of false premises (actually, almost all of what you posted seems like a pretty twisted perspective based on things you might have been told, but are just plain lies). I support kyle. Well, at least kind-of. I support his right to protest something that he believes is wrong. I support his desire to make accountable the ”privileged”.
        I am part of the 99% (though apparently only like 3% of it). Truthfully, anyone that doesn’t support the occupy movement (at least a little) is apparently a) part of the privileged b) part of the people that the privileged have conned into dragging themselves and everyone else down.

        • Mr. Thomas,

          I have gone down the page and noticed you have been at this thread for some time. Critiquing each comment as you see fit. While I applaud your acknowledgment of civil liberties and freedoms, I do disagree with your comment about the Occupy movement.

          Believe it or not, there are plenty of people who are fed up with this organization (if you can call it that). I witnessed at a local University, students gathering to protest their student loans. How is that justified? Should I protest my mortgage? How about my car loan? I have watched many youtube videos of people from the occupy movement. Many of them are quite humorous but so they are intended to be by the interviewer. Others were pro-Occupy and still didn’t catch my interest. This government/administration is worse than many before it and we, as citizens, are certainly paying for it. But to protest things like corporate greed is a pretty biased argument.

          Let me explain. I watched one video as an Occupier said, ”The top 1% only gets taxes $0.25 to every $1.00 of the American people.” That is so far from the truth that he obviously had no clue. I can’t find current stats but in 2009, the top 1% paid 35% of America’s taxes. The bottom 50% (me included) only paid 2%. How sad is that? Yes they have billions of more dollars than we do, but we have billions of more people than they do. Proportionally, it seems off. The top 1% already pays more than we do and to say, ”they are greedy” just because they are wealthy, isn’t justified. Should they pay more to their employees? Absolutely. Should they hand out any more than they already do to anyone outside of their company? No.

          Students attending college are doing so by choice, not force. It is said all over the media all the time, college almost isn’t worth attending anymore as it will take years to pay off the debt with the small average salary when starting out. Yet many still go; and no shame to them. But to complain of YOUR loan is ridiculous. Instead of these people complaining they have to pay back money that THEY BORROWED, they should acknowledge that those government loans they took out are largely contributing to the nation’s deficit. I feel we should be protesting them to pay back what they owe. Forget the fact that FAFSA is a low interest government loan; seems ungrateful to complain about that.

          To me, from what I have heard and seen, the Occupy movement involves a lot of selfishness and irresponsibility. Yes, our government is extremely flawed right now. But it is not because of corporations who not only pay more taxes than us combined, they are also responsible for many jobs (whatever companies that aren’t overseas).

          As a backround….I am an average middle class citizen, on the lower end of the scale. This year I will stand to make a little under $22k after taxes. Thankfully I have a loving wife who is also employed and helps to pay the bills while I attend college. We have a 3 bedroom house and a dog named Finn. My parents are also middle class, my father is the director of sales for a large private travel agency while my mother is an insurance agent for a private insurance firm. They are on the upper end of the middle class scale. However, striving for the ”American Dream” they invested their entire life savings into opening up a franchise in their city. It started off very well but has long since tapered off. They HOPE to start writing themselves checks in 2012 after 3 years of making nothing off of their investment. They were told that it would take a year or two to start earning profit after paying employees and eating the initial costs of equipment and supplies.

          All that background was for is to prove to you, that we are not privileged. We work very hard for what we have. Yet my family and our friends feel the same as I do and do NOT support the Occupy movement. America truly has less responsibility and work ethics than we once had a few decades ago. Complaining about being broke isn’t going to do anything. Go out and earn it, there are jobs….I know because I have had to look

          • Interesting…
            Your post is wonderful. It explains your position as a ”b” from my previous post. The point in the ”occupy” movement (not an organization, though there was an organization formed to help support the movement), is to make fiscal changes in our system. Once you are able to reach the upper end of the financial system, things start changing. Because you now have considerably more resources coming in than NEED (this is where many trust-fund failures lose it) to go out, you have options. There are many loopholes in the current system that allow you to take advantage of things like buying real estate and then allowing public use (though you still own it), and have to pay next to nothing on it, and get a tax advantage from it. This is just one of MANY options. I know this for a fact, as I take advantage of some of those loopholes myself (I worked my butt off since I was barely a teen). This said, the exact figure that he gave you is most likely incorrect, but certainly not in the wrong neighborhood.
            The fact that you somehow believe that the ”occupy” movement is all about forgiveness of student loans shows that you are just taking what is being fed to you (eg. propaganda). The movement is not complaining about being poor, the movement is about people playing by the same fiscal rules.

            I really believe that you fall into the ”b” category, though, there is a third ”c) Just too ignorant to care” category that I had not thought to mention earlier.

            P.S. Just to be clear, I may not be part of the 1%, but well within the 4%. I work hard, am good at what I do, and have been doing it for a LONG time.

  • I can’t believe what I’m reading. The reason we are losing our rights is because we can not come together united. We continue to to fight against ourselves and with each passing min. We lose more freedoms. Its not about Obama nor Republicans or Democrats, its about big government. We as a nation, are damned. I’m a patriot and love my Country, I’ve bleed for it and would again if called. On the other hand, I hate my gov. And will not follow this police state dictatorship. Anyone that voted for this new bill needs to be arrested and held as a act of treason. When you give the military such power then all is lost. What will stop them from passing more laws and powers. Do you really thing the government cares about you in any way. Our Nation was founded to give the people its power, so our government should fear us. I swore to protect my Country from any enemy, foreign or domestic.

    • You’re right. We are no longer America, ”The Melting Pot.” We are America, ”The Sea of Sharks.”

      What has happened is minority groups have cried discrimination and pulled the race card for so many years that not only were they given full rights, they were overcompensated for and given greater power than any normal American. Now all of these minority groups have taken and taken and forced things upon others that wouldn’t have been forced upon them. It has turned into an all out turf war. I have to be ok with a Mosque down in NY near the 9/11 site but the pledge of allegiance has been taken out of school because it has the word ”god” in it. Not only that but it is now acceptable to not stand for the National Anthem. It’s almost considered a bold statement that is respected.

      All of those aforementioned issues are what is tearing America apart. They should all be crimes. We need to go back to our roots when we were happy and prospering. Decades ago anyone who didn’t stand for the Star Spangled Banner would have been locked up. It should be that way. Don’t come to a country and use it for everything it offers and not pay any respect. Completely ungrateful. Do you say thank you when you get a present on your birthday? Or do you just look at the person and walk away? No respect in America anymore. Selfish sharks

      • Wow. So basically, Jamie is saying we should stop arguing about petty differences and come together. Then Agreed comes in and makes a whole bunch of incredibly racist and downright ignorant comments in response. Agreed, you are totally and completely missing the point.

        • Apparently you are missing the point. Nothing in the previous statement is racist. Speaking the truth of the way the country has acted is racist?

          Here’s a fact. Ohio State University’s Dental school, one of the largest in the nation, has over 1700 applicants each class and only 315 seats. Ohio State as a whole has decided that they want to focus on more African American and Hispanic acceptances than Asians and Whites. White males are now only guaranteed 30% of the seats for that program. I have a friend who is much farther ahead of me who applied with a 3.75 GPA. He went and took his DAT (dental application test) with his African American female friend who had a 3.4 GPA. He scored higher than she did. Not saying she did bad, but he did better. Guess who got accepted. Not him. How is that fair?

          So now we are making people doctors not because of their talents but because of their race. Another story, Dayton, OH was on the news about 4-5 months ago when it was announced that they are throwing out the entrance exam for becoming a police officer and only doing interviews because the state feels there are not enough African Americans on the force. Many were called back who had previously FAILED the test, not even scored high enough to apply and they were hired. A month later a mentally disabled child was maced, hog tied, and throw in the back of a police car while he was playing outside in front of his home. His mother and the neighbors came out trying to explain his condition but the officer wouldn’t listen. His reasoning……”He was disrespecting me.” Because of the child’s disability and its associated speech impediment, the officer thought the child was taunting him, or disrespecting him. A direct result of a failed system.

          Now when referring to Jamie’s ”come together with limited government” post. That is what progressive America has lost sight of. They want government aid around every corner. Some want health care, others want more welfare and unemployment benefits, housing opportunities, tax deductions for the lower 50% (who by the way only pay 2% of America’s income taxes!) This large government involvement is partially responsible for why the Feds have become so powerful to write up bills like this. At this point, we almost have no statehood anymore

          How is this relevant to the aforementioned ”racism” which is the farthest thing from racism I have ever seen. The two stories above I told you about must be racist x20 then, but I don’t consider them to be because it is the truth. I hear many progressives who are anti gun as well as against other constitutional amendments say, ”The constitution was signed in the late 1700’s, it doesn’t apply to modern America.” The sad thing is, the more we have deviated from traditional American traditions and tendencies, the more distant our country has become. Decades ago when immigrants flooded to Ellis island, they came for a better life and all had something to contribute. Now they want to PUSH their beliefs on everyone and some still try and complain of oppression. Many Americans just want things to be like America has been since it was born. Which is having no problem with individual beliefs and traditions. Just as long as they aren’t forced upon anybody.

          Again, minority groups have fought hard in the 2000’s to get many things. The whole PC issue is garbage because it only applies to traditional America, not anyone else. Since those values have been lost, America has come into debt and in constant conflict externally and most importantly, internally. Is it false? Absolutely not. And if you think it’s racist it’s probably only because you think it is coming from a white man…..and you are the exact problem we have keeping us from being united. Have your church, have your holidays, have your clothing….just don’t take MY pledge of allegiance out of MY children’s’ schools, don’t take MY god out of MY national anthem, and don’t take the meaning out of MY holidays. Why does PC say Merry Christmas is wrong, you have to say Happy Holidays? The Holiday is celebrating the birth of Christ. So what F*cking ”Holiday” are you celebrating if you don’t believe in him? Just celebrating because it is winter? And I am not referencing to the Jews either because they do get recognition for having a real holiday during this time of the year and I respect them for that. They have had a tradition and have followed it. Now minority groups who don’t believe in Christmas make me not say it. Absolute BS. These traditions were here long before them, you, me, anybody. Stop trying to take them away. They are ours. It’s what started America. If you don’t like it, leave. But let us have OUR holidays and beliefs, we aren’t hurting you anymore than you are hurting me with your holidays and beliefs……That’s all any American wants and no one is willing to give.

          These are the reasons why we aren’t united. No one can understand this and compromise.

          • Umm… So you know… That holiday would be yule. And as far as people leaving… I say you first. It is NOT YOUR pledge of allegiance. The way you talk you don’t deserve to be called American. So take YOUR happy ass to whatever country might have you. Because I doubt the one your ancestors came from would accept you, and I know that I certainly wouldn’t. You wrap yourself in your self-righteousness and opinions. Your type disgusts me.

  • I’m 17 years old, still in high school learning from only one great class- political science. I think that the resentment between political parties need to stop, that’s truly the civil war right now in this country. It’s so intense that the government decides what each party can and can’t vote on in their ballot. What the heck?? When I register to vote, as well as a great amount of my friends, will be independent. What I have noticed is that so many American citizens don’t even keep up on what’s going on this nation. Especially a LOT of teachers who belong to the union and are told exactly what to vote. Voting has essentially lost all meaning and importance. Being in a mostly idiotic liberal state, I feel as my vote doesn’t even matter. I think we need to redo the voting system.

    I also think that we need to get rid of everyone in the big 3 houses and start from scratch. I honestly think there will be civil war, I just hope it can wait till I’m 18 so I can move to Texas and legally be able to take up arms. What the politicians are missing is reality. They become incredibly corrupted spending so much time in their little bubble of politics that they forget what really needs to change and be done. But this nation doesn’t need MORE government in our lives, we need a significant amount less. A couple of my unbiased teachers showed us how in economic downfalls a communist or socialist minded politician will rear their ugly little head and try to take over the country, of course they gave me examples and names of which I will not say because of this crap bill they just passed. Even though I don’t agree with their thinking I do not want them to have their freedom taken. All in all I think the citizens of this nation just need to step up, become educated and become valued voters. We can see how it turned out having Obama be elected based on his color instead of what he stood for. Too quick to jump on the race wagon. I hope that my generation will come to their senses and help to bring this nation back to it’s rightful glory.

    ( I think I just wrote most of my analytical essay haha sweet 🙂 )

    • I too, PeopleAreStupid, did just what you’re going to do. I registered Independent when I turned 18. Over time I realized that if I wanted to have any influence in changing the my county’s (not country) conservative bent, I’d have to register as a Democrat. I couldn’t vote one way or the other in the primary elections. If I wanted my voice to count and help influence more left thinkers in our county, I’d have to be a democrat for that to happen.

      And you’re right. The only way things will change is if we get rid of everyone and start over. But that’s not likely to happen. Ever.

    • I agree that we need to (as a nation) step up and become educated voters. Unfortunately, the ”education” that our youths are getting is the propaganda that is handed to them. Our children are unprepared for the rhetoric and propaganda that is becoming imbued in our society. What we need is to teach our country how to see past rhetoric and opinions. Otherwise, all of the ”education” that they are going to get, is actually ”indoctrination”.

  • Taking drastic action would only support a decision to institute martial law. We, the people, must prepare for such an event to take place, but hope it never does. In fact, we should all be writing to and talking with our congressmen to ensure that we are represented in their decisions. They may not listen, but that is a necessary risk to prevent widespread chaos.

  • For those railing against our President he is the one that has threatened veto of a bill that was co-written by their darling John McCain which is something they are conveniently forgetting.

    • Bush set America up for failure. Obama has run it into the ground. I’m sure your dumbass will vote for him again. This forum will be reality by the end of his second term.

      Thank you for ruining MY country. Voting for Obama again is going to do that.

  • I’m an American who is sad that we have problems like this. We should be better but our people and out government fight over everything. I have no idea how we can fix this. It seems as though this may be the best that it can get. Out representatives don’t represent us, and there are no good alternatives to the same phony canidates. Something needs to shake us from this cycle.

  • I also feel sad as a Dutch citizen for your country and what it once stood for. I also feel disappointment towards your fellow man, because all of this has been caused by US-citizens. Instead of working together as a singular species towards a unified common goal, you have instead become a virus unto your own people and our planet. You are destroying everything that stands in your path – even if that ”something” happens to be yourselves. And indeed, a nation of sheep have created a government of wolves.
    We (in Europe) also have countries where the Lie Reigns, especially the eastern-Europe countries and we in The Netherlands have to be aware of the dangers of it, but all nations, most of the time, have the governments they asked for, so deserve. Tell me, what country chose a former filmstar as a governor. This would go beyond my sense of self-respect, if I were an American.
    And let’s be honest: It is the people of the US that created their own unscrupulous government. A nation, that is used to have their lawn mowed, their driveway kept snow free, and their houses kept clean by cheap Mexican men and women. 99 % of the Dutch even’t have a driveway, we keep our homes clean by doing it ourselves. Seems to me a bit like a spoiled and extravagant nation. Is there any country in the world that buys so much cheap Chinese junk around Christmas time? Apart from the fact, that they have forgotten the real essence of Christmas.

    • @Jonathan: if you watched Europe a bit more closely, you’d discover that even ”Western” EEC member states are drifting toward both (1) socialism and (2) totalitarianism. Look at (1) Germany governed by a socialist-educated, Russian-but not-English-speaking housewife from the East, look at Sweden’s repeated violations of human rights (i e Homeschooling, guaranteed in the ECHR and in the UN Charter), the blocking of ”anti-Swedish” action in the ECHR court by one particularly corrupt court official & more. Also note that (2) the ENTIRE ”European Union” is an executive-only event with national Parliaments constantly left redundant and with no real parliament of its own.

      Also realise that it was Slovakia (in the East, of all places) trying to stop the EFSF and that Estonia and are having favourable VAT regimes toward precious Metals. That said, it turns out that EFTA members Switzerland and Norway even provide tax-free gold and silver http://goldsilver.ecopen.com/ and also are some of the last places for Liberty on this continent or the entire North Atlantic corner of the world…

      No, we should as well feel sorry for ourselves, aggravated of course by the fact that ”The America” as we knew it, the land of Liberty, due process, limited constitutional government is gone. The Obama administration finalised transforming that country from a bastion of freedom to a place of authorities increasingly terrorising its citizens. That ”former movie star” President you referred to actually did a MUCH BETTER job for the old America of Liberty. Also note, that Iceland currently is run by a flight attendant and a lorry driver — not to mention proud Italy down there…

      For Chinese imports, wake up and realise that this has become Business as Usual everywhere, including Europe, including The Netherlands, Germany or France.

      You might also want to note that your fellow countryman Glen Beck of http://www.gbtv.com/ cares a lot about traditional values including Christmas and Thanksgiving in the U. S. and that there still are residual groups (Christians and conservative Jews) and not-so-religious Libertarians trying to stem those sadder developments: Ron Paul, Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Senators Jim deMint (SC), Rand Paul (KY), Mike Lee (NV) to name just a few. Add to this some of the true ENTREPRENEURIAL capitalists like Robert Kiyosaki, Ken Roberts, Peter Schiff, Donald Trump (as opposed to managerial capitalism of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Nazi-Germany, Socialist Sweden or today’s Enron and Monsanto-Mafia in the U. S.) and you will see that a more differentiated approach will get us a lot further than just a simplistic America vs the ”good countries” opinion.

  • There’s just one thing I want to say to everyone in this thread:

    What if you’re wrong?

    What if you don’t know all there is to know?
    What if you don’t really understand the situations you talk about deeply enough to draw final conclusions?
    What if something else is more true?
    What if your antagonists are right?

    I ask only that you Think About It. If you don’t, that is the path to becoming brainwashed (and you will be convinced that it is the others that are brainwashed.)

    • Can I come live down there too and start shooting anyone I see hopping the border? That is the last surviving state. We need to fence it in and all earning tax payers move there. The rest of the country can ban guns, give as much unemployment and welfare as they want. Socialize the health care system all you want and legalize all the weed you want. I promise the top 40% of us could give up our jobs, trade positions with people in the bottom 50% (only if they reside in Texas though because that is our new country) and we could make more money than before. All because we will have a flourishing economy while everyone else is recklessly spending and hardly working.

      All kidding aside. I seriously see this country in another civil war. The top 50% will move east and the bottom 50% move west. There is more than just ”no jobs” that attributes to their lower income….A LOT MORE

  • Attention American public servants:

    From the White House to the local city council, it is the job of public servants to do just that, to serve the American public. Your only job is to protect the rights and property of American citizens and nothing else.

    We do not need you to bailout corporations or foreign countries. We will help who we want without you.

    We do not need you to create a police state in the name of public safety. We can and will protect ourselves.

    We do not need you to create a confusing taxation system that you ignore as you bleed us dry. We will pay for infrastructure and military protection, but not your private islands, jets, and illegal alien servants.

    We do not need you to spend our hard earned money as though the supply were limitless. We need you to spend our tax dollars responsibly and frugally.

    We do not need you to regulate the trivial while ignoring the obvious. We know the difference and we are fed up.

    American politicians, if you cannot do your job ethically and responsibly, we do not need you.


  • For those of you posting against Americans….Obama IS NOT what the average American wants…..the liberals and idiots of America have chosen him, and he is likely to be re-elected because of the minorities wanting HAND OUTS, NOT A HAND UP… this is NOT who we are…the media and George Soros backing this is the DOWNFALL of America. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover…real Americans are doing their best to keep things on track – despite our government, which DOES NOT reflect the PEOPLE.

    •Number of States won by: Obama:19 McCain: 29•Square miles of land won by: Obama:580,000 McCain: 2,427,000•Population of counties won by: Obama:127million McCain: 143 million•Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1Professor Olson adds: ”In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

    • You have the best post on here. I agree with you 100%. It is now ok to not stand for the National Anthem, the pledge of allegiance has left our schools and if you want more money you don’t have to work harder; you just protest. America is a shit storm all because of the minority groups that called white men racist for the last couple of decades. So we eventually gave them more power than we ever had and look what has happened. Millions of illegals are receiving under the table wages and stealing BILLIONS in income taxes from the US. And now they want amnesty? I don’t want to give them shit. Do it right or get the F out. Imagine what a country like Russia or Korea would do with a problem like this. These people would be locked away for years and never heard from.

      Now the Occupy protests have started. Why? Because all of us earning taxpayers have run dry lining these peoples pockets with free checks and therefore they are running dry. NOW it’s a problem. They take and take and take and never care who it comes from. The top 1% of America pays 35% of our nations income taxes. The bottom 50% pays only 2%. Decades ago America was a happy, friendly, prosperous place. Remember when we were called the Melting Pot? Now it is the, everyone for yourselves pot. If you are NOT white then claim race and get everything you can. Back when those, ”Rich Racist White Men” were running America decades ago, handouts were extremely limited and people worked hard; America prospered.

      All you have to do now is be a minority and get a job someone else is more qualified for but is white, or apply to a college program where the average white male needs a 3.7 GPA to get in and you only have to have a 3.2….Ohio State Dental school fits the bill.

      So don’t work hard, money is free. And don’t be white, you’re racist and disadvantaged. ……I’ll be prepared when the country collapses and I will say, ”I saw this coming years ago.” I won’t go down with it, however. I’m sure of that.

    • Uh, Obama is EXACTLY what the average American wants. Someone who cares about America. We’re tired of the war mongering republicans. Its time to fix HOME.

      • Adam are you serious? Do you even pay attention to anything that happens in America?

        What was Obama’s famous campaign speech? Oh that’s right, ”I will have ALL TROOP withdrawn from the middle east within 12 months of my inauguration.”

        What happened the following year? He followed Bush’s surge into Iraq and sent a surge into Afghanistan. Now tell me if I am wrong but I thought a surge is the exact opposite of withdraw. Silly me, I must be mistaken So the only war mongerer I see is Obama who is only 3 years late on his promise.

        We don’t even need to get started on his socialist health care plan or how he would rather sell out his country to win votes. Oh you mean I can spend BILLIONS of dollars giving amnesty to illegals who are already stealing BILLIONS in under the table, non taxable income? Sure, why not. I mean it’s the ”moral” thing to do, right? So now we can be just as poor as them. Without giving ourselves the chance to recoup and then bring them into a better life. But hey, at least he will get to be president for another term….regardless of who he lies to and hurts.

        Adam, I personally thank you for ruining MY country. I’m sure you will vote for Obama again. The occupy BS and this Bill isn’t half of what will happen in his 2nd term. Just watch. And thanks to people like you, our fate is locked. Good work….bravo

    • @muse and at @true: It is totally TRUE that [muse] is right on, and I second this, too. Tried to elaborate on this by including a couple of points from both sides of the Atlantic and putting things into ”North-Atlantic” perspective — because actually the problems are the same: bureaucrats and the executive alone taking over ALL BRANCHES of government (this is not the idea of Checks and Balances, neither in the U. S. nor in Germany which inherited its post-war constitution from the ”old” U. S. of Liberty). Another reason for me to point to Switzerland and Norway (non-EU countries stemming the tide of European totalitarianism in their very own ways within that little-known counter organization called EFTA

    • Whether or not Senate passes this bill has NOTHING to do with Obama. He either signs or vetos a bill AFTER it goes through Senate and House. While they can override his decision by a separate vote, Obama’s opinion on this bill is not taken into consideration during this due process.

      Furthermore, he has promised to veto it. It’s you Republican assholes that will jump on him for doing so.

      So actually YES, Obama IS the president that the average American needs AND WANTS.

      • What does history class have to do with checks and balances? It’s simple political science. It’s not history because it is a current system.

        BTW…this bill was snuck in the back door just like Obama did with his health care plan. I for one don’t agree with this and this is the biggest mistake the right has made all term.

        I just want a few things: For it to be mandatory to have all American traditions back and English be the only language. By traditions I mean, ”So help me god” ”One nation under god”…stand for the anthem….the pledge is sung in schools….etc. This is America, founded on beliefs that once made us great. Since we have strayed from them, we have become lost. Bring them back. If you don’t want to pay your respect and pledge your allegiance, then get out because you are ungrateful. If I said to my grandmother after she gave me a present for Christmas, ”This is great! But I don’t have to say thank you, it’s my right.” She would spank my ass all the way out the door. Of course I wouldn’t say that though, I know better and could never be that disrespectful to anyone.

        Also, unemployment needs to be lowered to 6 months and eventually to 3. Welfare recipients MUST take drug tests; the more frequent the better. And no amnesty for illegals UNTIL we get ourselves in check. We simply can’t afford to spend billions bringing them in when we are in this shape. They are also keeping millions out of jobs. We can bring them in when we aren’t bankrupt. Until then, sweep them out to give AMERICANS jobs. Those millions of jobs going to AMERICANS will begin to give billions in income tax that we aren’t getting from illegals.

        And I keep hearing, ”They take all of the jobs Americans don’t want to do.” Not true because once those jobs open up, job placement agencies will start filling them in with people on the unemployment lists. And if those people don’t want to do them, then tough shit. No more unemployment for you. You see how all of this adds up to billions and billions and soon to trillions.

        Enough with the catering. Time to start earning your stay folks.

  • In subtitle D sec 1032 it does clearly state that in the requirements for military custody are for those individuals that have been found to be planning, abetting, or actively involved with known terrorist activities or organizations can be detained until ”the end of the conflict” with the associated aforementioned groups. This clearly does not give a definite period of time for detaining these people. It also states that citizens and legal aliens are not covered under these rules or stipulations but are covered under already established laws and acts already set forth. So what then is set forth already to deal with us?? and if you are a citizen who is a sympathizer, then on which side of the law do you fall? You don’t automatically lose your citizenship, and who knows how long it would really take to be properly detained if you are involved with a ” conspiracy”? Most of this bill is a proposed budget for the military spending for the next fiscal year. Why then do you need clarification on proper procedures for detaining suspected terrorist activities? It looks like to me just another set up for the infamous red tape that the government can use to achieve what ever ends it feel justified in meting out to whomever they want whenever they want. If you want a budget, then do a budget. If you want to deal with terrorism, then do that. Don’t try and mix the two together as you will only end up giving the terrorists a way out in the long run to eventually come back at us again with even more of an agenda. 8)

    • Your knowledge is unbalanced. Read my reply to your comment about whether we are in the middle east for oil or not. You silly liberal hypocrite. Are you able to ever do anything besides complain? Or could you use some of that energy to propose a better solution? That is all I ever hear from anyone is complain complain criticize criticize. Am I saying your criticism is unjust? No. But I am tired of the whining. Lets hear proposals. But again, you and the others that bitch about us being there for oil. If you really feel it’s wrong then here is how you can protest it. Stop driving, stop using the water that comes out of your sink that was made clean by the plant running on oil, stop using any product made with plastics because they are made with oil, stop using electricity because the machines making it run on oil, stop buying the food at your local grocery store that was shipped on a truck using oil and also packaged in a factory with machines using oil, again with plastics; throw away your cell phone and tv and stereo and iPod and iPad, don’t sit on any of your fabric furniture because that was made by machines on oil (even the stitching done by electric sewing machines that got their electricity from oil, unless if your wooden furniture was carved by hand then throw it away, make sure even that carved furniture was made with wood that was cut down with a saw that was made by hand and not a chainsaw….that saw must have been forged by hand and sharpened by hand. Your entire life will be over without oil

      You don’t like the US being in the middle east for oil….whether we are or aren’t doesn’t matter. What does matter is how big of a hypocrite you are. Refuse to use any product made with or by a machine that uses oil if you are so moral. Otherwise shut up with that BS argument that we are only in the middle east for oil. Forgetting that their radical beliefs cut off journalists heads and flew airplanes into buildings. Watch the movie ”The Kingdom” with Jamie Fox. That type of shit was real ever before 9/11. I have a friend who was a dentist for one of the American oil companies. The oil workers worked and lived in small towns that were fenced and guarded 24/7. He worked as the towns dentist and loved it every day. He said he would wake up, ride his bike down the road to his clinic and only have to work until 3. Once his twin daughters were born, Islamic radicals started sending decapitated heads to the gate with threatening video tapes. It got to the point where he lined the floors of his attic with bullet proof vests and stashed water and food. Then he decided it wasn’t worth it anymore and left. But I guess killing in the name of god isn’t just something stupid people did in history. Even today, the ”all loving Allah” will reward murder and suicide. Good stuff….. Oh yea, Fuck the US and it’s war on oil. says, DW (Dark Wing Duck)

      • If you think that the US is in the Middle East for the oil you are very much mistaken, and you need to get your head out of your ass. Most American need to actually. Shut your TV and try to find some information. This is why you have the internet….
        I’ll give you candy if you find any info.

        • I hope you weren’t referring to me about thinking we are there for oil.

          I said that is not true. But even if it was….I told them to try living life without it while they complain about us being there for oil. They wouldn’t live.

          But I KNOW we aren’t there for it. Many people forget when a group of people flew airplanes into buildings and killed thousands of people. Remember the news showing neighborhoods across the country with American flags raised in every yard? America had never been closer.

          Then when Bush made his speech, ”On my orders, American forces have begun strikes on the Taliban Regime…..” The US was cheering for days, except for a small group of hippie liberals strung out on weed and LSD who complain about everything the government does. Then a year later, like every American is good for, people got tired of it. America has no dedication anymore. Not for anything. If someone doesn’t like their job, they’ll just quit and go collect unemployment. So now people are just tired of the war. What did they think? It would take a couple weeks?

          Our country is doomed

  • I’m an American who is sad that we have problems like this. We should be better but our people and out government fight over everything. I have no idea how we can fix this. It seems as though this may be the best that it can get. Out representatives don’t represent us, and there are no good alternatives to the same phony canidates. Something needs to shake us from this cycle.

  • WILL USA SURVIVE?The folks who are getting the free stuff, don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

    The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

    Now… The people who are forcing the people to pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

    So… The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

    We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

    Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

    The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 235 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that In 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.

    A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

    I’M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!

    Let’s take a stand!!!
    Obama: Gone!
    Borders: Closed!
    Language: English only
    Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
    Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
    NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!

    We the people are coming
    Only 86% will send this on. Should be 100%. What will you do?
    ”The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money”. — Margaret Thatcher

  • that’s exactly my point dumb ass, drop the patriotism and wake up. People all around the world suffer because of American policies. I don’t only blame America, I blame all of the countries that plunder other peoples resources and kill for gold. The reason America is the wealthiest country in the world is because of the vast amounts of resources they legally steal from other countries. Most of these terrorist groups and dictators that the US is chasing after were put in power by the US. The CIA trained paramilitaries throughout South and Central America to protect their interests and topple self sustaining socialist governments. Why does the U.S need to intervene in foreign civil conflicts? Protecting Interests, Not the safety of the people. Did you know that during World War 2, Nazis were buying the fuel they used for their fighter planes directly from Americans? Ive said enough im not hear to heckle anybody about their nationality. But your government is not working in your interests or the interests of people around the world. check these out


    • Ok you really need to stop posting here and get back to your own problems. You have just proven how ignorant you are and how you will make up anything to try and bash the US. We don’t care about you!

      But just to explain why you are dumb:
      How does America steal vast amount of resources that other countries are more than happy to sell to us. Set the oil aside for a second. Yes, the oil we are still paying for by the barrel.

      America’s biggest weakness is how we import EVERYTHING. Countries across the world are stimulated dramatically by Americas purchase of their resources. Name a country we just up and walked in and took all of their resources. I’m not even going to argue about oil because that is a totally different argument and we didn’t just walk in and take it. We are still paying a shit load for it.

      America has been involved in many conflicts. Some just and others unjust. Unlike pussy Europe who couldn’t save itself from an army of 5 year old ballerinas. America refused to enter into WWII and it wasn’t until all countries of Europe crumbled to ONE dictator, that we HAD to step in. Otherwise, we were his next stop and by that point he would have been coming full steam. So you can thank us for that.

      The last 2 desert wars we fought in were justified. Kuwait is a funded ally of the US. Sadam invaded their country and began burning THEIR only means of exportation. Without THEIR oil, THEY would be nothing and WE would be nothing. It was a lose-lose. Our hand was forced. Sadam was told not to do it and he did anyway so we came and kicked his arse. We saved ourselves from some serious trouble and Kuwait from being controlled by a madman who would have caused them to go broke after he took their livelihood.

      And how about where we are now. Back in the 80’s Sadam used chemical weapons on his OWN people. Then when we wanted to send inspectors to prove he didn’t have any more, he refused. What were we supposed to think? And one regular morning turned into horror as men supported by Sadam hijacked airplanes and flew them into the sides of some big buildings. Thousands died. You know, the same Osama Bin Laden that years earlier tried to blow up the same buildings with a car bomb. What were we going to do, let him try again? Bush (even though he sucked as a president) played it cool and gave Sadam plenty of time to hand over Bin Laden. He refused to cooperate. We took out the dictator and FINALY, it took too long, took out the mad man Bin Laden. However, no one foresaw the Taliban becoming a guerrilla force that would fight like cowards and jeopardize the whole rebuilding process. They won’t even fight, they just place bombs and run away. Many pretend to be civilians and those who actually are civilians are threatened by them every day. Do you know what would happen if we just walked out of there right now? It would be worse than ever before. The Taliban would punish everyone who they knew had helped or even smiled at NATO forces.

      Now we have Pakistan who basically harbored Bin Laden for who knows how long. They just announced they will fire at any NATO forces conducting operations over their borders. You know, the same borders that NATO forces watch Taliban cross back and forth over on a regular basis.

      So, ”lay low” please refute every one of those reasons we went to war and tell me how you would have solved our problem. Because you are a world leader of a world power, you know what we should have done. So please tell me how a coward Euro would have done things. Given them some cheese and wine?

  • I also feel sad as a Dutch citizen for your country and what it once stood for. I also feel disappointment towards your fellow man, because all of this has been caused by US-citizens. Instead of working together as a singular species towards a unified common goal, you have instead become a virus unto your own people and our planet. You are destroying everything that stands in your path – even if that ”something” happens to be yourselves. And indeed, a nation of sheep have created a government of wolves.
    We (in Europe) also have countries where the Lie Reigns, especially the eastern-Europe countries and we in The Netherlands have to be aware of the dangers of it, but all nations, most of the time, have the governments they asked for, so deserve. Tell me, what country chose a former filmstar as a governor. This would go beyond my sense of self-respect, if I were an American.
    And let’s be honest: It is the people of the US that created their own unscrupulous government. A nation, that is used to have their lawn mowed, their driveway kept snow free, and their houses kept clean by cheap Mexican men and women. 99 % of the Dutch even’t have a driveway, we keep our homes clean by doing it ourselves. Seems to me a bit like a spoiled and extravagant nation. Is there any country in the world that buys so much cheap Chinese junk around Christmas time? Apart from the fact, that they have forgotten the real essence of Christmas.

    • @Jonathan: if you watched Europe a bit more closely, you’d discover that even ”Western” EEC member states are drifting toward both (1) socialism and (2) totalitarianism. Look at (1) Germany governed by a socialist-educated, Russian-but not-English-speaking housewife from the East, look at Sweden’s repeated violations of human rights (i e Homeschooling, guaranteed in the ECHR and in the UN Charter), the blocking of ”anti-Swedish” action in the ECHR court by one particularly corrupt court official & more. Also note that (2) the ENTIRE ”European Union” is an executive-only event with national Parliaments constantly left redundant and with no real parliament of its own.

      Also realise that it was Slovakia (in the East, of all places) trying to stop the EFSF and that Estonia and are having favourable VAT regimes toward precious Metals. That said, it turns out that EFTA members Switzerland and Norway even provide tax-free gold and silver http://goldsilver.ecopen.com/ and also are some of the last places for Liberty on this continent or the entire North Atlantic corner of the world…

      No, we should as well feel sorry for ourselves, aggravated of course by the fact that ”The America” as we knew it, the land of Liberty, due process, limited constitutional government is gone. The Obama administration finalised transforming that country from a bastion of freedom to a place of authorities increasingly terrorising its citizens. That ”former movie star” President you referred to actually did a MUCH BETTER job for the old America of Liberty. Also note, that Iceland currently is run by a flight attendant and a lorry driver — not to mention proud Italy down there…

      For Chinese imports, wake up and realise that this has become Business as Usual everywhere, including Europe, including The Netherlands, Germany or France.

      You might also want to note that your fellow countryman Glen Beck of http://www.gbtv.com/ cares a lot about traditional values including Christmas and Thanksgiving in the U. S. and that there still are residual groups (Christians and conservative Jews) and not-so-religious Libertarians trying to stem those sadder developments: Ron Paul, Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Senators Jim deMint (SC), Rand Paul (KY), Mike Lee (NV) to name just a few. Add to this some of the true ENTREPRENEURIAL capitalists like Robert Kiyosaki, Ken Roberts, Peter Schiff, Donald Trump (as opposed to managerial capitalism of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Nazi-Germany, Socialist Sweden or today’s Enron and Monsanto-Mafia in the U. S.) and you will see that a more differentiated approach will get us a lot further than just a simplistic America vs the ”good countries” opinion.

    • Can I come live down there too and start shooting anyone I see hopping the border? That is the last surviving state. We need to fence it in and all earning tax payers move there. The rest of the country can ban guns, give as much unemployment and welfare as they want. Socialize the health care system all you want and legalize all the weed you want. I promise the top 40% of us could give up our jobs, trade positions with people in the bottom 50% (only if they reside in Texas though because that is our new country) and we could make more money than before. All because we will have a flourishing economy while everyone else is recklessly spending and hardly working.

      All kidding aside. I seriously see this country in another civil war. The top 50% will move east and the bottom 50% move west. There is more than just ”no jobs” that attributes to their lower income….A LOT MORE

  • Despite what this new bill states, or doesn’t state; or how we choose to interpret it, one thing is true and has been true for the longest time regarding us (US citizens) and our beloved Government: We actually ARE loosing our constitutional rights as Americans.

    It does not matter to me if you choose to believe this, or if you choose not to believe this. I really do not care what your thoughts or opinions are. Truth is truth no matter how much you try to lie about it, cover it up, or sugar coat things. This country is heading straight for a major disaster by those people who we have put into power to do right by us. Greed, power and money are what truly runs all those facets that go on behind that proverbial ”curtain”, and it’s happening will all the world Governments. Not just our own. Some Governments just choose to display their desire for power and control openly (N. Korea, Iran, China, Etc..).

    I feel sad for this country and what it once stood for. I feel disappointment towards my fellow man (not all, but most) because all of this has been caused by us. Instead of working together as a singular species towards a unified common goal, we have instead become a virus unto our own people and planet. We are destroying everything that stands in our path – even if that ”something” happens to be ourselves…

    Probably the worst part however – the very thing that makes me laugh and nauseous, both at the same time – is how an entire species, ”Humanity” (all of us ”humans”)… How we seem to have lost just that… Our HUMANITY.

    • You are absolutely right. The problem with big governments is us citizens lose out freedoms. But here’s the problem. The reason why the government is controlling everything is because of all of the different little minority groups that want EVERYTHING. Obama was voted into office for 2 reasons. 1. because he was black so 99% of black Americans voted for him….great start 2. because he promised many hand outs and also said, ”I will have all troops out of the middle east within 12 months of my inauguration.” What happened a year later? He sent a surge into Afghanistan. Bush sent a ”surge” to Iraq and Obama followed right in his footsteps. I honestly feel like the only reason Obama has any followers left is because of his race. ”He can’t be bad, hes black. Only white people are racist, selfish and corrupt.”

      So now we have people wanting to build Mosques near the 9/11 site…sure. Lengthen the unemployment benefits….sure. Allow millions of illegals who are already receiving under the table wages, thus stealing BILLIONS in income taxes from the US, to have amnesty….sure. Start a socialized health care program….sure. Now the government can tell me where and who I need to see as a doctor. This only benefits the people who aren’t working and receiving, or paying for, their health insurance. I pay for my dental insurance out of pocket. Health insurance isn’t much more. So all of these people want and want and take and take and the government is more than happy to feed them to get votes. It is also increasing their control. It is going to blow up in everyone’s face. Including the hardworking tax payers who have disagreed with every one of these situations. I never voted for Obama in the first run and won’t do so for the second. I KNEW he was going to fuck us up so bad. It honestly scared me how many people were drawn into his BS. Our country is in BAD BAD shape. And those of us who make a living without a free check are hurting the most. Because we have run dry, now the non workers have run dry….and of course NOW it’s a problem. The government is happy though because they have more control than they did 3 years ago.

      Thank you to everyone who wanted money for yourselves and didn’t care whose pockets it came from. All while empowering the government to put them in a situation like this that will only triple within a couple of years. There is a reason some work hard and earn money and others protest while earning minimum wage or government checks. We will collapse soon and have to rebuild. Rebuild back into America decades ago where all of those ”racist white men” who didn’t give handouts to ANYONE had the country prospering.

  • I love how everyone thinks this site is real. I’m so glad I’m not a moron like all of you and can laugh at this. Tons of bogus sites driving all the retards crazy. I love it.

  • If anyone on the side of the author could please post specific parts of this bill that will in any way infringe upon the rights of American citizens that would be very constructive to forming a legitimate debate. Until then, NUU UHHH POOPY HEADS!

  • No way! How could they do this to America?! I thought this was suppose to be the land of Freedom without war! I think the government’s trying to turn this into a Land of No Freedom at all!

  • Ok, doing this to American citizens is completely different from doing it to foreigners, and I’m sorry if I sound xenophobic saying it. But quite frankly, America is better than every other country in the world (Although, if shit like this, and the Health Care bill, and our slow slide in to socialism/authoritative communism continues, we won’t be for long).

    The following is for all the commenters making snide comments about America:

    I’m really sorry if your little bitch country is super patriotic, but the long and short of it is we have the capability to turn your little bitch country in to glass.
    And I’m really sorry that the international community thinks that they’re the shit, but America holds together the UN, and NATO, and several of the other defense treaties. Your economies completely depend on ours. If we withdrew from the world, militarily and politically, and especially economically, IT WOULD BE REALLY, REALLY BAD FOR YOU, DUMBASS!
    In summation, you tell us not to be ”World Police,” yet you are the first people you run crying and bitching to when you need a cop. So, sit there all snug and cozy in your little blanket of Blame-the-US-first warmth. I don’t give a shit. But I want you to think about what happens when America finally gets sick of your crap and we actually withdraw from everywhere.

    • Are you saying shut up because your president (who you voted for stricly because of his race) and his goons, who give you all of your welfare, are being criticised?

      Go pump out more babies to get more money. And then when something doesn’t go your way, just pull the race card. It doesn’t matter if you take money from someone else’s pocket, it’s all about you.

      Those ”racist white men” who ran America decades ago without this type of public had our country prospering. Now it’s all about the minorities and look where we are. We were the richest country in the world and now we are poor.

      Does this not compute with any of you? There is no arguing it. You can’t even say I am ignorant for saying it. IT’S THE TRUTH. Thank you all for ruining this country, my home.

  • For those of you posting against Americans….Obama IS NOT what the average American wants…..the liberals and idiots of America have chosen him, and he is likely to be re-elected because of the minorities wanting HAND OUTS, NOT A HAND UP… this is NOT who we are…the media and George Soros backing this is the DOWNFALL of America. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover…real Americans are doing their best to keep things on track – despite our government, which DOES NOT reflect the PEOPLE.

    •Number of States won by: Obama:19 McCain: 29•Square miles of land won by: Obama:580,000 McCain: 2,427,000•Population of counties won by: Obama:127million McCain: 143 million•Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1Professor Olson adds: ”In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

    • You have the best post on here. I agree with you 100%. It is now ok to not stand for the National Anthem, the pledge of allegiance has left our schools and if you want more money you don’t have to work harder; you just protest. America is a shit storm all because of the minority groups that called white men racist for the last couple of decades. So we eventually gave them more power than we ever had and look what has happened. Millions of illegals are receiving under the table wages and stealing BILLIONS in income taxes from the US. And now they want amnesty? I don’t want to give them shit. Do it right or get the F out. Imagine what a country like Russia or Korea would do with a problem like this. These people would be locked away for years and never heard from.

      Now the Occupy protests have started. Why? Because all of us earning taxpayers have run dry lining these peoples pockets with free checks and therefore they are running dry. NOW it’s a problem. They take and take and take and never care who it comes from. The top 1% of America pays 35% of our nations income taxes. The bottom 50% pays only 2%. Decades ago America was a happy, friendly, prosperous place. Remember when we were called the Melting Pot? Now it is the, everyone for yourselves pot. If you are NOT white then claim race and get everything you can. Back when those, ”Rich Racist White Men” were running America decades ago, handouts were extremely limited and people worked hard; America prospered.

      All you have to do now is be a minority and get a job someone else is more qualified for but is white, or apply to a college program where the average white male needs a 3.7 GPA to get in and you only have to have a 3.2….Ohio State Dental school fits the bill.

      So don’t work hard, money is free. And don’t be white, you’re racist and disadvantaged. ……I’ll be prepared when the country collapses and I will say, ”I saw this coming years ago.” I won’t go down with it, however. I’m sure of that.

    • Uh, Obama is EXACTLY what the average American wants. Someone who cares about America. We’re tired of the war mongering republicans. Its time to fix HOME.

      • Adam are you serious? Do you even pay attention to anything that happens in America?

        What was Obama’s famous campaign speech? Oh that’s right, ”I will have ALL TROOP withdrawn from the middle east within 12 months of my inauguration.”

        What happened the following year? He followed Bush’s surge into Iraq and sent a surge into Afghanistan. Now tell me if I am wrong but I thought a surge is the exact opposite of withdraw. Silly me, I must be mistaken So the only war mongerer I see is Obama who is only 3 years late on his promise.

        We don’t even need to get started on his socialist health care plan or how he would rather sell out his country to win votes. Oh you mean I can spend BILLIONS of dollars giving amnesty to illegals who are already stealing BILLIONS in under the table, non taxable income? Sure, why not. I mean it’s the ”moral” thing to do, right? So now we can be just as poor as them. Without giving ourselves the chance to recoup and then bring them into a better life. But hey, at least he will get to be president for another term….regardless of who he lies to and hurts.

        Adam, I personally thank you for ruining MY country. I’m sure you will vote for Obama again. The occupy BS and this Bill isn’t half of what will happen in his 2nd term. Just watch. And thanks to people like you, our fate is locked. Good work….bravo

    • @muse and at @true: It is totally TRUE that [muse] is right on, and I second this, too. Tried to elaborate on this by including a couple of points from both sides of the Atlantic and putting things into ”North-Atlantic” perspective — because actually the problems are the same: bureaucrats and the executive alone taking over ALL BRANCHES of government (this is not the idea of Checks and Balances, neither in the U. S. nor in Germany which inherited its post-war constitution from the ”old” U. S. of Liberty). Another reason for me to point to Switzerland and Norway (non-EU countries stemming the tide of European totalitarianism in their very own ways within that little-known counter organization called EFTA

    • Whether or not Senate passes this bill has NOTHING to do with Obama. He either signs or vetos a bill AFTER it goes through Senate and House. While they can override his decision by a separate vote, Obama’s opinion on this bill is not taken into consideration during this due process.

      Furthermore, he has promised to veto it. It’s you Republican assholes that will jump on him for doing so.

      So actually YES, Obama IS the president that the average American needs AND WANTS.

      • What does history class have to do with checks and balances? It’s simple political science. It’s not history because it is a current system.

        BTW…this bill was snuck in the back door just like Obama did with his health care plan. I for one don’t agree with this and this is the biggest mistake the right has made all term.

        I just want a few things: For it to be mandatory to have all American traditions back and English be the only language. By traditions I mean, ”So help me god” ”One nation under god”…stand for the anthem….the pledge is sung in schools….etc. This is America, founded on beliefs that once made us great. Since we have strayed from them, we have become lost. Bring them back. If you don’t want to pay your respect and pledge your allegiance, then get out because you are ungrateful. If I said to my grandmother after she gave me a present for Christmas, ”This is great! But I don’t have to say thank you, it’s my right.” She would spank my ass all the way out the door. Of course I wouldn’t say that though, I know better and could never be that disrespectful to anyone.

        Also, unemployment needs to be lowered to 6 months and eventually to 3. Welfare recipients MUST take drug tests; the more frequent the better. And no amnesty for illegals UNTIL we get ourselves in check. We simply can’t afford to spend billions bringing them in when we are in this shape. They are also keeping millions out of jobs. We can bring them in when we aren’t bankrupt. Until then, sweep them out to give AMERICANS jobs. Those millions of jobs going to AMERICANS will begin to give billions in income tax that we aren’t getting from illegals.

        And I keep hearing, ”They take all of the jobs Americans don’t want to do.” Not true because once those jobs open up, job placement agencies will start filling them in with people on the unemployment lists. And if those people don’t want to do them, then tough shit. No more unemployment for you. You see how all of this adds up to billions and billions and soon to trillions.

        Enough with the catering. Time to start earning your stay folks.

  • So i just read Title 10(X) Subtitle D ”Detainee Matters” and it seems to be rather inconsistant… i’m not very well read in law but it sounds to me like while it says one thing in a section and then later in that section it contradicts itself. Well i would like to hear different interpretations of this part of the law.

  • there is nothing in this bill that takes away the rights of the american citizen,read the bill,and if you had any kind of education this bill is very understandable,there is nothing at the end of it that says it takes away the rights of the u.s citizen,read pages from 359 through 390

  • maybe if you Americans didn’t fuck with every other country you wouldn’t have ”terrorists”. one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter. I don’t agree with the actions of many so called ”terrorists”. With the exception of 9-11 which was a horrific event none the less, American soil has never been attacked, Yet you can find American footprints in every country in the developing world. Think about it and ask yourself who the real terrorists are. I mean if what this page says is true, than your own government is now treating its loyal citizens like terrorists. The American military has always been a dictatorship, they arrange military coups, stage revolutions and are responsible for the deaths of millions of people around the world, simply for living life in a different manner, or because they are worried that the developing world would become to powerful with all of its resources. Mayb its time American citizens get a taste of what american does all around the world. WAKE UP CALL

    • I think you are just upset that your country sucks. It doesn’t matter which one, it sucks. The only country I have ever been to that I would love to live in is Japan. Yes, I have been to Mexico, Canada, Europe to include: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Holland, as well as Korea, Thailand, and finally Japan. Thailand is a hell of a place but I wouldn’t live there. I hate Europe. All you pussies do is bitch about America. Your lives are so worthless that you focus on ours every waking moment. I never envy you. And if you are from Canada, I’m not even going to start. Hey ”lay low” NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU!!!! Your shitty comments don’t bother anyone. It just further confirms my claim that foreigners are so meaningless that they focus on America 24/7. If it sucks so bad here, why is it the the #1 country to immigrate to? Why are YOUR countrymen coming here? Face it; you suck and are jealous. Yea America’s boots have been all over the world. We bailed out Europe’s weak nations and saved them from Nazism. Don’t forget that because we don’t. Half of your country probably wouldn’t exist today if it wasn’t for us. Hitler would have began to set up German families to occupy all of your countries and limited the procreation of the local nationals. Be thankful you butt plug. Now go back to your worthless life….

  • In subtitle D sec 1032 it does clearly state that in the requirements for military custody are for those individuals that have been found to be planning, abetting, or actively involved with known terrorist activities or organizations can be detained until ”the end of the conflict” with the associated aforementioned groups. This clearly does not give a definite period of time for detaining these people. It also states that citizens and legal aliens are not covered under these rules or stipulations but are covered under already established laws and acts already set forth. So what then is set forth already to deal with us?? and if you are a citizen who is a sympathizer, then on which side of the law do you fall? You don’t automatically lose your citizenship, and who knows how long it would really take to be properly detained if you are involved with a ” conspiracy”? Most of this bill is a proposed budget for the military spending for the next fiscal year. Why then do you need clarification on proper procedures for detaining suspected terrorist activities? It looks like to me just another set up for the infamous red tape that the government can use to achieve what ever ends it feel justified in meting out to whomever they want whenever they want. If you want a budget, then do a budget. If you want to deal with terrorism, then do that. Don’t try and mix the two together as you will only end up giving the terrorists a way out in the long run to eventually come back at us again with even more of an agenda. 8)

    • Your knowledge is unbalanced. Read my reply to your comment about whether we are in the middle east for oil or not. You silly liberal hypocrite. Are you able to ever do anything besides complain? Or could you use some of that energy to propose a better solution? That is all I ever hear from anyone is complain complain criticize criticize. Am I saying your criticism is unjust? No. But I am tired of the whining. Lets hear proposals. But again, you and the others that bitch about us being there for oil. If you really feel it’s wrong then here is how you can protest it. Stop driving, stop using the water that comes out of your sink that was made clean by the plant running on oil, stop using any product made with plastics because they are made with oil, stop using electricity because the machines making it run on oil, stop buying the food at your local grocery store that was shipped on a truck using oil and also packaged in a factory with machines using oil, again with plastics; throw away your cell phone and tv and stereo and iPod and iPad, don’t sit on any of your fabric furniture because that was made by machines on oil (even the stitching done by electric sewing machines that got their electricity from oil, unless if your wooden furniture was carved by hand then throw it away, make sure even that carved furniture was made with wood that was cut down with a saw that was made by hand and not a chainsaw….that saw must have been forged by hand and sharpened by hand. Your entire life will be over without oil

      You don’t like the US being in the middle east for oil….whether we are or aren’t doesn’t matter. What does matter is how big of a hypocrite you are. Refuse to use any product made with or by a machine that uses oil if you are so moral. Otherwise shut up with that BS argument that we are only in the middle east for oil. Forgetting that their radical beliefs cut off journalists heads and flew airplanes into buildings. Watch the movie ”The Kingdom” with Jamie Fox. That type of shit was real ever before 9/11. I have a friend who was a dentist for one of the American oil companies. The oil workers worked and lived in small towns that were fenced and guarded 24/7. He worked as the towns dentist and loved it every day. He said he would wake up, ride his bike down the road to his clinic and only have to work until 3. Once his twin daughters were born, Islamic radicals started sending decapitated heads to the gate with threatening video tapes. It got to the point where he lined the floors of his attic with bullet proof vests and stashed water and food. Then he decided it wasn’t worth it anymore and left. But I guess killing in the name of god isn’t just something stupid people did in history. Even today, the ”all loving Allah” will reward murder and suicide. Good stuff….. Oh yea, Fuck the US and it’s war on oil. says, DW (Dark Wing Duck)

      • If you think that the US is in the Middle East for the oil you are very much mistaken, and you need to get your head out of your ass. Most American need to actually. Shut your TV and try to find some information. This is why you have the internet….
        I’ll give you candy if you find any info.

        • I hope you weren’t referring to me about thinking we are there for oil.

          I said that is not true. But even if it was….I told them to try living life without it while they complain about us being there for oil. They wouldn’t live.

          But I KNOW we aren’t there for it. Many people forget when a group of people flew airplanes into buildings and killed thousands of people. Remember the news showing neighborhoods across the country with American flags raised in every yard? America had never been closer.

          Then when Bush made his speech, ”On my orders, American forces have begun strikes on the Taliban Regime…..” The US was cheering for days, except for a small group of hippie liberals strung out on weed and LSD who complain about everything the government does. Then a year later, like every American is good for, people got tired of it. America has no dedication anymore. Not for anything. If someone doesn’t like their job, they’ll just quit and go collect unemployment. So now people are just tired of the war. What did they think? It would take a couple weeks?

          Our country is doomed

  • I would love to go on for hours on the subject but what good would that do me. All i have to say is, this is America. There is no change. If anything the government is just opening up what they havnt been letting the public openly know. If anything this is probably a sign of a brighter future. I would love to go on on my lifes experiences. But those are gone and in my past. Just because there buckling down and taking control. Dosnt mean any of our rights have been taken away. nough said.

  • Yeahhh, I’m going to have to go with the people with actual sense. I, myself, have read the bill, have researched the hell out of this bill, and had it explained by a politician who, by the way, isn’t an evil man whatsoever, but actually went to school for.. you know, political science, amazingly! and there is NOTHING that says the rights of the US citizen will in any way be taken away. Before you write some conspiracy bullshit, go back to school, take an English class, and then come back.

    also, at ErinAnn: The library of Congress says otherwise:

    ”Latest Major Action: 12/1/2011 Passed/agreed to in Senate. Status: Passed Senate with amendments by Yea-Nay. 93 – 7. Record Vote Number: 218. ”

    • Dovakin, what does going back to school to take an English class have to do with understanding Political Science? Also, could you please list your sources. You said a politician explained the bill to you…as far as I’m concerned, he’s made-up. If you want people be find you credible, you should list sources so readers know they are reliable and unbiased (I learned this in College English by the way). Another useful tool would be to avoid attacking opposing views and just list facts, its a logical fallacy, Ad hominem to be exact. (Argument and Reasoning 101).


      • ”(Sec. 1032) Requires U.S. Armed Forces to hold in custody pending disposition a person who was a member or part of al Qaeda or an associated force and participated in planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners. Authorizes the Secretary to waive such requirement in the national security interest. Makes such requirement inapplicable to U.S. citizens or U.S. lawful resident aliens. Outlines implementation procedures.”

        Right in the goddamn bill.

  • Hey 14-year-old, Americans ARE currently in revolt. It’s called the OCCUPY movement. You are only 14, so it makes sense that you would be naive enough to think that there are no secret arrests, but, seriously, you’re old enough to see that Americans have been out in the streets for months now for a reason. I can only assume you’re being fed propaganda by mom & pop or school if you haven’t used your own intellect and noticed this.

  • You wrote that toward the end of the bill it essentially says it can apply to Americans ”if we want it to.”

    What section of Bill S.1867 has that language? People can’t/won’t believe this unless we can read it for ourselves. I’ve read through the bill and can’t find the language you’re talking about. However, I will concede that it could have been missed while I was wading through all the finance stuff.

  • WILL USA SURVIVE?The folks who are getting the free stuff, don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

    The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

    Now… The people who are forcing the people to pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

    So… The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

    We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

    Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

    The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 235 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that In 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.

    A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

    I’M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!

    Let’s take a stand!!!
    Obama: Gone!
    Borders: Closed!
    Language: English only
    Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
    Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
    NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!

    We the people are coming
    Only 86% will send this on. Should be 100%. What will you do?
    ”The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money”. — Margaret Thatcher

  • that’s exactly my point dumb ass, drop the patriotism and wake up. People all around the world suffer because of American policies. I don’t only blame America, I blame all of the countries that plunder other peoples resources and kill for gold. The reason America is the wealthiest country in the world is because of the vast amounts of resources they legally steal from other countries. Most of these terrorist groups and dictators that the US is chasing after were put in power by the US. The CIA trained paramilitaries throughout South and Central America to protect their interests and topple self sustaining socialist governments. Why does the U.S need to intervene in foreign civil conflicts? Protecting Interests, Not the safety of the people. Did you know that during World War 2, Nazis were buying the fuel they used for their fighter planes directly from Americans? Ive said enough im not hear to heckle anybody about their nationality. But your government is not working in your interests or the interests of people around the world. check these out


    • Ok you really need to stop posting here and get back to your own problems. You have just proven how ignorant you are and how you will make up anything to try and bash the US. We don’t care about you!

      But just to explain why you are dumb:
      How does America steal vast amount of resources that other countries are more than happy to sell to us. Set the oil aside for a second. Yes, the oil we are still paying for by the barrel.

      America’s biggest weakness is how we import EVERYTHING. Countries across the world are stimulated dramatically by Americas purchase of their resources. Name a country we just up and walked in and took all of their resources. I’m not even going to argue about oil because that is a totally different argument and we didn’t just walk in and take it. We are still paying a shit load for it.

      America has been involved in many conflicts. Some just and others unjust. Unlike pussy Europe who couldn’t save itself from an army of 5 year old ballerinas. America refused to enter into WWII and it wasn’t until all countries of Europe crumbled to ONE dictator, that we HAD to step in. Otherwise, we were his next stop and by that point he would have been coming full steam. So you can thank us for that.

      The last 2 desert wars we fought in were justified. Kuwait is a funded ally of the US. Sadam invaded their country and began burning THEIR only means of exportation. Without THEIR oil, THEY would be nothing and WE would be nothing. It was a lose-lose. Our hand was forced. Sadam was told not to do it and he did anyway so we came and kicked his arse. We saved ourselves from some serious trouble and Kuwait from being controlled by a madman who would have caused them to go broke after he took their livelihood.

      And how about where we are now. Back in the 80’s Sadam used chemical weapons on his OWN people. Then when we wanted to send inspectors to prove he didn’t have any more, he refused. What were we supposed to think? And one regular morning turned into horror as men supported by Sadam hijacked airplanes and flew them into the sides of some big buildings. Thousands died. You know, the same Osama Bin Laden that years earlier tried to blow up the same buildings with a car bomb. What were we going to do, let him try again? Bush (even though he sucked as a president) played it cool and gave Sadam plenty of time to hand over Bin Laden. He refused to cooperate. We took out the dictator and FINALY, it took too long, took out the mad man Bin Laden. However, no one foresaw the Taliban becoming a guerrilla force that would fight like cowards and jeopardize the whole rebuilding process. They won’t even fight, they just place bombs and run away. Many pretend to be civilians and those who actually are civilians are threatened by them every day. Do you know what would happen if we just walked out of there right now? It would be worse than ever before. The Taliban would punish everyone who they knew had helped or even smiled at NATO forces.

      Now we have Pakistan who basically harbored Bin Laden for who knows how long. They just announced they will fire at any NATO forces conducting operations over their borders. You know, the same borders that NATO forces watch Taliban cross back and forth over on a regular basis.

      So, ”lay low” please refute every one of those reasons we went to war and tell me how you would have solved our problem. Because you are a world leader of a world power, you know what we should have done. So please tell me how a coward Euro would have done things. Given them some cheese and wine?

  • This NEWSVOICE periodical is ran by misinformed idiots. People should not read these articles and take the information as gospel. The intent of the bill is not geared to hurt, injure, or kill Americans. Its an anti-terrorism bill. Come on America. Lets get the information from the source. Please. I’m a military man. We will ”NEVER” assasinate American citizens.

    • I would imagine there are some police officers who would ”NEVER” spray college students with mace, or ”NEVER” beat non violent protestors on the street, and ”NEVER” quiet the american people, whom they are sworn to protect, thus destroying their right to free expression and assembly.

      Whether this is crap or not, you can’t argue that some people are far more comfortable taking orders, no matter how tasteless and inhuman those orders will make them, than standing up for what’s right. It would be so, so easy for this country to become a police state (more so than it already is) because we are all so ignorant and complacent in our ways. We scare easily, and we don’t like to stand alone.

      • Oh please……I would have loved to have been at that demonstration and took a big poop on one of their heads. I know you listened to all of the hyped media coverage of that cop spraying the students but do you actually know the entire story? The day prior, an email was sent out to all students that explained they will NOT gather on school grounds and if they did, they would be forcibly removed by campus PD. And so, obviously, the next day they formed a group and the campus police responded. Once the PD showed up, the students encircled them while chanting. The police as you could see were bunched back to back and told the students to back away from them. They refused and those people sat down. With an angry group of people surrounding them, what were they to do? They honestly should have just started making arrests which wouldn’t have looked as bad as the mace. But either way it’s obvious that they were surrounded as at the end of the video, after the students were sprayed, the crowd starts chanting, ”We will let you leave! We will let you leave!” Do you find that a safe situation? The cops showed up and hundreds of people surrounded them and would not allow them to remove themselves from a potentially dangerous situation. Those whiny kids brought it on themselves and like all criminals I watch on TV just after I watched the camera film them throwing weed out of the window, ”This is a set up! That wasn’t mine!” It’s never anyone’s fault, is it…..

    • Actually, the point of this bill is to reauthorize the funding of the military, not ”anti-terrorism”. They should remove the language from this bill as it has nothing to do with the matter at hand (FUNDING), and roll it in to an anti-terrorism bill to see if it passes (it won’t). Putting it in this particular bill is underhanded because it HAS to pass in some form or another and you can call the people voting against it ”unamerican” or ”freedom haters”.

  • Hasn’t it really always been this way? Atleast it has seemed that way in my life, I’m about 25. The government can break it’s own laws then write new ones, or in this case pretend like they haven’t been breaking there own laws and write a new one. Enjoy the life that you have while you have it! I’m surprised us humans haven’t killed ourselves off already anyways to be honest.

  • (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    That’s all you need to know.

  • My favorite part of the”enraged” WIRED article is this paragraph ”It would be one thing if the military was clamoring for the authority to become the nation’s jailer. But to the contrary: Defense Secretary Leon Panetta opposes the maneuver. So does CIA Director David Petraeus, who usually commands deference from senators in both parties. Pretty much every security official has lined up against the Senate detention provisions, from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to FBI Director Robert Mueller, who worry that they’ll get in the way of FBI investigations of domestic terrorists. President Obama has promised to veto the bill.”

      • Trust me, the military is never in on any decisions like this. The commanders of each branch are obviously somewhat aware but even they are told what to and what not to do by the SedDef and those above. As far as the ENTIRE military itself, they never know shit until they’re told what to do. As far as I’m concerned, anything like this would cause MANY military members to go AWOL. Do you really think these people would start to take over America through force when their families are at home without their safety? Many members would feel this is an unlawful order and therefore would not abide by it. They would be most concerned for their families safety and that’s where they would be. Trust me, none of this type of shit is ever told to the military. They are just pawns on a chess board. Told what to do by all of the civilians VOTED into office.

  • I checked the pdf file (both of them) . Did not find the word ”battelground” or ”if we want to” or ”legitimate assassination”. I will assume the author was quoting senators, rather than the bill. If someone can find where exactly in the bill the languauge is located that the author of this article is talking about, please post.

  • I also can’t find anything to the contrary in any of the sections called to question. If you can, please share. I must say, this sounds like some misconstrued conspiracy bulls**t and it’s infuriating. To me, it’s rather bold to say the senate passed a bill that ”effectively ends the bill of rights”, but whatever.

  • Despite what this new bill states, or doesn’t state; or how we choose to interpret it, one thing is true and has been true for the longest time regarding us (US citizens) and our beloved Government: We actually ARE loosing our constitutional rights as Americans.

    It does not matter to me if you choose to believe this, or if you choose not to believe this. I really do not care what your thoughts or opinions are. Truth is truth no matter how much you try to lie about it, cover it up, or sugar coat things. This country is heading straight for a major disaster by those people who we have put into power to do right by us. Greed, power and money are what truly runs all those facets that go on behind that proverbial ”curtain”, and it’s happening will all the world Governments. Not just our own. Some Governments just choose to display their desire for power and control openly (N. Korea, Iran, China, Etc..).

    I feel sad for this country and what it once stood for. I feel disappointment towards my fellow man (not all, but most) because all of this has been caused by us. Instead of working together as a singular species towards a unified common goal, we have instead become a virus unto our own people and planet. We are destroying everything that stands in our path – even if that ”something” happens to be ourselves…

    Probably the worst part however – the very thing that makes me laugh and nauseous, both at the same time – is how an entire species, ”Humanity” (all of us ”humans”)… How we seem to have lost just that… Our HUMANITY.

    • You are absolutely right. The problem with big governments is us citizens lose out freedoms. But here’s the problem. The reason why the government is controlling everything is because of all of the different little minority groups that want EVERYTHING. Obama was voted into office for 2 reasons. 1. because he was black so 99% of black Americans voted for him….great start 2. because he promised many hand outs and also said, ”I will have all troops out of the middle east within 12 months of my inauguration.” What happened a year later? He sent a surge into Afghanistan. Bush sent a ”surge” to Iraq and Obama followed right in his footsteps. I honestly feel like the only reason Obama has any followers left is because of his race. ”He can’t be bad, hes black. Only white people are racist, selfish and corrupt.”

      So now we have people wanting to build Mosques near the 9/11 site…sure. Lengthen the unemployment benefits….sure. Allow millions of illegals who are already receiving under the table wages, thus stealing BILLIONS in income taxes from the US, to have amnesty….sure. Start a socialized health care program….sure. Now the government can tell me where and who I need to see as a doctor. This only benefits the people who aren’t working and receiving, or paying for, their health insurance. I pay for my dental insurance out of pocket. Health insurance isn’t much more. So all of these people want and want and take and take and the government is more than happy to feed them to get votes. It is also increasing their control. It is going to blow up in everyone’s face. Including the hardworking tax payers who have disagreed with every one of these situations. I never voted for Obama in the first run and won’t do so for the second. I KNEW he was going to fuck us up so bad. It honestly scared me how many people were drawn into his BS. Our country is in BAD BAD shape. And those of us who make a living without a free check are hurting the most. Because we have run dry, now the non workers have run dry….and of course NOW it’s a problem. The government is happy though because they have more control than they did 3 years ago.

      Thank you to everyone who wanted money for yourselves and didn’t care whose pockets it came from. All while empowering the government to put them in a situation like this that will only triple within a couple of years. There is a reason some work hard and earn money and others protest while earning minimum wage or government checks. We will collapse soon and have to rebuild. Rebuild back into America decades ago where all of those ”racist white men” who didn’t give handouts to ANYONE had the country prospering.

  • I want to know EXACTLY which part of the bill the author is referring to. I have been reading through the bill and I haven’t found anything in there yet that says anything remotely close to what the article is claiming. I have found parts of the bill that state things to the contrary >>

    ”(e) AUTHORITIES.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.

    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States”

    If anyone finds text to the contrary, please share.

    • The trick is the way things are worded. It makes you think it doesn’t apply to citizens, but read closer:

      Sec. 1031 (a): ”Congress affirms that the [existing] authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force … includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons”

      So, (e) saying that, ”Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities,” doesn’t really mean anything, since the section is just affirming an existing authority.

      Now read this: http://www.lawfareblog.com/2011/12/does-the-ndaa-authorize-detention-of-us-citizens

  • I love how everyone thinks this site is real. I’m so glad I’m not a moron like all of you and can laugh at this. Tons of bogus sites driving all the retards crazy. I love it.


    I’m generally left leaning.

    I read the bill.

    The sections in question are 1031 and 1032. It took me 45 minutes to rap my head around the density of it but in conclusion it seems that they go out of their way to state that this does not apply to US citizens.

    Does anyone else want to read this too and cite the specific line or lines that are contrary?

    You can find the bill on the Senates website or here is the link.

    • 1031-32 relate to detentions of persons ”covered” by allegations of helping al-Qaeda.
      Except for the non-judicial means of deciding who is ”covered”, everything sounds
      like it only formalizes most existing handling of ”terrorist detainees”.

      1607 is the part that threatens Posse Comitatus, by setting up authorities under which
      the military might operate within the States.

      In 2011 I noticed a trend of used military equipment being granted to municipal county and state
      law enforcement agencies. Armored carriers for SWAT teams etc… I’d like to find where that
      program is going in the next year.

  • The United States Government has declared war on ”The People”. Now the question is are you willing to fight for freedom and liberty? Are you willing to give up your life so that the ones after us can live long and prosper? Do you understand that your life is not as improtant as the well being of this country? IDK about you but I do. I am ready for the fight. Bring it on NWO.

  • If anyone on the side of the author could please post specific parts of this bill that will in any way infringe upon the rights of American citizens that would be very constructive to forming a legitimate debate. Until then, NUU UHHH POOPY HEADS!

  • The limitations under section 1032 only specify that it is not REQUIRED for a ”hostile” US Citizen to be detained by the military. In no way is the military actually being limited, and simply, according to the ideology behind section 1041, the military can detain ANYONE who is considered ”hostile” or who poses a threat to any property under the control of the Secretary of Defense. So basically, the entire effect of the middle pages of this bill is to open up countless loopholes and provide provisions for the military to essentially do whatever the heck they want — as long as it doesn’t contradict their rules of engagement. LOL. That’s military dictatorship at its finest.

    I disagree with the ”mostly likely” hypothesis speculated by ”Somebody who can read for himself”, who says that ”Custody would most likely be given to a civilian police force like the FBI, and they would be tried in a similar manner.” ’Custody’ is problematic even in section 1041.


    Simply, this is how writing bills should work: ORGANIZE THE BILLS STRICTLY BY A SINGLE SUBJECT (ie. all amendments to a specific law should be grouped into one bill) SO THERE IS TRANSPARENCY!!! More bills, more transparency. Logically separate each bill by topic so appropriate wording can be used and any loopholes can be covered through clear and thorough language so that all purposes for a specific bill can be clearly, legibly transparent.

    Right now, all I see is a mishandling of existing laws through superfluous restatements of what those laws should already be covering, which only serves to open up loopholes in the execution of such existing laws. Basically, all it does is open up loopholes for misrepresentation of existing laws. I don’t want loopholes in the US Constitution, so let’s not make this a habit. OK, Senate? Don’t shove the entire 925 pages of this anarchy down our throats. It’s like a public speaker being assaulted with 925 questions at once and expected to answer them all within 1 hour. Go **** off.

  • No way! How could they do this to America?! I thought this was suppose to be the land of Freedom without war! I think the government’s trying to turn this into a Land of No Freedom at all!

  • Ok, doing this to American citizens is completely different from doing it to foreigners, and I’m sorry if I sound xenophobic saying it. But quite frankly, America is better than every other country in the world (Although, if shit like this, and the Health Care bill, and our slow slide in to socialism/authoritative communism continues, we won’t be for long).

    The following is for all the commenters making snide comments about America:

    I’m really sorry if your little bitch country is super patriotic, but the long and short of it is we have the capability to turn your little bitch country in to glass.
    And I’m really sorry that the international community thinks that they’re the shit, but America holds together the UN, and NATO, and several of the other defense treaties. Your economies completely depend on ours. If we withdrew from the world, militarily and politically, and especially economically, IT WOULD BE REALLY, REALLY BAD FOR YOU, DUMBASS!
    In summation, you tell us not to be ”World Police,” yet you are the first people you run crying and bitching to when you need a cop. So, sit there all snug and cozy in your little blanket of Blame-the-US-first warmth. I don’t give a shit. But I want you to think about what happens when America finally gets sick of your crap and we actually withdraw from everywhere.

    • Are you saying shut up because your president (who you voted for stricly because of his race) and his goons, who give you all of your welfare, are being criticised?

      Go pump out more babies to get more money. And then when something doesn’t go your way, just pull the race card. It doesn’t matter if you take money from someone else’s pocket, it’s all about you.

      Those ”racist white men” who ran America decades ago without this type of public had our country prospering. Now it’s all about the minorities and look where we are. We were the richest country in the world and now we are poor.

      Does this not compute with any of you? There is no arguing it. You can’t even say I am ignorant for saying it. IT’S THE TRUTH. Thank you all for ruining this country, my home.

  • So i just read Title 10(X) Subtitle D ”Detainee Matters” and it seems to be rather inconsistant… i’m not very well read in law but it sounds to me like while it says one thing in a section and then later in that section it contradicts itself. Well i would like to hear different interpretations of this part of the law.

  • there is nothing in this bill that takes away the rights of the american citizen,read the bill,and if you had any kind of education this bill is very understandable,there is nothing at the end of it that says it takes away the rights of the u.s citizen,read pages from 359 through 390

  • FYI: don’t spread knowledge if you can’t deliver your message with speaking/typing properly. Etc. is etc, not ect.

    Secondly, if you don’t have a plan for the possibility of this country imploding, you shouldn’t be on here speaking your mind or trying to inform people. We’re on the brink of our own destruction. Don’t complain or preach about the problem. Find yourself a solution and spread that within your networks and encourage other citizens to educate themselves.

    I’ll be in Canada living in the woods before I’ll fight the U.S. militaries.

    • I have always slowly prepared for a situation like this. I was once down in Oklahoma (place sucks) for a short while. There was an ice storm that knocked out all power for 85 square miles that lasted 9 days. I’m talking no running water, no electricity at all, nowhere to get food because ATM’s were down and so were the grocery stores credit card machines. Many opened up for cash only transactions but change became limited and if you only had a $20 to pay for a case of water, you better get as much as you can because you weren’t getting change. Gas stations were out of service. I had to sleep in 2 pairs of sweats with 2 layers of thermals under 3 blankets. Changing in the morning was a bitch with no light and it was almost futile as I couldn’t even shower to get the stink off. After that I promised myself I would never be so vulnerable. I have grabbed Lanterns (gas and electric), medical supplies, freeze dried food, a Kelly Kettle (check them out!) which allows me to boil water and make it potable, and of course a way to defend my family. Hurricane Katrina showed us that even a natural disaster can bring about a deadly situation between neighbors. I wouldn’t allow my family and I to be looted, killed, or worse. But I do have one email I received to share with you below….The SHTF needs to happen in order for America to rebuild into the great nation it once was. We have ruined ourselves from the inside out and we must purge of the parasites that suck the life out of our country. Those of us that have been here for generations, paying our taxes and stimulating the economy have run dry. We can no longer pay all of these unemployment/welfare bills for others to get free money. Sure they don’t get a lot. But the fact that America has taught people that they don’t even have to work to make money is a sad thing. It has been exploited and now needs to be resolved. No more open doors, close the borders. No more free money, shut it down. I would love to provide for all of Mexico but reality knows we can’t. There are Millions of them here and they are all working under the table jobs. That means our country is losing out of BILLIONS in income taxes. They also put more AMERICANS into unemployment. And if those Americans don’t like the jobs, too bad. Either work and get paid or don’t and sit at home broke. If a job is available, no unemployment.
      WILL USA SURVIVE?The folks who are getting the free stuff, don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

      The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

      Now… The people who are forcing the people to pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

      So… The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

      We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

      Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

      The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 235 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that In 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.

      A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

      I’M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!

      Let’s take a stand!!!
      Obama: Gone!
      Borders: Closed!
      Language: English only
      Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
      Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
      NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!

      We the people are coming
      Only 86% will send this on. Should be 100%. What will you do?
      ”The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money”. — Margaret Thatcher

  • I love that so many of the people crying about this on here, can’t spell. I hope the military targets you first. Nwo is on its way. Sucks to be you guys.

    • Wow, your comment as a fellow free-mason you put shame upon us. If the NWO strikes and falls like they have all in the past. Maybe just for fun I come after you first – as a symbolic message Et tu, Brute. You sir should be very careful to whom you taunt. You must be an apprentice

    • do yuo mean ”Try it” as in… watch them try to control everyone? I ask because every single time I goto the states it feels so military controlled… police watching everything… It’s just such an odddd feeling.

      I can only imagine with this bill in place… yikes

  • gosh, you guys are a bunch of douches. america this. america that. america will not collapse & if we ever did. we’ll go right back to where we started & the economy will pick up again. corporate banks have always been ruling a piece of this country & i bet you anything all of you have bank accounts!!! ridiculous. just shut up. seriously. the negativity you guys bring is only making it worse so how about you guys change your stupid little attitudes around & actually do something to help our economy instead of loathing & complaining on your macbooks & pc’s that gosh forbid capitalism has done nothing for you! geesh man. gosh no wonder half of the world hates us. theres no other country i rather be & i love my country & i have FAITH in my fucking country like the founding fathers did.

  • I just wanna say that if this becomes true and the government does do all that stuff people will revolt. It’s plain and simple. They will only take so much untill they stand up and fight for their freedoms just like us Americans have had to in the past. Plus I bet this law is being influenced by all the old senators who feel that our younger generation may be doing harm to its country. If that’s true we only need to wait till they all die off. I’m 28 years old right now. I know it’s the generation of my grandparents and parents whos vote mostly count, but give us like 20-40 years or so and the whole government and society will totally change into what my generation has in store. And then another generation after us would have the ability to makes changes. I call it clashing of the generations. It’s happened in the early 1990s with the freedoms of slaves. I have been able to see it with people getting less conservative over time and as we progress as a species, we will see it again. So regardless if this law passes, we the people will always have the power to over throw anything. Especially our own government. I personally don’t think it will ever get to that point tho. We have fought so hard forgo be where we are that.

  • maybe if you Americans didn’t fuck with every other country you wouldn’t have ”terrorists”. one persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter. I don’t agree with the actions of many so called ”terrorists”. With the exception of 9-11 which was a horrific event none the less, American soil has never been attacked, Yet you can find American footprints in every country in the developing world. Think about it and ask yourself who the real terrorists are. I mean if what this page says is true, than your own government is now treating its loyal citizens like terrorists. The American military has always been a dictatorship, they arrange military coups, stage revolutions and are responsible for the deaths of millions of people around the world, simply for living life in a different manner, or because they are worried that the developing world would become to powerful with all of its resources. Mayb its time American citizens get a taste of what american does all around the world. WAKE UP CALL

    • I think you are just upset that your country sucks. It doesn’t matter which one, it sucks. The only country I have ever been to that I would love to live in is Japan. Yes, I have been to Mexico, Canada, Europe to include: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Holland, as well as Korea, Thailand, and finally Japan. Thailand is a hell of a place but I wouldn’t live there. I hate Europe. All you pussies do is bitch about America. Your lives are so worthless that you focus on ours every waking moment. I never envy you. And if you are from Canada, I’m not even going to start. Hey ”lay low” NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU!!!! Your shitty comments don’t bother anyone. It just further confirms my claim that foreigners are so meaningless that they focus on America 24/7. If it sucks so bad here, why is it the the #1 country to immigrate to? Why are YOUR countrymen coming here? Face it; you suck and are jealous. Yea America’s boots have been all over the world. We bailed out Europe’s weak nations and saved them from Nazism. Don’t forget that because we don’t. Half of your country probably wouldn’t exist today if it wasn’t for us. Hitler would have began to set up German families to occupy all of your countries and limited the procreation of the local nationals. Be thankful you butt plug. Now go back to your worthless life….

  • i don’t mean to add to the confusion of these comments, but something should be said. There are government revolts, many are not for the better, but many are geared and ready to kill. If they were organized they could in theory, defeat a larger organization, say, the US government. Now to say this bill solely does one thing or another is false. as to say that with most bills. Now from the few pages i read, what i understand is that it does essentially build navel and army supplies up (in laymens words, sense i know no other) but it can along with that, as a sort of tag along, do what the article says. now i build this theory on an act that was passed during WW2 which helped supply troops overseas with this that and other essential things that US soldiers need over seas that will always be needed over seas. but along with that was a tag along that built a ”sheep breeding” organization to supply america at large with a constant supply of good wool. Sense that is no longer a need, and sense its a very costly program it would make sense to get rid of it. but sense its part of a larger program at work, we can’t. now i read this in a news paper, so i cant post the link, but as soon as i do, i will.

  • I’d be more inclined to take someone’s post seriously if they know the difference between ’Then’ and ’Than’, ’Would’ and ’Wood’, ’Their’ and ’There’, ’Allude and ’Elude’, ’Here’ and ’Hear’, ’Bear, Bare and Beer (swallow your tongue and roll eye’s back at this point).
    And then there’s (not their’s) ’Prolly’. A sub for probably or just a typo?

  • Seriously Jeff Has it right.

    READ THE BILL FOR YOURSELF! Stop speculating like idiot children.

    Specifically, Section 1031 subsection E

    ”(e) Authorities- Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.”

    AND Section 1032 Subsection B


    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.”

  • Every worthwhile truth-exposing documentary gets this kind of attack.
    Many are paid by the powers that be to sit at computer banks, troll the Internet for anything that undermines the Agenda, and then create bogus disinformation to try to discredit it.
    You will notice it is rarely substantive at all, it still servers to scare off a few faint-hearted folks. It comes with the territory and the truth will prevail.
    Be strong and go with your gut.

  • I would love to go on for hours on the subject but what good would that do me. All i have to say is, this is America. There is no change. If anything the government is just opening up what they havnt been letting the public openly know. If anything this is probably a sign of a brighter future. I would love to go on on my lifes experiences. But those are gone and in my past. Just because there buckling down and taking control. Dosnt mean any of our rights have been taken away. nough said.

  • Yeahhh, I’m going to have to go with the people with actual sense. I, myself, have read the bill, have researched the hell out of this bill, and had it explained by a politician who, by the way, isn’t an evil man whatsoever, but actually went to school for.. you know, political science, amazingly! and there is NOTHING that says the rights of the US citizen will in any way be taken away. Before you write some conspiracy bullshit, go back to school, take an English class, and then come back.

    also, at ErinAnn: The library of Congress says otherwise:

    ”Latest Major Action: 12/1/2011 Passed/agreed to in Senate. Status: Passed Senate with amendments by Yea-Nay. 93 – 7. Record Vote Number: 218. ”

    • Dovakin, what does going back to school to take an English class have to do with understanding Political Science? Also, could you please list your sources. You said a politician explained the bill to you…as far as I’m concerned, he’s made-up. If you want people be find you credible, you should list sources so readers know they are reliable and unbiased (I learned this in College English by the way). Another useful tool would be to avoid attacking opposing views and just list facts, its a logical fallacy, Ad hominem to be exact. (Argument and Reasoning 101).


      • ”(Sec. 1032) Requires U.S. Armed Forces to hold in custody pending disposition a person who was a member or part of al Qaeda or an associated force and participated in planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners. Authorizes the Secretary to waive such requirement in the national security interest. Makes such requirement inapplicable to U.S. citizens or U.S. lawful resident aliens. Outlines implementation procedures.”

        Right in the goddamn bill.

  • Hey 14-year-old, Americans ARE currently in revolt. It’s called the OCCUPY movement. You are only 14, so it makes sense that you would be naive enough to think that there are no secret arrests, but, seriously, you’re old enough to see that Americans have been out in the streets for months now for a reason. I can only assume you’re being fed propaganda by mom & pop or school if you haven’t used your own intellect and noticed this.

  • You wrote that toward the end of the bill it essentially says it can apply to Americans ”if we want it to.”

    What section of Bill S.1867 has that language? People can’t/won’t believe this unless we can read it for ourselves. I’ve read through the bill and can’t find the language you’re talking about. However, I will concede that it could have been missed while I was wading through all the finance stuff.

  • My God people. I don’t get it; ”Oh this story is bullshit cause this guy blah blah blah” ”Oh wait, this story might be true cause blah blah blah”. Fucking read!


    (a) In General- Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.

    (b) Covered Persons- A covered person under this section is any person as follows:

    (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.

    (2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.

    (c) Disposition Under Law of War- The disposition of a person under the law of war as described in subsection (a) may include the following:

    (1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

    (2) Trial under chapter 47A of title 10, United States Code (as amended by the Military Commissions Act of 2009 (title XVIII of Public Law 111-84)).

    (3) Transfer for trial by an alternative court or competent tribunal having lawful jurisdiction.

    (4) Transfer to the custody or control of the person’s country of origin, any other foreign country, or any other foreign entity.

    (d) Construction- Nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

    (e) Authorities- Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.

    (f) Requirement for Briefings of Congress- The Secretary of Defense shall regularly brief Congress regarding the application of the authority described in this section, including the organizations, entities, and individuals considered to be `covered persons’ for purposes of subsection (b)(2).

  • Mr. Adams, please link the title, paragraph, section, and sub-paragraph where you find basis for this allegation. I’m not discrediting your article, I would just like to view the evidence for myself. Thank you!

  • This NEWSVOICE periodical is ran by misinformed idiots. People should not read these articles and take the information as gospel. The intent of the bill is not geared to hurt, injure, or kill Americans. Its an anti-terrorism bill. Come on America. Lets get the information from the source. Please. I’m a military man. We will ”NEVER” assasinate American citizens.

    • I would imagine there are some police officers who would ”NEVER” spray college students with mace, or ”NEVER” beat non violent protestors on the street, and ”NEVER” quiet the american people, whom they are sworn to protect, thus destroying their right to free expression and assembly.

      Whether this is crap or not, you can’t argue that some people are far more comfortable taking orders, no matter how tasteless and inhuman those orders will make them, than standing up for what’s right. It would be so, so easy for this country to become a police state (more so than it already is) because we are all so ignorant and complacent in our ways. We scare easily, and we don’t like to stand alone.

      • Oh please……I would have loved to have been at that demonstration and took a big poop on one of their heads. I know you listened to all of the hyped media coverage of that cop spraying the students but do you actually know the entire story? The day prior, an email was sent out to all students that explained they will NOT gather on school grounds and if they did, they would be forcibly removed by campus PD. And so, obviously, the next day they formed a group and the campus police responded. Once the PD showed up, the students encircled them while chanting. The police as you could see were bunched back to back and told the students to back away from them. They refused and those people sat down. With an angry group of people surrounding them, what were they to do? They honestly should have just started making arrests which wouldn’t have looked as bad as the mace. But either way it’s obvious that they were surrounded as at the end of the video, after the students were sprayed, the crowd starts chanting, ”We will let you leave! We will let you leave!” Do you find that a safe situation? The cops showed up and hundreds of people surrounded them and would not allow them to remove themselves from a potentially dangerous situation. Those whiny kids brought it on themselves and like all criminals I watch on TV just after I watched the camera film them throwing weed out of the window, ”This is a set up! That wasn’t mine!” It’s never anyone’s fault, is it…..

    • Actually, the point of this bill is to reauthorize the funding of the military, not ”anti-terrorism”. They should remove the language from this bill as it has nothing to do with the matter at hand (FUNDING), and roll it in to an anti-terrorism bill to see if it passes (it won’t). Putting it in this particular bill is underhanded because it HAS to pass in some form or another and you can call the people voting against it ”unamerican” or ”freedom haters”.

  • Hasn’t it really always been this way? Atleast it has seemed that way in my life, I’m about 25. The government can break it’s own laws then write new ones, or in this case pretend like they haven’t been breaking there own laws and write a new one. Enjoy the life that you have while you have it! I’m surprised us humans haven’t killed ourselves off already anyways to be honest.

  • When doing some research on this I found that the bill in question is an annual bill and that the amendment added to it that would allow the military to detain US citizens, called the Udall Amendment, was voted out of the final version of the bill. It’s really a good idea to actually do some real research on something like this before trying to outright scare people with BS!

    Here’s the link to the vote on the Udall Amendment:


    And some more about it is here: http://republican.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2011/11/vote-results-udallco-amendment-1107

    And here’s the full text of the Udall Amendment in all its craziness:


  • (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    That’s all you need to know.

  • My favorite part of the”enraged” WIRED article is this paragraph ”It would be one thing if the military was clamoring for the authority to become the nation’s jailer. But to the contrary: Defense Secretary Leon Panetta opposes the maneuver. So does CIA Director David Petraeus, who usually commands deference from senators in both parties. Pretty much every security official has lined up against the Senate detention provisions, from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to FBI Director Robert Mueller, who worry that they’ll get in the way of FBI investigations of domestic terrorists. President Obama has promised to veto the bill.”

      • Trust me, the military is never in on any decisions like this. The commanders of each branch are obviously somewhat aware but even they are told what to and what not to do by the SedDef and those above. As far as the ENTIRE military itself, they never know shit until they’re told what to do. As far as I’m concerned, anything like this would cause MANY military members to go AWOL. Do you really think these people would start to take over America through force when their families are at home without their safety? Many members would feel this is an unlawful order and therefore would not abide by it. They would be most concerned for their families safety and that’s where they would be. Trust me, none of this type of shit is ever told to the military. They are just pawns on a chess board. Told what to do by all of the civilians VOTED into office.

  • You guys make the Tea Party look smart. Come on! You’re getting your news from this fucking Serbian bullshit website? All this act does is authorize the navy with federal funds for 2012. I know it’s a scary thought that our military would come after its own citizens in the way that they come after terrorists, but until an American citizen is actually detained or assassinated (no, that faggot internet-propagandist in Yemen can’t claim US citizenship when HE DECLARES WAR on the US!!) I think we’re safe.

    I know a lot of people wish occupy wall st would cause the military to intervene, but, unfortunately, marching up and down the street isn’t really in the same ballpark as declaring holy war against the United States. We (progressives, not idiots) want a fairer distribution of income and reform in the capital market. It’s really not that radical when you think about it. I don’t think we’re in any danger of Martial Law just yet.

    …Guess I better ”skicka kommentar”… jesus fucking christ I can’t believe I just spent 10 minutes commenting on this bullshit.

  • On what page (of the 923 pages of this bill) does the verbiage in question exist? And which spped-reader had the time to read all 923 pages since last night in order to find it? I smell fish.

  • I checked the pdf file (both of them) . Did not find the word ”battelground” or ”if we want to” or ”legitimate assassination”. I will assume the author was quoting senators, rather than the bill. If someone can find where exactly in the bill the languauge is located that the author of this article is talking about, please post.

  • I also can’t find anything to the contrary in any of the sections called to question. If you can, please share. I must say, this sounds like some misconstrued conspiracy bulls**t and it’s infuriating. To me, it’s rather bold to say the senate passed a bill that ”effectively ends the bill of rights”, but whatever.

  • Sensationalist nonsense.

    The title of the article reads, ”U.S. Senate Declares the entire USA to be a ”Battleground””

    When quotation marks are placed around a word/words, it implicates a quote. That is to say, a direct excerpt from the st. Obviously, the U.S. Senate has NOT declared the USA a ”Battleground” or anything like it.

    This is just a load of crap that’s been less well thought-out than even the goofiest 9/11 conspiracy theory or alien abduction, er, news item…

  • All I have to say is why? I can read various facts and many strong opinions but my question is what possible reasons would people feel this bill necessary to push through? Really.

  • Can anyone tell me where exactly ”near the end of the bill” is? Section and Subsection would be nice. I’ve found the section where all of the authorities and limitations are layed out, but they’re saying it’s mentioned again. I haven’t found that. Anyone got a clue?

  • This is the most ridiculous article. Unless all of you are concerned with your terrorist plots being thwarted stop worrying. Sitting in my law classes I find that again and again the people who are the most worried about acts like this are the people committing crimes. If you aren’t doing anything to merit flagging the government’s attention then calm down. I certainly wouldn’t oppose a bill before me that allowed a way to deter crime and terrorism here at home

  • This might be how the world ends after all. Not a rapture or demons from hell engulfing the earth, but a civil revolt that becomes a revolution, which then turns into global turmoil.

  • All this talk is giving me a headache. Regardless if it happens or not prepare yourself people. America is going down hill fast and we most all be prepared.

  • Writ of Habeas Corpus – if I remember correctly from college – covers all citizens and non-citizens within the US. However, after 911 it seems to have been preempted by the Patriot Act excluding non-citizens connected to terrorism aimed against the US. It would appear it is only a matter of time before some group gains power within the government and reverses it for citizens. Of course, for citizens in competition with them. Whether or not this bill does it, I don’t know. I read parts of it related to detainees, but it isn’t clear to me.

  • I just want to point out one thing…Many keep saying, ”if it was happening, the people would be revolting.” Um, I’m taking it a lot of people don’t watch, nor read the news. They are! The whole country is in shit, and a lot of people ARE revolting…

    Weather anything like this would pass or not, don’t really matter. We’re all screwed anyways. And our children even more so. After all the years, we have officially let our country go to shit, and yes, we let it happen.

    Our government has been out of control, and we let big corporations take over. Been that way for a long time. The ones with wool over there eyes are just now seeing it. And others just don’t care. Welcome to the new world!

  • From the bill summery:
    [quote:]Subtitle D: Detainee Matters – (Sec. 1031) Affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force includes the authority for U.S. Armed Forces to detain covered persons pending disposition under the law of war. Defines a ”covered person” as a person who: (1) planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for such attacks; or (2) was part of or substantially supported al Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners. Requires the Secretary to regularly brief Congress on the application of such authority.

    (Sec. 1032) Requires U.S. Armed Forces to hold in custody pending disposition a person who was a member or part of al Qaeda or an associated force and participated in planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.
    Authorizes the Secretary to waive such requirement in the national security interest. Makes such requirement inapplicable to U.S. citizens or U.S. lawful resident aliens.Outlines implementation procedures. [/quote]
    They do not have to say what you did or who you associate with anymore to justify unlimited detention. Especially noted is US citizens and lawful resident aliens, who never have to be accused of anything, so long as the Secretary says that they did it for ”national security”

  • From the bill summery:
    [quote:]Subtitle D: Detainee Matters – (Sec. 1031) Affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force includes the authority for U.S. Armed Forces to detain covered persons pending disposition under the law of war. Defines a ”covered person” as a person who: (1) planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for such attacks; or (2) was part of or substantially supported al Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners. Requires the Secretary to regularly brief Congress on the application of such authority.

    (Sec. 1032) Requires U.S. Armed Forces to hold in custody pending disposition a person who was a member or part of al Qaeda or an associated force and participated in planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.
    <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> Outlines implementation procedures. [/quote]
    They do not have to say what you did or who you associate with anymore to justify unlimited detention. Especially noted is US citizens and lawful resident aliens, who never have to be accused of anything, so long as the Secretary says that they did it for ”national security”

  • I want to know EXACTLY which part of the bill the author is referring to. I have been reading through the bill and I haven’t found anything in there yet that says anything remotely close to what the article is claiming. I have found parts of the bill that state things to the contrary >>

    ”(e) AUTHORITIES.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.

    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States”

    If anyone finds text to the contrary, please share.

    • The trick is the way things are worded. It makes you think it doesn’t apply to citizens, but read closer:

      Sec. 1031 (a): ”Congress affirms that the [existing] authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force … includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons”

      So, (e) saying that, ”Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities,” doesn’t really mean anything, since the section is just affirming an existing authority.

      Now read this: http://www.lawfareblog.com/2011/12/does-the-ndaa-authorize-detention-of-us-citizens

  • The govt. has and will continue to rule our lives. Wake up America and smell the roses. Be educated on what is going on with our govt. They want to keep us blind to the fact that they are wanting to control us like puppets. that is what they have been doing for years. they want to show us how stupid we really are because we are not paying attention to what they are doing to us.


    I’m generally left leaning.

    I read the bill.

    The sections in question are 1031 and 1032. It took me 45 minutes to rap my head around the density of it but in conclusion it seems that they go out of their way to state that this does not apply to US citizens.

    Does anyone else want to read this too and cite the specific line or lines that are contrary?

    You can find the bill on the Senates website or here is the link.

    • 1031-32 relate to detentions of persons ”covered” by allegations of helping al-Qaeda.
      Except for the non-judicial means of deciding who is ”covered”, everything sounds
      like it only formalizes most existing handling of ”terrorist detainees”.

      1607 is the part that threatens Posse Comitatus, by setting up authorities under which
      the military might operate within the States.

      In 2011 I noticed a trend of used military equipment being granted to municipal county and state
      law enforcement agencies. Armored carriers for SWAT teams etc… I’d like to find where that
      program is going in the next year.

  • To Richard @ 5:15: The Democrats control the Senate, the Republicans control the House. Duh! Since the basic premise of your argument is incorrect, that doesn’t say much for the rest of your opinion, now does it? Get a clue!

  • The United States Government has declared war on ”The People”. Now the question is are you willing to fight for freedom and liberty? Are you willing to give up your life so that the ones after us can live long and prosper? Do you understand that your life is not as improtant as the well being of this country? IDK about you but I do. I am ready for the fight. Bring it on NWO.

  • The limitations under section 1032 only specify that it is not REQUIRED for a ”hostile” US Citizen to be detained by the military. In no way is the military actually being limited, and simply, according to the ideology behind section 1041, the military can detain ANYONE who is considered ”hostile” or who poses a threat to any property under the control of the Secretary of Defense. So basically, the entire effect of the middle pages of this bill is to open up countless loopholes and provide provisions for the military to essentially do whatever the heck they want — as long as it doesn’t contradict their rules of engagement. LOL. That’s military dictatorship at its finest.

    I disagree with the ”mostly likely” hypothesis speculated by ”Somebody who can read for himself”, who says that ”Custody would most likely be given to a civilian police force like the FBI, and they would be tried in a similar manner.” ’Custody’ is problematic even in section 1041.


    Simply, this is how writing bills should work: ORGANIZE THE BILLS STRICTLY BY A SINGLE SUBJECT (ie. all amendments to a specific law should be grouped into one bill) SO THERE IS TRANSPARENCY!!! More bills, more transparency. Logically separate each bill by topic so appropriate wording can be used and any loopholes can be covered through clear and thorough language so that all purposes for a specific bill can be clearly, legibly transparent.

    Right now, all I see is a mishandling of existing laws through superfluous restatements of what those laws should already be covering, which only serves to open up loopholes in the execution of such existing laws. Basically, all it does is open up loopholes for misrepresentation of existing laws. I don’t want loopholes in the US Constitution, so let’s not make this a habit. OK, Senate? Don’t shove the entire 925 pages of this anarchy down our throats. It’s like a public speaker being assaulted with 925 questions at once and expected to answer them all within 1 hour. Go **** off.

  • The bill wasn’t passed, first of all. The vote was to allow the bill to move forward by closing the debate. They voted to end the debating, not to pass the bill.

    cloture – The only procedure by which the Senate can vote to place a time limit on consideration of a bill or other matter, and thereby overcome a filibuster. Under the cloture rule (Rule XXII), the Senate may limit consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours, but only by vote of three-fifths of the full Senate, normally 60 votes.

    Secondly, I challenge anyone to find the statements that are supposedly meant to ”arrest and indefinitely detain U.S. citizens”. It isn’t in there, but there are instances where it is addressed as being specifically NOT meant for that purpose.

    Thirdly, Mike Adams (and his Natural News) is a conspiracy theorist. He has learned how to make money in America… appeal to people who want to feel like victims of the state. He’s Fox news for people who think they’re too smart for Fox but still want to think of themselves as rebels of the establishment.

  • CIA been doin secret assassinations and arrests before you were in diapers the American government bombed its own towers and blamed it on benladin who use to work for Americaan government so that they can invade for oil and make money off of all the revenuel like movies books and so on then lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq for more oil America trying to take over the middle east might as well the new Nazis that’s right the American government and president is the new Hitler

  • this ALSO would allow the military forces to patrol, arrest & use deadly force to protect our borders, especially our southern borders where Drug Cartell is running remnant on both sides of the border!!!!!!!!

  • You guys need a history lesson. The Posse Comitatus act was passed as part of the Compromise of 1877 that ended military occupation of the South and returned rule to white supremacists. It was passed mostly to prevent the military from being used to stop lynching and organized violence against blacks, since local law enforcement would not. Want a threat to the Bill of Rights? There it is.

  • Seriously, I had to click a citation to get an actual citation, and that first link doesn’t cite the actual section right off. I read the text, it’s fairly clear on who is subject to military law.


  • Why do we need money for our troops , our navy ships , our army , our rifles that’s non scene isn’t the war over ? why don’t we use all the extra rifles from all of the dead troops we had sent to the middle east for no reason thanks to Mr president Bush …. it would be more common sense to use and invest the money for the new upcoming generation of Americans … our children !

  • FYI: don’t spread knowledge if you can’t deliver your message with speaking/typing properly. Etc. is etc, not ect.

    Secondly, if you don’t have a plan for the possibility of this country imploding, you shouldn’t be on here speaking your mind or trying to inform people. We’re on the brink of our own destruction. Don’t complain or preach about the problem. Find yourself a solution and spread that within your networks and encourage other citizens to educate themselves.

    I’ll be in Canada living in the woods before I’ll fight the U.S. militaries.

    • I have always slowly prepared for a situation like this. I was once down in Oklahoma (place sucks) for a short while. There was an ice storm that knocked out all power for 85 square miles that lasted 9 days. I’m talking no running water, no electricity at all, nowhere to get food because ATM’s were down and so were the grocery stores credit card machines. Many opened up for cash only transactions but change became limited and if you only had a $20 to pay for a case of water, you better get as much as you can because you weren’t getting change. Gas stations were out of service. I had to sleep in 2 pairs of sweats with 2 layers of thermals under 3 blankets. Changing in the morning was a bitch with no light and it was almost futile as I couldn’t even shower to get the stink off. After that I promised myself I would never be so vulnerable. I have grabbed Lanterns (gas and electric), medical supplies, freeze dried food, a Kelly Kettle (check them out!) which allows me to boil water and make it potable, and of course a way to defend my family. Hurricane Katrina showed us that even a natural disaster can bring about a deadly situation between neighbors. I wouldn’t allow my family and I to be looted, killed, or worse. But I do have one email I received to share with you below….The SHTF needs to happen in order for America to rebuild into the great nation it once was. We have ruined ourselves from the inside out and we must purge of the parasites that suck the life out of our country. Those of us that have been here for generations, paying our taxes and stimulating the economy have run dry. We can no longer pay all of these unemployment/welfare bills for others to get free money. Sure they don’t get a lot. But the fact that America has taught people that they don’t even have to work to make money is a sad thing. It has been exploited and now needs to be resolved. No more open doors, close the borders. No more free money, shut it down. I would love to provide for all of Mexico but reality knows we can’t. There are Millions of them here and they are all working under the table jobs. That means our country is losing out of BILLIONS in income taxes. They also put more AMERICANS into unemployment. And if those Americans don’t like the jobs, too bad. Either work and get paid or don’t and sit at home broke. If a job is available, no unemployment.
      WILL USA SURVIVE?The folks who are getting the free stuff, don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

      The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

      Now… The people who are forcing the people to pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

      So… The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

      We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

      Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

      The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 235 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that In 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.

      A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

      I’M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!

      Let’s take a stand!!!
      Obama: Gone!
      Borders: Closed!
      Language: English only
      Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
      Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
      NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!

      We the people are coming
      Only 86% will send this on. Should be 100%. What will you do?
      ”The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money”. — Margaret Thatcher

  • I love that so many of the people crying about this on here, can’t spell. I hope the military targets you first. Nwo is on its way. Sucks to be you guys.

    • Wow, your comment as a fellow free-mason you put shame upon us. If the NWO strikes and falls like they have all in the past. Maybe just for fun I come after you first – as a symbolic message Et tu, Brute. You sir should be very careful to whom you taunt. You must be an apprentice

  • Terrorist: n. The big army’s name for the little army. Ex. The terrorists destroyed a huge shipment of tea, costing the government thousands in taxes.

    The values may be different, but the reasoning remains the same; it is all perspective. There are people, I’m fairly certain, that disagree greatly with what our government in the U.S. has become, and were they to attempt some kind of coup or other action, they would be labeled as terrorists just the same as Al-Qaeda, the IRA, or other extranational opposition organizations.

    • do yuo mean ”Try it” as in… watch them try to control everyone? I ask because every single time I goto the states it feels so military controlled… police watching everything… It’s just such an odddd feeling.

      I can only imagine with this bill in place… yikes

  • Let’s not forget the 2nd Amendment, which protects the right to bear arms.

    Sure, the government could go ahead and take us over with our own military. On the other hand, the citizens of the USA own weapons. Some don’t just own only one gun. There are plenty of American citizens that own a gun collection. It is not wise one solitary bit to try and militarize the US when each American will be wielding and can be wielding a gun and pointing it in the other direction.

    Furthermore, the US’s military has had to deal with our own government too. Everything that the politicians have been doing to pocket money for themselves and doing it by taking it away from the US’s military fund has done gone unnoticed by our military. Any attempt by our government to militarize anything is going to be met with opposition from the very soldiers they think they command. This tips the scale, which leads to this….

    The American citizens AND! military will not be pointing their guns at each other. Every single gun will be pointing at the government. Not smart. Not smart. Not smart. Not smart. Not smart. We should fire our politicians that are responsible for this before this escalates any further.

  • gosh, you guys are a bunch of douches. america this. america that. america will not collapse & if we ever did. we’ll go right back to where we started & the economy will pick up again. corporate banks have always been ruling a piece of this country & i bet you anything all of you have bank accounts!!! ridiculous. just shut up. seriously. the negativity you guys bring is only making it worse so how about you guys change your stupid little attitudes around & actually do something to help our economy instead of loathing & complaining on your macbooks & pc’s that gosh forbid capitalism has done nothing for you! geesh man. gosh no wonder half of the world hates us. theres no other country i rather be & i love my country & i have FAITH in my fucking country like the founding fathers did.

  • I just wanna say that if this becomes true and the government does do all that stuff people will revolt. It’s plain and simple. They will only take so much untill they stand up and fight for their freedoms just like us Americans have had to in the past. Plus I bet this law is being influenced by all the old senators who feel that our younger generation may be doing harm to its country. If that’s true we only need to wait till they all die off. I’m 28 years old right now. I know it’s the generation of my grandparents and parents whos vote mostly count, but give us like 20-40 years or so and the whole government and society will totally change into what my generation has in store. And then another generation after us would have the ability to makes changes. I call it clashing of the generations. It’s happened in the early 1990s with the freedoms of slaves. I have been able to see it with people getting less conservative over time and as we progress as a species, we will see it again. So regardless if this law passes, we the people will always have the power to over throw anything. Especially our own government. I personally don’t think it will ever get to that point tho. We have fought so hard forgo be where we are that.

  • i don’t mean to add to the confusion of these comments, but something should be said. There are government revolts, many are not for the better, but many are geared and ready to kill. If they were organized they could in theory, defeat a larger organization, say, the US government. Now to say this bill solely does one thing or another is false. as to say that with most bills. Now from the few pages i read, what i understand is that it does essentially build navel and army supplies up (in laymens words, sense i know no other) but it can along with that, as a sort of tag along, do what the article says. now i build this theory on an act that was passed during WW2 which helped supply troops overseas with this that and other essential things that US soldiers need over seas that will always be needed over seas. but along with that was a tag along that built a ”sheep breeding” organization to supply america at large with a constant supply of good wool. Sense that is no longer a need, and sense its a very costly program it would make sense to get rid of it. but sense its part of a larger program at work, we can’t. now i read this in a news paper, so i cant post the link, but as soon as i do, i will.

  • I’d be more inclined to take someone’s post seriously if they know the difference between ’Then’ and ’Than’, ’Would’ and ’Wood’, ’Their’ and ’There’, ’Allude and ’Elude’, ’Here’ and ’Hear’, ’Bear, Bare and Beer (swallow your tongue and roll eye’s back at this point).
    And then there’s (not their’s) ’Prolly’. A sub for probably or just a typo?

  • I do not know how much of this is true, but who is controlling the senate? Republicans, who past the Patriot act? Republicans. Its funny im a big supporter of the constitution, but something people over look. We say I have the rite to own a gun, or I have the right of free speach, etc, what peope fail to see, The Constitution is not about what WE THE PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO DO, its a DOCUMENT TELLING WASHINGTON WHAT THEY CANT, why do we hae the right to bear arms? To form a militia should the Goverment tryo to take away our freedoms? why do we have freedom o speech? So we can speak out agaisnt the attrocities with outfear of reprecussion, why do we have the 4th amendment, so to protect us should the goverment become corupt and arrest you for no reason, now under the patriot act, whihc in a court of law was proven unconstituional more then once violates the constitution. But again this is republicans takig away freedom under the guise of terrorist

  • Seriously Jeff Has it right.

    READ THE BILL FOR YOURSELF! Stop speculating like idiot children.

    Specifically, Section 1031 subsection E

    ”(e) Authorities- Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.”

    AND Section 1032 Subsection B


    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.”

  • Every worthwhile truth-exposing documentary gets this kind of attack.
    Many are paid by the powers that be to sit at computer banks, troll the Internet for anything that undermines the Agenda, and then create bogus disinformation to try to discredit it.
    You will notice it is rarely substantive at all, it still servers to scare off a few faint-hearted folks. It comes with the territory and the truth will prevail.
    Be strong and go with your gut.

  • Being an American shouldn’t give you a free pass to be treated differently than terrorists from other countries. If I were a cop, I wouldn’t treat my kids any differently in respect to criminal activities than any other person. It’s just a harder experience to go through if it’s one of your own.

    Lou Barba

  • To those of you criticizing the article for lack of facts: the article includes a link to the actual bill, duh!
    You think things are only true if its reported in mainstream media like NBC, ABC, etc? Seriously? You think the government isn’t able to keep secrets from its people? Really? Wow, you got the wool pulled over your eyes, like most in this country.
    Major news outlets have reported on it, such as NY Times:
    >…one of the most sweeping claims of executive power made by the Bush administration after Sept. 11: that the government can hold citizens without a trial by accusing them of being terrorists.
    One of the proponents of making no exceptions for Americans, Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said it would be “crazy” to exempt Qaeda suspects who are Americans and are arrested inside the country from battlefield-style detention. He argued that, to stop other attacks, they must be interrogated without the protections of the civilian criminal justice system. Citizens who are suspected of joining Al Qaeda are opening themselves up “to imprisonment and death,” Mr. Graham said, adding, “And when they say, ‘I want my lawyer,’ you tell them: ‘Shut up. You don’t get a lawyer. You are an enemy combatant, and we are going to talk to you about why you joined Al Qaeda.’” But Senator Mike Lee, Republican of Utah, said citizen terrorism suspects should retain their “fundamental civil liberties” in order to protect the founding principles of the United States. “I think at a bare minimum, that means we will not allow U.S. military personnel to arrest and indefinitely detain U.S. citizens, regardless of what label we happen to apply to them,” he said. Before voting to leave current law unchanged, the Senate rejected, 55 to 45, a proposal by Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, to instead say that Americans are exempt from detention under the 2001 authorization to use military force.<

    And how does it help to vote? The people we voted in voted for this. Can't even blame the Republicans, since Democrats voted for this bill, too. And we voted in Obama, but he's only continuing business as usual of Bush. We can only hope Obama vetoes this bill. More pointedly, voting has shown to be useless, since in past elections many votes did not get counted, were disregarded, or otherwise prevented.

    Good morning, Guantanamo.

    • It cites the bill. That doesn’t mean that they’re right, it just means that they know how to copy and paste a link. I’ve been looking at this bill, and from what I can gather (note that I am in no way an expert, and I did not read the entire 900 page bill, like you and whoever wrote this article), the government has no intention of changing the circumstances under which people are arrested. If you look around at pages 426-30, you’ll find what I think the article is talking about, but also this:
      ”AUTHORITIES.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.”


    • So because it cites the bill…..they are automatically correct in their statements? Um rAtard….did you even read the bill or just take their word for it? Did you even read any one’s comments refuting this article? Every person who said this article was BS has copied and pasted parts of the bill that could POTENTIALLY be questionable and explain exactly how this is another well done job by a small media organization trying to get acknowledgement. Well they did and it’s not positive. Exaggerating something to the point where it is almost false is not good for anyone. But that’s the media, great at pretending to be experts on things they have no clue about.

      You are dumber than they are. Read the bill yourself before posting next time. They even gave you the link to it and you still made yourself look stupid

  • Matthew Cantwell says:
    3 december, 2011 at 09:36

    ”Laziest journalism I have ever read. Literally no content in this article. So you saw a wired article and are reporting on what it said? BTW, the wired article ALSO does not cite a specific provision of the bill. Come on folks. Think for yourselves before you believe what some RANDOM (yes random) person wrote on the internet. Everyone read the bill yourself and you have done more work then both article writers.”

    You nailed it man, this is bullshit!

  • Everyone is blowing things out of proportion.

    This same bill is passed every year. It essentially assigns the Navy money for ships, the Army money for rifles, ect. Common sense should tell you NONE OF OUR RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED.

    If there were secret prisons and arrests, ect. America would revolt, ending very badly for the government.

    And, for the record, I’m 14. So, seriously, use your heads.

    • >If there were secret prisons and arrests, ect. America would revolt, ending very badly for the government.

      And, for the record, I’m 14.<

      Yes, you are, and you're naive. There are and have been secret arrests. Unfortunately, Americans are too complacent, too snuggled in their material comfort to bother to care — as long as it doesn't affect them directly; as long as it hasn't happened to them personally it doesn't exist. What you don't know can't hurt you. That's why there's no revolt.

      Yes, commons sense SHOULD tell you none of our rights are being violated. But, unfortunately, the reality is that they are. Read the language of the bill — it's not explicitly clear, but it's in there (Hello "L Scott"!): American citizens can be detained and held indefinitely without due process upon the suspicion of being a "terrorist" or associating or aiding and abetting such. The language of the bill gives leeway for this to be interpreted very broadly.

      And, indeed, this has already existed — at least for non-citizens — but it's now being extended further.

      • Have you seen the TV series 24 at least? Can you imagine what horrible disaster Jack Bauer wouldn’t be able to prevent if such measures as this bill weren’t allowed?

        Other countries all around the world use terrible types of interrogation, sabotage, industrial espionage, and subversion. The U.S. protects humanitarian and civil rights whenever possible, as its democracy prescribes. However, providing long periods of due process for a terrorist can conditionally be tantamount to aiding and embedding their plot, if it is time-sensitive.

        Why don’t you write a screen-play that shows us how Jack Bauer and the armed forces will protect the nation without such measures. As always:

        But, should U.S. National Security policy promote non-violence at the cost of American lives? (HINT: Are the terrorists promoting non-violence?)

  • After reading many of our comments confusion is clear. Understandably so, but let me make one thing clear~~two countries in Europe, Greece and Italy, have already completely lost their sovereignty. This has happened just as definitively as if they lost it under military force. Their ”democratically elected” presidents have been replaced. Many of US would like to believe that the simple act of voting in ”our” system gives us power..I am sorry to say, it does not. The system is inherently corrupt. The political positions, themselves are corrupt, makes no difference who is presented to us or from what ”party” at this point. It is a shell game sham, plain and simple. By voting in this system, the way it is structured, we are giving up our voice and authorizing some one else to consolidate our power and channel it up, up, and away. ”Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws” — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
    So, with that being said, let me make another thing clear: Forget clinging to the ”American Dream”. It is dead and it was never really our dream, anyway…we were used. It was all a lie, a pyramid scheme…you can NOT have infinite growth on a finite planet, but we CAN all live a comfortable life of economic liberty, just NOT in this system. Get over it, it is only a system, and a bad one at that.
    Here is the good news…The economic policy leaders are fond of saying there is no easy answer. Guess what?…They are lying….well perhaps the only thing that will not be easy about the solution is convincing each other what the real problem really is. We have lost control of our own money and have become a globe of debt slaves. No…The government is NOT required to borrow money. Any real government has the authority to issue it’s own currency…debt free money! The FED, part of a global, private banking system, requires us to borrow their money in exchange for our US bonds for collateral. If we can print our own bonds based on nothing but the faith of the US workers to produce~then WE can print OUR OWN debt free currency, quickly and easily pay off our debt and enjoy an era of prosperity. Abolish the federal reserve notes and bring back the Greenback! They already have our gold, now the global economic policy makers (money changers/bankers..no, these global policy makers are not Jews…any one can stick a berg or a stein at the end of a word, so don’t even go there) own our US government…don’t you get it? WE have been ”privatized”. A small number of individuals OWN US and control our military, many others, NATO and more than 50% of global wealth. That’s right…pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…
    Here are some words of advice, US…We need to learn that there is more about US that is alike than there are differences. They have used everything to divide US, race, religion, politics, even what we wear or what we drive or what fancy gadget we have that we can barely recognize ourselves any longer. Advertising and the media have betrayed us all…cool has betrayed us all…. Grow an organic tomato. In the book of OZ, Dorothy’s slippers, the one she wore to carry her down the GOLDEN path which led to Emerald City and safely back home…were SILVER.

  • lol @ people saying it’s not real and it’s not showing up on big media networks. You can look it up on the United States Library of Congress website. Now tell me it isn’t real.

    • You think Obama is responsible for this? I’m not supporting him, but JT, this started wayyyy before Obama got into office. And if you think a President runs this country, you’ve really got your head in the sand!

  • My God people. I don’t get it; ”Oh this story is bullshit cause this guy blah blah blah” ”Oh wait, this story might be true cause blah blah blah”. Fucking read!


    (a) In General- Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.

    (b) Covered Persons- A covered person under this section is any person as follows:

    (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.

    (2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.

    (c) Disposition Under Law of War- The disposition of a person under the law of war as described in subsection (a) may include the following:

    (1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

    (2) Trial under chapter 47A of title 10, United States Code (as amended by the Military Commissions Act of 2009 (title XVIII of Public Law 111-84)).

    (3) Transfer for trial by an alternative court or competent tribunal having lawful jurisdiction.

    (4) Transfer to the custody or control of the person’s country of origin, any other foreign country, or any other foreign entity.

    (d) Construction- Nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

    (e) Authorities- Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.

    (f) Requirement for Briefings of Congress- The Secretary of Defense shall regularly brief Congress regarding the application of the authority described in this section, including the organizations, entities, and individuals considered to be `covered persons’ for purposes of subsection (b)(2).

  • Mr. Adams, please link the title, paragraph, section, and sub-paragraph where you find basis for this allegation. I’m not discrediting your article, I would just like to view the evidence for myself. Thank you!

  • When doing some research on this I found that the bill in question is an annual bill and that the amendment added to it that would allow the military to detain US citizens, called the Udall Amendment, was voted out of the final version of the bill. It’s really a good idea to actually do some real research on something like this before trying to outright scare people with BS!

    Here’s the link to the vote on the Udall Amendment:


    And some more about it is here: http://republican.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2011/11/vote-results-udallco-amendment-1107

    And here’s the full text of the Udall Amendment in all its craziness:


  • You guys make the Tea Party look smart. Come on! You’re getting your news from this fucking Serbian bullshit website? All this act does is authorize the navy with federal funds for 2012. I know it’s a scary thought that our military would come after its own citizens in the way that they come after terrorists, but until an American citizen is actually detained or assassinated (no, that faggot internet-propagandist in Yemen can’t claim US citizenship when HE DECLARES WAR on the US!!) I think we’re safe.

    I know a lot of people wish occupy wall st would cause the military to intervene, but, unfortunately, marching up and down the street isn’t really in the same ballpark as declaring holy war against the United States. We (progressives, not idiots) want a fairer distribution of income and reform in the capital market. It’s really not that radical when you think about it. I don’t think we’re in any danger of Martial Law just yet.

    …Guess I better ”skicka kommentar”… jesus fucking christ I can’t believe I just spent 10 minutes commenting on this bullshit.

  • On what page (of the 923 pages of this bill) does the verbiage in question exist? And which spped-reader had the time to read all 923 pages since last night in order to find it? I smell fish.

  • Sensationalist nonsense.

    The title of the article reads, ”U.S. Senate Declares the entire USA to be a ”Battleground””

    When quotation marks are placed around a word/words, it implicates a quote. That is to say, a direct excerpt from the st. Obviously, the U.S. Senate has NOT declared the USA a ”Battleground” or anything like it.

    This is just a load of crap that’s been less well thought-out than even the goofiest 9/11 conspiracy theory or alien abduction, er, news item…

  • This bill was created by Senator John McCain and other republican representatives.Even FOX NEWS covered this a few days online.(Not much of a TV watcher nowadays).There is more content on the Fox New website if you want to look.You know it’s bad because Fox is a republican news source and THEY think it’s a bad idea!!!!

    (a) IN GENERAL.—Congress affirms that the authority
    of the President to use all necessary and appropriate
    force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military
    Force (Public Law 107–40) includes the authority for the
    Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons
    (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition
    under the law of war.
    (b) COVERED PERSONS.—A covered person under
    this section is any person as follows:
    (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed,
    or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred
    on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible
    for those attacks.
    (2) A person who was a part of or substantially
    supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces
    that are engaged in hostilities against the United
    States or its coalition partners, including any person
    who has committed a belligerent act or has directly
    supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy


    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement
    to detain a person in military custody under
    this section does not extend to citizens of the United
    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.—The requirement
    to detain a person in military custody under
    this section does not extend to a lawful resident
    alien of the United States on the basis of conduct
    taking place within the United States, except to the
    extent permitted by the Constitution of the United

    I see two words that stand out to me. Detain, and Custody. 1031 gives the military the authority to detain, or arrest, anyone, including US citizens, that has helped Al-Qaeda and associated forces. They are not allowed after that arrest to keep them in military custody. Custody would most likely be given to a civilian police force like the FBI, and they would be tried in a similar manner.

    • So why did you leave out the waiver?

      ”(4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY.—The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.”

      • I stopped reading before that. That does change things. Too much power in one man’s hands. It also neglects to require more than a written certification. This waiver seems to be the biggest part of the problem.

  • All I have to say is why? I can read various facts and many strong opinions but my question is what possible reasons would people feel this bill necessary to push through? Really.

  • Can anyone tell me where exactly ”near the end of the bill” is? Section and Subsection would be nice. I’ve found the section where all of the authorities and limitations are layed out, but they’re saying it’s mentioned again. I haven’t found that. Anyone got a clue?

  • This is the most ridiculous article. Unless all of you are concerned with your terrorist plots being thwarted stop worrying. Sitting in my law classes I find that again and again the people who are the most worried about acts like this are the people committing crimes. If you aren’t doing anything to merit flagging the government’s attention then calm down. I certainly wouldn’t oppose a bill before me that allowed a way to deter crime and terrorism here at home

  • This might be how the world ends after all. Not a rapture or demons from hell engulfing the earth, but a civil revolt that becomes a revolution, which then turns into global turmoil.

  • All this talk is giving me a headache. Regardless if it happens or not prepare yourself people. America is going down hill fast and we most all be prepared.

  • Writ of Habeas Corpus – if I remember correctly from college – covers all citizens and non-citizens within the US. However, after 911 it seems to have been preempted by the Patriot Act excluding non-citizens connected to terrorism aimed against the US. It would appear it is only a matter of time before some group gains power within the government and reverses it for citizens. Of course, for citizens in competition with them. Whether or not this bill does it, I don’t know. I read parts of it related to detainees, but it isn’t clear to me.

  • It’s very funny.. Watching your behaviour as a group. How can you have an open, free and inclusive discussion, when every other post is criticising the last for poor grammar, spelling and even typos.. Oops.. LMFAO

  • Beyond any possible interpretation of this document, the scary thing is that this whole apparatus takes for granted that the official explanation of what happened 9/11/2001 is completely true. Questioning this is no longer an option.
    And if you do – does this make you a “COVERED PERSON”?

  • I just want to point out one thing…Many keep saying, ”if it was happening, the people would be revolting.” Um, I’m taking it a lot of people don’t watch, nor read the news. They are! The whole country is in shit, and a lot of people ARE revolting…

    Weather anything like this would pass or not, don’t really matter. We’re all screwed anyways. And our children even more so. After all the years, we have officially let our country go to shit, and yes, we let it happen.

    Our government has been out of control, and we let big corporations take over. Been that way for a long time. The ones with wool over there eyes are just now seeing it. And others just don’t care. Welcome to the new world!

  • ”For those of you who believe in your legal system, and that it is flawless and works as it is written: you are naïve. A citizen if the states can be detained if they are accused/proved of being part of al q. The evidence for this can easily be manufactured by those with funding, especially against the little man who is barely scraping money together for the next meal. And who is going to check this manufactured ev”

    you don’t get it no proof is required, all they have to do is say the words , and you have no rights!

  • From the bill summery:
    [quote:]Subtitle D: Detainee Matters – (Sec. 1031) Affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force includes the authority for U.S. Armed Forces to detain covered persons pending disposition under the law of war. Defines a ”covered person” as a person who: (1) planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for such attacks; or (2) was part of or substantially supported al Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners. Requires the Secretary to regularly brief Congress on the application of such authority.

    (Sec. 1032) Requires U.S. Armed Forces to hold in custody pending disposition a person who was a member or part of al Qaeda or an associated force and participated in planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.
    Authorizes the Secretary to waive such requirement in the national security interest. Makes such requirement inapplicable to U.S. citizens or U.S. lawful resident aliens.Outlines implementation procedures. [/quote]
    They do not have to say what you did or who you associate with anymore to justify unlimited detention. Especially noted is US citizens and lawful resident aliens, who never have to be accused of anything, so long as the Secretary says that they did it for ”national security”

  • From the bill summery:
    [quote:]Subtitle D: Detainee Matters – (Sec. 1031) Affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force includes the authority for U.S. Armed Forces to detain covered persons pending disposition under the law of war. Defines a ”covered person” as a person who: (1) planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for such attacks; or (2) was part of or substantially supported al Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners. Requires the Secretary to regularly brief Congress on the application of such authority.

    (Sec. 1032) Requires U.S. Armed Forces to hold in custody pending disposition a person who was a member or part of al Qaeda or an associated force and participated in planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.
    <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> Outlines implementation procedures. [/quote]
    They do not have to say what you did or who you associate with anymore to justify unlimited detention. Especially noted is US citizens and lawful resident aliens, who never have to be accused of anything, so long as the Secretary says that they did it for ”national security”

  • It would seem to me from reading the comments that that the people of the US
    don’t give a toss about the rest of the world.. The ’As long as they ain’t doing it to us mentality’ is why your govt can get away with the awful atrocities it commits, with impunity.

  • Hard to take anyone with such poor grammar seriously. Also, people, hit the spell check before you attempt to post clever retorts. I, for one, am an American citizen and with that in mind WILL vote. Funny how things get passed over the internet so quickly. Too bad at the end of the day the government has the final word. I figure they will do whatever they want and word it in 1000 pages of rehashed mumbo jumbo for the meer point that nobody reads the whole thing. I would say THEY didn’t even read the whole thing.
    Oh, by the way, what language is this down here at the bottom of the page?

  • The govt. has and will continue to rule our lives. Wake up America and smell the roses. Be educated on what is going on with our govt. They want to keep us blind to the fact that they are wanting to control us like puppets. that is what they have been doing for years. they want to show us how stupid we really are because we are not paying attention to what they are doing to us.

  • To Richard @ 5:15: The Democrats control the Senate, the Republicans control the House. Duh! Since the basic premise of your argument is incorrect, that doesn’t say much for the rest of your opinion, now does it? Get a clue!

  • The bill wasn’t passed, first of all. The vote was to allow the bill to move forward by closing the debate. They voted to end the debating, not to pass the bill.

    cloture – The only procedure by which the Senate can vote to place a time limit on consideration of a bill or other matter, and thereby overcome a filibuster. Under the cloture rule (Rule XXII), the Senate may limit consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours, but only by vote of three-fifths of the full Senate, normally 60 votes.

    Secondly, I challenge anyone to find the statements that are supposedly meant to ”arrest and indefinitely detain U.S. citizens”. It isn’t in there, but there are instances where it is addressed as being specifically NOT meant for that purpose.

    Thirdly, Mike Adams (and his Natural News) is a conspiracy theorist. He has learned how to make money in America… appeal to people who want to feel like victims of the state. He’s Fox news for people who think they’re too smart for Fox but still want to think of themselves as rebels of the establishment.

  • CIA been doin secret assassinations and arrests before you were in diapers the American government bombed its own towers and blamed it on benladin who use to work for Americaan government so that they can invade for oil and make money off of all the revenuel like movies books and so on then lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq for more oil America trying to take over the middle east might as well the new Nazis that’s right the American government and president is the new Hitler

  • this ALSO would allow the military forces to patrol, arrest & use deadly force to protect our borders, especially our southern borders where Drug Cartell is running remnant on both sides of the border!!!!!!!!

  • You guys need a history lesson. The Posse Comitatus act was passed as part of the Compromise of 1877 that ended military occupation of the South and returned rule to white supremacists. It was passed mostly to prevent the military from being used to stop lynching and organized violence against blacks, since local law enforcement would not. Want a threat to the Bill of Rights? There it is.

  • Seriously, I had to click a citation to get an actual citation, and that first link doesn’t cite the actual section right off. I read the text, it’s fairly clear on who is subject to military law.


  • Why do we need money for our troops , our navy ships , our army , our rifles that’s non scene isn’t the war over ? why don’t we use all the extra rifles from all of the dead troops we had sent to the middle east for no reason thanks to Mr president Bush …. it would be more common sense to use and invest the money for the new upcoming generation of Americans … our children !

  • I’m not even a US citizen, but I have to say most people who comment here are just assholes. Especially the man/woman talking about lemmings and mynabirds.

  • Terrorist: n. The big army’s name for the little army. Ex. The terrorists destroyed a huge shipment of tea, costing the government thousands in taxes.

    The values may be different, but the reasoning remains the same; it is all perspective. There are people, I’m fairly certain, that disagree greatly with what our government in the U.S. has become, and were they to attempt some kind of coup or other action, they would be labeled as terrorists just the same as Al-Qaeda, the IRA, or other extranational opposition organizations.

  • Let’s not forget the 2nd Amendment, which protects the right to bear arms.

    Sure, the government could go ahead and take us over with our own military. On the other hand, the citizens of the USA own weapons. Some don’t just own only one gun. There are plenty of American citizens that own a gun collection. It is not wise one solitary bit to try and militarize the US when each American will be wielding and can be wielding a gun and pointing it in the other direction.

    Furthermore, the US’s military has had to deal with our own government too. Everything that the politicians have been doing to pocket money for themselves and doing it by taking it away from the US’s military fund has done gone unnoticed by our military. Any attempt by our government to militarize anything is going to be met with opposition from the very soldiers they think they command. This tips the scale, which leads to this….

    The American citizens AND! military will not be pointing their guns at each other. Every single gun will be pointing at the government. Not smart. Not smart. Not smart. Not smart. Not smart. We should fire our politicians that are responsible for this before this escalates any further.

  • This journalism is the same kind of awful and fact-less journalism that you see every week. There is always something new popping up that people pass through facebook and youtube, about the militry and the government crashing. How many articles and videos are you all going to make up about tretchery and lies from anyone with any form of power because all you have is a voice? Where do you get your facts from? Oh wait, there were no facts..shoot..
    Does no one in the US realize that the government has no need to turn on its civilians for information on terrorism? There are plenty other means that have worked thus far. Besides if there were any truth that the military would run on civilians, wouldn’t you realize that all of us that serve this country would be going through more training, using more money than they already are, just to detain, interrogate and blatantly kill off our own civilians? Yes. You would, because things like that cannot be kept a secret, primarily due to social networking. No, no there is absolutely no reason to waste even a minute of your time worrying about an article like this. Now if this was MSN or NBC or some reliable news station, you might consider worrying. Then.

    • Why would you sign your name as Airman? I don’t believe it is part of your duty to represent your service on political view points. Remain anonymous and don’t go flaunting around who you are. You aren’t just making yourself look bad.

  • @greg allen getty. you put three buildings next to eachother and fly two planes into eachother, sandwiching the buildings. derp. and @ everyone else saying read the bloody bill, its a thousand fucking pages long. yeah lemme just grab a nice cup of coffee and my reading glasses.

    • Jester, it takes two and a half seconds to skip to the part you need to read. Just do a simple search on related terms mentioned on here … 1031, 1032, American, etc. It’s not rocket science …..

  • I do not know how much of this is true, but who is controlling the senate? Republicans, who past the Patriot act? Republicans. Its funny im a big supporter of the constitution, but something people over look. We say I have the rite to own a gun, or I have the right of free speach, etc, what peope fail to see, The Constitution is not about what WE THE PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO DO, its a DOCUMENT TELLING WASHINGTON WHAT THEY CANT, why do we hae the right to bear arms? To form a militia should the Goverment tryo to take away our freedoms? why do we have freedom o speech? So we can speak out agaisnt the attrocities with outfear of reprecussion, why do we have the 4th amendment, so to protect us should the goverment become corupt and arrest you for no reason, now under the patriot act, whihc in a court of law was proven unconstituional more then once violates the constitution. But again this is republicans takig away freedom under the guise of terrorist

  • (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-

    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

    ****You people are such idiots. Believing the first thing you read from the media.

  • its going to lead to civil war, which i’m fine with, if civil war breaks out the only ones with the guns will be the conservatives, lets clear out the riff raff, LOL

  • To those of you criticizing the article for lack of facts: the article includes a link to the actual bill, duh!
    You think things are only true if its reported in mainstream media like NBC, ABC, etc? Seriously? You think the government isn’t able to keep secrets from its people? Really? Wow, you got the wool pulled over your eyes, like most in this country.
    Major news outlets have reported on it, such as NY Times:
    >…one of the most sweeping claims of executive power made by the Bush administration after Sept. 11: that the government can hold citizens without a trial by accusing them of being terrorists.
    One of the proponents of making no exceptions for Americans, Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said it would be ”crazy” to exempt Qaeda suspects who are Americans and are arrested inside the country from battlefield-style detention. He argued that, to stop other attacks, they must be interrogated without the protections of the civilian criminal justice system. Citizens who are suspected of joining Al Qaeda are opening themselves up ”to imprisonment and death,” Mr. Graham said, adding, ”And when they say, ’I want my lawyer,’ you tell them: ’Shut up. You don’t get a lawyer. You are an enemy combatant, and we are going to talk to you about why you joined Al Qaeda.'” But Senator Mike Lee, Republican of Utah, said citizen terrorism suspects should retain their ”fundamental civil liberties” in order to protect the founding principles of the United States. ”I think at a bare minimum, that means we will not allow U.S. military personnel to arrest and indefinitely detain U.S. citizens, regardless of what label we happen to apply to them,” he said. Before voting to leave current law unchanged, the Senate rejected, 55 to 45, a proposal by Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, to instead say that Americans are exempt from detention under the 2001 authorization to use military force.<

    And how does it help to vote? The people we voted in voted for this. Can&#039t even blame the Republicans, since Democrats voted for this bill, too. And we voted in Obama, but he&#039s only continuing business as usual of Bush. We can only hope Obama vetoes this bill. More pointedly, voting has shown to be useless, since in past elections many votes did not get counted, were disregarded, or otherwise prevented.

    Good morning, Guantanamo.

    • It cites the bill. That doesn’t mean that they’re right, it just means that they know how to copy and paste a link. I’ve been looking at this bill, and from what I can gather (note that I am in no way an expert, and I did not read the entire 900 page bill, like you and whoever wrote this article), the government has no intention of changing the circumstances under which people are arrested. If you look around at pages 426-30, you’ll find what I think the article is talking about, but also this:
      ”AUTHORITIES.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.”


    • So because it cites the bill…..they are automatically correct in their statements? Um rAtard….did you even read the bill or just take their word for it? Did you even read any one’s comments refuting this article? Every person who said this article was BS has copied and pasted parts of the bill that could POTENTIALLY be questionable and explain exactly how this is another well done job by a small media organization trying to get acknowledgement. Well they did and it’s not positive. Exaggerating something to the point where it is almost false is not good for anyone. But that’s the media, great at pretending to be experts on things they have no clue about.

      You are dumber than they are. Read the bill yourself before posting next time. They even gave you the link to it and you still made yourself look stupid

  • except for the lemmings part, they are indeed rodents, but that gives them more in common with the liberals, rodents, to be squashed under foot and martial law, MWAHAHAHAHA

  • No matter what they say. It is against the constitution of the united states to take away our freedom of speech, Our guns, and whatever else they want to do. Marshel law is illegal. I see alot of controversy if this happens. Alot of protesters speaking out whether or not they get shot at or thrown in jail. The people are worried about all this. But why are they so worried about our protection? This is the most powerful country in the world. Why because it is legal to bear arms. If we get attacked there will be over 2 billion rednecks with a gun wanting to shoot our attackers. I tell them to bring it on.

    • Shawn, please proofread your comments before you submit them. There is no ”alot” in the English language; the term is ”a lot.” And it’s ”martial,” with no capitalization required, not ”Marshel.” If you want people to take your comments seriously, write them in seriously good English.

  • bring it on, i look forward to it, this is what happens when bleeding heart pussies push their rights too far, remember your freedom ends where another begins, I don’
    t blame the senate

  • Everyone is getting so comfortable in the fact that we are a free country. We leave it up to the representatives to do what is best for this country. They took their power and now using it against us for their own personal gain. WE NEED TO VOTE!!! It is our right to voice our opinion.

    • @Shawn the fact you think voting does shit in the US saddens me…..along with the fact you think the US being a democracy good….when its not even that its a clearly a Oligarchy.

      And then don’t even get me started on the following: ”Do you really want this to become a communist country? We are onm the very brink of it and kids are to busy binge drinking and having unprotected sex and partying to realize this country is in danger and it is up to our generation to put a foot in the mouth of these greedy republicans and say enough is enough”

  • Matthew Cantwell says:
    3 december, 2011 at 09:36

    ”Laziest journalism I have ever read. Literally no content in this article. So you saw a wired article and are reporting on what it said? BTW, the wired article ALSO does not cite a specific provision of the bill. Come on folks. Think for yourselves before you believe what some RANDOM (yes random) person wrote on the internet. Everyone read the bill yourself and you have done more work then both article writers.”

    You nailed it man, this is bullshit!

  • Everyone is blowing things out of proportion.

    This same bill is passed every year. It essentially assigns the Navy money for ships, the Army money for rifles, ect. Common sense should tell you NONE OF OUR RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED.

    If there were secret prisons and arrests, ect. America would revolt, ending very badly for the government.

    And, for the record, I’m 14. So, seriously, use your heads.

    • >If there were secret prisons and arrests, ect. America would revolt, ending very badly for the government.

      And, for the record, I’m 14.<

      Yes, you are, and you&#039re naive. There are and have been secret arrests. Unfortunately, Americans are too complacent, too snuggled in their material comfort to bother to care — as long as it doesn&#039t affect them directly; as long as it hasn&#039t happened to them personally it doesn&#039t exist. What you don&#039t know can&#039t hurt you. That&#039s why there&#039s no revolt.

      Yes, commons sense SHOULD tell you none of our rights are being violated. But, unfortunately, the reality is that they are. Read the language of the bill — it&#039s not explicitly clear, but it&#039s in there (Hello "L Scott"!): American citizens can be detained and held indefinitely without due process upon the suspicion of being a "terrorist" or associating or aiding and abetting such. The language of the bill gives leeway for this to be interpreted very broadly.

      And, indeed, this has already existed — at least for non-citizens — but it&#039s now being extended further.

      • Have you seen the TV series 24 at least? Can you imagine what horrible disaster Jack Bauer wouldn’t be able to prevent if such measures as this bill weren’t allowed?

        Other countries all around the world use terrible types of interrogation, sabotage, industrial espionage, and subversion. The U.S. protects humanitarian and civil rights whenever possible, as its democracy prescribes. However, providing long periods of due process for a terrorist can conditionally be tantamount to aiding and embedding their plot, if it is time-sensitive.

        Why don’t you write a screen-play that shows us how Jack Bauer and the armed forces will protect the nation without such measures. As always:

        But, should U.S. National Security policy promote non-violence at the cost of American lives? (HINT: Are the terrorists promoting non-violence?)

  • After reading many of our comments confusion is clear. Understandably so, but let me make one thing clear~~two countries in Europe, Greece and Italy, have already completely lost their sovereignty. This has happened just as definitively as if they lost it under military force. Their ”democratically elected” presidents have been replaced. Many of US would like to believe that the simple act of voting in ”our” system gives us power..I am sorry to say, it does not. The system is inherently corrupt. The political positions, themselves are corrupt, makes no difference who is presented to us or from what ”party” at this point. It is a shell game sham, plain and simple. By voting in this system, the way it is structured, we are giving up our voice and authorizing some one else to consolidate our power and channel it up, up, and away. ”Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws” — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
    So, with that being said, let me make another thing clear: Forget clinging to the ”American Dream”. It is dead and it was never really our dream, anyway…we were used. It was all a lie, a pyramid scheme…you can NOT have infinite growth on a finite planet, but we CAN all live a comfortable life of economic liberty, just NOT in this system. Get over it, it is only a system, and a bad one at that.
    Here is the good news…The economic policy leaders are fond of saying there is no easy answer. Guess what?…They are lying….well perhaps the only thing that will not be easy about the solution is convincing each other what the real problem really is. We have lost control of our own money and have become a globe of debt slaves. No…The government is NOT required to borrow money. Any real government has the authority to issue it’s own currency…debt free money! The FED, part of a global, private banking system, requires us to borrow their money in exchange for our US bonds for collateral. If we can print our own bonds based on nothing but the faith of the US workers to produce~then WE can print OUR OWN debt free currency, quickly and easily pay off our debt and enjoy an era of prosperity. Abolish the federal reserve notes and bring back the Greenback! They already have our gold, now the global economic policy makers (money changers/bankers..no, these global policy makers are not Jews…any one can stick a berg or a stein at the end of a word, so don’t even go there) own our US government…don’t you get it? WE have been ”privatized”. A small number of individuals OWN US and control our military, many others, NATO and more than 50% of global wealth. That’s right…pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…
    Here are some words of advice, US…We need to learn that there is more about US that is alike than there are differences. They have used everything to divide US, race, religion, politics, even what we wear or what we drive or what fancy gadget we have that we can barely recognize ourselves any longer. Advertising and the media have betrayed us all…cool has betrayed us all…. Grow an organic tomato. In the book of OZ, Dorothy’s slippers, the one she wore to carry her down the GOLDEN path which led to Emerald City and safely back home…were SILVER.

  • This is all I needed to see to know that this article was written by someone who doesn’t need to be writing professionally:

    ”If this is signed into law, it will shred the remaining tenants of the Bill of Rights…”

    Definition of the word tenant: A person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord

    Definition of the word they intended to use (tenet): A principle or belief, esp. one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.

    I realize you’re flipping out, but for the love of grammar, try to use the correct word. Sloppy journalism never helps your cause.

  • lol @ people saying it’s not real and it’s not showing up on big media networks. You can look it up on the United States Library of Congress website. Now tell me it isn’t real.

    • You think Obama is responsible for this? I’m not supporting him, but JT, this started wayyyy before Obama got into office. And if you think a President runs this country, you’ve really got your head in the sand!

  • Well, E K, you are clearly privy to condescension, so to correct you, a lemming is a rodent, not a stupid bird. I’d rather be a lemming than an uninformed, and condescending ass.

  • Matthew & E K: the blue bold underlined bit saying ”National Defense Authorization Act” is actually a link to the text. Is that not factual information enough?


    (a) In General- Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.

    (b) Covered Persons- A covered person under this section is any person as follows:

    (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.

    (2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.”

    Now what do you think ”including any person who has commited a belligerent act” could mean? Note that it doesn’t say ”and has directly supported”, it says ”OR has directly supported”.

    Lazy journalism or lazy commenting?

  • i dont understand…. i was hopeing the world would get better, but its not.. im a u.s citizen and it sadness me that this is happening. we are born in american and we were born with rights and freedom of speech.. there makeing us turn into places like china and shit with leaders.. you know why people from other countrys muggle themselves here? because its a free country. this is a suicide act, we all will be liveing in fear from the moment we wake up to the point till we go to sleep.america would literally go to ruins. it would immediately get attacked by its enemies, everytning destroyed,Like, this is legitimately way too serious to be fucking around. what has this world come to… why is this happening.

  • @Rob:

    Apparently thinking for your own self is hard also.

    ”sec. 1031. Affirmation of authority of the armed
    5 forces of the united states to detain
    6 covered persons pursuant to the au7
    authorization for use of military force.”

    ”(4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY- The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.

    That’s section 1032 (4) referencing those who fit Section 1031 (1).”

  • Rhetorically: How can a statute suspend the US Constitution? It can’t, fugitives from justice notwithstanding. How can 2 planes knock down 3 buildings? Same answer.

    • ”How can 2 planes knock down 3 buildings? Same answer.”

      Uncontrolled fire did the third one in, Greg; NYFD was a little preoccupied that day. Jesus, it’s 2011 and this has been covered to death. People need to step out of their Loose Change bubbles and watch the original, unedited video of the collapse. It’s not difficult. Stop eating only what Infowars feeds you and do your own damn research.

      • @Tomoyo,

        ”Uncontrolled fire did the third one in.”

        Do you know anything about Building 7?

        I hate to break it to you, but it’s impossible that fire caused that Building 7 to fall like it did.

        There have been scores of respected architects and engineers stating this. And my OWN research (I have talked to plenty of architects and NYC firemen): Building 7 was never hit directly by the planes and suffered minimal damage because it was separated from the North Tower by Building 6 and Vesey Street. If you see photographs, its north facade shows isolated small fires, and not even a single window was broken except where the small fires were located which was on the bottom of the building, maybe 10 or 20 floors.

        A few NYC firemen on the day of 9/11 when interviewed right after Building 7 fell even said: ”It was like the meant to take the building down because it toppled floor by floor. Like a demolition.”

        The fire was not hot enough to collapse the building in that manner. Plenty of architects have stated that the ONLY way that Building 7 could have fallen like it did was if it was a controlled demolition.

        Maybe YOUR THE ONE who needs to do a little bit more research …..

  • This is the result of the people not speaking out. This is the result of 65% of the u.s. population not voting. You brought this on yourself america. We have rights. This is a democracy still. The peoples word is more powerful than the president himself. Don’t let them fool you into thinking just because they have the money and are the 1% that we don’t have a say in what happens here. We do. Get out there and vote in 2012. Make a change. Legallize maryjuana and have over 400 export good from hemp and help build the economy. A medicine that has been tested effective in over 200 diagnosed problems without leaving the plant which grows naturally. A plant that has never caused any deaths or overdoses. Do you really want this to become a communist country? We are onm the very brink of it and kids are to busy binge drinking and having unprotected sex and partying to realize this country is in danger and it is up to our generation to put a foot in the mouth of these greedy republicans and say enough is enough.

  • For those of you who believe in your legal system, and that it is flawless and works as it is written: you are naïve. A citizen if the states can be detained if they are accused/proved of being part of al q. The evidence for this can easily be manufactured by those with funding, especially against the little man who is barely scraping money together for the next meal. And who is going to check this manufactured evidence? Anyone who does will be subject to alienation or destruction for questioning the security of their country.

    Oh, to reply to DM#2: just because a country has oil doesn’t mean you cam steal it. Yes oil is used for so many things but capitalist pigs abuse that to make a profit off of you. And those same capitalist pigs, who don’t give a monkey about you, influence these invasions. Oh, and by the way, that ”religion” you mentioned doesn’t advocate what happened on 911. You’re generalising and being racist. But if they did do what they were accused of doing, it made a good excuse for invading countries with oil right? So maybe you’re grateful they, apparently, did what they did?

  • Instead of everyone posting this bs on facebook and other social networks. We should actually find out if this is true or not, stop blogging, or blindly emailing. Get your facts straight first before you share a link or repost anything that isn’t true or u think might be true. Oh yeah on a side note GFYS!!!!!!

  • For those of you who believe in your legal system, and that it is flawless and works as it is written: you are naïve. A citizen if the states can be detained if they are accused/proved of being part of al q. The evidence for this can easily be manufactured by those with funding, especially against the little man who is barely scraping money together for the next meal. And who is going to check this manufactured ev

  • Section D – Definition of Individual Detained at Guantanamo Bay

    (b) INDIVIDUAL DESCRIBED.—An individual described
    15 in this subsection is an individual who—
    16 (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a
    17 member of the Armed Forces; and

    There. Line 16. Sometimes I wonder why I bothered to serve my country when people can’t even think for themselves in it.

    • Rob, I can understand how that part can be confusing but the article quoted and linked below explains the problem, which, unfortunately, is real:
      ’”There has been some confusion on the Internet as to whether the National Defense Authorization Act really applies to U.S. citizens. But Sen. McCain’s answer should clarify that once and for all.
      The confusion stems from Section 1032, which deals with the military detention of the people the Armed Forces captures “in the course of hostilities.” Part of Section 1032 states: “The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.”
      Christopher Anders, senior legislative counsel of the ACLU, explains the problem.
      “The exclusion on Section 1032 only applies to 1032. It doesn’t apply to 1031,” he says. “And that only makes it worse, because any judge is going to say, ‘Of course, members of Congress meant for American citizens to be detained because if they didn’t, they would have put in the exception they put in one section later.’ ”
      Anders also noted that Sen. Lindsey Graham, a backer of the bill, has said multiple times on the Senate floor, including on Tuesday, that American citizens should be put into military detention without a lawyer.
      Here’s what Sen. Graham said in the Senate on Nov. 17:
      “1031, the statement of authority to detain, does apply to American citizens and it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.”
      Source: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/11/30-4#.TtZKzIi7_BM.twitter

  • This bill was created by Senator John McCain and other republican representatives.Even FOX NEWS covered this a few days online.(Not much of a TV watcher nowadays).There is more content on the Fox New website if you want to look.You know it’s bad because Fox is a republican news source and THEY think it’s a bad idea!!!!

  • I knew the legislative branch was shitty in the last few years but i didn’t know it was this bad. I say, if this really does happen and is really this bad, we revolt. America stands for freedom, liberty and justice and, as the people of the US, we should not let the government, a representation of the citizens, take that away from us.

    (a) IN GENERAL.—Congress affirms that the authority
    of the President to use all necessary and appropriate
    force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military
    Force (Public Law 107–40) includes the authority for the
    Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons
    (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition
    under the law of war.
    (b) COVERED PERSONS.—A covered person under
    this section is any person as follows:
    (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed,
    or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred
    on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible
    for those attacks.
    (2) A person who was a part of or substantially
    supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces
    that are engaged in hostilities against the United
    States or its coalition partners, including any person
    who has committed a belligerent act or has directly
    supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy


    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement
    to detain a person in military custody under
    this section does not extend to citizens of the United
    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.—The requirement
    to detain a person in military custody under
    this section does not extend to a lawful resident
    alien of the United States on the basis of conduct
    taking place within the United States, except to the
    extent permitted by the Constitution of the United

    I see two words that stand out to me. Detain, and Custody. 1031 gives the military the authority to detain, or arrest, anyone, including US citizens, that has helped Al-Qaeda and associated forces. They are not allowed after that arrest to keep them in military custody. Custody would most likely be given to a civilian police force like the FBI, and they would be tried in a similar manner.

    • So why did you leave out the waiver?

      ”(4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY.—The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.”

      • I stopped reading before that. That does change things. Too much power in one man’s hands. It also neglects to require more than a written certification. This waiver seems to be the biggest part of the problem.

  • Well, I guess this answers the age old question. Apparently you all WOULD jump off a bridge just because your friends did.
    Anyone…ANYONE see any factual background for this information?
    ”… toward the end of the bill it essentially says”
    THIS is your factual detail. Seriously people its no wonder our country is such a mess. You are freaking lemmings (That’s a stupid bird for those of you who are clearly clueless.)
    It frightens me to know that at least a few of you may actually VOTE!!!
    I have an idea…read the text of the bill which is easily available online. Don’t let one mindless myna bird, (that’s a stupid bird who repeats sounds made by humans) form your opinions. For God sake take some responsibility and THINK FOR YOURSELVES!
    It’s the absolute least you can do for your country.

      • Well, I guess this answers the age old question. Apparently you all WOULD jump off a bridge just because your friends did.
        Anyone…ANYONE see any factual background for this information?
        ”… toward the end of the bill it essentially says”
        THIS is your factual detail. Seriously people its no wonder our country is such a mess. You are freaking lemmings (That’s not a stupid bird for those of you who are clearly clueless.)
        It frightens me to know that you may actually VOTE!!!
        I have an idea…proof read your critical criticizing comments before making it available online. Don’t let one mindless cuntfuck, (that’s a stupid cunt who repeats sounds made by humans) form your opinions. For God sake take some responsibility and THINK FOR YOURSELVES!
        It’s the absolute least you can do for your country.

      • Not to repute anything else you’ve said, but lemmings actually aren’t the stupid, suicidal creatures they’re thought to be. It’s a fascinating story if you want to look it up, but the reason they are thought to be is Disney’s fault, after they featured the lemming in the show ”White Wilderness”.

  • Laziest journalism I have ever read. Literally no content in this article. So you saw a wired article and are reporting on what it said? BTW, the wired article ALSO does not cite a specific provision of the bill. Come on folks. Think for yourselves before you believe what some RANDOM (yes random) person wrote on the internet. Everyone read the bill yourself and you have done more work then both article writers.

  • It’s very funny.. Watching your behaviour as a group. How can you have an open, free and inclusive discussion, when every other post is criticising the last for poor grammar, spelling and even typos.. Oops.. LMFAO

  • Beyond any possible interpretation of this document, the scary thing is that this whole apparatus takes for granted that the official explanation of what happened 9/11/2001 is completely true. Questioning this is no longer an option.
    And if you do – does this make you a ”COVERED PERSON”?

  • I skimmed through the language of the bill and did not find the mention of indefinite detention of US Citizens. However, I did find this on Wikipedia:
    ”The Udall amendment proscribing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens was rejected by a vote of 38-60.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/​National_Defense_Authorization_​Act_for_Fiscal_Year_2012
    To read the actual language of the bill yourself, please go to: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/​query/z?c112%3AS.1867:

    Here is the rollcall for this vote: https://www.senate.gov/​legislative/LIS/​roll_call_lists/​roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?cong​ress=112&session=1&vote=00​210

  • ”To those of you stating that this is fake and none of this is in the bill, why did senator Lindsey graham of n.c., and senator Kelly ayotte of n.h., both supporters of the bill, both specifically state that the bill does in fact allow for American citizens to be held indefinitely or without trial? Why wouldn’t they deny it? Especially if they are pushing for the bill?”

    They, like most of you, probably didn’t read it. Like the ”journalist” of this story they likely are working off what someone else reported. Anyone remember the idea of the game ”telephone” from childhood? The message gets distorted. Get a lawyer to look it over and they’ll tell you that you’re all loons.

    1032b1 does not overrule Posse Comitatus, it doesn’t allow covert assassinations of Americans. If you know what you’re talking about and say that, you fail basic decency. The section talks about what to do if a person of American citizenship is in custody for crimes of war, and we have had instances where our citizens have made war against the United States. A lot of you have talked about doing so, for example. But that doesn’t change the process we follow. That would be why the requirement to detain Americans captured indefinitely is not authorized by this bill.

    These NDAAs occur all the time, and frankly I don’t see anything here to warrant this level of paranoia. Of course, conspiracy nuts will be conspiracy nuts. You’ll probably rationalize this as me being ”in on it” if it isn’t moderated out of existence altogether.

    Speaking of moderating comments: I would delete you as well, Occupy comments. This isn’t about you. Shut up. And next time you want to rail against shameless capitalism, don’t do it from the Apple notebook that cost you twice what its worth. You people make me ashamed to be agree with you.

  • ”For those of you who believe in your legal system, and that it is flawless and works as it is written: you are naïve. A citizen if the states can be detained if they are accused/proved of being part of al q. The evidence for this can easily be manufactured by those with funding, especially against the little man who is barely scraping money together for the next meal. And who is going to check this manufactured ev”

    you don’t get it no proof is required, all they have to do is say the words , and you have no rights!

  • ”While some have claimed that this is incorrect, and that American citizens would be exempted from the indefinite detention within U.S. borders authorized by the Act, the Committee chairman who co-sponsored the bill – Carl Levin – stated today in Senate debate that it could apply to American citizens.”
    Do your homework people. There are cleverly worded (legalese) exceptions in the bill that can apply to americans. Bill Levin and Newt Gingrich both said so. And now the senate is talking about passing legislation to legalize torture. Wake up people, this is not a joke.

  • It would seem to me from reading the comments that that the people of the US
    don’t give a toss about the rest of the world.. The ’As long as they ain’t doing it to us mentality’ is why your govt can get away with the awful atrocities it commits, with impunity.

  • Hard to take anyone with such poor grammar seriously. Also, people, hit the spell check before you attempt to post clever retorts. I, for one, am an American citizen and with that in mind WILL vote. Funny how things get passed over the internet so quickly. Too bad at the end of the day the government has the final word. I figure they will do whatever they want and word it in 1000 pages of rehashed mumbo jumbo for the meer point that nobody reads the whole thing. I would say THEY didn’t even read the whole thing.
    Oh, by the way, what language is this down here at the bottom of the page?

  • This is some ballsy s*** like seriously has our country lost it’s mind! To declare the Bill of RIghts/ our Constitution null and void and that is may or may not apply to us anymore. They can’t do that! It was written for this country by our forefathers because they knew how corrupt absolute power is. They knew some time in the distant future actions would have to be taken to reel in this psychotic monstrosity we call our government and that the rich would do the same crap they do everywhere else. Orwell must be rolling in grave wherever he is, because he definitely saw this coming.

    The U.S and it’s shitty tactics used not only against citizens of foreign countries, but now it’s own. The people it’s suppose to protect this country has plenty to answer for. I hope if nothing else THIS should get people to wake up and realize that they live in a manufactured dream. People are out there homeless, jobless, starving, in debt, and the common people are being robbed blind of all of their rights. For what a security that we never really had. No one should have to suffer from the lack of basic necessities in the riches country in the world.
    I’m totally with the OCCUPY MOVEMENT.

    (I really hope this was a joke though seriously… -__-)

    • Just remember how you feel when it comes time to voting. Bush set America up for failure and Obama has run it into the ground. I’m positive America is stupid enough to vote for him for a second term. It will be an even bigger mistake than voting him in for the first. We’re doomed

  • Someone just give me everything in english without any further comments of ”it doesn’t mean this” or ”it doesn’t mean that”

    Something clear, understandable for a 16 year to understand in this crazy world.

    What will happen now since the law eliminated our ”Bill of Rights”
    What will the Armed Forces be able to do to citizens of the United States?
    Did this Bill really pass? Or is it still pending??

    • You’re sixteen, the American education system has a class called Government. Hope you listened.

      A. Bill of Rights is in tact still.
      B. Armed Forces cannot detain citizens.
      C. Bill ”passed” in the Senate according to this unreliable source (and other unreliable sources). It’s still pending though, since the House needs to pass it, and afterwards, the Prez will as well, or the Prez could veto, and House + Senate override with a 67% vote for. So far, still in the baby steps stages.

    • I love that claim. It’s my favorite. Let’s say we are in Afghanistan for the oil. Forget the fact that they are so radical that their ideals caused them to hijack some airplanes and fly them into buildings….all for their god. Cool, sounds like a great belief, where can I join? I’d love to blow myself up to kill other people, it’s totally righteous!

      Anyway, back to the oil. Say we are there for the oil and the oil only. What is your point? Do you not want us to be there for that oil? As you type that on your computer that was manufactured by a machine that runs on oil. You drive your car every day, we all know what those consume. How about all of the food you get from the grocery store, how would it get on the shelves without oil? The fresh water that comes out of your sink when you turn it on, think the plant is able to run and produce that clean water without oil? Forget about any plastics, they’re all made from oil. Bye bye cell phones, and pretty much all commercial electronics you own. So yea, we’re there for ONLY oil. What would you like to happen? Because the sad thing is, we would be completely ruined without it. And everyone of you that complains about being there for only oil, are the biggest hypocrites walking the planet as you utilize it daily.

  • I’m not even a US citizen, but I have to say most people who comment here are just assholes. Especially the man/woman talking about lemmings and mynabirds.

  • SERIOUSLY?! This is crap! Why the hell would anyone do this?! I wish I had money, even though I don’t like flying. This country just get’s more and more ridiculous!

  • I’m just posting this from a lil rant I had when I read this article.
    It’s called ”What the fuck America?”

    People have no right to dictate what other people do. No way; no how. It’s our God-given right to be able to do what we want, how we want to do it. If we want peace, how dare they send us to war. If we want food, how dare they make us starve. No government shall ever destroy what’s naturally within us; our selves. And you know what our selves want? TO BE OURSELVES. How could somebody ever become who they might become if the Government’s always destroying everything Life has ever given us? This is a travesty to being’s anywhere. The Government does not deserve to be in power; we do. Fuck this Republic and how dare they tell us we’re wrong! Last time I heard from OUR Government we were a democracy. When’s the last time your voice was heard? When’s the last time you got to say what happened in the White House, or maybe the House of Representatives? Last time I checked it was never. It’s high-time we made changes, and not to Congress, but to the entire world. This act has simply proven when one people is in power, corruption can come for those who simply look out for themselves. They ’say’ they’re working for you but who’s writing their paychecks? Cmon people. We founded this nation. We can found it again.

    It’s our choice. Let us decide.

  • This journalism is the same kind of awful and fact-less journalism that you see every week. There is always something new popping up that people pass through facebook and youtube, about the militry and the government crashing. How many articles and videos are you all going to make up about tretchery and lies from anyone with any form of power because all you have is a voice? Where do you get your facts from? Oh wait, there were no facts..shoot..
    Does no one in the US realize that the government has no need to turn on its civilians for information on terrorism? There are plenty other means that have worked thus far. Besides if there were any truth that the military would run on civilians, wouldn’t you realize that all of us that serve this country would be going through more training, using more money than they already are, just to detain, interrogate and blatantly kill off our own civilians? Yes. You would, because things like that cannot be kept a secret, primarily due to social networking. No, no there is absolutely no reason to waste even a minute of your time worrying about an article like this. Now if this was MSN or NBC or some reliable news station, you might consider worrying. Then.

    • Why would you sign your name as Airman? I don’t believe it is part of your duty to represent your service on political view points. Remain anonymous and don’t go flaunting around who you are. You aren’t just making yourself look bad.

  • FYI and I know this isn’t going to get through but I’ll try it … what the hell.

    This comment blog is being edited. They are not allowing any comments in support of the Occupy movement. So don’t waste your time posting here unless you oppose the Occupy movement.

    And another FYI – I’m not part of the 1%, but I’m damn near close. And a really good comment I posted was here a few seconds ago and now is gone. So just take heed ……

  • To those of you stating that this is fake and none of this is in the bill, why did senator Lindsey graham of n.c., and senator Kelly ayotte of n.h., both supporters of the bill, both specifically state that the bill does in fact allow for American citizens to be held indefinitely or without trial? Why wouldn’t they deny it? Especially if they are pushing for the bill?

  • I’ve read through the bill twice… There is nothing more strange about this than the last 14 bills passed. If someone has specific support for these claims, please post it so we can all see it! Otherwise, propaganda is a waste of energy.

  • @greg allen getty. you put three buildings next to eachother and fly two planes into eachother, sandwiching the buildings. derp. and @ everyone else saying read the bloody bill, its a thousand fucking pages long. yeah lemme just grab a nice cup of coffee and my reading glasses.

    • Jester, it takes two and a half seconds to skip to the part you need to read. Just do a simple search on related terms mentioned on here … 1031, 1032, American, etc. It’s not rocket science …..

  • (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-

    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

    ****You people are such idiots. Believing the first thing you read from the media.

  • The government can’t just pull a name out of a hat, they, like referees in a college football game, NEED CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. And look at the clause regarding US Citizens, they ARE EXEMPT. Resident Alient (immigrants) are exempt unless they are breaking the Constitution.

  • ”By the way, the key term in 1032 is that persons related to al-Quaeda or terrorists of the US AND ALLIES are only detainable. US citizens that do not commit treason, are not part of al-Quaeda, or are not terrorists to the US or its allies are exempt (Most citizens).

    Try again bros.”

    The problem is that the government gets to decide who is ”part of al-qaeda or an associated force” and since the accused has no rights the government doesn’t have to actually prove anything.

  • Here’s an idea… If this were a credible story the author would have provided direct quotations from the bill that supposedly states these things. Or at least mention what section this crap is supposedly included in. This bill is a standard yearly bill that covers such topics as how many members each branch of the military can have, age limits for service, budgetary extensions, over site of fiscal projects. Seriously, you think a bill that has a section regarding ”AMENDMENT OF ARMED FORCES RETIREMENT HOME ACT OF 1991.” (Sec. 1422) has anything to do with the capabilities of soldiers on American soil? Did any one of you idiots that posted above even read a single sentence from this bill? Did you even read the title of the sections? Did any of you even realize that there was a National Defense Authorization Act of 2011 that was passed by the 111th Congress? Or did you mindless slugs just read what was presented to you on a foreign website and take it as fact? Because if you didn’t actually research these claims than you need to look in the mirror the next time you develop a thesis of what is wrong with this country. If you aren’t smart enough to RESEARCH a topic, don’t even open your mouth or touch your keyboard.

  • Maybe the government is becoming more involved because America’s people are becoming lazier, and aren’t willing to do work themselves. The large corporations that you are complaining about are the ones who are supplying the 1% with jobs. So sure, decrease they’re funding and see how much the rest of America’s income drops. Stop expecting to sit on your ass and get paid for it.

    • Not to mention that everyone focuses on the poor minorities ’rights’ which apparently now take precedence over those of us who have been living here for generations, stimulating the economy with our hard earned tax dollars. Just so they can move in here and suck it dry. Let’s just fucking give every penny we have to every poor soul and drag ourselves down with them. Here’s a tip America: Work hard now, play later. Don’t whine to get what you feel you deserve, EARN IT! And stop protesting and voting to give away OTHER PEOPLE’S money. If you want millions of immigrants to come here and more unemployment/welfare benefits, then pay for it yourself! I’m so tired of paying for this lazy country to sue and protest for their money. This is why we have failed. This new minority power which has been ”oppressed” for so long has shown it’s true colors and once they had equal rights, they wanted more and more and more and they won’t stop. I personally thank you all for ruining MY country.

  • its going to lead to civil war, which i’m fine with, if civil war breaks out the only ones with the guns will be the conservatives, lets clear out the riff raff, LOL

  • The apparent prophecies of the world ”ending” in 2012 are all falling together from the increasingly grim outlook of the US politics making more blatant attempts to harass the common citizen. I will sit here and do absolutely nothing about it. The only way you can remain innocent nowadays is to continue shopping your hearts out and still your minds on the FaceBook.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn.

  • okay so this bill just gives the military the right to apprehend civilians for offenses. it isnt saying that the military is openly at war with america it is just stating that we can arrest civilians for crimes that they commit therefore lowering crime rate and making america safer to live in. And yes i am military and yes i am a cop in the military. and no we cannot just make up excuses to arrest people like some people may think. We are governed by stricter rules called the UCMJ and when arresting or apprehending anyone it has to be in accordance with the Use of Force Model. America is not a ”battleground” just because the military now has the right to apprehend civilians we are just trying to make it safer for the next generations to come.

  • except for the lemmings part, they are indeed rodents, but that gives them more in common with the liberals, rodents, to be squashed under foot and martial law, MWAHAHAHAHA

  • Hm…I find this article to be a little bit off. At no point in time does it actually reference the National Defense Authorization Act. Sure, they cite what a magazine said about it, but that isn’t the bill itself. I would like to see some actual citations from the act to prove their point – not just what some talking head’s interpretation of it. Also, the tone of the article is so alarmist that its annoying. What ever happened to objective reporting?
    I’m not saying that their interpretations aren’t spot on – I just want to read the act itself before I run into a tizzy. I only got a copy this morning. I haven’t finished reading through it yet…

  • No matter what they say. It is against the constitution of the united states to take away our freedom of speech, Our guns, and whatever else they want to do. Marshel law is illegal. I see alot of controversy if this happens. Alot of protesters speaking out whether or not they get shot at or thrown in jail. The people are worried about all this. But why are they so worried about our protection? This is the most powerful country in the world. Why because it is legal to bear arms. If we get attacked there will be over 2 billion rednecks with a gun wanting to shoot our attackers. I tell them to bring it on.

    • Shawn, please proofread your comments before you submit them. There is no ”alot” in the English language; the term is ”a lot.” And it’s ”martial,” with no capitalization required, not ”Marshel.” If you want people to take your comments seriously, write them in seriously good English.

  • bring it on, i look forward to it, this is what happens when bleeding heart pussies push their rights too far, remember your freedom ends where another begins, I don’
    t blame the senate

  • Everyone is getting so comfortable in the fact that we are a free country. We leave it up to the representatives to do what is best for this country. They took their power and now using it against us for their own personal gain. WE NEED TO VOTE!!! It is our right to voice our opinion.

    • @Shawn the fact you think voting does shit in the US saddens me…..along with the fact you think the US being a democracy good….when its not even that its a clearly a Oligarchy.

      And then don’t even get me started on the following: ”Do you really want this to become a communist country? We are onm the very brink of it and kids are to busy binge drinking and having unprotected sex and partying to realize this country is in danger and it is up to our generation to put a foot in the mouth of these greedy republicans and say enough is enough”

  • (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    Does not extend to = does not include.

    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not include citizens of the United States.

    There is your proof.

    • You didn’t read far enough.

      ”(4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY.—The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.”

      You copied paragraph (1). This nullifies it.

      There’s your proof.

  • Dude, you people are reading portions of different sections of the bill that do not mesh. You’re reading a chopped and screwed ”bill” and its completely wrong. Chapter 669, Subtitle D, Section 1032. Read the whole thing.

  • This is all I needed to see to know that this article was written by someone who doesn’t need to be writing professionally:

    ”If this is signed into law, it will shred the remaining tenants of the Bill of Rights…”

    Definition of the word tenant: A person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord

    Definition of the word they intended to use (tenet): A principle or belief, esp. one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.

    I realize you’re flipping out, but for the love of grammar, try to use the correct word. Sloppy journalism never helps your cause.

  • By the way, the key term in 1032 is that persons related to al-Quaeda or terrorists of the US AND ALLIES are only detainable. US citizens that do not commit treason, are not part of al-Quaeda, or are not terrorists to the US or its allies are exempt (Most citizens).

    Try again bros.

  • This link is essentially a petition in support of the President’s intention to veto this bill. If you’re a Facebook user please add your voice to this. If not, please send the link to your friends that are.

  • Contra the Swedish ”Big Media conspiracy” blogger, this issue’s been all over the news for a week, ever since attempts to amend the specific Section 1031 first came up in the Senate. Obama has repeatedly said he’d veto it, but, with the bill amended to only target illegal aliens, he probably won’t. It’s really another ”anti-Obama”/”soft on War on Terror” bill, as noted by this graf for the following Section 1032: Only the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence, could waive this requirement—and only upon a written certification to Congress that a waiver is in the national security interest of the United States. This provision would apply equally to individuals apprehended in the United States and those apprehended abroad. Notice that the word ”president” isn’t there.

    That said, it could be a huge issue of ”overreach.”

  • Well, E K, you are clearly privy to condescension, so to correct you, a lemming is a rodent, not a stupid bird. I’d rather be a lemming than an uninformed, and condescending ass.

  • We the people in order to form a more perfect union need to cut all the bullshit out. The world is long due for an American revolution and whats to say it will not happen once the whole entire world wants to be a BEAUTIFUL country(Mei Guo). Why is it when questions are asked a BILL is passed? Freedom of speech,maybe. When we grow up and start seeing the truth(Syracuse) it can be sickening straight to your stomach. Education is key, but community colleges have lose expenses due to the high cost of greater education(unless a scholarship is enforced2.0). Why else would we have a revolution. Not the revolution your thinking of but one where we can drop more bombs and food to the needy, a human revolution. Of course, as a child, people aspire to become police officers or FIRE fighters to try to clean up the government from the INSIDE. I end this with Have a Coke and a Smile…..TGIF

  • Where in the bill does it specifically ”…grant the military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate and even assassinate U.S. citizens with impunity.”?

  • Matthew & E K: the blue bold underlined bit saying ”National Defense Authorization Act” is actually a link to the text. Is that not factual information enough?


    (a) In General- Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.

    (b) Covered Persons- A covered person under this section is any person as follows:

    (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.

    (2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.”

    Now what do you think ”including any person who has commited a belligerent act” could mean? Note that it doesn’t say ”and has directly supported”, it says ”OR has directly supported”.

    Lazy journalism or lazy commenting?

  • Don’t be confused by anyone claiming that the indefinite detention legislation does not apply to American citizens. It does. There is an exemption for American citizens from the mandatory detention *requirement* (section 1032 of the bill), but no exemption for American citizens from the authorization to use the military to indefinitely detain people without charge or trial (section 1031 of the bill).

    So, the result is that, under the bill, the military has the power to indefinitely imprison American citizens, but it does not have to use its power unless ordered to do so (or chooses to do so…all it says is that the military isn’t REQUIRED to do anything which is like saying birds aren’t REQUIRED to fly)

    If you don’t believe me, watch the CSPAN archived video from the senate floor, where the bill’s originater makes the following statement.


    http://www.c-spanvideo.org/appearance/600840428 (transcript is below the video if you’d like to read it)

    All that being said, is this was from a few days ago after the initial vote. I heard a new amendment was introduced and passed with almost unanimous approval last night, but I’ve yet to see text or verification of that.

  • i dont understand…. i was hopeing the world would get better, but its not.. im a u.s citizen and it sadness me that this is happening. we are born in american and we were born with rights and freedom of speech.. there makeing us turn into places like china and shit with leaders.. you know why people from other countrys muggle themselves here? because its a free country. this is a suicide act, we all will be liveing in fear from the moment we wake up to the point till we go to sleep.america would literally go to ruins. it would immediately get attacked by its enemies, everytning destroyed,Like, this is legitimately way too serious to be fucking around. what has this world come to… why is this happening.

  • The bill is fake? Prove it. All of you who say the bill is fake have not shown evidence supporting the claim. Please, stop asserting things. I’m actually trying to understand the implications. Thanks.

  • Lol, silly Swedes, you guys are making up false headlines to the silly American sheep. Nice try, and honestly, the bill does good if you actually read the titles of the divisions, titles, etc. In specific, one portion supports temporary allowance to waive (cancel) the max age limit (26) to be entered into the military academies (Army, Navy, AFA).

    Swedes be cray.

  • @Rob:

    Apparently thinking for your own self is hard also.

    ”sec. 1031. Affirmation of authority of the armed
    5 forces of the united states to detain
    6 covered persons pursuant to the au7
    authorization for use of military force.”

    ”(4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY- The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.

    That’s section 1032 (4) referencing those who fit Section 1031 (1).”

  • I’am so sick of this goverment,they are all liers,they steal,cheat,make promises.it’s all bullshit.
    I ’d love to see everyone of these bastards hung.as far as our chief in office where’s his two cents worth.let me start with bush jr,he’s a worthless piece of shit.my feelings get as much as you can from this sickening goverment,start growing weed,sell it make your own business,because there are no jobs.sounds good to me.

  • Rhetorically: How can a statute suspend the US Constitution? It can’t, fugitives from justice notwithstanding. How can 2 planes knock down 3 buildings? Same answer.

    • ”How can 2 planes knock down 3 buildings? Same answer.”

      Uncontrolled fire did the third one in, Greg; NYFD was a little preoccupied that day. Jesus, it’s 2011 and this has been covered to death. People need to step out of their Loose Change bubbles and watch the original, unedited video of the collapse. It’s not difficult. Stop eating only what Infowars feeds you and do your own damn research.

      • @Tomoyo,

        ”Uncontrolled fire did the third one in.”

        Do you know anything about Building 7?

        I hate to break it to you, but it’s impossible that fire caused that Building 7 to fall like it did.

        There have been scores of respected architects and engineers stating this. And my OWN research (I have talked to plenty of architects and NYC firemen): Building 7 was never hit directly by the planes and suffered minimal damage because it was separated from the North Tower by Building 6 and Vesey Street. If you see photographs, its north facade shows isolated small fires, and not even a single window was broken except where the small fires were located which was on the bottom of the building, maybe 10 or 20 floors.

        A few NYC firemen on the day of 9/11 when interviewed right after Building 7 fell even said: ”It was like the meant to take the building down because it toppled floor by floor. Like a demolition.”

        The fire was not hot enough to collapse the building in that manner. Plenty of architects have stated that the ONLY way that Building 7 could have fallen like it did was if it was a controlled demolition.

        Maybe YOUR THE ONE who needs to do a little bit more research …..

  • This is the result of the people not speaking out. This is the result of 65% of the u.s. population not voting. You brought this on yourself america. We have rights. This is a democracy still. The peoples word is more powerful than the president himself. Don’t let them fool you into thinking just because they have the money and are the 1% that we don’t have a say in what happens here. We do. Get out there and vote in 2012. Make a change. Legallize maryjuana and have over 400 export good from hemp and help build the economy. A medicine that has been tested effective in over 200 diagnosed problems without leaving the plant which grows naturally. A plant that has never caused any deaths or overdoses. Do you really want this to become a communist country? We are onm the very brink of it and kids are to busy binge drinking and having unprotected sex and partying to realize this country is in danger and it is up to our generation to put a foot in the mouth of these greedy republicans and say enough is enough.

  • For those of you who believe in your legal system, and that it is flawless and works as it is written: you are naïve. A citizen if the states can be detained if they are accused/proved of being part of al q. The evidence for this can easily be manufactured by those with funding, especially against the little man who is barely scraping money together for the next meal. And who is going to check this manufactured evidence? Anyone who does will be subject to alienation or destruction for questioning the security of their country.

    Oh, to reply to DM#2: just because a country has oil doesn’t mean you cam steal it. Yes oil is used for so many things but capitalist pigs abuse that to make a profit off of you. And those same capitalist pigs, who don’t give a monkey about you, influence these invasions. Oh, and by the way, that ”religion” you mentioned doesn’t advocate what happened on 911. You’re generalising and being racist. But if they did do what they were accused of doing, it made a good excuse for invading countries with oil right? So maybe you’re grateful they, apparently, did what they did?

  • Instead of everyone posting this bs on facebook and other social networks. We should actually find out if this is true or not, stop blogging, or blindly emailing. Get your facts straight first before you share a link or repost anything that isn’t true or u think might be true. Oh yeah on a side note GFYS!!!!!!

  • I’ll be honest, I haven’t read the bill, and this article is (so far) the only report of the bill that I have read or heard about. I’m also not sure where to start with my comment; hell, why I’m even commenting at that.

    The mere idea that our government has considered any bill that comes even close to this bloggers portrayal of it terrifies me. I should not have to carry the burden of protecting the future of my life – the future of my family – from the government that is in place to protect me.

    I don’t think it necessary that you agree to the message of the Occupy protesters, but I hate you for speaking a single ill-word of them, and I hate you (government or man) for laying a single finger on them in violence. In a land born on the promise of a better life, on the freedoms to leave whatever circumstance you may be in, and come to a place of possibility and acceptance, a place built on the idea that everyone is equal – in that land – these people have a right to gather peacefully without your hate and cruelty.

    @John Mick (previous comment) – is absolutely correct. I believe that the type of sacrifice he has suggested is as perfect a plan for true revolution as I have ever heard.

    @Nick – this is a hope and sentiment that brings a bit of comfort to the idea of the type of government control that has been discussed in this article (and comment section), but history has shown repeatedly that any nation is capable of creating an army of it’s own people large enough, and ignorant enough, to unwaveringly inflict death and hatred upon its citizens.

    @Eric – The last paragraph of your comment brings peace to my heart. My generation is better than this, we hate this, and I refuse to believe that when our turn comes we will continue to treat each other in this manner.

    As for me an my home, we shall love each other before all else, we will be thankful for the small joys in life that matter infinitely more than the corporation driven joys that you hold dear. We will thank whatever God we believe in for every breath we are lucky enough to share with each other on this beautiful green Earth, and believe me when I tell you – we will fight until the last red drop runs out of our broken hearts to protect the right to do these things.

  • For those of you who believe in your legal system, and that it is flawless and works as it is written: you are naïve. A citizen if the states can be detained if they are accused/proved of being part of al q. The evidence for this can easily be manufactured by those with funding, especially against the little man who is barely scraping money together for the next meal. And who is going to check this manufactured ev

  • So, for those of you who are commenting about how ridiculous this bill is, I’d like to echo what has already been said by certain comments : This article is FAKE. It’s not even written in an informative-style and is completely bias.

  • Well…I don’t know about anyone else, but if this by some miracle passes…I’d sooner go to the whitehouse, burn my passport, social security card, and every dollar in my bank account rather than stay in this country.
    Welcome to the United Military Controlled States of America

  • I’m not saying that you guys arent correct. However; you all say you want America to go back to the way it was when mostly everyone was happy. Yet people arent doing anything, sure they want things handed to them but in short.

    Dont like it? DO something about it. March to Washington, dont give b.s about ”oh well I just dont have the money right now” well screw you, find a way to go. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

    Stand up and actually do something about it instead of bashing the american government. You want it changed. Then find a way to do it yourselves.

  • my proof this is fake is that the bill, The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, is comprehensive legislation which authorizes the budget authority of the Department of Defense and the national security programs of the Department of Energy. Not to make the US a battle ground its part of the new 650billion dollar defense budget.

  • IMPORTANT!!!!!! ****THIS IS NOT REAL***THIS IS FUCKING ridiculous propaganda by a occupy wallstreet…please get a job #1 stop sitting in the streets…120,000 jobs were created this month, if u started looking for work maybe u could help show signs of economic growth and turn this country back on track. yes wallstreet was greedy in took risk, but it is impossible in a capatalist society to not have down economic times, the fact is that U the idiot people that took the lones and speculated are the reason we are in this mess. Wall street bet that u idiots would be able to pay some of ur morgages not just default, but i digress. This is a sham website none of this is true, if true what would be the purpose, beside killing terrorist on american soil, to killing normal citicizens???? NONE!!! if a president authorized this against a innocent person they would be impeached or revolution would take place. IF you truely believe this apprently ”secret” bill because u have given no facts to support this bill exist please post hte name of the bill and when they voted on it because last time i check in know 50 democrats that would never vote for the patriot act, why would they vote yes on this fucking thing. 94 votes ur a fucking nut case…

  • @Concerned:
    No, actually the occupy movement is actually about people displaying what pitiful power they have left to call the attention to a complete lack of jobs and a failing economy they had no control over changing. The 99% argument is something like this: The rich feel like they are allowed fewer taxes because they ”create jobs” however, they have not been creating jobs they have been sitting on their money and/or frivelously spending without regard to the common good whatsoever. The point is that the wealth in this country is being weilded by the most irresponsible people humanity seems to have had the displeasure of creating. Yes, many of them are confused. yes, many of them are caught up in the heart-pounding drama of facing imprisonment and want excitement away from a college campus, and some of them do indeed expect things handed to them on the silver platter, but they are misinformed or ignorant, and marr the importance of this movement. Many of the protesters are fighting for their rights because a good number of them are acutally homeless. They have nowhere left to go so they are appealing to the politicians by their presence. However the 1% and politicians seem figuratively in bed with each other or one and the same making the process far more complicated and resulting in far less justice than it should be. Some of these protesters have even had to endure undue and unlawful behavior from ”security” forces who have abused the power they have been given by us the american people. WE have been impractically ignorant and that is what has lead us to this disaster. It is time for responsibility to be upheld. Those who are greedy will eventually find they are left to fear all those the have wronged. It is a matter of nature. This country is headed for bloodshed. I am not saying this as a threat but as a prophesy. There is too much to logically support it not to agree. I’m sorry but I too am the 99% but I am the wiser for knowing why.

  • Section D – Definition of Individual Detained at Guantanamo Bay

    (b) INDIVIDUAL DESCRIBED.—An individual described
    15 in this subsection is an individual who—
    16 (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a
    17 member of the Armed Forces; and

    There. Line 16. Sometimes I wonder why I bothered to serve my country when people can’t even think for themselves in it.

    • Rob, I can understand how that part can be confusing but the article quoted and linked below explains the problem, which, unfortunately, is real:
      ’”There has been some confusion on the Internet as to whether the National Defense Authorization Act really applies to U.S. citizens. But Sen. McCain’s answer should clarify that once and for all.
      The confusion stems from Section 1032, which deals with the military detention of the people the Armed Forces captures ”in the course of hostilities.” Part of Section 1032 states: ”The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.”
      Christopher Anders, senior legislative counsel of the ACLU, explains the problem.
      ”The exclusion on Section 1032 only applies to 1032. It doesn’t apply to 1031,” he says. ”And that only makes it worse, because any judge is going to say, ’Of course, members of Congress meant for American citizens to be detained because if they didn’t, they would have put in the exception they put in one section later.’ ”
      Anders also noted that Sen. Lindsey Graham, a backer of the bill, has said multiple times on the Senate floor, including on Tuesday, that American citizens should be put into military detention without a lawyer.
      Here’s what Sen. Graham said in the Senate on Nov. 17:
      ”1031, the statement of authority to detain, does apply to American citizens and it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.”
      Source: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/11/30-4#.TtZKzIi7_BM.twitter

  • I knew the legislative branch was shitty in the last few years but i didn’t know it was this bad. I say, if this really does happen and is really this bad, we revolt. America stands for freedom, liberty and justice and, as the people of the US, we should not let the government, a representation of the citizens, take that away from us.

  • Well, I guess this answers the age old question. Apparently you all WOULD jump off a bridge just because your friends did.
    Anyone…ANYONE see any factual background for this information?
    ”… toward the end of the bill it essentially says”
    THIS is your factual detail. Seriously people its no wonder our country is such a mess. You are freaking lemmings (That’s a stupid bird for those of you who are clearly clueless.)
    It frightens me to know that at least a few of you may actually VOTE!!!
    I have an idea…read the text of the bill which is easily available online. Don’t let one mindless myna bird, (that’s a stupid bird who repeats sounds made by humans) form your opinions. For God sake take some responsibility and THINK FOR YOURSELVES!
    It’s the absolute least you can do for your country.

      • Well, I guess this answers the age old question. Apparently you all WOULD jump off a bridge just because your friends did.
        Anyone…ANYONE see any factual background for this information?
        ”… toward the end of the bill it essentially says”
        THIS is your factual detail. Seriously people its no wonder our country is such a mess. You are freaking lemmings (That’s not a stupid bird for those of you who are clearly clueless.)
        It frightens me to know that you may actually VOTE!!!
        I have an idea…proof read your critical criticizing comments before making it available online. Don’t let one mindless cuntfuck, (that’s a stupid cunt who repeats sounds made by humans) form your opinions. For God sake take some responsibility and THINK FOR YOURSELVES!
        It’s the absolute least you can do for your country.

      • Not to repute anything else you’ve said, but lemmings actually aren’t the stupid, suicidal creatures they’re thought to be. It’s a fascinating story if you want to look it up, but the reason they are thought to be is Disney’s fault, after they featured the lemming in the show ”White Wilderness”.

  • I love living in this country so… I have to say, united we stand divided we fall. If by some unforeseen tragedy this bill is passed into law I am digging in. The powers that will be can kiss my American ass! I have a deep passion about the positive things that this country is suppose to stand for such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Just speaking my mind which is still ok isnt it! If its not then let me be the first they come and get. I promise I will not go quitely.

    • Sylvia, you are the best! I wholeheartedly agree and so do many others. There are plenty of people outside protesting and complaining right now instead of working hard and living at home, preparing themselves for the future; the bad and good. I will not give up what this country was founded on. I am already sick of the lack of respect for our flag, national anthem, and pledge of allegiance. They should be mandatory to respect, punishable by law. How does one live in a place and bad mouth it every chance they get? It’s immoral. Now the government is condoning each little minority group it can and making their freedoms take precedence over those of us that have been living off of traditional values for decades. When those values were actually….valued, we were strong and prosperous. This new ”change” everyone wails about has brought nothing but unrest and degradation. We’re doomed because no one cares about what America stands for. Those of us that do, will outlast those who don’t and rebuild into a stronger nation than ever before.

  • How long until Americans wake up and realize this is a fascist country? Next time you want to judge other cultures evils, look at this one. WE ARE the next Nazi country. its done, they may even kill me for this if they find me. That is truth, not a conspiracy, and to say so is to be no different then the Nazis that turned a blind eye.

    • Wow,

      I’m sorry but are we filing hundreds of thousands of peope into gas chambers or forcing them into labor? You people are nuts. I can promise you if a situation like this were to occur, the military has families too. It will be so split that it will barely be effective. Many will abandon to be home with their families and protect them. Seriously, this is a farcry from nazism. I’m sure you’re one of those in occupy who is hoping for more tax breaks and the legalization of marijuana.

    • http://www.rense.com/general37/fascism.htm

      The 14 Defining
      Characteristics Of Fascism

      1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism – Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
      2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights – Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of ”need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
      3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause – The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

      4. Supremacy of the Military – Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
      5. Rampant Sexism – The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
      6. Controlled Mass Media – Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
      7. Obsession with National Security – Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
      8. Religion and Government are Intertwined – Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed
      to the government’s policies or actions.
      9. Corporate Power is Protected – The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
      10. Labor Power is Suppressed – Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
      11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts – Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
      12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment – Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
      13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption – Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
      14. Fraudulent Elections – Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

      Yep, America has all of that covered…but I will agree with concerned. People aren’t getting rounded up and gassed in chambers…..yet.

  • Laziest journalism I have ever read. Literally no content in this article. So you saw a wired article and are reporting on what it said? BTW, the wired article ALSO does not cite a specific provision of the bill. Come on folks. Think for yourselves before you believe what some RANDOM (yes random) person wrote on the internet. Everyone read the bill yourself and you have done more work then both article writers.

  • If anyone actually took the time to read through the bill, they would find that the bill is actually just a revision of the previous one, which more so or less, is identical to the one from last year, which is identical to the one before that.

    People need to read things with a grain of salt and do their own independent research instead of allowing themselves to be subjected to any one else’s opinion. If you think that an armed struggle against the current government in this moment is appropriate, then why haven’t you done it yourselves? The day that the government actually tries any of this is the day the people will rise against it. Not everyone is a mindless sheep to a single party or organization. As the author clearly is and those that agree with him.

    All talk and no action. But mostly just bullshit from people who have no clue about what they are saying.

  • you can honestly tell me you think this is real? look how badly photoshopped the picture is first off, i think only The Onion would have been a less reputable source. and… ”The National Defense Authorization Act is the name of a United States federal law that has been enacted for each of the past 48 fiscal years to specify the budget and expenditures of the United States Department of Defense.”
    just sayin.

    • Okay, so I was SOOOO ready to ream you a new one. Then thought better of my initial instinct and decided to check out the picture.

      You are SOOOOO right, Dude!!!

      And now I’m beginning to think this might actually be propaganda by the Occupy movement. But you know what? I have real life information to add to this discussion. And if this thing goes viral, I’m okay with adding my voice to something that may or may not be legit. People need to know that they can defend themselves against these banks. People (like me … for my parents) are doing it every single day. Every. Single. Day. Period.


      And if you need it, contact me. I will gladly help you.

  • It doesn’t matter how much we dislike this. The government already has absolute power. Just look at the senate, where the sole job in the government is to make sure to get voted in again, or congress who can vote raises for themselves to the tune of 50-80K annual salary. They do this every year. Nobody DOES anything. We have been far too complacent since the 60’s and 70’s. There has been no safe-checks or anything in place to keep the government officials in a place where they would have enough respect to know they could be taken down by the people. This country is doomed. We the people is a thing of the past, and nothing can be changed. If we had taken initiative a decade or more ago, this may not be true. We didn’t and therefore it is true. So keep talking, because words heat only the air directly in front of your face before they fade and cool off.

  • Honestly, I’m not saying anything against Obama, but our country was perfectly fine the way it was before even if bush took away freedoms. The reason he change the ”you are innocent until proven guilty” into pretty much guilty and to have to prove your innocence is because it’s true. People are always guilty of something but they’ll hide it for the better, but I’d they have to prove themselves then they have to start lying and eventually their lying will start getting sloppy and the courts will find this. Bush was merely protecting our freedoms. Not diminishing them. I dont care what you guys think. No matter all the stupid things bush has done in the past it all comes down to the fact that he wanted his country safe. He fought for the country. For the constitution. So if Obama passes this and let’s it slide then all HE is doing is diminishing everything we ever knew and that’s our rights. We lived for these rights, and our forefathers fought for these rights and if the senate thinks they can just throw something this old and valuable to our country away then they should be put in federal prision for corruption of justice and liberty. Honestly this would come down to another revolutionary war, but against ourselves. Against our government on which we solely trusted to do all the hard work to try and make us sayer and more secure as a country and now with this hey are basically turning their backs on us, and saying you don’t matter to us.

    • Dude, no offense, but you are REALLY out of touch. There is no one who could have taken office this term who could have dodged the bullet Obama is taking right now, Republican or Democrat. And frankly, our country was NOT ”perfectly fine” as you seem to think it was. This downturn we’ve been experiencing … and is only going to get worse, FYI, for a few years … was started years and years and years ago … by politicians who saw fit to let the banks do whatever the hell they wanted to. I don’t mean to sound biased, but those politicians happened to be republican ……

      And on the point of a revolutionary war against our gubment, you are 100% correct. THEY are who we should be targeting. Not Wall Street. But that’s just MHO ….

  • I skimmed through the language of the bill and did not find the mention of indefinite detention of US Citizens. However, I did find this on Wikipedia:
    ”The Udall amendment proscribing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens was rejected by a vote of 38-60.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/​National_Defense_Authorization_​Act_for_Fiscal_Year_2012
    To read the actual language of the bill yourself, please go to: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/​query/z?c112%3AS.1867:

    Here is the rollcall for this vote: https://www.senate.gov/​legislative/LIS/​roll_call_lists/​roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?cong​ress=112&session=1&vote=00​210

  • ”To those of you stating that this is fake and none of this is in the bill, why did senator Lindsey graham of n.c., and senator Kelly ayotte of n.h., both supporters of the bill, both specifically state that the bill does in fact allow for American citizens to be held indefinitely or without trial? Why wouldn’t they deny it? Especially if they are pushing for the bill?”

    They, like most of you, probably didn’t read it. Like the ”journalist” of this story they likely are working off what someone else reported. Anyone remember the idea of the game ”telephone” from childhood? The message gets distorted. Get a lawyer to look it over and they’ll tell you that you’re all loons.

    1032b1 does not overrule Posse Comitatus, it doesn’t allow covert assassinations of Americans. If you know what you’re talking about and say that, you fail basic decency. The section talks about what to do if a person of American citizenship is in custody for crimes of war, and we have had instances where our citizens have made war against the United States. A lot of you have talked about doing so, for example. But that doesn’t change the process we follow. That would be why the requirement to detain Americans captured indefinitely is not authorized by this bill.

    These NDAAs occur all the time, and frankly I don’t see anything here to warrant this level of paranoia. Of course, conspiracy nuts will be conspiracy nuts. You’ll probably rationalize this as me being ”in on it” if it isn’t moderated out of existence altogether.

    Speaking of moderating comments: I would delete you as well, Occupy comments. This isn’t about you. Shut up. And next time you want to rail against shameless capitalism, don’t do it from the Apple notebook that cost you twice what its worth. You people make me ashamed to be agree with you.

  • ”While some have claimed that this is incorrect, and that American citizens would be exempted from the indefinite detention within U.S. borders authorized by the Act, the Committee chairman who co-sponsored the bill – Carl Levin – stated today in Senate debate that it could apply to American citizens.”
    Do your homework people. There are cleverly worded (legalese) exceptions in the bill that can apply to americans. Bill Levin and Newt Gingrich both said so. And now the senate is talking about passing legislation to legalize torture. Wake up people, this is not a joke.

  • If this bill passes…I will fight for my constitution, for the rights that my friends and family have, and will not sit around and let them lose everything. I am not a Christian, but the bible talks about this kind of stuff happening. I think the world is coming to an end, not literally.

  • Democracy is the same as communism. The problem lies with the leaders themselves, not the actual government. People just need to wake up and realize that we are nothing more than cattle feeding the freedom of a handful of individuals, and that no amount of checks and balances can protect us.

  • Democracy is the same as communism, the problems lies more in the leaders themselves rather than the government. People need to realize that we are nothing more than cattle feeding the freedom of a handful of individuals, and no amount of checks and balances can protect us.

  • This is some ballsy s*** like seriously has our country lost it’s mind! To declare the Bill of RIghts/ our Constitution null and void and that is may or may not apply to us anymore. They can’t do that! It was written for this country by our forefathers because they knew how corrupt absolute power is. They knew some time in the distant future actions would have to be taken to reel in this psychotic monstrosity we call our government and that the rich would do the same crap they do everywhere else. Orwell must be rolling in grave wherever he is, because he definitely saw this coming.

    The U.S and it’s shitty tactics used not only against citizens of foreign countries, but now it’s own. The people it’s suppose to protect this country has plenty to answer for. I hope if nothing else THIS should get people to wake up and realize that they live in a manufactured dream. People are out there homeless, jobless, starving, in debt, and the common people are being robbed blind of all of their rights. For what a security that we never really had. No one should have to suffer from the lack of basic necessities in the riches country in the world.
    I’m totally with the OCCUPY MOVEMENT.

    (I really hope this was a joke though seriously… -__-)

    • Just remember how you feel when it comes time to voting. Bush set America up for failure and Obama has run it into the ground. I’m positive America is stupid enough to vote for him for a second term. It will be an even bigger mistake than voting him in for the first. We’re doomed

  • Someone just give me everything in english without any further comments of ”it doesn’t mean this” or ”it doesn’t mean that”

    Something clear, understandable for a 16 year to understand in this crazy world.

    What will happen now since the law eliminated our ”Bill of Rights”
    What will the Armed Forces be able to do to citizens of the United States?
    Did this Bill really pass? Or is it still pending??

    • You’re sixteen, the American education system has a class called Government. Hope you listened.

      A. Bill of Rights is in tact still.
      B. Armed Forces cannot detain citizens.
      C. Bill ”passed” in the Senate according to this unreliable source (and other unreliable sources). It’s still pending though, since the House needs to pass it, and afterwards, the Prez will as well, or the Prez could veto, and House + Senate override with a 67% vote for. So far, still in the baby steps stages.

  • Contradicting information:

    PRESSRELEASE: Rand Paul Blocks Attempt to Sneak Through Dangerous Amendment

    An attempt was made to pass Amendment No. 1274 to the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867) by voice vote, but Senator Paul’s objection and request for a roll call vote ultimately led to the bill’s defeat by a final vote of 41-59.


    • I love that claim. It’s my favorite. Let’s say we are in Afghanistan for the oil. Forget the fact that they are so radical that their ideals caused them to hijack some airplanes and fly them into buildings….all for their god. Cool, sounds like a great belief, where can I join? I’d love to blow myself up to kill other people, it’s totally righteous!

      Anyway, back to the oil. Say we are there for the oil and the oil only. What is your point? Do you not want us to be there for that oil? As you type that on your computer that was manufactured by a machine that runs on oil. You drive your car every day, we all know what those consume. How about all of the food you get from the grocery store, how would it get on the shelves without oil? The fresh water that comes out of your sink when you turn it on, think the plant is able to run and produce that clean water without oil? Forget about any plastics, they’re all made from oil. Bye bye cell phones, and pretty much all commercial electronics you own. So yea, we’re there for ONLY oil. What would you like to happen? Because the sad thing is, we would be completely ruined without it. And everyone of you that complains about being there for only oil, are the biggest hypocrites walking the planet as you utilize it daily.

  • There are 400 idiots in the senate allowing the downfall of the worlds economy. Economically everything in the world stem’s from our countries ignorance, yet our senate decides it’s much more important to discuss our countries moto, while the greedy republicans cheer the idea for the poor in the world to fend for themselves, and the democrats don’t have a full set of balls between all of them combined to stand up for anything important.

    In the media Democrats vs Republicans is essentially no different than watching two rival football teams and their fans fight over who is going to kick who’s ass, instead of listening to each other like grown up human beings thirsty for new ideas. The issues and well being of the country and world are set aside to make one another look foolish on news networks.

    Obama had some great ideas on paper when he was elected, but never followed through on anything, only finished the work of George Bush (our last terrible president) by having Osama Bin’Laden killed under his term. He even had a ridiculous amount of senate seat support coming into office, and still managed to accomplish nothing internally.

    It’s rather sad, you see the rich in the country demonized, yet the majority of them are philanthropists and have organizations devoted to helping people who are truly unfortunate, such as cancer patients, children with disabilities, etc. Some (not all) are okay with paying higher tax rates, and believe its necessary for our survival in this recession, but stupid shit heads that make 200-300k a year, who don’t give anything at all back to the community refer to the 99% as socialist leaches looking for handouts, when the economy is clearly in the shit and needs to get out. While the free market is ’suppose’ to decide how things pan out in the world, it clearly isn’t working now by issuing hiring strikes.

    Its going to be a whole new show when today’s younger generation moves into power once the old ignorance dies off. Because I can assure you, every last one of those college students in the United States will remember the police brutality within those peaceful protests asking for the change that this world so desperately needs. Hiring strikes on jobs will likely end up costing corporations more than they bargained for in the long run. Hate and rage fuels the kind of fires that leave scars.

  • It would be nice to not have to read >9000 pages of funding allocations to find the article in question. Everyone scroll to Section 1041. Also read Section 1032 to see further War on Terror POW injustice. The author seems to think that 1032 also applies to American citizens but it doesn’t look that way to me.

  • This is truly funny to hear because of a few points. First of all if it were true we would of heard about it a long time ago. Second of all about 95% of my family is either active military or retired and believe me they are the ones to have on our side. If a civil war broke out, where you think the average citizen will get the fire power to act against he government. Hell there is so many laws keeping Americans from having weapons that even come close to what the government has. So with that being said if ”shit does hit the fan” most military will supply their families to protect themselves and most military will be against the government. You have to remember military is family members our brothers,sisters, moms, dads, uncles and so on they are not robots that can be turned against the very people they love honor and protect. But it was a funny story to read.

  • I just hope that if/when they try to pull this, that the military decideds to turn there guns on the government instead of its fellow Americans and we take the control back we once had. We killed Hitler for this very reason. Now we want to become him? ugh.. Im ready when you are guys. Say the word.

  • SERIOUSLY?! This is crap! Why the hell would anyone do this?! I wish I had money, even though I don’t like flying. This country just get’s more and more ridiculous!

  • And will the American people who comprise our military forces stand to defend The Bill of Rights and The Constitution, which they are sworn to uphold and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic? Or will they believe it to be their duty to enforce fascism and a dictatorship? An act such as this simply tells me that I no longer have any government or law to answer to any longer. I did not sign up for the program that was in place for the past 50 years and I’m not about to sign up for this one. Why has humanity ever been so utterly stupid as to consent to the idea of man governing man…a preposterous concept. We can still shut them down cold, if WE THE PEOPLE, STOP BUYING AND SELLING LIFE ONE TO ANOTHER, ABANDON ALL CONCEPTS AND BELIEFS OF VALUE PERTAINING TO MONETARY SYSTEMS, GEMS AND PRECIOUS METALS, ALL OWNERSHIP OF ANY PORTION OF THE EARTH AND COME TO THE REALIZATION THAT ALL AUTHORITY IS IMAGINED, ASSUMED AND IMPOSED.

    If we do not value their monies…then they are not wealthy… If we do not recognize their authority and pretend it to be valid…no such authority exists….If we do not recognize ownership… then they own no portion of this earth. Listen well, as this is the only way to disempower them overnight…anything less, will result in much loss of life. $100 Billion Dollars, is worthless, unless we the people agree to pretend that it is not. THINK…your lives, your freedoms and your future depend upon it.

  • I’m just posting this from a lil rant I had when I read this article.
    It’s called ”What the fuck America?”

    People have no right to dictate what other people do. No way; no how. It’s our God-given right to be able to do what we want, how we want to do it. If we want peace, how dare they send us to war. If we want food, how dare they make us starve. No government shall ever destroy what’s naturally within us; our selves. And you know what our selves want? TO BE OURSELVES. How could somebody ever become who they might become if the Government’s always destroying everything Life has ever given us? This is a travesty to being’s anywhere. The Government does not deserve to be in power; we do. Fuck this Republic and how dare they tell us we’re wrong! Last time I heard from OUR Government we were a democracy. When’s the last time your voice was heard? When’s the last time you got to say what happened in the White House, or maybe the House of Representatives? Last time I checked it was never. It’s high-time we made changes, and not to Congress, but to the entire world. This act has simply proven when one people is in power, corruption can come for those who simply look out for themselves. They ’say’ they’re working for you but who’s writing their paychecks? Cmon people. We founded this nation. We can found it again.

    It’s our choice. Let us decide.

  • i knew this would happen if no one else hasnt felt it in the air i dont know where in the hell ya been the only thing left is to rebuild since our countries leaders cant budget and fix things and make things right its time we stand up america i mean there alot more of us then there is of them dont be a slave when pushed push back or be theres you make the call

  • This is why many 2nd Amendment activists fight for their rights to bear arms. Everyone says, ”We aren’t in the 1800 and 1900’s any more. This doesn’t apply to today’s America.” That is extremely ignorant and will doom us all. The government is taking control of more and more programs and services and that is not good. Citizens need to be able to defend themselves, even if it’s from their own government.

  • FYI and I know this isn’t going to get through but I’ll try it … what the hell.

    This comment blog is being edited. They are not allowing any comments in support of the Occupy movement. So don’t waste your time posting here unless you oppose the Occupy movement.

    And another FYI – I’m not part of the 1%, but I’m damn near close. And a really good comment I posted was here a few seconds ago and now is gone. So just take heed ……

  • To those of you stating that this is fake and none of this is in the bill, why did senator Lindsey graham of n.c., and senator Kelly ayotte of n.h., both supporters of the bill, both specifically state that the bill does in fact allow for American citizens to be held indefinitely or without trial? Why wouldn’t they deny it? Especially if they are pushing for the bill?

  • I’ve read through the bill twice… There is nothing more strange about this than the last 14 bills passed. If someone has specific support for these claims, please post it so we can all see it! Otherwise, propaganda is a waste of energy.

    17 (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The require18
    ment to detain a person in military custody under
    19 this section does not extend to citizens of the United
    20 States.
    21 (2)

    read the bill for yourself dont be a net using hipster sheepeople

    the section in question starts on page 359

    • solo — the section you quoted says that the US military will not be REQUIRED to detain US Citizens in military custody. But the bill itself does extend the military the RIGHT to detain US Citizens indefinitely without trial in military custody.

  • The government can’t just pull a name out of a hat, they, like referees in a college football game, NEED CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. And look at the clause regarding US Citizens, they ARE EXEMPT. Resident Alient (immigrants) are exempt unless they are breaking the Constitution.

  • This is so rediculous. i mean just because occupy started hapening and someone finally stood up and said something was wrong with the goverment the goverment decided to take full control. now because the people that voted for this bill had it pass theres going to be proly a military type of population control where only the poeple that agree with their decisions may live and be free. i advise that most americans leave the country and start appreciating just having the basics.

    • Amanda,

      Are you even sure of what the Occupy movement is about? It’s a bunch of irresponsible people that think they are entitled to things they are not. They want handouts without having to earn money. They occupy areas that they don’t pay for and use facilities that they don’t pay for, people are being assaulted, raped, and drug use is rampant. We had a very small ”Occupy” movement at a nearby college and their fliers read, ”This year student loan debts will surpass the national debt.” It was like admitting how they are causing this country to go broke. They were seriously complaining that they were given a low interest rate loan by the government to go to school and now they have to pay it back. Are you kidding me? Imagine if the banks handed out student loans, interest rates would be through the roof with many potential students would be denied because of credit scores. Then the banks would come and repossess their belongings for being delinquent on loan payments. I mean really, are we going to go Occupy the grocery store because they charge us for food? Let’s go occupy Verizon Wireless because they have the audacity to make us pay for their provided service. The Occupy movement is a disgrace and only shows the true mentality of today’s America. Smart people know that more government involvement is a bad thing. Yet everyone wants the government to provide them everything. They’ll happily oblige so they can give and take as they please to control as they wish. Decades ago America was happy, prospering, and everybody loved everybody (ELE). Now the government wants to disarm citizens so there is no way for us to defend ourselves. Oh guns are dangerous and kill people? There are more motor vehicle deaths every year than gun related deaths. You are also more likely to die of cancer than to be killed by a gun. Just a fact. We need less government and a more empowered people who are willing to respect, love, and fight for their country. Along with earning their keep. Twelve months on unemployment is ridiculous. Here’s a fact that I hope makes you as sick as it does me. These are from 2009 and have only grown worse since……the Top 1% of Americans pay 35% of the nations income taxes. The Bottom 50% of Americans pay 2% of the nations income taxes. I bet all of the bottom 50% are involved in the Occupy protests. Too lazy to earn what they want. Sorry we all can’t make 4.5 million for acting in a movie, deal with it. You don’t like cleaning toilets? Well sorry, no unemployment because we have a job for you but you don’t like it so take it or leave it. We need some serious growth before we can consider coming together to stand up against our government.

      • You are so far out of touch its scarey. You were eitheo born with a silver spoon in your mouth or you are blind. Get in touch with the bottom rung of society, the vast majority arent lazy and asking fir handouts. They are asking for an chance for a better life….and most if them wirk a hell of alot harder then the top 1%.

      • In response to:
        ”Are you even sure of what the Occupy movement is about? It’s a bunch of irresponsible people that think they are entitled to things they are not. They want handouts without having to earn money”
        Oh… My.. God… are you freaking kidding me? I try to respond to things like this with respect and understanding, but how long have your eyes been shut for?

        ”They occupy areas that they don’t pay for and use facilities that they don’t pay for, people are being assaulted, raped, and drug use is rampant.”
        Think that doesn’t happen on the streets all the time? Because of the situation we’re in? The Occupy movement is the 99% struggling to change the system because the way it is and has been for so long isn’t working. So this means the homeless and people of the street are involved, which brings their normal behaviors to a place where it is highlighted. These actions don’t speak for all the other people that are healthy, intelligent, and fighting for something they believe in. It’s 99%. Of America. Do you realize how many people that includes?

        ”This year student loan debts will surpass the national debt.” It was like admitting how they are causing this country to go broke.
        WE DID NOT PUT OURSELVES IN THIS POSITION. We are here because of IRRESPONSIBLE and INCONSIDERATE decisions and lack of foresight on the part of those with power to make the decisions, who are so complacent in their fancy houses to GIVE A SHIT about the rest of the world.

        I can’t continue this message, because I’m a university student who wants to make a difference in the world, and have to study so I can get an A in my classes so I can play along with the game and have a respectable position so that I can actually make a difference in the world.

        THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES ME CYNICAL IS CYNICISM. Again, this is my first outburst message. I really can’t take it any more. People need to wake the fuck up. People need to realize the state we’re in. People need to do their fucking research. Oh my god. I understand where you’re coming from, but please, realize your ignorance and make a change in your life. It starts first from within, and then to the world. Amen, Shalom, Salaam, peace out.

      • //Are you even sure of what the Occupy movement is about?//

        I would ask you the same thing

        //It’s a bunch of irresponsible people that think they are entitled to things they are not. They want handouts without having to earn money.//

        Wrong, people are fed up with corporate greed and the entitlement of private money to our politicians. If you are not fed up with corporate greed then you do not know the state of our country. To be as simple as possible, corporations currently control the government, not people. OWS is a movement made my people for the people, that gives voice to those who have none. Our aims are to promote equality, create accountability for unlawful practices, bring down corruption, and give voice to the people when the two parties have not done a good job of doing so. For your information, not all occupiers are jobless, many of us have jobs… I am in college, like so many others, but we also include the homeless and the jobless because they need a voice too.

        //people are being assaulted, raped, and drug use is rampant//

        I don’t know where you heard this… but it is not true, and if it does exist, it is very very small. Occupiers are peaceful. I went to an Occupy camp and everyone was getting along nicely… who do you think we are, barbarians!?

        //We had a very small ”Occupy” movement at a nearby college and their fliers read, ”This year student loan debts will surpass the national debt.” It was like admitting how they are causing this country to go broke. They were seriously complaining that they were given a low interest rate loan by the government to go to school and now they have to pay it back.//

        There are many countries which have colleges that are much cheaper, even free… that get along fine. They are worried about the rise in costs and the bad economy they will go into. This is due to the economic crisis, which was caused by terrible practices within our economy and people need to be accounted for. Like I said, that is not the only complaint.

        //The Occupy movement is a disgrace and only shows the true mentality of today’s America.//

        The only problem in this country is civil obedience. Our government and much of Wall Street is corrupt, and have committed many crimes against humanity. What about the story above? Do you think this is evidence of a truly democratic society? Are you OK with rising unemployment? Are you OK being ignorant about not knowing where your products come from, how they are made, and who is being exploited to make them? Are you OK with an electoral system that can disregard the wants of the people voting? Are you OK with our politicians receiving millions from the super-corporations that are really financing their campaigns? I can tell you that I am not. If you are willing to sit by and let the world bet more fucked up, by all means do. At least these people are voicing their concerns and they are legitimate ones.

        //Smart people know that more government involvement is a bad thing. Yet everyone wants the government to provide them everything. They’ll happily oblige so they can give and take as they please to control as they wish. Decades ago America was happy, prospering, and everybody loved everybody (ELE). Now the government wants to disarm citizens so there is no way for us to defend ourselves. Oh guns are dangerous and kill people? There are more motor vehicle deaths every year than gun related deaths. You are also more likely to die of cancer than to be killed by a gun. Just a fact.//

        Irrelevant to the argument. OWS has no collective position on gun control.

        //We need less government and a more empowered people who are willing to respect, love, and fight for their country.//

        The same people who robed taxpayers of millions in the bailout? The same people who willfully gave millions of people sub prime loans, and then robbing them of their homes? The some people who are willing to sell out hundreds of jobs to foreign nations leaving US people jobless? No, these people to not have the integrity we need in this country. A government not funded by corporations will work for the needs of the majority instead of the rich.

        //Twelve months on unemployment is ridiculous. Here’s a fact that I hope makes you as sick as it does me. These are from 2009 and have only grown worse since……the Top 1% of Americans pay 35% of the nations income taxes. The Bottom 50% of Americans pay 2% of the nations income taxes.//

        Where did you get this information, Fox?
        Give me your sources. Until you prove otherwise, I stand by the statistics I learned before, the richest in this country pay less taxes than they should, by comparison, the bottom 50% do pay more. The richest 1% in the country own 33.8% of the wealth, the next 9% own 37.7% of the wealth. The next 40% own 26%. The bottom 50%? 2.5% of the wealth.
        So as you can see, it is not surprising that they pay more taxes, but that does not mean that things are equal in this country, not by far.
        So, I guess it is no surprise then huh?

        //I bet all of the bottom 50% are involved in the Occupy protests. Too lazy to earn what they want. Sorry we all can’t make 4.5 million for acting in a movie, deal with it. You don’t like cleaning toilets? Well sorry, no unemployment because we have a job for you but you don’t like it so take it or leave it.//

        Don’t you think people have tried? THEY HAVE TRIED. There is little to no employment. Who do you think we are, all lazy hippies!?
        Tell me , which is easier to believe, that 150,000,000 Americans are being lazy, or that 400 are being greedy? Come on. To say ALL occupiers are lazy is a statement that is lazy. Many of us, if not most, are middle class and have employment.

        //We need some serious growth before we can consider coming together to stand up against our government.//

        What do you mean? Economic? America is no longer the economic superpower. Except it. All we can hope to do is put into place smarter and more fair practices so our fall is not so great.

        So in conclusion… occupiers have very good reasons for doing what we do. We are not all idiots. We are not all ’hippies’. We are not all communists. We are not all rapists and drug abusers. We are not all unemployed. And the OWS movement is NOT anti-American.

        All we want… is a better world.

      • You are deluded. Do you realize a good chunk of the Top 1% effectively pay nothing in federal income tax? The Bottom 50% pay 2% because a large amount of them sit at or below the poverty line. It has nothing to do with being lazy. Wake up and stop thinking like you do. You are so incredibly wrong it’s sickening. Minimum wage in this country has barely budged in 40 years while CEO and other executive salaries have grown exponentially. There has been no effort to keep minimum wage up with inflation. You are so deluded. I can’t even organize my thoughts correctly to show you how incredibly moronic you are.

      • I’m sorry but I don’t think you really realize what the occupy movement is about. it is about a corrupt system. It isn’t about people wanting handouts or people wanting others to take care of them. It’s about a level playing field. its about not favoring profit over people. The cost of living has tripled in the last few decades while wages have remained relatively the same. There are teachers, there are lawyers, there are mothers, father,s grandparents, students, military vets soldiers on leave, soldiers who are off duty. We are all in the streets. Turn off Fox News and go to the next demonstration in your city. Listen to the stories, learn from people who struggle everyday and get no where. Not everyone wants to be rich some people just want to the opportunity to take care of their family and live comfortably. The system as it stands has made that nearly impossible for most people.

        The average income in this country is about 26k a year, the poverty line is 23k for a family of 4. Your best option if you don’t want to be poor is get an education so you can get a good job maybe a career. The cost of a college education has triple maybe quadrupled in the past 30 years to a point where the average person can’t afford it without loans. The average loan debt for a undergraduate student graduating is 2011 was about 23.5k. that’s the average, that’s a public state school. That isn’t a private ivy league education.

        My question is how will a person just graduating from college who did what they were supposed to do, they got good grades got a decent degree but now has to work in McDonald’s survive on 8.50 when they are 24, 25 thousand dollars in debt? Again people aren’t calling for others to take care of them. People want to work they want to earn of living. Where are the jobs? Where are the jobs that provide people with a decent wage, where i the affordable health care? I know they were shipped overseas because CEO’s didn’t want to pay people decent wages, they didn’t want to provide benefits. It was all about profit and we have suffered. Open your eyes a little bit.

        Don’t say ”if there was stability the job creators would create jobs, we cant raise taxes on the job creators” First of all that bs, the bush tax cuts have been in place for long enough and with those tax cuts jobs have all but disappeared. Secondly major corporations are reporting record profits, they’re sitting on money, so if they are the ”job creators” they need to get to creating. Clinton had taxes just 3% higher and boom 24 million jobs plus a surplus.

      • Concerned says:

        //Are you even sure of what the Occupy movement is about? It’s a bunch of irresponsible people that think they are entitled to things they are not.//

        Yup. Sounds like the banks to me. Are you really so out of touch that you think the banks actually OWN these notes … whether mortgage notes or student loans? Yet they think they’re entitled to pocket the money for them … money that is paid for paper that is worth dimes on the dollar. I call that thinking they’re entitled to something they are not, wouldn’t you agree? And irresponsible? Ummm, that would be issuing predatory loans that they KNOW are going to be defaulted on so they can earn their bread and butter on the fees. Do you have ANY idea how much money these banks make on the fees alone? Billions.

        //people are being assaulted, raped//

        Again, I assume you are talking about the banks … worker bees who are assaulting, degrading, screaming at, accusing and eventually raping people out of their hard earned money. Yes, I said hard earned. You do realize that people who are hard workers are losing their homes because they hit a bump in the road, don’t you? People who have faithfully paid their mortgage for years. Even people who didn’t get into an upside down mortgage. People who all of a sudden hit a health issue and were unable to work for months, then when they were able to go back to work, did, only to be laid off a month later.

        //They want handouts without having to earn money. They occupy areas that they don’t pay for…//

        Yup, again, sounds like the banks to me. Foreclosures ringing any bells? The banks don’t own them. Yet they occupy them as if they do. I call that a handout without having to earn anything at all, wouldn’t you agree?

        And can we talk about how they inflated home appraisals just so they could milk a little (okay, a LOT) more out of both the home potential owner and the investor who paid for the loan before it was even signed??? A girlfriend of mine is having a hard time. Her home is assessed at something like $14,000. Do you know what her loan was originally given for? Close to $100,000. Even someone at the bank was shocked by the discrepancy. I’m sorry, but that’s a handout without having to earn any money if I ever saw one …… On the bank’s side that is ……

        //They were seriously complaining that they were given a low interest rate loan by the government to go to school and now they have to pay it back. Are you kidding me?//

        No, what people are ”complaining” about is the original lender sold the note for WAYYY more than it was worth, defrauding the investors just like they did with mortgage backed securities. Then they continued to service the loan, paying the investors only a portion and pocketed the rest. THAT is fraud. Then they took billions of dollars to ”bail” them out of the pickle they were in. They’re making money on a debt they don’t even own!!!

        //Yet everyone wants the government to provide them everything.//

        I assume again, you’re talking about the banks here, right? And they would be at the top of your list, right? Oh wait, there is the Senate who can pass bills to screw everyone else yet ensure they get 100% retirement and private health insurance for life and god knows what else might actually trump the banks who expect the gubment to bail them out when they’re defrauding anyone and everyone they can at every turn…. I just can’t seem to decide who wants the gubment to provide them everything more here …..

        //Decades ago America was happy, prospering, and everybody loved everybody (ELE).//

        On this point I might actually agree with you to a degree. Decades ago, banks would have worked with people to help them when they fell on tough times rather than bait them and then switch by charging astronomical fees because that’s where the banks really make their money. This, by my definition is rape. Decades ago, banks wouldn’t give crappy loans they KNEW were going to fail. Your comment, IMO, speaks more to your age than anything else. Life was DIFFERENT then. Times have changed. Move on. With the times, I mean.

        And just so we’re clear, while I don’t fall into the top 1%, I’m pretty damn near close.

  • ”By the way, the key term in 1032 is that persons related to al-Quaeda or terrorists of the US AND ALLIES are only detainable. US citizens that do not commit treason, are not part of al-Quaeda, or are not terrorists to the US or its allies are exempt (Most citizens).

    Try again bros.”

    The problem is that the government gets to decide who is ”part of al-qaeda or an associated force” and since the accused has no rights the government doesn’t have to actually prove anything.

  • Here’s an idea… If this were a credible story the author would have provided direct quotations from the bill that supposedly states these things. Or at least mention what section this crap is supposedly included in. This bill is a standard yearly bill that covers such topics as how many members each branch of the military can have, age limits for service, budgetary extensions, over site of fiscal projects. Seriously, you think a bill that has a section regarding ”AMENDMENT OF ARMED FORCES RETIREMENT HOME ACT OF 1991.” (Sec. 1422) has anything to do with the capabilities of soldiers on American soil? Did any one of you idiots that posted above even read a single sentence from this bill? Did you even read the title of the sections? Did any of you even realize that there was a National Defense Authorization Act of 2011 that was passed by the 111th Congress? Or did you mindless slugs just read what was presented to you on a foreign website and take it as fact? Because if you didn’t actually research these claims than you need to look in the mirror the next time you develop a thesis of what is wrong with this country. If you aren’t smart enough to RESEARCH a topic, don’t even open your mouth or touch your keyboard.

  • Please tell me this didn’t actually happen and is a political satire on the current events occurring on Capitol Hill. Whatever those events maybe.

  • This will never get by the Supreme Court, so there’s no sense in worrying about it. So unless the Supreme Court is completely corrupted, don’t worry. This amendment is completely unjustified, unlawful, and unconstitutional.

    Shame on the Senate for okaying an amendment to torture and murder people without any consequences. If this bill passes, I am moving the hell out of the country. Life is scary enough without worrying if the Military is going to come kicking in your front door and kill your whole family.

  • I don’t know, I think that this might be being misrepresented. I have not read all 682 pages of the bill but have scoured for some legalease verbiage and about half way through the bill the following appears:

    Page – 362
    17 (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The require-
    18 ment to detain a person in military custody under
    19 this section does not extend to citizens of the United
    20 States.
    21 (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.—The require-
    22 ment to detain a person in military custody under
    23 this section does not extend to a lawful resident
    24 alien of the United States on the basis of conduct
    25 taking place within the United States, except to the

    Page – 363
    1 extent permitted by the Constitution of the United
    2 States.

    I hope I am not wrong about this but perhaps we should all (including myself) read it befor contributing to a mass hysteria situation; allowing thoes that opose the freedoms of American Citizens to lable us moronic and not inteligent enough to understand what they are trying to ”Do For Us”. Do to us… Is probably more accurate; none-the-less I don’t want anyone doing anything for me, Except prevent forigne invaders from attacking American holdings and ensuring access and availabilty of infrastructure.

  • Maybe the government is becoming more involved because America’s people are becoming lazier, and aren’t willing to do work themselves. The large corporations that you are complaining about are the ones who are supplying the 1% with jobs. So sure, decrease they’re funding and see how much the rest of America’s income drops. Stop expecting to sit on your ass and get paid for it.

    • Not to mention that everyone focuses on the poor minorities ’rights’ which apparently now take precedence over those of us who have been living here for generations, stimulating the economy with our hard earned tax dollars. Just so they can move in here and suck it dry. Let’s just fucking give every penny we have to every poor soul and drag ourselves down with them. Here’s a tip America: Work hard now, play later. Don’t whine to get what you feel you deserve, EARN IT! And stop protesting and voting to give away OTHER PEOPLE’S money. If you want millions of immigrants to come here and more unemployment/welfare benefits, then pay for it yourself! I’m so tired of paying for this lazy country to sue and protest for their money. This is why we have failed. This new minority power which has been ”oppressed” for so long has shown it’s true colors and once they had equal rights, they wanted more and more and more and they won’t stop. I personally thank you all for ruining MY country.

  • This bill is Unconstitutional PERIOD . The supreme courts duty is to uphold the Constitution and not less the pass into Law. Please Americans stand up for your rights. We are are once were a Democracy it is time to regain our rights.

  • The apparent prophecies of the world ”ending” in 2012 are all falling together from the increasingly grim outlook of the US politics making more blatant attempts to harass the common citizen. I will sit here and do absolutely nothing about it. The only way you can remain innocent nowadays is to continue shopping your hearts out and still your minds on the FaceBook.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn.

  • okay so this bill just gives the military the right to apprehend civilians for offenses. it isnt saying that the military is openly at war with america it is just stating that we can arrest civilians for crimes that they commit therefore lowering crime rate and making america safer to live in. And yes i am military and yes i am a cop in the military. and no we cannot just make up excuses to arrest people like some people may think. We are governed by stricter rules called the UCMJ and when arresting or apprehending anyone it has to be in accordance with the Use of Force Model. America is not a ”battleground” just because the military now has the right to apprehend civilians we are just trying to make it safer for the next generations to come.

  • I just stumbled onto something quite troubling. Since when does the American government hide it’s activities from the press?

    ””The Fine Print:

    The entire conference will be held at the unclassified level.
    Parts of the conference may be filmed by authorized personnel.
    No members of the press are permitted.
    There will be no on-site registration.
    Registration has been extended through noon on December 2nd.
    Registrants will not be eligible for a refund.””

    READ MORE AT http://www.ise.gov/wis3

  • Hm…I find this article to be a little bit off. At no point in time does it actually reference the National Defense Authorization Act. Sure, they cite what a magazine said about it, but that isn’t the bill itself. I would like to see some actual citations from the act to prove their point – not just what some talking head’s interpretation of it. Also, the tone of the article is so alarmist that its annoying. What ever happened to objective reporting?
    I’m not saying that their interpretations aren’t spot on – I just want to read the act itself before I run into a tizzy. I only got a copy this morning. I haven’t finished reading through it yet…

  • (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

  • (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    Does not extend to = does not include.

    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not include citizens of the United States.

    There is your proof.

    • You didn’t read far enough.

      ”(4) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY.—The Secretary of Defense may, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, waive the requirement of paragraph (1) if the Secretary submits to Congress a certification in writing that such a waiver is in the national security interests of the United States.”

      You copied paragraph (1). This nullifies it.

      There’s your proof.

  • Dude, you people are reading portions of different sections of the bill that do not mesh. You’re reading a chopped and screwed ”bill” and its completely wrong. Chapter 669, Subtitle D, Section 1032. Read the whole thing.

  • You Dumb Asses. Why would you basically start a war with their own country. Ppl are gone fight this with all their might. Its not doing anything but making it worse. Again. Dumb Asses!!! There’s gonna be massacres in the US because nobody. and i mean NOBODY is gonna take this. Yall Mufuckas need to leave shit the way it was. Why yall tryna change stuff. Everytime the government change something, they end up having more problems.

  • By the way, the key term in 1032 is that persons related to al-Quaeda or terrorists of the US AND ALLIES are only detainable. US citizens that do not commit treason, are not part of al-Quaeda, or are not terrorists to the US or its allies are exempt (Most citizens).

    Try again bros.

  • This link is essentially a petition in support of the President’s intention to veto this bill. If you’re a Facebook user please add your voice to this. If not, please send the link to your friends that are.

  • Contra the Swedish ”Big Media conspiracy” blogger, this issue’s been all over the news for a week, ever since attempts to amend the specific Section 1031 first came up in the Senate. Obama has repeatedly said he’d veto it, but, with the bill amended to only target illegal aliens, he probably won’t. It’s really another ”anti-Obama”/”soft on War on Terror” bill, as noted by this graf for the following Section 1032: Only the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence, could waive this requirement—and only upon a written certification to Congress that a waiver is in the national security interest of the United States. This provision would apply equally to individuals apprehended in the United States and those apprehended abroad. Notice that the word ”president” isn’t there.

    That said, it could be a huge issue of ”overreach.”

  • this is all obamas fault. Fucking socialist president, with his dictatorship senate.

    I knew a black president was a bad idea. Im voting for Romney next fall. Fuck all these hippies that are putting other americans at risk because of there inability to work in the real world.

    Fuck this

  • We the people in order to form a more perfect union need to cut all the bullshit out. The world is long due for an American revolution and whats to say it will not happen once the whole entire world wants to be a BEAUTIFUL country(Mei Guo). Why is it when questions are asked a BILL is passed? Freedom of speech,maybe. When we grow up and start seeing the truth(Syracuse) it can be sickening straight to your stomach. Education is key, but community colleges have lose expenses due to the high cost of greater education(unless a scholarship is enforced2.0). Why else would we have a revolution. Not the revolution your thinking of but one where we can drop more bombs and food to the needy, a human revolution. Of course, as a child, people aspire to become police officers or FIRE fighters to try to clean up the government from the INSIDE. I end this with Have a Coke and a Smile…..TGIF

  • Where in the bill does it specifically ”…grant the military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate and even assassinate U.S. citizens with impunity.”?

  • Don’t be confused by anyone claiming that the indefinite detention legislation does not apply to American citizens. It does. There is an exemption for American citizens from the mandatory detention *requirement* (section 1032 of the bill), but no exemption for American citizens from the authorization to use the military to indefinitely detain people without charge or trial (section 1031 of the bill).

    So, the result is that, under the bill, the military has the power to indefinitely imprison American citizens, but it does not have to use its power unless ordered to do so (or chooses to do so…all it says is that the military isn’t REQUIRED to do anything which is like saying birds aren’t REQUIRED to fly)

    If you don’t believe me, watch the CSPAN archived video from the senate floor, where the bill’s originater makes the following statement.


    http://www.c-spanvideo.org/appearance/600840428 (transcript is below the video if you’d like to read it)

    All that being said, is this was from a few days ago after the initial vote. I heard a new amendment was introduced and passed with almost unanimous approval last night, but I’ve yet to see text or verification of that.

  • The bill is fake? Prove it. All of you who say the bill is fake have not shown evidence supporting the claim. Please, stop asserting things. I’m actually trying to understand the implications. Thanks.

  • Lol, silly Swedes, you guys are making up false headlines to the silly American sheep. Nice try, and honestly, the bill does good if you actually read the titles of the divisions, titles, etc. In specific, one portion supports temporary allowance to waive (cancel) the max age limit (26) to be entered into the military academies (Army, Navy, AFA).

    Swedes be cray.

  • I’am so sick of this goverment,they are all liers,they steal,cheat,make promises.it’s all bullshit.
    I ’d love to see everyone of these bastards hung.as far as our chief in office where’s his two cents worth.let me start with bush jr,he’s a worthless piece of shit.my feelings get as much as you can from this sickening goverment,start growing weed,sell it make your own business,because there are no jobs.sounds good to me.

  • A quick scan of the document shows that the word ”battleground” is never used in this bill. So this would appear to be sensationalism at it’s finest. You also forgot a couple words from the title of the Bill, it’s actually ”National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.” It’s a budget bill.

  • Wow… this article is bogus. If the author wouldn’t mind pointing out the explicit text in the bill that gives the military the right to legally assassinate citizens ”if they want to” that would be great. Show us one piece of text that comes from the bill that implies such monstrosities. Good luck finding that by the way.

  • I’ll be honest, I haven’t read the bill, and this article is (so far) the only report of the bill that I have read or heard about. I’m also not sure where to start with my comment; hell, why I’m even commenting at that.

    The mere idea that our government has considered any bill that comes even close to this bloggers portrayal of it terrifies me. I should not have to carry the burden of protecting the future of my life – the future of my family – from the government that is in place to protect me.

    I don’t think it necessary that you agree to the message of the Occupy protesters, but I hate you for speaking a single ill-word of them, and I hate you (government or man) for laying a single finger on them in violence. In a land born on the promise of a better life, on the freedoms to leave whatever circumstance you may be in, and come to a place of possibility and acceptance, a place built on the idea that everyone is equal – in that land – these people have a right to gather peacefully without your hate and cruelty.

    @John Mick (previous comment) – is absolutely correct. I believe that the type of sacrifice he has suggested is as perfect a plan for true revolution as I have ever heard.

    @Nick – this is a hope and sentiment that brings a bit of comfort to the idea of the type of government control that has been discussed in this article (and comment section), but history has shown repeatedly that any nation is capable of creating an army of it’s own people large enough, and ignorant enough, to unwaveringly inflict death and hatred upon its citizens.

    @Eric – The last paragraph of your comment brings peace to my heart. My generation is better than this, we hate this, and I refuse to believe that when our turn comes we will continue to treat each other in this manner.

    As for me an my home, we shall love each other before all else, we will be thankful for the small joys in life that matter infinitely more than the corporation driven joys that you hold dear. We will thank whatever God we believe in for every breath we are lucky enough to share with each other on this beautiful green Earth, and believe me when I tell you – we will fight until the last red drop runs out of our broken hearts to protect the right to do these things.

    • To Think. HELL YA!!! I was happy when I heard Gov Perry throw that one. The only issue is Texas doesn’t have a military for the battle that would follow. On the other hand we have enough guns in Texas lol..

  • So, for those of you who are commenting about how ridiculous this bill is, I’d like to echo what has already been said by certain comments : This article is FAKE. It’s not even written in an informative-style and is completely bias.

  • Well…I don’t know about anyone else, but if this by some miracle passes…I’d sooner go to the whitehouse, burn my passport, social security card, and every dollar in my bank account rather than stay in this country.
    Welcome to the United Military Controlled States of America

  • I’m not saying that you guys arent correct. However; you all say you want America to go back to the way it was when mostly everyone was happy. Yet people arent doing anything, sure they want things handed to them but in short.

    Dont like it? DO something about it. March to Washington, dont give b.s about ”oh well I just dont have the money right now” well screw you, find a way to go. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

    Stand up and actually do something about it instead of bashing the american government. You want it changed. Then find a way to do it yourselves.

  • my proof this is fake is that the bill, The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, is comprehensive legislation which authorizes the budget authority of the Department of Defense and the national security programs of the Department of Energy. Not to make the US a battle ground its part of the new 650billion dollar defense budget.

  • IMPORTANT!!!!!! ****THIS IS NOT REAL***THIS IS FUCKING ridiculous propaganda by a occupy wallstreet…please get a job #1 stop sitting in the streets…120,000 jobs were created this month, if u started looking for work maybe u could help show signs of economic growth and turn this country back on track. yes wallstreet was greedy in took risk, but it is impossible in a capatalist society to not have down economic times, the fact is that U the idiot people that took the lones and speculated are the reason we are in this mess. Wall street bet that u idiots would be able to pay some of ur morgages not just default, but i digress. This is a sham website none of this is true, if true what would be the purpose, beside killing terrorist on american soil, to killing normal citicizens???? NONE!!! if a president authorized this against a innocent person they would be impeached or revolution would take place. IF you truely believe this apprently ”secret” bill because u have given no facts to support this bill exist please post hte name of the bill and when they voted on it because last time i check in know 50 democrats that would never vote for the patriot act, why would they vote yes on this fucking thing. 94 votes ur a fucking nut case…

  • @Concerned:
    No, actually the occupy movement is actually about people displaying what pitiful power they have left to call the attention to a complete lack of jobs and a failing economy they had no control over changing. The 99% argument is something like this: The rich feel like they are allowed fewer taxes because they ”create jobs” however, they have not been creating jobs they have been sitting on their money and/or frivelously spending without regard to the common good whatsoever. The point is that the wealth in this country is being weilded by the most irresponsible people humanity seems to have had the displeasure of creating. Yes, many of them are confused. yes, many of them are caught up in the heart-pounding drama of facing imprisonment and want excitement away from a college campus, and some of them do indeed expect things handed to them on the silver platter, but they are misinformed or ignorant, and marr the importance of this movement. Many of the protesters are fighting for their rights because a good number of them are acutally homeless. They have nowhere left to go so they are appealing to the politicians by their presence. However the 1% and politicians seem figuratively in bed with each other or one and the same making the process far more complicated and resulting in far less justice than it should be. Some of these protesters have even had to endure undue and unlawful behavior from ”security” forces who have abused the power they have been given by us the american people. WE have been impractically ignorant and that is what has lead us to this disaster. It is time for responsibility to be upheld. Those who are greedy will eventually find they are left to fear all those the have wronged. It is a matter of nature. This country is headed for bloodshed. I am not saying this as a threat but as a prophesy. There is too much to logically support it not to agree. I’m sorry but I too am the 99% but I am the wiser for knowing why.

  • What the hell is this country coming too? I’m scared for this Gen. and the new generation…
    I think people are just getting dumber and dumber and the American people are losing a hold of control on our government, the elected officials, and the various acts and amendments that have been signed and passed in the past 10-20 years. What the Hell are we doing???

  • I love living in this country so… I have to say, united we stand divided we fall. If by some unforeseen tragedy this bill is passed into law I am digging in. The powers that will be can kiss my American ass! I have a deep passion about the positive things that this country is suppose to stand for such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Just speaking my mind which is still ok isnt it! If its not then let me be the first they come and get. I promise I will not go quitely.

    • Sylvia, you are the best! I wholeheartedly agree and so do many others. There are plenty of people outside protesting and complaining right now instead of working hard and living at home, preparing themselves for the future; the bad and good. I will not give up what this country was founded on. I am already sick of the lack of respect for our flag, national anthem, and pledge of allegiance. They should be mandatory to respect, punishable by law. How does one live in a place and bad mouth it every chance they get? It’s immoral. Now the government is condoning each little minority group it can and making their freedoms take precedence over those of us that have been living off of traditional values for decades. When those values were actually….valued, we were strong and prosperous. This new ”change” everyone wails about has brought nothing but unrest and degradation. We’re doomed because no one cares about what America stands for. Those of us that do, will outlast those who don’t and rebuild into a stronger nation than ever before.

  • How long until Americans wake up and realize this is a fascist country? Next time you want to judge other cultures evils, look at this one. WE ARE the next Nazi country. its done, they may even kill me for this if they find me. That is truth, not a conspiracy, and to say so is to be no different then the Nazis that turned a blind eye.

    • Wow,

      I’m sorry but are we filing hundreds of thousands of peope into gas chambers or forcing them into labor? You people are nuts. I can promise you if a situation like this were to occur, the military has families too. It will be so split that it will barely be effective. Many will abandon to be home with their families and protect them. Seriously, this is a farcry from nazism. I’m sure you’re one of those in occupy who is hoping for more tax breaks and the legalization of marijuana.

    • http://www.rense.com/general37/fascism.htm

      The 14 Defining
      Characteristics Of Fascism

      1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism – Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
      2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights – Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of ”need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
      3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause – The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

      4. Supremacy of the Military – Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
      5. Rampant Sexism – The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
      6. Controlled Mass Media – Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
      7. Obsession with National Security – Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
      8. Religion and Government are Intertwined – Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed
      to the government’s policies or actions.
      9. Corporate Power is Protected – The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
      10. Labor Power is Suppressed – Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
      11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts – Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
      12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment – Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
      13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption – Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
      14. Fraudulent Elections – Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

      Yep, America has all of that covered…but I will agree with concerned. People aren’t getting rounded up and gassed in chambers…..yet.

  • If anyone actually took the time to read through the bill, they would find that the bill is actually just a revision of the previous one, which more so or less, is identical to the one from last year, which is identical to the one before that.

    People need to read things with a grain of salt and do their own independent research instead of allowing themselves to be subjected to any one else’s opinion. If you think that an armed struggle against the current government in this moment is appropriate, then why haven’t you done it yourselves? The day that the government actually tries any of this is the day the people will rise against it. Not everyone is a mindless sheep to a single party or organization. As the author clearly is and those that agree with him.

    All talk and no action. But mostly just bullshit from people who have no clue about what they are saying.

  • you can honestly tell me you think this is real? look how badly photoshopped the picture is first off, i think only The Onion would have been a less reputable source. and… ”The National Defense Authorization Act is the name of a United States federal law that has been enacted for each of the past 48 fiscal years to specify the budget and expenditures of the United States Department of Defense.”
    just sayin.

    • Okay, so I was SOOOO ready to ream you a new one. Then thought better of my initial instinct and decided to check out the picture.

      You are SOOOOO right, Dude!!!

      And now I’m beginning to think this might actually be propaganda by the Occupy movement. But you know what? I have real life information to add to this discussion. And if this thing goes viral, I’m okay with adding my voice to something that may or may not be legit. People need to know that they can defend themselves against these banks. People (like me … for my parents) are doing it every single day. Every. Single. Day. Period.


      And if you need it, contact me. I will gladly help you.

  • It doesn’t matter how much we dislike this. The government already has absolute power. Just look at the senate, where the sole job in the government is to make sure to get voted in again, or congress who can vote raises for themselves to the tune of 50-80K annual salary. They do this every year. Nobody DOES anything. We have been far too complacent since the 60’s and 70’s. There has been no safe-checks or anything in place to keep the government officials in a place where they would have enough respect to know they could be taken down by the people. This country is doomed. We the people is a thing of the past, and nothing can be changed. If we had taken initiative a decade or more ago, this may not be true. We didn’t and therefore it is true. So keep talking, because words heat only the air directly in front of your face before they fade and cool off.

  • Honestly, I’m not saying anything against Obama, but our country was perfectly fine the way it was before even if bush took away freedoms. The reason he change the ”you are innocent until proven guilty” into pretty much guilty and to have to prove your innocence is because it’s true. People are always guilty of something but they’ll hide it for the better, but I’d they have to prove themselves then they have to start lying and eventually their lying will start getting sloppy and the courts will find this. Bush was merely protecting our freedoms. Not diminishing them. I dont care what you guys think. No matter all the stupid things bush has done in the past it all comes down to the fact that he wanted his country safe. He fought for the country. For the constitution. So if Obama passes this and let’s it slide then all HE is doing is diminishing everything we ever knew and that’s our rights. We lived for these rights, and our forefathers fought for these rights and if the senate thinks they can just throw something this old and valuable to our country away then they should be put in federal prision for corruption of justice and liberty. Honestly this would come down to another revolutionary war, but against ourselves. Against our government on which we solely trusted to do all the hard work to try and make us sayer and more secure as a country and now with this hey are basically turning their backs on us, and saying you don’t matter to us.

    • Dude, no offense, but you are REALLY out of touch. There is no one who could have taken office this term who could have dodged the bullet Obama is taking right now, Republican or Democrat. And frankly, our country was NOT ”perfectly fine” as you seem to think it was. This downturn we’ve been experiencing … and is only going to get worse, FYI, for a few years … was started years and years and years ago … by politicians who saw fit to let the banks do whatever the hell they wanted to. I don’t mean to sound biased, but those politicians happened to be republican ……

      And on the point of a revolutionary war against our gubment, you are 100% correct. THEY are who we should be targeting. Not Wall Street. But that’s just MHO ….

  • next thing you know, Rape my military officials will be legalized as well. I’m in the Air Force, and this shit disgusts me to no end. I’d sooner leave the military than participate in the new age Gestapo.

  • If this bill passes…I will fight for my constitution, for the rights that my friends and family have, and will not sit around and let them lose everything. I am not a Christian, but the bible talks about this kind of stuff happening. I think the world is coming to an end, not literally.

  • Isn’t this bill UNCONSTITUTIONAL?!? What a bunch of MORONS we have running our government! They’re supposed to be working for us, we PAY THEM, dammit!!

    On a sidenote, I believe you mean to use the word ”tenet”, not ”tenant” when referring to the Bill of Rights.

  • Democracy is the same as communism. The problem lies with the leaders themselves, not the actual government. People just need to wake up and realize that we are nothing more than cattle feeding the freedom of a handful of individuals, and that no amount of checks and balances can protect us.

  • Here is the text of 1031:

    (a) IN GENERAL.—Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.

    And section 1032, subsection (b)(1):

    The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    subsection (b)(2):

    The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

  • Democracy is the same as communism, the problems lies more in the leaders themselves rather than the government. People need to realize that we are nothing more than cattle feeding the freedom of a handful of individuals, and no amount of checks and balances can protect us.

  • Ha, doesn’t matter if you move out of the country or not. The US has more freedoms than anywhere else and once ours are all taken away, say hello to a one world government…

    I sure do hope people start opening their eyes to what’s going on and get up and do something about this shit.

  • Nobody cares about your movement shitheads. The only ones that do are the losers that are infesting the parks or as you know them Occupyers, but I like to think of them as cockroaches. Are these turds need to be flushed. If it sucks here do much fucking move to another country because your only taking up space here.

    • Ok fine. I’ll take the PE certification on my accredited PhD in Mechanical Engineering somewhere else…..oh wait already did. You act like it’s the poor people (who can’t afford to leave) and dumb people (who can’t see that half of the US constitution is gone) that want to leave, when in fact it is the stupid, easily replaceable people on youtube eight hours a day stuck on nationalism and their team (D or R) that tell others to leave if they don’t like it. Guess what? Since leaving the country, I have four houses for my family to live in should they see the light as well. Suck it.

  • I had always believed that the U.S. was a free country & a democracy. The Senate’s decision that America is a ’battleground’ is completely crazy and disgusting. If this Act becomes law, I shall avoid visiting the U.S. in the future.

  • Contradicting information:

    PRESSRELEASE: Rand Paul Blocks Attempt to Sneak Through Dangerous Amendment

    An attempt was made to pass Amendment No. 1274 to the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867) by voice vote, but Senator Paul’s objection and request for a roll call vote ultimately led to the bill’s defeat by a final vote of 41-59.


  • There are 400 idiots in the senate allowing the downfall of the worlds economy. Economically everything in the world stem’s from our countries ignorance, yet our senate decides it’s much more important to discuss our countries moto, while the greedy republicans cheer the idea for the poor in the world to fend for themselves, and the democrats don’t have a full set of balls between all of them combined to stand up for anything important.

    In the media Democrats vs Republicans is essentially no different than watching two rival football teams and their fans fight over who is going to kick who’s ass, instead of listening to each other like grown up human beings thirsty for new ideas. The issues and well being of the country and world are set aside to make one another look foolish on news networks.

    Obama had some great ideas on paper when he was elected, but never followed through on anything, only finished the work of George Bush (our last terrible president) by having Osama Bin’Laden killed under his term. He even had a ridiculous amount of senate seat support coming into office, and still managed to accomplish nothing internally.

    It’s rather sad, you see the rich in the country demonized, yet the majority of them are philanthropists and have organizations devoted to helping people who are truly unfortunate, such as cancer patients, children with disabilities, etc. Some (not all) are okay with paying higher tax rates, and believe its necessary for our survival in this recession, but stupid shit heads that make 200-300k a year, who don’t give anything at all back to the community refer to the 99% as socialist leaches looking for handouts, when the economy is clearly in the shit and needs to get out. While the free market is ’suppose’ to decide how things pan out in the world, it clearly isn’t working now by issuing hiring strikes.

    Its going to be a whole new show when today’s younger generation moves into power once the old ignorance dies off. Because I can assure you, every last one of those college students in the United States will remember the police brutality within those peaceful protests asking for the change that this world so desperately needs. Hiring strikes on jobs will likely end up costing corporations more than they bargained for in the long run. Hate and rage fuels the kind of fires that leave scars.

  • It would be nice to not have to read >9000 pages of funding allocations to find the article in question. Everyone scroll to Section 1041. Also read Section 1032 to see further War on Terror POW injustice. The author seems to think that 1032 also applies to American citizens but it doesn’t look that way to me.

  • This is truly funny to hear because of a few points. First of all if it were true we would of heard about it a long time ago. Second of all about 95% of my family is either active military or retired and believe me they are the ones to have on our side. If a civil war broke out, where you think the average citizen will get the fire power to act against he government. Hell there is so many laws keeping Americans from having weapons that even come close to what the government has. So with that being said if ”shit does hit the fan” most military will supply their families to protect themselves and most military will be against the government. You have to remember military is family members our brothers,sisters, moms, dads, uncles and so on they are not robots that can be turned against the very people they love honor and protect. But it was a funny story to read.

  • Can anyone find the actual section that is counter to 1031 and 1032? I’m having trouble locating it. I’d like to read the exact wording myself.

  • I just hope that if/when they try to pull this, that the military decideds to turn there guns on the government instead of its fellow Americans and we take the control back we once had. We killed Hitler for this very reason. Now we want to become him? ugh.. Im ready when you are guys. Say the word.

  • The senate can pass whatever they want, it won’t hold up in court against the constitution. ”Hello supreme court, the U.S. army invaded my dads house”

    Supreme court: ”That’s against his constitutional rights, that won’t stand.”

  • And will the American people who comprise our military forces stand to defend The Bill of Rights and The Constitution, which they are sworn to uphold and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic? Or will they believe it to be their duty to enforce fascism and a dictatorship? An act such as this simply tells me that I no longer have any government or law to answer to any longer. I did not sign up for the program that was in place for the past 50 years and I’m not about to sign up for this one. Why has humanity ever been so utterly stupid as to consent to the idea of man governing man…a preposterous concept. We can still shut them down cold, if WE THE PEOPLE, STOP BUYING AND SELLING LIFE ONE TO ANOTHER, ABANDON ALL CONCEPTS AND BELIEFS OF VALUE PERTAINING TO MONETARY SYSTEMS, GEMS AND PRECIOUS METALS, ALL OWNERSHIP OF ANY PORTION OF THE EARTH AND COME TO THE REALIZATION THAT ALL AUTHORITY IS IMAGINED, ASSUMED AND IMPOSED.

    If we do not value their monies…then they are not wealthy… If we do not recognize their authority and pretend it to be valid…no such authority exists….If we do not recognize ownership… then they own no portion of this earth. Listen well, as this is the only way to disempower them overnight…anything less, will result in much loss of life. $100 Billion Dollars, is worthless, unless we the people agree to pretend that it is not. THINK…your lives, your freedoms and your future depend upon it.

  • i knew this would happen if no one else hasnt felt it in the air i dont know where in the hell ya been the only thing left is to rebuild since our countries leaders cant budget and fix things and make things right its time we stand up america i mean there alot more of us then there is of them dont be a slave when pushed push back or be theres you make the call

  • well I believe our rights were taken away during the last years of the Bush Administration when you are no longer innocent before proven guilty, you are now assumed guilty and you have to prove you are innocent, there has been no due process since then…

  • Where EXACTLY in this bill does it ”essentially says it can apply to Americans ”if we want it to.” ”? I am not saying that I agree with the bill. I would just like to read that portion specifically so that I can have a better understanding.

  • This is why many 2nd Amendment activists fight for their rights to bear arms. Everyone says, ”We aren’t in the 1800 and 1900’s any more. This doesn’t apply to today’s America.” That is extremely ignorant and will doom us all. The government is taking control of more and more programs and services and that is not good. Citizens need to be able to defend themselves, even if it’s from their own government.

    17 (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The require18
    ment to detain a person in military custody under
    19 this section does not extend to citizens of the United
    20 States.
    21 (2)

    read the bill for yourself dont be a net using hipster sheepeople

    the section in question starts on page 359

    • solo — the section you quoted says that the US military will not be REQUIRED to detain US Citizens in military custody. But the bill itself does extend the military the RIGHT to detain US Citizens indefinitely without trial in military custody.

  • This is so rediculous. i mean just because occupy started hapening and someone finally stood up and said something was wrong with the goverment the goverment decided to take full control. now because the people that voted for this bill had it pass theres going to be proly a military type of population control where only the poeple that agree with their decisions may live and be free. i advise that most americans leave the country and start appreciating just having the basics.

    • Amanda,

      Are you even sure of what the Occupy movement is about? It’s a bunch of irresponsible people that think they are entitled to things they are not. They want handouts without having to earn money. They occupy areas that they don’t pay for and use facilities that they don’t pay for, people are being assaulted, raped, and drug use is rampant. We had a very small ”Occupy” movement at a nearby college and their fliers read, ”This year student loan debts will surpass the national debt.” It was like admitting how they are causing this country to go broke. They were seriously complaining that they were given a low interest rate loan by the government to go to school and now they have to pay it back. Are you kidding me? Imagine if the banks handed out student loans, interest rates would be through the roof with many potential students would be denied because of credit scores. Then the banks would come and repossess their belongings for being delinquent on loan payments. I mean really, are we going to go Occupy the grocery store because they charge us for food? Let’s go occupy Verizon Wireless because they have the audacity to make us pay for their provided service. The Occupy movement is a disgrace and only shows the true mentality of today’s America. Smart people know that more government involvement is a bad thing. Yet everyone wants the government to provide them everything. They’ll happily oblige so they can give and take as they please to control as they wish. Decades ago America was happy, prospering, and everybody loved everybody (ELE). Now the government wants to disarm citizens so there is no way for us to defend ourselves. Oh guns are dangerous and kill people? There are more motor vehicle deaths every year than gun related deaths. You are also more likely to die of cancer than to be killed by a gun. Just a fact. We need less government and a more empowered people who are willing to respect, love, and fight for their country. Along with earning their keep. Twelve months on unemployment is ridiculous. Here’s a fact that I hope makes you as sick as it does me. These are from 2009 and have only grown worse since……the Top 1% of Americans pay 35% of the nations income taxes. The Bottom 50% of Americans pay 2% of the nations income taxes. I bet all of the bottom 50% are involved in the Occupy protests. Too lazy to earn what they want. Sorry we all can’t make 4.5 million for acting in a movie, deal with it. You don’t like cleaning toilets? Well sorry, no unemployment because we have a job for you but you don’t like it so take it or leave it. We need some serious growth before we can consider coming together to stand up against our government.

      • You are so far out of touch its scarey. You were eitheo born with a silver spoon in your mouth or you are blind. Get in touch with the bottom rung of society, the vast majority arent lazy and asking fir handouts. They are asking for an chance for a better life….and most if them wirk a hell of alot harder then the top 1%.

      • In response to:
        ”Are you even sure of what the Occupy movement is about? It’s a bunch of irresponsible people that think they are entitled to things they are not. They want handouts without having to earn money”
        Oh… My.. God… are you freaking kidding me? I try to respond to things like this with respect and understanding, but how long have your eyes been shut for?

        ”They occupy areas that they don’t pay for and use facilities that they don’t pay for, people are being assaulted, raped, and drug use is rampant.”
        Think that doesn’t happen on the streets all the time? Because of the situation we’re in? The Occupy movement is the 99% struggling to change the system because the way it is and has been for so long isn’t working. So this means the homeless and people of the street are involved, which brings their normal behaviors to a place where it is highlighted. These actions don’t speak for all the other people that are healthy, intelligent, and fighting for something they believe in. It’s 99%. Of America. Do you realize how many people that includes?

        ”This year student loan debts will surpass the national debt.” It was like admitting how they are causing this country to go broke.
        WE DID NOT PUT OURSELVES IN THIS POSITION. We are here because of IRRESPONSIBLE and INCONSIDERATE decisions and lack of foresight on the part of those with power to make the decisions, who are so complacent in their fancy houses to GIVE A SHIT about the rest of the world.

        I can’t continue this message, because I’m a university student who wants to make a difference in the world, and have to study so I can get an A in my classes so I can play along with the game and have a respectable position so that I can actually make a difference in the world.

        THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES ME CYNICAL IS CYNICISM. Again, this is my first outburst message. I really can’t take it any more. People need to wake the fuck up. People need to realize the state we’re in. People need to do their fucking research. Oh my god. I understand where you’re coming from, but please, realize your ignorance and make a change in your life. It starts first from within, and then to the world. Amen, Shalom, Salaam, peace out.

      • //Are you even sure of what the Occupy movement is about?//

        I would ask you the same thing

        //It’s a bunch of irresponsible people that think they are entitled to things they are not. They want handouts without having to earn money.//

        Wrong, people are fed up with corporate greed and the entitlement of private money to our politicians. If you are not fed up with corporate greed then you do not know the state of our country. To be as simple as possible, corporations currently control the government, not people. OWS is a movement made my people for the people, that gives voice to those who have none. Our aims are to promote equality, create accountability for unlawful practices, bring down corruption, and give voice to the people when the two parties have not done a good job of doing so. For your information, not all occupiers are jobless, many of us have jobs… I am in college, like so many others, but we also include the homeless and the jobless because they need a voice too.

        //people are being assaulted, raped, and drug use is rampant//

        I don’t know where you heard this… but it is not true, and if it does exist, it is very very small. Occupiers are peaceful. I went to an Occupy camp and everyone was getting along nicely… who do you think we are, barbarians!?

        //We had a very small ”Occupy” movement at a nearby college and their fliers read, ”This year student loan debts will surpass the national debt.” It was like admitting how they are causing this country to go broke. They were seriously complaining that they were given a low interest rate loan by the government to go to school and now they have to pay it back.//

        There are many countries which have colleges that are much cheaper, even free… that get along fine. They are worried about the rise in costs and the bad economy they will go into. This is due to the economic crisis, which was caused by terrible practices within our economy and people need to be accounted for. Like I said, that is not the only complaint.

        //The Occupy movement is a disgrace and only shows the true mentality of today’s America.//

        The only problem in this country is civil obedience. Our government and much of Wall Street is corrupt, and have committed many crimes against humanity. What about the story above? Do you think this is evidence of a truly democratic society? Are you OK with rising unemployment? Are you OK being ignorant about not knowing where your products come from, how they are made, and who is being exploited to make them? Are you OK with an electoral system that can disregard the wants of the people voting? Are you OK with our politicians receiving millions from the super-corporations that are really financing their campaigns? I can tell you that I am not. If you are willing to sit by and let the world bet more fucked up, by all means do. At least these people are voicing their concerns and they are legitimate ones.

        //Smart people know that more government involvement is a bad thing. Yet everyone wants the government to provide them everything. They’ll happily oblige so they can give and take as they please to control as they wish. Decades ago America was happy, prospering, and everybody loved everybody (ELE). Now the government wants to disarm citizens so there is no way for us to defend ourselves. Oh guns are dangerous and kill people? There are more motor vehicle deaths every year than gun related deaths. You are also more likely to die of cancer than to be killed by a gun. Just a fact.//

        Irrelevant to the argument. OWS has no collective position on gun control.

        //We need less government and a more empowered people who are willing to respect, love, and fight for their country.//

        The same people who robed taxpayers of millions in the bailout? The same people who willfully gave millions of people sub prime loans, and then robbing them of their homes? The some people who are willing to sell out hundreds of jobs to foreign nations leaving US people jobless? No, these people to not have the integrity we need in this country. A government not funded by corporations will work for the needs of the majority instead of the rich.

        //Twelve months on unemployment is ridiculous. Here’s a fact that I hope makes you as sick as it does me. These are from 2009 and have only grown worse since……the Top 1% of Americans pay 35% of the nations income taxes. The Bottom 50% of Americans pay 2% of the nations income taxes.//

        Where did you get this information, Fox?
        Give me your sources. Until you prove otherwise, I stand by the statistics I learned before, the richest in this country pay less taxes than they should, by comparison, the bottom 50% do pay more. The richest 1% in the country own 33.8% of the wealth, the next 9% own 37.7% of the wealth. The next 40% own 26%. The bottom 50%? 2.5% of the wealth.
        So as you can see, it is not surprising that they pay more taxes, but that does not mean that things are equal in this country, not by far.
        So, I guess it is no surprise then huh?

        //I bet all of the bottom 50% are involved in the Occupy protests. Too lazy to earn what they want. Sorry we all can’t make 4.5 million for acting in a movie, deal with it. You don’t like cleaning toilets? Well sorry, no unemployment because we have a job for you but you don’t like it so take it or leave it.//

        Don’t you think people have tried? THEY HAVE TRIED. There is little to no employment. Who do you think we are, all lazy hippies!?
        Tell me , which is easier to believe, that 150,000,000 Americans are being lazy, or that 400 are being greedy? Come on. To say ALL occupiers are lazy is a statement that is lazy. Many of us, if not most, are middle class and have employment.

        //We need some serious growth before we can consider coming together to stand up against our government.//

        What do you mean? Economic? America is no longer the economic superpower. Except it. All we can hope to do is put into place smarter and more fair practices so our fall is not so great.

        So in conclusion… occupiers have very good reasons for doing what we do. We are not all idiots. We are not all ’hippies’. We are not all communists. We are not all rapists and drug abusers. We are not all unemployed. And the OWS movement is NOT anti-American.

        All we want… is a better world.

      • You are deluded. Do you realize a good chunk of the Top 1% effectively pay nothing in federal income tax? The Bottom 50% pay 2% because a large amount of them sit at or below the poverty line. It has nothing to do with being lazy. Wake up and stop thinking like you do. You are so incredibly wrong it’s sickening. Minimum wage in this country has barely budged in 40 years while CEO and other executive salaries have grown exponentially. There has been no effort to keep minimum wage up with inflation. You are so deluded. I can’t even organize my thoughts correctly to show you how incredibly moronic you are.

      • I’m sorry but I don’t think you really realize what the occupy movement is about. it is about a corrupt system. It isn’t about people wanting handouts or people wanting others to take care of them. It’s about a level playing field. its about not favoring profit over people. The cost of living has tripled in the last few decades while wages have remained relatively the same. There are teachers, there are lawyers, there are mothers, father,s grandparents, students, military vets soldiers on leave, soldiers who are off duty. We are all in the streets. Turn off Fox News and go to the next demonstration in your city. Listen to the stories, learn from people who struggle everyday and get no where. Not everyone wants to be rich some people just want to the opportunity to take care of their family and live comfortably. The system as it stands has made that nearly impossible for most people.

        The average income in this country is about 26k a year, the poverty line is 23k for a family of 4. Your best option if you don’t want to be poor is get an education so you can get a good job maybe a career. The cost of a college education has triple maybe quadrupled in the past 30 years to a point where the average person can’t afford it without loans. The average loan debt for a undergraduate student graduating is 2011 was about 23.5k. that’s the average, that’s a public state school. That isn’t a private ivy league education.

        My question is how will a person just graduating from college who did what they were supposed to do, they got good grades got a decent degree but now has to work in McDonald’s survive on 8.50 when they are 24, 25 thousand dollars in debt? Again people aren’t calling for others to take care of them. People want to work they want to earn of living. Where are the jobs? Where are the jobs that provide people with a decent wage, where i the affordable health care? I know they were shipped overseas because CEO’s didn’t want to pay people decent wages, they didn’t want to provide benefits. It was all about profit and we have suffered. Open your eyes a little bit.

        Don’t say ”if there was stability the job creators would create jobs, we cant raise taxes on the job creators” First of all that bs, the bush tax cuts have been in place for long enough and with those tax cuts jobs have all but disappeared. Secondly major corporations are reporting record profits, they’re sitting on money, so if they are the ”job creators” they need to get to creating. Clinton had taxes just 3% higher and boom 24 million jobs plus a surplus.

      • Concerned says:

        //Are you even sure of what the Occupy movement is about? It’s a bunch of irresponsible people that think they are entitled to things they are not.//

        Yup. Sounds like the banks to me. Are you really so out of touch that you think the banks actually OWN these notes … whether mortgage notes or student loans? Yet they think they’re entitled to pocket the money for them … money that is paid for paper that is worth dimes on the dollar. I call that thinking they’re entitled to something they are not, wouldn’t you agree? And irresponsible? Ummm, that would be issuing predatory loans that they KNOW are going to be defaulted on so they can earn their bread and butter on the fees. Do you have ANY idea how much money these banks make on the fees alone? Billions.

        //people are being assaulted, raped//

        Again, I assume you are talking about the banks … worker bees who are assaulting, degrading, screaming at, accusing and eventually raping people out of their hard earned money. Yes, I said hard earned. You do realize that people who are hard workers are losing their homes because they hit a bump in the road, don’t you? People who have faithfully paid their mortgage for years. Even people who didn’t get into an upside down mortgage. People who all of a sudden hit a health issue and were unable to work for months, then when they were able to go back to work, did, only to be laid off a month later.

        //They want handouts without having to earn money. They occupy areas that they don’t pay for…//

        Yup, again, sounds like the banks to me. Foreclosures ringing any bells? The banks don’t own them. Yet they occupy them as if they do. I call that a handout without having to earn anything at all, wouldn’t you agree?

        And can we talk about how they inflated home appraisals just so they could milk a little (okay, a LOT) more out of both the home potential owner and the investor who paid for the loan before it was even signed??? A girlfriend of mine is having a hard time. Her home is assessed at something like $14,000. Do you know what her loan was originally given for? Close to $100,000. Even someone at the bank was shocked by the discrepancy. I’m sorry, but that’s a handout without having to earn any money if I ever saw one …… On the bank’s side that is ……

        //They were seriously complaining that they were given a low interest rate loan by the government to go to school and now they have to pay it back. Are you kidding me?//

        No, what people are ”complaining” about is the original lender sold the note for WAYYY more than it was worth, defrauding the investors just like they did with mortgage backed securities. Then they continued to service the loan, paying the investors only a portion and pocketed the rest. THAT is fraud. Then they took billions of dollars to ”bail” them out of the pickle they were in. They’re making money on a debt they don’t even own!!!

        //Yet everyone wants the government to provide them everything.//

        I assume again, you’re talking about the banks here, right? And they would be at the top of your list, right? Oh wait, there is the Senate who can pass bills to screw everyone else yet ensure they get 100% retirement and private health insurance for life and god knows what else might actually trump the banks who expect the gubment to bail them out when they’re defrauding anyone and everyone they can at every turn…. I just can’t seem to decide who wants the gubment to provide them everything more here …..

        //Decades ago America was happy, prospering, and everybody loved everybody (ELE).//

        On this point I might actually agree with you to a degree. Decades ago, banks would have worked with people to help them when they fell on tough times rather than bait them and then switch by charging astronomical fees because that’s where the banks really make their money. This, by my definition is rape. Decades ago, banks wouldn’t give crappy loans they KNEW were going to fail. Your comment, IMO, speaks more to your age than anything else. Life was DIFFERENT then. Times have changed. Move on. With the times, I mean.

        And just so we’re clear, while I don’t fall into the top 1%, I’m pretty damn near close.

  • Please tell me this didn’t actually happen and is a political satire on the current events occurring on Capitol Hill. Whatever those events maybe.

  • This will never get by the Supreme Court, so there’s no sense in worrying about it. So unless the Supreme Court is completely corrupted, don’t worry. This amendment is completely unjustified, unlawful, and unconstitutional.

    Shame on the Senate for okaying an amendment to torture and murder people without any consequences. If this bill passes, I am moving the hell out of the country. Life is scary enough without worrying if the Military is going to come kicking in your front door and kill your whole family.

  • I don’t know, I think that this might be being misrepresented. I have not read all 682 pages of the bill but have scoured for some legalease verbiage and about half way through the bill the following appears:

    Page – 362
    17 (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The require-
    18 ment to detain a person in military custody under
    19 this section does not extend to citizens of the United
    20 States.
    21 (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS.—The require-
    22 ment to detain a person in military custody under
    23 this section does not extend to a lawful resident
    24 alien of the United States on the basis of conduct
    25 taking place within the United States, except to the

    Page – 363
    1 extent permitted by the Constitution of the United
    2 States.

    I hope I am not wrong about this but perhaps we should all (including myself) read it befor contributing to a mass hysteria situation; allowing thoes that opose the freedoms of American Citizens to lable us moronic and not inteligent enough to understand what they are trying to ”Do For Us”. Do to us… Is probably more accurate; none-the-less I don’t want anyone doing anything for me, Except prevent forigne invaders from attacking American holdings and ensuring access and availabilty of infrastructure.

  • This bill is Unconstitutional PERIOD . The supreme courts duty is to uphold the Constitution and not less the pass into Law. Please Americans stand up for your rights. We are are once were a Democracy it is time to regain our rights.

  • What is going on in the US is unbelievable. I feel for the people in the US. What is weird here is that the Big media in Sweden doesn’t even mention this bill and the consequences.

  • I just stumbled onto something quite troubling. Since when does the American government hide it’s activities from the press?

    ””The Fine Print:

    The entire conference will be held at the unclassified level.
    Parts of the conference may be filmed by authorized personnel.
    No members of the press are permitted.
    There will be no on-site registration.
    Registration has been extended through noon on December 2nd.
    Registrants will not be eligible for a refund.””

    READ MORE AT http://www.ise.gov/wis3

  • (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
    (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
    (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

  • You Dumb Asses. Why would you basically start a war with their own country. Ppl are gone fight this with all their might. Its not doing anything but making it worse. Again. Dumb Asses!!! There’s gonna be massacres in the US because nobody. and i mean NOBODY is gonna take this. Yall Mufuckas need to leave shit the way it was. Why yall tryna change stuff. Everytime the government change something, they end up having more problems.

  • this is all obamas fault. Fucking socialist president, with his dictatorship senate.

    I knew a black president was a bad idea. Im voting for Romney next fall. Fuck all these hippies that are putting other americans at risk because of there inability to work in the real world.

    Fuck this

  • A quick scan of the document shows that the word ”battleground” is never used in this bill. So this would appear to be sensationalism at it’s finest. You also forgot a couple words from the title of the Bill, it’s actually ”National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.” It’s a budget bill.

  • Wow… this article is bogus. If the author wouldn’t mind pointing out the explicit text in the bill that gives the military the right to legally assassinate citizens ”if they want to” that would be great. Show us one piece of text that comes from the bill that implies such monstrosities. Good luck finding that by the way.

    • To Think. HELL YA!!! I was happy when I heard Gov Perry throw that one. The only issue is Texas doesn’t have a military for the battle that would follow. On the other hand we have enough guns in Texas lol..

  • Neither of my Senators voted dishonorably on 1031 or 1032. Also, note; our bill of rights are exerted; they are not asked for. Message to my Senator that was sent to the Senators office: 11/24/11

    Honorably oppose and vote no on section 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA. If enacted, sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA would:

    1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

    (2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

    (3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.

    There is no amount of double talk that one can do anymore; if we are a public servant in any capacity, we will hold you accountable for breaches of our constitution. This is a clear breach of our social contract with the government. We are giving a clear message: You can not use the courts and police to suppress political change. In other words, some may be asking you to
    Vote no and appose sections 1031 and 1032 of NDAA; however, we are telling you this is unconstitutional and we don’t approve of it. If you vote yes; then, that is a dereliction of public office and you are not serving and protecting the constitution; therefore, we have right to take away all your position and authority. And will. Be not in any illusions, the military will not back the government on this, the citizens will not back the government on this; therefore, politically, you will be where 9 guys in black robes where when Former President Andrew Jackson told them to enforce there judgement. We are unstoppable. Join or loss.

    • I agree with Kathryn that an accurate reading of the bill to include actual statement of fact supporting this article’s interpretation of events is a prerequisite to accepting the assertions made as possibilities even more so as intended societal or political direction in the U.S. Yes, I too am a member of the 99% and am very aware of the designs of the 1%. But I cede the Conservative minority who would have the U.S. move towards some kind of elite fascist rule no special ability to cloud our minds and steal our heritage as sausage makers of choice. Occupy Wall Street says we are awake, aware, and watching. Action will happen if necessary, but I fear crying wolf too soon and without purpose will dissipate this awareness. Yes, there is an SS or some such elitist thing moving it’s eye, but to hell with the irrelevant musings of distant voices who don’t feel and can’t understand the tides of individual and organizational will and culture perspectives shaping the future of this United States of America, still the greatest and most envied society on the planet Earth.

      • Spew your childish, brainwashed, witless babble elsewhere.

        ”The designs of the 1%”

        What are those? Are the rich people trying to steal Christmas????

  • What the hell is this country coming too? I’m scared for this Gen. and the new generation…
    I think people are just getting dumber and dumber and the American people are losing a hold of control on our government, the elected officials, and the various acts and amendments that have been signed and passed in the past 10-20 years. What the Hell are we doing???

  • next thing you know, Rape my military officials will be legalized as well. I’m in the Air Force, and this shit disgusts me to no end. I’d sooner leave the military than participate in the new age Gestapo.

  • Isn’t this bill UNCONSTITUTIONAL?!? What a bunch of MORONS we have running our government! They’re supposed to be working for us, we PAY THEM, dammit!!

    On a sidenote, I believe you mean to use the word ”tenet”, not ”tenant” when referring to the Bill of Rights.

  • Here is the text of 1031:

    (a) IN GENERAL.—Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.

    And section 1032, subsection (b)(1):

    The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

    subsection (b)(2):

    The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

  • Ha, doesn’t matter if you move out of the country or not. The US has more freedoms than anywhere else and once ours are all taken away, say hello to a one world government…

    I sure do hope people start opening their eyes to what’s going on and get up and do something about this shit.

  • Alex Jones has been talking about this for years. JF Kennedy warned us about a force.. the New world order… and we are worried about Sports Scores and who will win dancing with the stars.. Very sad.. and the media is bought and p;aid for. elect Ron Paul!

  • Nobody cares about your movement shitheads. The only ones that do are the losers that are infesting the parks or as you know them Occupyers, but I like to think of them as cockroaches. Are these turds need to be flushed. If it sucks here do much fucking move to another country because your only taking up space here.

    • Ok fine. I’ll take the PE certification on my accredited PhD in Mechanical Engineering somewhere else…..oh wait already did. You act like it’s the poor people (who can’t afford to leave) and dumb people (who can’t see that half of the US constitution is gone) that want to leave, when in fact it is the stupid, easily replaceable people on youtube eight hours a day stuck on nationalism and their team (D or R) that tell others to leave if they don’t like it. Guess what? Since leaving the country, I have four houses for my family to live in should they see the light as well. Suck it.

  • I had always believed that the U.S. was a free country & a democracy. The Senate’s decision that America is a ’battleground’ is completely crazy and disgusting. If this Act becomes law, I shall avoid visiting the U.S. in the future.

  • Can anyone find the actual section that is counter to 1031 and 1032? I’m having trouble locating it. I’d like to read the exact wording myself.

  • The senate can pass whatever they want, it won’t hold up in court against the constitution. ”Hello supreme court, the U.S. army invaded my dads house”

    Supreme court: ”That’s against his constitutional rights, that won’t stand.”

  • well I believe our rights were taken away during the last years of the Bush Administration when you are no longer innocent before proven guilty, you are now assumed guilty and you have to prove you are innocent, there has been no due process since then…

  • Where EXACTLY in this bill does it ”essentially says it can apply to Americans ”if we want it to.” ”? I am not saying that I agree with the bill. I would just like to read that portion specifically so that I can have a better understanding.

  • What is going on in the US is unbelievable. I feel for the people in the US. What is weird here is that the Big media in Sweden doesn’t even mention this bill and the consequences.

  • Neither of my Senators voted dishonorably on 1031 or 1032. Also, note; our bill of rights are exerted; they are not asked for. Message to my Senator that was sent to the Senators office: 11/24/11

    Honorably oppose and vote no on section 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA. If enacted, sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA would:

    1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

    (2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

    (3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.

    There is no amount of double talk that one can do anymore; if we are a public servant in any capacity, we will hold you accountable for breaches of our constitution. This is a clear breach of our social contract with the government. We are giving a clear message: You can not use the courts and police to suppress political change. In other words, some may be asking you to
    Vote no and appose sections 1031 and 1032 of NDAA; however, we are telling you this is unconstitutional and we don’t approve of it. If you vote yes; then, that is a dereliction of public office and you are not serving and protecting the constitution; therefore, we have right to take away all your position and authority. And will. Be not in any illusions, the military will not back the government on this, the citizens will not back the government on this; therefore, politically, you will be where 9 guys in black robes where when Former President Andrew Jackson told them to enforce there judgement. We are unstoppable. Join or loss.

    • I agree with Kathryn that an accurate reading of the bill to include actual statement of fact supporting this article’s interpretation of events is a prerequisite to accepting the assertions made as possibilities even more so as intended societal or political direction in the U.S. Yes, I too am a member of the 99% and am very aware of the designs of the 1%. But I cede the Conservative minority who would have the U.S. move towards some kind of elite fascist rule no special ability to cloud our minds and steal our heritage as sausage makers of choice. Occupy Wall Street says we are awake, aware, and watching. Action will happen if necessary, but I fear crying wolf too soon and without purpose will dissipate this awareness. Yes, there is an SS or some such elitist thing moving it’s eye, but to hell with the irrelevant musings of distant voices who don’t feel and can’t understand the tides of individual and organizational will and culture perspectives shaping the future of this United States of America, still the greatest and most envied society on the planet Earth.

      • Spew your childish, brainwashed, witless babble elsewhere.

        ”The designs of the 1%”

        What are those? Are the rich people trying to steal Christmas????

  • Alex Jones has been talking about this for years. JF Kennedy warned us about a force.. the New world order… and we are worried about Sports Scores and who will win dancing with the stars.. Very sad.. and the media is bought and p;aid for. elect Ron Paul!

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