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New findings: Mayan calendar continues after 2012 – The World will go on

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publicerad 11 maj 2012
- NewsVoice redaktion

Photo: Tyrone Turner

Archaeologists have found a stunning array of 1, 200-year-old Maya paintings in a room that appears to have been a workshop for calendar scribes and priests, with numerical markings on the wall that denote intervals of time well beyond the controversial cycle that runs out this December.

The current focus of the research project, led by Boston University’s William Saturno, is a 6-by-6-foot room situated beneath a mound at the Xultun archaeological site in Guatemala’s Peten region.

”We have probably 99.9 percent of Xultun left to explore,” Saturno said. ”We’re going to be working on it probably for many decades to come…”

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