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Iceland – An extraordinary democratic example of solving a crises

Börje Peratt (1949-2021) var en svensk samhällsdebattör, producent, regissör, författare, kompositör och journalist med en bakgrund från Sveriges Radio och SVT. Börje producerade dokumentärer, TV-serier, musikaler och långfilmer.
publicerad 2 augusti 2012
- Börje Peratt

Lárus mir Óskarsson

Iceland was in 2009 in an economic and political crisis comparable to the Greek crisis today. Perhaps this true story might give them ideas on how they could discuss resolving their crisis.

By Börje Peratt

Lárus Ymir Óskarsson, born 1 March 1949 in Reykjavik, Iceland, is an Icelandic film and television director who is best known in Sweden for the Longing blue flower in 1998 with famous Swedish actor such as Eva Röse and Marika Lagercrantz, also the feature film The Frozen Leopard 1986 staring among other Peter Stormare and Joakim Thåström.

Around 2000 Lárus moved back to Iceland where he came to commit to rebuilding the Icelandic society after the severe economic crisis.

Lárus says:

– We were a group who started dating after the crisis. We did not like what we saw in Iceland – the situation was by no means sustainable, many were angry and paranoid, they tore it down and did not build up.

It was early spring 2009 and we had similar ideas about what´s now needed to be done. We were 9 people.

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