Nu när det diskuteras svininfluensavaccinering igen finns det skäl att påminna om den kanadensiska studien från hösten 2012 som visar att de som fick svininfluensavaccin 2009 fick ökad risk att drabbas av svininfluensa än ovaccinerade.
Studien avfärdades först av skeptiker som ett lokalt fenomen i Kanada, men uppföljande studier antyder att det var något fel på vaccinet som används internationellt.
”Canadian researchers noticed in the early weeks of the pandemic that people who got a flu shot for the 2008-2009 winter seemed to be more likely to get infected with the pandemic virus than people who hadn’t received a flu shot.
Five studies done in several provinces showed the same puzzling and unsettling results. But initially research outside of Canada did not, and the effect was dismissed as “the Canadian problem.”
But a new study suggests the findings may indeed have been real.”
“The findings that we show are consistent with the increased risk that we saw in the human studies,” Ms. Skowronski said.