Bostonbombningen: Försökte FBI tysta Ibragim Todashev genom avrättning med 6 skott varav ett i huvudet? Det misstänker han far som nu vill ställa FBI inför rätta. Todashev dödades under ett förhör skriver Fadern höll presskonferens i Moskva den 30 maj.
“I can show you the photos taken after the killing of my son. I have 16 photographs. I just would like to say that looking at these photos is like being in a movie. I only saw things like that in movies: shooting a person, and then the kill shot. Six shots in the body, one of them in the head”.
“I want justice and I want an investigation to be carried out, I want these people [the FBI agents] to be put on trial in accordance with US law. They are not FBI officers, they are bandits. I cannot call them otherwise, they must be put on trial”, sa fadern Abdulbaki Todashev på en presskonferens vid RIA Novosti News Agency i Moskva rapporterar
Enligt de amerikanska myndigheterna sköts Ibragim Todasjev efter att han gjorde våldsamt motstånd mot FBI-agenter after att ha förhört honom i flera timmar hemma i sin bostad i Orlando, skriver DN.
”Chechen lawyer Zaurbek Sadakhanov characterized the killing an extrajudicial execution. “Why was he interrogated three times without a lawyer? Why no recording? Why seven shots? And why should I believe their version? Why do American policemen believe they can do whatever they want?”, frågade Hassan Shibly, chef på CAIR Florida, till USA Today skriver
Sammanfattning: Torbjörn Sassersson