I’m really looking forward to making some new videos. Maybe in other styles, clothing or kind of music. For those who asked for a tutorial: I’m planing to do so. About a special move or sth. Maybe about the Charleston or the Shuffle elements. But this needs quite a bit more time. (I’m pretty busy learning for my exams right now)
Again… thanks a lot.
Best regards, JSM
Breaking News
President Mulino bekräftar ägandet av Panamakanalen trots Trumps hot -
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TASS: Houthis attackerade det amerikanska hangarfartyget USS Harry S. Truman med kryssningsmissiler och drönare -
Kan vi lita på IPCC? – Allt fler forskare överger idén om ett koldioxidskapat klimathot -
Putin’s Direct Line: Insights on Ukraine, Global Relations, and Domestic Issues
Detta inlägg publicerades för 11 år sedan
”All Night” med Parov Stelar – Dansare JSM