Blue Gold – The Politics and Privitization of Water

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publicerad 17 november 2013
- NewsVoice redaktion

What You Learned In Grade School Is Not Working Anymore

Text: Bibi Farber

Personally, I was expecting a well produced environmental film about the polluted state of our water. It’s much deeper than that. Blue Gold is about many aspects of the world’s fresh water crisis, but the most unexpected and alarming part is the politics of our declining resources and the privitization of water. Multinational corporations are buying up the world’s fresh water. Riots leading to revolutions are already happening where the population insists on defending their water rights.

You will learn why the lessons you were taught in grade school about how the water cycling through our atmosphere will never run out, is theoretically true, but not what the situation is today.

The earth is desertifying at an alarming rate. We are pumping 15 times more water up from the ground than is returning into it.

How does that happen? The film educates us about fascinating geological changes, and explains how we got to this point.

And did you know how damaging dams are to the whole eco-system?

Vandana Shiva says: ”A river is the lifeblood of an eco-system just like the veins and arteries bring blood to every part of pour organism. When we have choked arteries that’s whats called as heart attack. A dam is the chocking of the artery.”

This film should be seen by every citizen of the world. Pass it around!

Text: Bibi Farber

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