Betalda spökskrivare på Wikipedia bekräftas

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publicerad 11 mars 2014
- NewsVoice redaktion
Wikipedia den ofria encyklopedin

Wikipedias jurister vill ändra regelverket för hur Wikipedia uppdateras med anledning av att uppslagsverket används av företag och andra organisationer som betalar för spökskrivare som uppdaterar och kontrollerar poster på Wikipedia.

”Wikipedia is advertised as an encyclopedia anyone can edit but many have complained that is not true and that only one perspective or point of view is allowed to be included, with some “troll-like” bullying and abusive behaviour from some of Wikipedia’s “Admins” and habitual “Editors” ensuring balance is eradicated particularly from some topics. Wikipedia is edited by children and older people, some of the latter seem sadly to spend their lives on it.

The Essjay debacle revealed some of the deception and disinformation practised by [a now fired] Wikipedia paid employee, who used the false name Essjay and claimed to hold doctoral degrees in theology and canon law and worked as a tenured professor at a private university: Essjay Controversy. It was later discovered that he was 24 years old and had dropped out of community college with no qualifications.

The Wikimedia Foundation Legal Department plans to ask the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees to consider a proposed amendment in our Terms of Use to address further undisclosed paid editing.”

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  • Ja en sak är säker när det gäller Wikipedia,vill man ha objektiv information om t.ex. alternativmedicin (och även mycket fler saker..), så ska man INTE söka information där!

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