”False flags” i Ukraina-konflikten avslöjat

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publicerad 6 mars 2014
- NewsVoice redaktion

En kvinna Tatiana Samoilenko dyker upp som olika pro-ryska ukrainare i åtminstone fem olika nyhetsinslag. Kvinnan agerar med upprördhet över landets nya regering och citerades flitigt på onsdagen i media. Ett buggat samtal avslöjar en pro-ukrainsk krypskyttskonspiration. Propagandakriget är i full gång, skriver Ossi Carp för DN idag.

Officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to the ousted President Viktor Yanukovich have hacked phones of Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and leaked their conversation to the web.

The officials discuss their impressions of what’s happening in the country after the revolution. The gist of it is that Ukrainian people have no trust in any of the leaders of Maidan.

However the most striking thing of all is the fact which concerns the use of force during the revolution, particularly the snipers who killed both protesters and officers of the riot police. Mr. Paet reveals astonishing information which confirms the rumours that the snipers were employed by the leaders of Maidan. / Mikael Bergman

Intercepted phone call between Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton: Snipers were hired by insurgents!

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