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Mike Adams starts NaturalWiki and TruthWiki

NewsVoice är en oberoende nättidning med utgivningsbevis som startade 2011. Syftet är att publicera nyheter, debattartiklar, kommentarer och analyser. Stöd vårt arbete genom att donera, sponsra eller annonsera.
publicerad 28 juli 2014
- NewsVoice redaktion
Mike Adams, 2017 Foto: NaturalNews

As you probably know, wikipedia has long been overtaken by Big Pharma interests who use wikipedia to deliberate smear natural medicine and all the people and organizations who are part of it. One of wikipedia’s key founders has openly said he is strongly opposed to alternative medicine, and it’s clear the wikipedia website is deliberately used as a tool to defame and disparage holistic doctors, non-profit groups and even healing nutrients!

By Mike Adams

It’s time to launch a wikipedia alternative that tells the truth about medicinal herbs, nutritional therapies, alternative cancer treatments, acupuncture, chiropractic medicine and all the people, groups and organizations that promote health freedom.

INTRODUCING two new wikis being launched right now:

NaturalWiki.org – A site that aims to tell the truth about nutrients, natural medicine, holistic therapies, healing foods, superfoods, health product companies, alternative medicine doctors, practitioners, authors, educators and more.

TruthWiki.org – A site that dares to tell the truth about controversial and alternative topics: free energy, consciousness, parallel universes, the Federal Reserve, fluoride, aspartame, vaccines, etc… plus all the people and corporations who need to be exposed for who they truly are.

There’s almost nothing on these websites so far… they are in ”pre-launch” phase and need your help. But here’s an example temporary page on Oregano to show you the format.

THESE TWO SITES NEED YOUR HELP to make these websites a success. Both sites are 100% non-profit and non-commercial. They need your help to create new page entries, edit existing entries and promote those entries with links from your blogs and websites.

With your help, we can all collectively build two different powerful wiki websites that rival wikipedia on these specific topics. Over time, these wikis will acquire many hyperlinks and search engine rankings, helping other people finally DISCOVER THE TRUTH about nutrition, natural medicine, holistic therapies and many other topics that are critical for the public to learn.


1) To help get these sites off the ground, simply email your desired username to help@truthwiki.org or help@naturalwiki.org and request a user account (you can suggest any username you want). If you wish to contribute to both sites, send an email to both addresses. You do NOT need to send them your real name or full name.

2) Once you receive your user login details, you will be able to log in to the wiki website(s) and start creating new wiki pages! Use this page getting started guide for easy-to-follow instructions.

3) Here at Natural News, we will begin promoting the pages that you create which offer interesting content, such as descriptions of interesting people, useful nutritional information, health freedom entries or even entries that expose evil individuals or corporations. (The site needs a detailed page on Monsanto, for example, along with hundreds of other evil corporations and individuals who promote poison.)

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