I en unik intervju får Assad komma till tals om om beskyllningarna emot honom, ISIS, kriget i Syrien och västmedia. Han menar bla att USA:s invasion av Irak var en del av arbetet att destabilisera Syrien.
Källa: RT.com
Assad om orsaken till kriget i Syrien
“It was the Iraq war in 2003, when the United States invaded Iraq. We were strongly opposed to that invasion, because we knew that things were moving in the direction of dividing societies and creating unrest. And we are Iraq’s neighbors.”
Assad om ISIS och terrorism
“There are forces fighting terrorism now alongside the Syrian state, which had previously fought against the Syrian state. We have made progress in this regard, but I would like to take this opportunity to call on all forces to unite against terrorism, because it is the way to achieve the political objectives which we, as Syrians, want through dialogue and political action.”
Assad om anti-ISIS-kampen ledd av USA och koalisationen
“We have no veto [on partnership] on any country provided that it has the will to fight terrorism and not as they are doing in what is called “the international coalition” led by the United States. In fact, since this coalition started to operate, ISIS has been expanding. In other words, the coalition has failed and has no real impact on the ground.”
Assad om flyktingkrisen
”If you are worried about [refugees], stop supporting terrorists. That’s what we think regarding the crisis. This is the core of the whole issue of refugees.”
Om västs propaganda där Assad beskylls för inbördeskrig i Syrien
“Western propaganda has, from the very beginning, been about the cause of the problem being the president. Why? Because they want to portray the whole problem in Syria lies in one individual.”
Vilken ledare som helst som låter sitt land slitas sönder och sitt folk skickas på flykt internt och externt är en mycket dålig ledare.
När han sedan kastar bensinbomber från helikopter över marknadstorg är han ännu sämre.
När han istället för att försöka lösa eländet köper vapen från stormakter och riktar mot sitt folk är han bara en skit endast värd förakt.
Verkar en mycket balanserat man. När man inte lever i det universum som main stream media skapar, låter hans yttrande mycket trovärdig.