Mueller-rapporten slår fast: Trump inte illegalt inblandad i USA-valet 2016

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publicerad 25 mars 2019
- NewsVoice redaktion

Mueller-rapportens slutresultat visar att president Trump står fri från skuld i en påstådd illegal inblandning i samarbete med en utländsk makt med avsikten att påverka USA-valet 2016. Trumps juridiska ombud Rudy Giuliani säger att det amerikanska folket bör vara glada att landets sittande ledning inte är resultatet av utländsk påverkan. Missnöjda Demokrater vill nu ganska rapporten. 

Några klippt från medierna:

RT skriver i artikeln: ‘One of the greatest hoaxes in US history’: Russiagate narrative’s peddlers to be held accountable?” att de bakom anklagelserna bör ställas till svars:

“All of us were also exonerated, not just the president,” Daniel McAdams, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute, told RT, after Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow during the 2016 US election.
“It was a witch hunt. [Trump] knew it was a witch hunt… perhaps one of the greatest hoaxes in US history,” McAdams said, stressing that all Trump supporters suffered greatly for their criticism of the two-year-long probe.
“We were demonized, we were vilified for two years, called all manner of names,” while the Democrats and most of America’s mass media were engaged in pushing a false narrative about Trump’s conspiracy with Russia. –

”The special counsel did not find that any US person or Trump campaign official conspired or knowingly co-ordinated with Russia,” Mr Barr writes. On the issue of whether justice was obstructed, Mr Mueller’s report says: ”While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” – BBC

For now, consistent with Mueller’s tightly controlled investigation, no one outside the Justice Department knows what is in the report, how long it is and how much it deals with the President’s own actions. But its delivery sets up an even bigger test for Washington’s political institutions than those involved in getting it safely to its culmination. – CNN

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