The American citizen Felix Prince, born in New York into a well-known family in the entertainment industry, was a promising piano and conductor prodigy. A famous Finnish conductor attests that Felix was a wonderchild who could conduct advanced musical pieces at an early age.
Instead of a career in the world of classical music, Felix Prince ended up in a mental ward in Sweden with slim chances of ever becoming free again.
His mother, Christina Prince, explains that the Swedish clinic makes huge money keeping him locked up.
The doctors in charge of the clinic claim that Felix has a mental illness, lie about his background as a pianist and that he needs to be medicated by injections of heavy drugs. Christina says they are slowly killing him to fabricate a carte blanche and freedom of accountability.
Felix was locked up in Sweden in 2019.
Read more: Pianist Prodigy from New York Locked Up and Abused for 5 Years at Swedish Mental Ward