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The Coronavirus Pandemic – A Stage Rehersal Towards The New World Order?

Jens Jerndal, 2019 Jens Jerndal (1934-2024), nationalekonom och statsvetare, tidigare förste kanslisekreterare i UD, förste ambassadsekreterare och chargé d´affaires a.i. i Pakistan, professor i holistisk medicin vid Open International University of Complementary Medicines i Sri Lanka. Egen företagare i Spanien och Argentina. Författare och föredragshållare. Styrelseordförande i partiet Enhet.
publicerad 17 mars 2020
- Jens Jerndal
Jens Jerndal, 2019
Jens Jerndal in 2019.

The World Health Organization recently called on Member states in the Southeast Asia Region to urgently scale up aggressive measures to combat COVID-19, as the confirmed cases kept increasing.

By Jens Jerndal

Note the vague determination of the area and the dramatic wording ”urgently” and ”aggressively.” Finally, the ridiculously low figures of “confirmed” cases and only a few deaths, who might well have died without the Coronavirus, considering that the vast majority of deaths attributed to the virus admittedly occur in very old and very sick people.

In addition, we are not told how many days, weeks, or months these cases and deaths occurred. Only accumulative numbers are used to make more impact—as if eight deaths in 11 countries with 655 million inhabitants can make an impact!

As if that were not enough to calm down and come to our senses, it´s a fact never admitted that the test methods used to “confirm” that it is the coronavirus and not some other type of infection, such as the common cold (also caused by a coronavirus), are shaky at best.

Very few hospitals or laboratories are equipped to confirm the virus’s identity, so the vast majority use a method that is nothing more than guesswork or assumption based on circumstances. That was why they stopped testing in the USA: They realized that the results were anything but reliable.

480 “confirmed” cases mean 0.00000073 % and eight deaths signify 0.00000001 % of the people (whether it is caused by the virus or by some other previous condition). This corresponds to approximately one (1) death in 1.4 million people.

Globally, the normal DAILY death rate is over 153,000 people, most of whom die from “age-related” causes.

In comparison, do you really think the COVID-19 numbers justify turning the entire planet upside down, disrupting everything, and causing unprecedented intrusions into everybody´s integrity, independence, and economic conditions, as well as violations of everybody´s elementary human rights and freedoms?

I find it amazing how the bulk of the world population apparently is sheepishly carried away by this propaganda machinery, however intense, with nobody in authority standing back to consider the rather unspectacular facts:

Covid-19 Cases – March 21, 2020, 05:30 GMT

  • Accumulated total numbers registered during the approximately three months since the start of the outbreak.
  • Total cases: 276,462
  • Total Deaths: 11,417
  • Still active cases: 173,103, of which 95% are in Mild Condition
  • Serious or Critical cases: 7,911 (5%)

It should also be noted that since many infected people may get very mild symptoms, if any at all, and since they would not report or be registered anywhere, the official statistics only comprise those with serious enough symptoms to have been admitted to hospitals or other health care units and tested.

Therefore, the quoted official percentage of deaths only relates to the more serious cases admitted to hospitals. It would make up a far smaller percentage if those infected but do not need hospital care were included. A percentage is not much different from that of the annual wave of influenza we have to cope with every winter season without much ado.

It means an average of 127 deaths per day have been attributed to Covid-19 globally throughout the epidemic so far.

Compare this to the normal average global number of deaths from any cause, which is over 153,000 deaths per day! I am fully aware that the number of COVID-19 deaths is still growing since daily cases were few at the beginning. And they are still increasing, even if China and Korea, the first affected countries, now seem to have the spread of the virus under control, with decreasing daily numbers.

I can only interpret it as a stage rehearsal of the global military dictatorship Orwell spelt out for us in his book 1984, planned for us by the banking-military-industrial complex since before WW2. Yes, the very same complex Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell speech as President in 1961, and the same one that only two years later killed President J.F. Kennedy.

I don´t think two so diverse great presidents of the USA can be accused of sharing the same “Conspiracy Theory”! – A conspiracy it is, but there is nothing “theoretical” about it!

The next step in this covert march towards a global fascist dictatorship is likely to be a mandatory global vaccination program, justified by the COVID-19 drama, with a new type of untested vaccine injecting the virus with genetically manipulated DNA or RNA. What they can – and plan to – achieve with that is limited only by your imagination. And you will never be given any means of knowing or finding out.

That, along with 5G and Artificial Intelligence, will place us before the final choice: Whether to comply and sign off as free, conscious, independent human beings or once and for all rid ourselves of the gang of corrupt, psychopathic power-possessed criminals to whom we have been tricked into handing over all our power in the name of democracy.

By Jens Jerndal

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