Stockholm Protest against corona restrictions 6 March 2021 Stockholm – World Freedom Alliance

publicerad 10 mars 2021
- Gästskribent
Corona protest in Stockholm on March 6, 2021. Photo: unknown photographer

There were protests against the corona restrictions in Sweden on March 6, 2021. The protest was by default negatively portrayed in mainstream media. Alternative media also reported from the protest and presented a different perspective.

This video was immediately taken down (strike 1*) from the NewsVoice channel by Youtube while it was processed and examined by the YouTube algorithms. Therefore it was uploaded to the Bitchute video platform.

The main messages from the protesters

  • Corona restrictions do not have to be designed to paralyze society.
  • Most corona restrictions are not based on science and logics.
  • The corona restrictions are politically motivated and driven.
  • Many people and small businesses have been negatively affected.
  • People want to return to a normal life again.
  • The alleged ”pandemy” is over and the death rates in the beginning of 2021 are generally lower than in the summer of 2020.

Video source and production: for World Freedom Alliance is and Independent News and Debate Channel

Text and summary by NewsVoice

* The warning from YouTube:

Hej NewsVoice!

Vårt team har sett över ditt innehåll och tyvärr anser vi att det bryter mot vår Policy för felaktig medicinsk information. Vi har tagit bort följande innehåll från YouTube: Video: Stockholm Protest against corona restrictions 6 March 2021 Stockholm – World Freedom Alliance


Hur innehållet bryter mot policyn

YouTube tillåter inte innehåll som bestrider effektiviteten i lokala hälsomyndigheters eller Världshälsoorganisationens (WHO) riktlinjer för social distansering eller självisolering, och som kan medföra att människor inte följer riktlinjerna. Läs mer här.


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