Humanitarian advocate Mari Malek: Think twice before you donate to big NGO’s

publicerad 20 augusti 2021
- Aga Wilson
Mari Malek - press photo

WORLD. The humanitarian advocate Mari Malek from South Sudan says that people should think twice before they give money to big humanitarian organizations. Donations to the big NGOs have a tendency to end up in the wrong places. There are far better alternatives.

Video interview by Aga Wilsson | Text by Torbjorn Sassersson

Mari Malek was brought up in South Sudan. Her mother decided that Mari deserved a better life than war and being married by force at a young age. They escaped to Egypt. Mari, her mother, and her sisters later ended up in the US. Malek worked her way up to the point where she became a respected humanitarian advocate in New York with contacts within the UN, a supermodel, and an actor.

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Mari Malek says that people should think twice before they give money to big humanitarian organizations. It’s better to donate to smaller organizations that can assure resources reach all the way to the people that really need help.

Malek says billions of dollars every year are given to huge NGOs working in Africa yet famine, wars and poverty continue that create suffering and inequality.

There are far better alternatives, often small grassroots movements and small organizations are much more effective. Malek herself founded Stand for Education that provides access to education for children living in conflict, empowers women, and supports refugees.

Malek says more people die from starvation rather than Covid-19. At the same time, Africa is extremely efficient in food production. It’s a paradox.

Text by Torbjorn Sassersson, is an Independent News and Debate Channel

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