THE WORLD. Dr. Shankara Chetty is a general practitioner with a scientific background in genetics, advanced biology, microbiology and biochemistry. Since the beginning of the covid crisis, he has analyzed how the world is handling the covid crisis. Dr Chetty believes that there is a covid agenda that is about controlling the world population.
Interview by Dr. Naseeba Kanthrada | Läs transkription på svenska
”This plan is to make sure that we can control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned. So I think the justification for everything we see is warranted in understanding the endgame.”
Dr. Shankara Chetty is a general practitioner with a natural science background in genetics, advanced biology, microbiology, and biochemistry. From the start of the Covid pandemic. He has been critically watching the information arising from observations around the world.
Dr. Shankara Chetty: I think the perspective around what’s happening is vitally important. We need to understand what the aim is. Everyone knows that there are inconsistencies. That there is fearmongering; that there is coercion. But we need to understand why. Why is that there?
The most important thing I think for us to understand is that the pathogen that was causing all the death in COVID illness. I used the word COVID illness because we haven’t really isolated the coronavirus that causes it. But in COVID illness, the pathogen is spike protein. And spike protein is what the vaccine is meant to make in your body.
If I had to give you my opinion on what is happening globally, a lot of the work I’m doing behind the scenes is in this direction. Spike protein is one of the most contrived toxins or poisons that man has ever made. The aim of this toxin is to kill billions without anyone noticing it. So, it’s a poison with an agenda.
Now, we have got an engineered virus and a mandated vaccine that follows each other. What looks like has transpired here is that they engineered a virus and put this weapons-grade package onto it called spike protein. And then we have gotten this most elaborately engineered toxin. Now, it’s been put into a virus, or let’s call it a vector, and we’ve exposed the planet to a small dose of it.
Initially, a spike protein triggers an allergic reaction. The allergic reaction, if untreated, causes death. It’s what we’ve seen with COVID illness. But that is not the end game. That is to test the water. You are going to get a small percentage of people who react. We will see all the deaths.
The 8th day is when this reaction occurs, so it is best to isolate the planet for 14 days, so nobody notices when this occurs. People get to the hospital too late. We mandate protocols in hospitals to engineer death and damage to steer all the fear and risks we need.
We create all the confusion. We make sure we steer humanity towards mass-formation. We take away all the faith that we have, all the hope. We keep people isolated.
We have been conned into thinking that giving away our freedoms would be the best thing for us. So, the safest place for us was in jail, and that’s where we all are at this point in time. But the game that they played with this engineered virus was to justify the vaccination of the planet.
Now the vaccination of the planet will expose us to spike protein for a longer period. Spike protein, if we understand what it’s meant to do. Yes, initially, it will trigger an immune response, an allergic kind of reaction, and we have immediate death from that.
But you don’t poison someone, and they die immediately. You will notice the poisoning straight away when you give a vaccine. The first 14 days after the vaccine, any side effects cannot be attributable to the vaccine because that is where all the allergic reactions would lie.
Following that, we are going to see endothelial injuries, which are the deaths that the spike protein, with its influence on Ace-2 receptors, are meant to follow. They will never be pinned onto spike protein – a very well-engineered toxin.
Now, spike protein is also a membrane protein. The mRNA will distribute the spike protein throughout our body. Therefore, It will be made in various tissues around our body. The spike protein will be incorporated into those membranes around our body into those specific tissues, and those tissues will be recognized as foreign. They will result in triggering a host of autoimmune responses.
The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse: there will be too many. And there will be a too ”embroidered time frame” for us to understand that we have been poisoned.
I think this is the big plan. This toxin is dependent on the host’s response to it. Just like the 8th day and what followed COVID infection or illness was dependent on the host’s response. We got mild, moderate, and severe illnesses post 8th day, which confused us all. We keep talking about COVID pneumonia, but we’re chasing the virus. The virus was just the vector to give us a taste of the poison.
Now, this toxin, in the long-term, is going to get people with pre-existing illnesses to have those illnesses exacerbated. It has bits of prion in it. It has bits of HIV protein in it. It is definitely engineered.
So, people with cancers are going to have their cancers flare up, and we’ll say they died of cancer. People with vessel injuries or predispositions like our diabetics and hypertensives are going to have strokes and heart attacks and the rest at varying times, and we’ll attribute those to their pre-existing conditions.
People are going to develop autoimmune conditions over time, the diversity of which will never be addressed by any pharmaceutical intervention because they are far too targeted.
So, we’ve got a rough road coming. But I think if people understand what the intention is, then we’ll understand why what’s happened has happened. The illogic, coercion, and suppression are all warranted if you understand a bigger plan.
This plan is to make sure that we can control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.
So, I think the justification for everything we see is warranted in understanding the endgame. We’ve given up our freedoms. We were told that jail was the best place for us to be secure. So, we willingly went down that road.
Now today, if we want our freedoms back, they have got a mandated vaccine. We were herded like cattle into a corral, and the only way out was through the ”chute.” And that is where we lost our freedoms.
I think there’s a huge picture at play. The vaccines make absolutely no sense. We were sold the vaccine as our ”savior” from the start. If we look at the science, the science does not play out. The vaccine is absolutely nonsensical. We keep fighting about how good or bad the vaccine is.
I just want to make two points on the vaccinations. Vaccines are meant to stimulate immunity and, in doing so, prevent infection and prevent transmission. That is what gives a vaccine a population or group benefit. If you take the vaccine, by not getting the virus or transmitting it, you protect me. Now clearly, that has not occurred. The vaccines do not do that.
Now they claim that the vaccine has a benefit in preventing severe illness and death. That is a therapeutic benefit. My intervention with treatment does the same, but I do not expose the entire world to the side effects of my treatment. I only expose sick people to that.
That therapeutic benefit does not come from immunity, but it comes from the vaccine exposing you to spike protein and building a measure of tolerance to an allergy. Not to any immune-mediated response to a virus. So, the virus distracts us from the big picture. It is the spike protein that’s the toxin here.
Secondly, the prevention of severe illness and death is an individual benefit if it actually does that. So, if you take the vaccine, it prevents you from getting severely ill or dying. It has no group benefit and doesn’t benefit me at all. So, why am I being coerced into forcing you to take the vaccine to benefit me?
To just put that into perspective for a layperson. Skydiving is an individual risk and an individual benefit that does not influence anyone around me. So, my right to choose to skydive is vitally important. Now they want me to skydive because they say it benefits humanity.
They can’t prove the science, and they can’t tell me how this act of mine is going to benefit humanity. Yet they insist I do it. When I didn’t, and I couldn’t see the science, they offered me a beer and a doughnut. But I still don’t want to skydive. They still haven’t proven the science and tell me how it’s going to benefit humanity.
Now, it looks like they want to push me out of the plane. But when I look up, the parachute they provide me is full of holes, and they don’t want to admit to that. I see a few dead bodies lying on the ground, and they tell me they’re fast asleep. I don’t believe that.
Now, if they can prove a population benefit to the vaccine, maybe I’ll take this plunge for the benefit of humanity. But until that point, we are being coerced.
Dr Naseeba Kanthrada: Very well said, Dr. Shankara. Thank you so much for that.
- Dr Shankara Chetty: Linkedin
- Dr Shankara Chetty: The 8th Day Therapy for COVID-19
- Dr. Naseeba Kanthrada
En väns man insjuknade i C i höstas. Vännens man hade till en början ett tämligen influensalikt sjukdomsförlopp, började till tillfriskna efter några dagar då sjukdomen slog till med full kraft. Riktigt sjuk med andningssvårigheter. Min vän hade läst en artikel om dr. Chetty (kanske i NW) där han berättade att det svåra sjukdomsförloppet berodde på en allergisk reaktion på spikarna så de provade med antihistamin. Det blev en snabb förändring till det bättre så ha gärna antihistamin där hemma.
En väns man insjuknade i C i höstas. Vännens man hade till en början ett tämligen influensalikt sjukdomsförlopp, började till tillfriskna efter några dagar då sjukdomen slog till med full kraft. Riktigt sjuk med andningssvårigheter. Min vän hade läst en artikel om dr. Chetty (kanske i NW) där han berättade att det svåra sjukdomsförloppet berodde på en allergisk reaktion på spikarna så de provade med antihistamin. Det blev en snabb förändring till det bättre så ha gärna antihistamin där hemma.
Hoppet är inte ute. Alla människor gör saker som blir till olika erfarenheter. Den som har låtit vaccinera sig och är nu efterklok genom att tycka att han/hon kunde ha gjort annorlunda kan fortfarande komma ur detta utan men genom att öka sina vibrationer.
Människans skapandekraft och makt över hennes eget liv är obegränsad.
Det som begränsar oss är tankekonstruktioner som blir till ett ok som håller oss fångna i begränsade föreställningar.
Varje dag är ett oskrivet blad och du har chansen att börja om på nytt…
Hur då ”komma ur detta utan men”? Vad menar du med att ”öka sina vibrationer”? Låter mysko men spännande.
Hoppet är inte ute. Alla människor gör saker som blir till olika erfarenheter. Den som har låtit vaccinera sig och är nu efterklok genom att tycka att han/hon kunde ha gjort annorlunda kan fortfarande komma ur detta utan men genom att öka sina vibrationer.
Människans skapandekraft och makt över hennes eget liv är obegränsad.
Det som begränsar oss är tankekonstruktioner som blir till ett ok som håller oss fångna i begränsade föreställningar.
Varje dag är ett oskrivet blad och du har chansen att börja om på nytt…
Hur då ”komma ur detta utan men”? Vad menar du med att ”öka sina vibrationer”? Låter mysko men spännande.