Natural Birth and What They Don’t Tell You – Part 1 – Aga Wilson Show

publicerad 17 mars 2022
- Aga Wilson
Antonia Saint Dunbar and Maria Dangond. Press photos.

NATURAL BIRTH. In this episode, I talk to Maria Dangond a Doula in NYC and Social Entrepreneur and mother, Antonia Dunbar about home birth and the risks and benefits. We discuss the normalization of hospital birth and how we have moved away from natural birth and how that affects women and their babies.

By Aga Wilson (Aga Wilson Show) | Video editing: Torbjorn Sassersson

We talk about delayed cord clamping and why that is so important as well as the things that doctors and medical professionals don’t tell you.

We also get into women’s bodies and the wisdom we possess but neglect when we don’t listen to our bodies and follow the natural and beautiful process of birth.

Also watch: Postpartum and What You Need to Know – Part 2 – Aga Wilson Show

By Aga Wilson (Aga Wilson Show) | Video editing: Torbjorn Sassersson

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