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Hamas Calls for Global Jihad on Friday October 13

NewsVoice is an online news and debate channel that started in 2011. The purpose is to publish independent news, debate articles and comments as well as analyzes.
publicerad 12 oktober 2023
- News@NewsVoice
Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli President Netanyahu

Hamas has shown its true colors and now comes Global Jihad. It is not about liberation but about killing as many Israelis as possible. This is demonstrated by the wave of violence and hatred that Hamas was responsible for on October 7, a date that will go down in the history books.

Israeli President Netanyahu now vows to ”destroy” Hamas, saying that ”every member of Hamas is a dead man”. The siege of Gaza could be the start of a ground attack aimed at seeking out every Hamas terrorist, experts believe.

Gaza’s only power plant has run out of fuel; the region is blacked out. Israel has shut off water pipes. More than more than 1000 ordinary Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, of course, many are innocent, as are civilian buildings. The Israeli death toll is higher, reaching 1200 today, but the number is rising as new casualties are recorded.

Hamas calls October 7 the ”Al-Aqsa Flood”, an operation in which they murdered at least 1200 Israelis, injured 3000 and kidnapped over 100.

The US is doubling its support for Israel and has already landed to find US citizens. The US calls the weekend attack an act of ”pure evil”. Not only that, Israeli forces have been attacked by Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon and Israel has come under fire from Syria.

Global Jihad

The war against Hamas is far from over. Hamas has recently called on Muslims around the world to stage a ”holy” war – Global Jihad – on Friday, October 13, a date associated with horror movies and Halloween.

”We declare next Friday, ”Al-Aqsa River Day,” as a day of ”general mobilization in our Arab and Islamic world and among the free peoples of the world,” Hamas said in a public statement. On this day, Hamas will annihilate all those behind the ”Gaza occupation” and it is ”a day of sacrifice, heroism and dedication”.

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Tags: Global Jihad
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