The Chinese 2024 Spring Festival Reception – China Wants to Cultivate a Multi-level Cooperation with Sweden

Chinese Embassy in Sweden hosted the 2024 Spring Festival reception

Torbjörn Sassersson är grundare av NewsVoice som startade 2011. Torbjörn har arbetat inom media sedan 1995. Han har en fil kand (1992) inom miljövård från Stockholms Universitet. Stöd hans arbete genom en direktdonation via Paypal.
publicerad 31 januari 2024
- Torbjörn Sassersson
Ambassadör Cui Aimin talade under firandet av det kinesiska nyåret den 28 jan 2024 på Konserthuset i Stockholm. Foto: Kinesiska ambassaden
Ambassador Cui Aimin spoke at The Concert Hall in Stockholm, January 28, 2024.

The Chinese Embassy in Sweden hosted the Chinese 2024 Spring Festival. Ambassador Cui Aimin sees great potential in Sweden and seeks to cultivate multi-level cooperation.

More than 1000 people attended the reception, writes the Chinese Embassy on its website. Representatives from the Swedish government, the Riksdag, business, education, technology and science, cultural institutions and think tanks were present along with journalists.

Other guests included overseas Chinese, representatives from Chinese companies and institutions, and visiting students.

Performers in Swedish folk costumes at Konserthuset in Stockholm. Photo: Torbjörn Sassersson
Performers in Swedish folk costumes at Konserthuset in Stockholm. Photo: Torbjörn Sassersson

During his speech, Ambassador Cui Aimin said that China’s economy is growing stronger and that new steps for China’s modernization and prosperity are being taken. Also, international relations are developing as the country has more to give in its future foreign endeavours.

Particularly interesting is the growth area of renewable energy, which in 2023 grew by 50% in the number of technical installations, according to Cui Aimin. He also mentioned, among many other things, China’s space program that has taken new steps in space exploration and that the infrastructure projects within the Belt and Road Initiative continue.

Performers in Chinese folk costumes at Konserthuset in Stockholm. Photo: Torbjörn Sassersson
Performers in Chinese folk costumes at Konserthuset in Stockholm. Photo: Torbjörn Sassersson

The Chinese Embassy in Sweden proceeded to develop cultural and economic projects together with Sweden during 2023. Mr Aimin said during his speech that he had numerous meetings with Swedish representatives across the country last year.

According to Chinese thinking, everything that you want to grow must be cultivated over time. We harvest the fruits afterwards, so for China’s representatives in Sweden, the vision is already laid out and it is about prosperity and benefit for all parties.

As someone said:

”What a person does and says has consequences. Every action becomes a seed that takes root and grows into what man himself may harvest”.

Cui Aimin:

”There is no geopolitical conflict, nor any historical grudge between China and Sweden, there are traditional friendships and strong industry complementarities, and there are very large opportunities for cooperation”, arguing that this must remain the case.

The Chinese Spring Festival at Konserthuset was visited by The China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater, whose artists travelled from China to offer culture and entertainment. Also on stage were Swedes in traditional Swedish folk costumes.

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