Swedish Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed – Lacking Medical Knowledge – Dismisses Risks of Covid Vaccines

Debate on the Covid Vaccine Scandal in Sweden

publicerad 7 april 2024
Jakob Forssmed debatterar mot Elsa Widding i Riksdagen, 9 feb 2024.
Elsa Widding debating Social Affairs Minister Jakob Forssmed in the Swedish Parliament, February 9, 2024.

The Swedish Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed, who lacks medical knowledge, is severely criticized by Elsa Widding, who refers to the expertise of pathologists and cancer doctors from several countries regarding the experimental covid vaccines. Widding warns of new findings of turbo cancer suspected to be due to mRNA injections.

By Elsa Widding

Minister for Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed claims that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Minister for Health Acko Ankarberg Johansson agrees, adding that the vaccines against COVID-19 are good for public health.

At the same time, more and more Swedes are becoming painfully aware that this is not the case at all, as our loved ones are suddenly affected by accelerated cancer processes, now known as ”turbo cancer”.

For a long time, I have been reading the warnings of experts, and, in particular, I have studied the testimonies of pathologists and oncologists from different countries. It was, therefore, with great sadness that I learned that my son’s father, Peter Widding, had taken three injections against COVID-19.

Peter recently passed away from an explosive cancer that quickly spread to all organs. The course of the disease was almost identical to what is now common and described by several experts, including Professor Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St George’s University in London.

Having spent day and night with Peter during the last weeks of his life, I can safely say that I understand the tremendous suffering that many cancer patients go through today. I also understand the helplessness that relatives experience in the face of the fact that our responsible politicians do nothing.

They are burying their heads in the sand and pretending that excess mortality from a wide range of diseases, including cancer, does not exist. The hypotheses explaining the cause of the rapid progression of cancer are becoming more and more convincing and can no longer be talked away.

I believe that our Minister of Social Affairs, Jakob Forssmed, and Minister of Health, Acko Ankarberg Johansson, bear a great responsibility for the deaths we are witnessing now and will witness in the future.

It is impossible to defend how these politicians completely ignore all the data and alarms from highly qualified experts. Jakob Forssmed has also taken part in Pfizer’s shocking data on side effects that came to the public’s attention as early as autumn 2021.

Even then, the government should have banned these preparations in Sweden. Allowing large-scale experimentation with human life and health is unforgivable.

The question of guilt should be tried in court, and I therefore hope that Jakob Forssmed and Acko Ankarberg Johansson, among others, will be brought to justice based on their statements and actions with the knowledge that exists today. A large shadow also falls on the media, which works intensively to cover up the information about the side effects and to silence the debate.

We will not get the father of my children back. Still, it is my duty to go in-depth and highlight what the experts are saying today to put an end to the ”syringe policy” driven by ruthless and indifferent politicians as quickly as possible.

I will, therefore, in a number of posts, reproduce what international experts express in various interviews and reproduce the analyses and conclusions drawn from reviewed articles.

First is Professor Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St. George’s University in London. He sounds the alarm that mRNA vaccines must be banned once and for all and writes the following:

At the end of last year I reported that I was seeing melanoma patients who had been stable for years relapse after their first booster (their third injection). I was told it was merely a coincidence and to keep quiet about it, but it became impossible to do so.

The number of my patients affected has been rising ever since. I saw two more cases of cancer relapse post booster vaccination in my patients just this last week.

Other oncologists have contacted me from all over the world including from Australia and the U.S. The consensus is that it is no longer confined to melanoma but that increased incidence of lymphomas, leukaemias and kidney cancers is being seen after booster injections. 

Additionally my colorectal cancer colleagues report an epidemic of explosive cancers (those presenting with multiple metastatic spread in the liver and elsewhere). All these cancers are occurring (with very few exceptions) in patients who have been forced to have a Covid booster whether they were keen or not, for many so they could travel. 

So why are these cancers occurring? T cell suppression was my first likely explanation given that immunotherapy is so effective in these cancers.

However we must also now consider DNA plasmid and SV40 integration in promoting cancer development, a feature made even more concerning by reports that mRNA spike protein binds p53 and other cancer suppressor genes. It is very clear and very frightening that these vaccines have several elements to cause a perfect storm in cancer development in those patients lucky enough to have avoided heart attacks, clots, strokes, autoimmune diseases and other not-so-rare adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines.

To advise booster vaccines, as is the current case, is no more and no less than medical incompetence; to continue to do so with the above information is medical negligence which can carry a custodial sentence.

No ifs or buts any longer. All mRNA vaccines must be halted and banned now.”

Eurostat Cardiovascular Diseases shows that cancer accounts for 54% of all deaths in the EU in 2021.

Eurostat shows that excess mortality in Europe in 2022 was +12% for April, +7% for May, +7% for June and +16% for July. Eurostat for 2023 shows that excess mortality in Europe remained at a high level.

In January 2024, European excess mortality rates averaged +3.6%, with the highest rates in the Netherlands (+15.3%), Denmark (+11.5%) and Germany (+9.9%). Thus, in January 2024, excess mortality rates continued to vary across the EU.

Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Croatia, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia and the Czech Republic, most of which have low vaccination rates, recorded no excess mortality.


By Elsa Widding (1968-) (MyNewsdesk) is a Swedish politician, civil engineer and energy analyst. In her book published in 2022, Widding argues that there is no scientific support for the existence of a climate crisis.

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