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Suspected Chemical Attack at Trump Rally

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publicerad 20 september 2024
- News@NewsVoice
Trump rally in Tucson in september 2024. Images: News4Tucson

Reports indicate there may have been a chemical attack at a Trump rally in Tucson. Some 20 attendees who stood close to Trump reported having to go to the ER immediately after the rally. They suffered from blurry vision and swelling.

More than 2000 people filled up the Tucson Music Hall Thursday to hear Donald Trump’s first speech in Tucson this campaign as election day nears.

Reporters of former President Donald Trump who were allowed to sit behind his stage at his Tucson rally last week told the News 4 Tucson investigators they left with mysterious injuries to their eyes.

News 4 Tucson’s Chief Investigator reporter says 48 people were allowed to sit on stage behind Trump throughout the event. They were split into two groups on each side of the stage.

One side seemed to walk away without any issues, but multiple people seated near each other on the left side had to go to the emergency room after they left the event.

Some of his biggest supporters were allowed to sit behind him on stage, and supporters like Myra Rodriguez enjoyed the rally, but once she left, everything changed.

”As soon as we left and I stepped outside, I started feeling like my eyes were burning. At first, she thought it might be allergies.”

”The emergency room staff keep saying, you know, from the triage nurse to the PA. And are you sure you don’t get spray anything, your symptoms look like you were spray something?”

The News 4 Tucson investigators spoke to her the morning after Friday last week’s rally. That morning, she was nearly blind. Rodriguez says the doctors weren’t able to determine what exactly caused it.

Several others seated next to her at the rally also sought medical attention.

An anonymous attendee says:

”My eyes started watering a lot. My nose started running. Then I started feeling my face get really flushed, and then my neck felt like it was on fire, and it just progressed from there.”

This person was seated in the same area behind Trump with her brother. Both walked away with eye injuries and sought medical attention.

Former Congressional District 6 candidate Kathleen Wynn was seated on the opposite side of the stage and said she and everyone she knows seated near her walked away without any issues.

The Trump campaign is confirming that they’re investigating this situation.

News 4 Tucson did speak with the United States Secret Service, which said it was not informed of any of this and only learned about it when News 4 called them.


Source: News4Tucson

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Tags: Trump rally