Noctis Draven: What kind of world will it be if the West succeeds in crushing and dismembering Russia?


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publicerad Idag 22:01
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Ryssar på Röda Torget i i Moskva. Foto:
Russians on the Red Square in Moscow.

As time moves forward it increasingly looks as though this will be the final scenario. Analysts and experts will debate and argue over events in the Middle East but it is looking more and more as though the resistance is defeated.

Source text: Noctis Draven on X (, September 29, 2024

If they are not defeated, they are crippled and severely demoralized. I had once speculated that the resistance was being strategic and allowing Israel to kill, bomb, and run amok in order to expose them on the world stage, and this did indeed happen. What I didn’t account for is the world would see Israel’s crimes and genocide and turn away from it, ignoring it.

Now, as we watch every head of Hezbollah be cut off by Israel, and every party in the Middle East sit on the sidelines watching, too afraid to intervene over the fear of America or simply economic discomfort, it seems Israel will not need a larger, regional war.

It seems they will simply take what they want, kill who they want, and do what they want, and not a single soul will or wants to stop them. So I feel the chapter in the Middle East will end soon, and most likely a Greater Israel will be what remains.

So now we turn to the final obstacle, the final opponent that stands between the US and the Satanic Western hegemony… Russia.

I’ve said it before many times that Russia was the last hope for humanity, for freedom. These words are confusing, I understand, because experts and, of course, armchair analysts will argue Russia’s different ideals and way of life do not represent freedom. This is not what I mean when I say this.

When I say Russia is the last free land, I mean Russia is the last one that has a choice. It means Russia gets to remain Russia, to hold dear and have its history, customs, laws, ideals, religions, ways, etc. They are the last that are not FORCED to assimilate to the US and Western ideals and hegemony.

This makes them the last free people able to defend their ways and resistance to the tidal wave swallowing up the world with its recent consumption of the Middle East. It is the freedom of choice Russia represents, to choose to be itself and different than the US.

You have seen it, my friends, whichever country and nation bends the knee to the US, they also adopt its ways. Open borders to replace the population. Woke ideology to confuse and divide the people. Degrading of family and gender to turn family against one another. Satanic worship of one’s self, to do whatever you like if it feels good and deny yourself nothing.

Crime, corruption, crashing and failing economies, and increasingly defeated and pacified people. All common traits of the West, the zombies, and the walking dead of the world.

And then there was one. You do not have to be a fan of Russia to understand the importance or diversity, in thought and belief. What is a buffet if all that is on it is bread, what is music if all songs and pieces are the same, what is art if it’s all the same painting?

Common sense cries for the importance of what Russia represents, but mainly, most of all, because there is no one left who can defend themselves from the Western onslaught marching across the world.

So, as Israel finishes picking off the resistance and with the US making sure no one stops them, it won’t be long before the collective West and NATO turn their sights to Russia. Knowing that no one else stands in their way and no one can or is willing to stop them. I foresee a day when the entire West descends upon Russia to finally and at long last rid itself of its greatest opponent and truly inherit the earth.

But this cannot happen. This must not happen. Russia is a nuclear superpower, and if one asks me if Russia should use them if faced with this, I’d ask one question.

What world is there without Russia?


Source text: Noctis Draven on X (, September 29, 2024

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