Aloe vera water used to treat coronavirus in Africa

publicerad 8 april 2020
- Lilian Neg
Aloe vera. Foto: Magyar. Licens:
Aloe vera.

Scientists have not yet found a silver bullet medication to fight this deadly disease called coronavirus (Covid-19). Researchers are seeking durable solutions to cure this pandemic. Meanwhile, what could people do to fight it?

Lilian Neg - Press photo: NewsVoice
Lilian Neg – Press photo: NewsVoice

By Lilian Neg, Africa Correspondent for Newsvoice

When we look at the symptoms registered so far, coronavirus is a pandemic closer to a common illness called fever, but the intensity of the virus is more dangerous and uncontrollable. China with its large population is, unfortunately, the place where coronavirus was found for the first time in December 2019 in Wuhan. Rapidly it has spread worldwide.

Europe as a continent has suffered so many casualties on a daily basis. The death rate in Italy, in particular, is alarming. As many as 17,669 people have perished.

Coronavirus could have been avoided if some measures had been taken at the beginning to neutralise the pandemic. Some people after contracting the virus thought it was obvious to signal a case at the hospital, they were counting on a common fever vaccine to eradicate the illness. A common treatment against fever can destroy the virus.

All those allegations were false because the disease significantly was propagated across the globe. It was also said that a cold environment is much more favourable and that the virus cannot resist more than 24 degrees Celsius, however, this may be wrong because there are lots of cases of coronavirus in Africa whereas the climate generally is above 30 degrees Celsius.

As a matter of fact, it is proven that Africans have more chances to survive not because of the climate but the therapy put in place. The majority of Africans who contracted the illness came elsewhere and luckily had the opportunity to be treated properly. The period of incubation may be less than a week.

In Cameroon, for example, the two first patients who contracted the virus have been declared negative to coronavirus after a second checkup. There are similar cases across the Africa sub-Sahara area where it is confirmed that there are fewer cases of death.

Aloe vera water

It is proven that traditional medicine could do a good job. For instance, Africans are usually consuming aloe vera to prevent malaria or typhoid. Since the beginning of this deadly disease, many Africans have decided to prevent it by putting cut aloe vera leaves in a good quantity of water.

After 24 hours the patient can drink the juice twice daily (morning and evening). This remedy is very efficient for patients who are rapidly regaining their health.

Guava, lemon and eucalyptus water

Furthermore, the presence of malaria illness in Africa has permitted the majority of people to seek for prevention means like guava leaves with lemon and eucalyptus leaves all together prepared in a pot of water. The potion will help the patient to recover while absorbing the vapour of the boiling water under a covering towel.

This therapy helps to reduce the patient’s temperature, reduces fever, stabilizes respiration, and eradicates cough and cold.

While waiting for proper solutions, people need to focus on immediate prevention. Laboratories across the world are on a busy schedule but as it is always said prevention is better than cure.

By Lilian Neg, Africa Correspondent for Newsvoice

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