Swedish State Television (SVT) Accused in Court of Psychological Harassement

Torbjorn Sassersson is the founder of NewsVoice.se a news and debate channel that started in 2011. Sassersson (bachelor of science) has worked within media since 1995.
publicerad 9 februari 2023
- T. Sassersson
Linda Karlström at Stockholm District Court. Foto: NewsVoice

MEDIA. The case concerns a Swedish State Television (SVT.se) documentary titled The Vaccine Warriors, in which disguised SVT reporters invaded Linda Karlström’s private life for as long as 18 months using ”wallraffing” methods.

It became clear to most conscious viewers of the documentary that the suspected purpose was to character-assassinate a vocal vaccine skeptic that managed to catch the attention of the public domain for her extensive knowledge about vaccine injuries.

NewsVoice attended the court proceedings when the Finnish citizen Linda Karlström and her lawyer Dano Kostovski presented their case against the Government of Sweden at the Stockholm District Court on February 7-8.

It was not possible to sue SVT due to the legal arrangement of SVT which is owned by a governmental foundation, Förvaltningsstiftelsen (The Management Foundation). Instead, Karlström sued the Government of Sweden.

Linda Karlström, who has a vaccine-damaged daughter (she is the mother of five children), questions the general and uncritical use of vaccines in the health care system. She is pinpointing the vaccine pushers as they appear in many forms such as politicians, physicians, journalists, and decision-makers at authorities.

Linda Karlström believes that she has been subjected to unlawful character assassination by SVT through the false claims made about her and the way she is portrayed in The Vaccine Warriors. This was achieved through SVT’s unfair and inaccurate portrayal of her, said Dano Kostovski, her lawyer. The documentary has been online at SVT Play for more than two years now.

Anna Nordbeck (pressfoto: Magnus Bergström), Linda Karlström, Malin Olofsson (Mattias Ahlm, SR), Emelie Simmons (Ideellt Forum) och Sven Lindahl (pressfoto). Kollage: NewsVoice
The involved SVT journalists: Anna Nordbeck (pressphoto: Magnus Bergström), Linda Karlström (victim), Malin Olofsson (photo: Mattias Ahlm, SR), Emelie Simmons (Ideellt Forum) and Sven Lindahl (press photo: Svenlindahl.com). Montage: NewsVoice

The Swedish Public Service journalists specifically Emelie Simmons and Malin Olofsson from SVT invaded her home and used fake Identities as vaccine critics in order to create personal bonds of trust.

Because of the widespread inaccuracy and the fact that it is the State broadcaster, that enjoys great trust among viewers, that both broadcast and produced The Vaccine Warriors, the documentary exerts psychological pressure on Linda that inhibits her freedoms under the European Convention, Kostovski claims.

Linda Karlström also considers that SVT’s use of the wallraffing as unlawful, as there were no legal grounds for doing so in her case. The smear method is an extreme journalistic method that may only be used when serious wrongdoing is involved, Marie Nordin writes for Frihetsnytt, an independent news channel.

Dano Kostovski also claims that it was unlawful for Swedish State Television to provoke situations in order to get her to speak out about her private beliefs.

Read more: Government of Sweden to Stand Trial for Persecuting Vaccine Sceptics

”Linda performed well. She was fair, and clear and she describer the suffering she and her children had suffered. Suing the Government of Sweden was the only legal avenue for her chances to obtain damages in court. Therefore, state responsibility is invoked under ECHR Articles 8-11 and 13. Hopefully, this will set a precedent with real compensation”, said one spectator attending the hearings.

To win a court case against the Government of Sweden is deemed nearly impossible.

By T. Sassersson, NewsVoice

Unedited audio recordings (in Swedish) from the court proceedings:

Day 1, Feb 7, 2023

Day 2, Feb 8, 2023

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