Poverty growth – Over 50,000 families shipped out of London in the past 3 years due to welfare cuts and soaring rents

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publicerad 30 april 2015
- NewsVoice redaktion

Councils are currently moving homeless mothers and children out of their boroughs at a rate of close to 500 families a week. More than 50, 000 families have been silently shipped out of London boroughs in the past three years, an investigation by The Independent can reveal.

Leaked documents obtained by this newspaper expose the true scale of the “social cleansing” taking place across the capital as a result of welfare cuts and soaring rents. The figures show an unprecedented number of families who cannot afford to find homes in their local area being uprooted from their neighbourhoods and dumped further and further away from the capital, cut off from their relatives and support networks.

Read more in The Independent

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