MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESIn interviews with The Defender, the founders #CanWeTalkAboutIt said they hope to break the culture of silence around COVID-19 vaccine injuries by encouraging people to
Lanseringen av den internationella kampanjen CanWeTalkAboutIt för de injektionskadades rättigheter
VÅRDINDUSTRINCOVIDKRISEN. NewsVoice rapporterar ikväll på Telegram från lanseringen av kampanjen #CanWeTalkAboutIt om erkännandet av de injektionsskadade och deras rättigheter och behov av fungerande vård. Lanseringen
Global Social Media Campaign to Support Covid-19 Vaccine Injured
MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESVACCINE INJURIES. Millions of people worldwide have suffered adverse reactions from the Covid-19 shots. The #CanWeTalkAboutIt global campaign aims to start a dialogue and break