VÅRDINDUSTRINPRESS RELEASE A Study by Focus Autism Foundation Finds: CDC Whistleblower Reveals Widespread Manipulation of Scientific Data and Top-Down Pressure on CDC Scientists to Support
Mass Vaccine Brainwashing Campaign Exposed
utkastInfowars News Director Rob Dew and Producer writer Leslie Manookian of http://www.GreaterGoodMovie.org discuss the mass mind control campaign being launched against Americans to get them
Why vaccines spread disease; an in-depth analysis of flawed vaccination science
VÅRDINDUSTRINInfectious diseases that the system insists have been mostly eradicated due to the advent of vaccines are starting to reemerge, with much of the blame
India: Doctors Resist Deadly Pentavalent Vaccine – 54 babies dies
VÅRDINDUSTRINIPS NEWS. A spate of sudden infant deaths following vaccination in India has prompted leading paediatricians to call for stronger regulatory mechanisms to evaluate new
Statistiska data visar vaccinernas kontinuerliga misslyckanden
VÅRDINDUSTRINLäs mer på svenska: D-vitamin effektivare än influensavaccin Dokument från brittiska regeringen avslöjar – Vacciner är skadliga och osäkra SvD: ”Alzheimer kopplas till DDT” –
Gardasil Vaccine Destroys Girl’s Ovaries
VÅRDINDUSTRINOne girl’s ovaries were destroyed, with Gardasil the only potential cause. Worse, though, is that Merck either didn’t bother to examine potential effects on ovaries