Visselblåsaren Julian Assange intervjuades av journalisten John Pilger. Det framkommer uppgifter via läckta mail att Saudi och Qatar finansierar både IS och Hillary Clinton, att Hillary Clinton har stor skuld i destruktionen av Libyen och att det är osannolikt att Donald Trump tillåts vinna valet i USA idag.
Saudi Arabia & Qatar funding ISIS and Clinton
Julian Assange:
”In terms of the foreign policy of the United States, that’s where the emails are most revealing, where they show the direct connection between Hillary Clinton and the foundation of jihadism, of ISIL, in the Middle East. Can you talk about how the emails demonstrate the connection between those who are meant to be fighting the jihadists of ISIL, are actually those who have helped create it.”
”There’s an early 2014 email from Hillary Clinton, not so long after she left the State Department, to her campaign manager John Podesta that states ISIL is funded by the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Now this is the most significant email in the whole collection, and perhaps because Saudi and Qatari money is spread all over the Clinton Foundation. Even the U.S. government agrees that some Saudi figures have been supporting ISIL, or ISIS. But the dodge has always been that, well it’s just some rogue Princes, using their cut of the oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves.”
Libya is Hillary Clinton’s war
Julian Assange:
”Libya, more than anyone else’s war, was Hillary Clinton’s war. Barak Obama initially opposed it. Who was the person championing it? Hillary Clinton. That’s documented throughout her emails. She had put her favoured agent, Sidney Blumenthal, on to that; there’s more than 1700 emails out of the thirty three thousand Hillary Clinton emails that we’ve published, just about Libya. It’s not that Libya has cheap oil. She perceived the removal of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the Libyan state — something that she would use in her run-up to the general election for President.
So in late 2011 there is an internal document called the Libya Tick Tock that was produced for Hillary Clinton, and it’s the chronological description of how she was the central figure in the destruction of the Libyan state, which resulted in around 40,000 deaths within Libya; jihadists moved in, ISIS moved in, leading to the European refugee and migrant crisis.
Not only did you have people fleeing Libya, people fleeing Syria, the destabilisation of other African countries as a result of arms flows, but the Libyan state itself err was no longer able to control the movement of people through it. Libya faces along to the Mediterranean and had been effectively the cork in the bottle of Africa. So all problems, economic problems and civil war in Africa — previously people fleeing those problems didn’t end up in Europe because Libya policed the Mediterranean. That was said explicitly at the time, back in early 2011 by Gaddafi: ‘What do these Europeans think they’re doing, trying to bomb and destroy the Libyan State? There’s going to be floods of migrants out of Africa and jihadists into Europe, and this is exactly what happened.”
Trump won’t be permitted to win
Julian Assange:
”My answer is that Trump would not be permitted to win. Why do I say that? Because he’s had every establishment off side; Trump doesn’t have one establishment, maybe with the exception of the Evangelicals, if you can call them an establishment, but banks, intelligence [agencies], arms companies… big foreign money … are all united behind Hillary Clinton, and the media as well, media owners and even journalists themselves.”
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Instämmer Peter !
John Pilger har gjort bra journalistiska insatser med kritik mot imperiet, men liksom alla vänster-inriktade är han naiv beträffande begreppet kontrollerad opposition.
Julian Assange är ingen äkta whistle-blower utan en front för Usas ordinarie underrättelse-etablissemang. Det etablissemanget är splittrat och Wikileaks förmedlar ibland en avspegling av det men initialt var Wikileaks tvärtemot vad Pilger säger ett vapen för regime change under den arabiska våren och mot Kina och övriga BRICS.
Ett tecken på Wikileaks som front för en del av eliten är hur snabbt webben rensats från dokument som tidigare avslöjade besvärande kritik mot organisationens agerande som uppenbart var för Usas räkning.
Inga riktiga whistle-blowers får sån uppbackning av imperiets medier som Assange fått redan från starten.