Ökänd hackergrupp kan frisläppa 1000-tals hemliga dokument om WTC 911

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publicerad 3 januari 2019
- NewsVoice redaktion
Ground Zero efter WTC 911 i New York den 16:e september 2001

Den ökända hackergruppen The Dark Overlord hotar med att offentliggöra 1000-tals dokument relaterade till WTC 911 om inte gruppen får betalt i bitcoin. Hackarna hävdar att dokumenten avslöjar anledningarna till attacken den 11 september 2001 i New York.

The Dark Overlord är sedan tidigare kända för sina angrepp mot Netflix, plastikkirurgiska kliniker i USA och andra mål. De skriver att de ständigt jagas av myndigheter.

”As you can see, publicly reported proof that we have nation-states hunting us, and we’re still here, stronger than ever. We have government agencies from all over the world writing advisories about our threat activities.”

I sin senaste hackning har de kommit åt 10 GB av dokument (komplett arkiv som zip). Dessa har placerats online på Pastebin fritt för alla att ladda ner, men innehållet förblir krypterat till dess att en lösensumma betalats. Om gruppen inte får pengar ska dokumenten stegvis frisläppas där varje lager av data blir allt mer graverande.

“We’ll be providing many answers about 9.11 conspiracies through our 18,000 secret documents leak.”

Hittills har endast några få dokument offentliggjorts som en ”teaser”.

Myndigheter och företag som förekommer i avslöjandet är vissa advokatbyråer, Transport Security Administration och Federal Aviation Administration. Hackarna uppger att de även har dokument från Lloyds i London, Hiscox och Silverstein Properties som tjänade miljardbelopp i försäkringspengar efter att tornen fällts.

Gruppen uppger att den kan leverera information om i princip allt möjligt:

”We have more documents like these from other hacks of ours. If you’re interested in industry specific materials, we can supply them for your purchase. We have dozens of TBs of data from almost all industries! We have everything from customer databases, medical records, credit cards, intellectual property, classified materials, source code, and much more and it’s all for sale. Many of our for-sale threads are on the dark web hacker forum ’KickAss’ and they detail our requested prices and the content available. We’re of course always negotiable on pricing.”

Alla avslöjande dokument kring WTC 911 skulle ha förstörts, men 1000-tals ska ha överlevt, skriver RT.

Inom de närmaste dagarna kommer allmänheten att få veta om hackergruppen avser att ge ut de krypteringsnycklar som krävs för att läsa dokumenten, lager för lager. 

Text: NewsVoice | Foto på ground zero: Mate Eric J. TIlford, US Navy. Bilden är ”public domain”.



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  • Uppföljning lager 3

    RT: ‘More secrets’: New batch of ‘Dark Overlord’ 9/11 papers leaked online

    ”The decryption key for the third batch, however, was leaked by an anonymous source on Thursday, along with a note reading “You want the True [sic] about 9/11. Here is you change.””

    ”The key is genuine, and unlocks around 8,000 emails, which like the first two dumps, paint a complex picture of litigators and insurers struggling to ascertain who to sue for damages after the attacks. In this particular set of documents, the insurance claims and lawsuits are already well underway, and the subject of much legal wrangling.

    Truth-seekers shouldn’t hold their breath. These emails contain no outright ‘smoking guns’ to suggest government involvement or some other grand conspiracy at play.”


  • RT (Published time: 4 Jan, 2019 10:27): Hacker group releases ’9/11 Papers’, says future leaks will ’burn down’ US deep state

    ”A day later, the Dark Overlord said that it had received more than $12,000 in bitcoin – enough to unlock ”layer 1” and several ”checkpoints,” comprised of 650 documents in total.

    There are four more layers that remain encrypted and, according to the group, ”each layer contains more secrets, more damaging materials… and generally just more truth.”

    The hackers are asking for $2 million in bitcoin for the public release of its ”megaleak,” which it has dubbed ”the 9/11 Papers.”



    TDO is today’s top hacker group

    TDO is one of most infamous hacking groups still in activity, behind many hacks and extortion attempts.

    In a press release published by Serbia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, the group is accused of hacking and stealing data from over 50 victims since June 2016, and making over $275,000 from successful extortions, which the group usually asked as Bitcoin transfers. Below is a small (and arguably incomplete) list with just some of the few hacks that got media coverage.

    • Hacked three healthcare organizations and sold 651,894 patient records on the Dark Web
    • Hacked and sold over 9.3 million patient records from an unnamed healthcare insurrance provider
    • Hacked and extorted the Cancer Services of East Central Indiana-Little Red Door center
    • Hacked Netflix and leaked episodes from season 5 of ”Orange Is The New Black”
    • Hacked ABC and leaked episodes from ”Steve Harvey’s Funderdome” TV show
    • Hacked Larson Studios, Inc. a Hollywood audio post-production studio, and stole a trove of TV shows
    • Terrorized Montana schools with bomb and death threats in return for a ransom
    • Breached H-E Parts International Morgan
    • Breached Line 204, a provider of sound stages for Hollywood studios
    • Breached Austin Manual Therapy Associates
    • Breached SMART (“Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Therapy”) Physical Therapy
    • Breached Hand Rehabilitation Specialists
    • Breached Gorilla Glue
    • Dumped data from multiple targets such as: Pre-Con Products, G.S. Polymers, PcWorks, International Textiles & Apparel, and UniQoptics

    Source: Suspected Member of TheDarkOverlord Hacking Group Arrested in Serbia

  • Announcement: Layer 1 Key In The Wild
    thedarkoverlord (54) in thedarkoverlord • 2 hours ago
    Hash: SHA256

    This is the thedarkoverlord here to deliver a message.

    At this time, there are a few keys out in the world for the first Layer 1 Veracrypt container. Good luck.

    Your friends,
    Professional Adversarial Threat Group
    TheDarkOverlord Solutions LLC, World Wide Web, LLC

    Subscribe to our official Steamit: https://steemit.com/@thedarkoverlord

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