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tisdag, juli 16, 2024

Dr. Robert Malone: Let’s Start Doxing the World Economic Forum – Full video

NewsVoice är en oberoende nättidning med utgivningsbevis som startade 2011. Syftet är att publicera nyheter, debattartiklar, kommentarer och analyser. Stöd vårt arbete genom att donera, sponsra (tex granskningar, utlandsreportage) eller annonsera.
publicerad 5 april 2022
- NewsVoice redaktion
Dr. Robert Malone, March 26, 2022. Photo: Bright Light News

THE WORLD. ”We need to out these people. I mean, [the term that is used] is doxing. As far as I’m concerned with these folks, doxing is good; let’s go get them”, says Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Robert Malone is one of the inventors of mRNA and DNA vaccine technologies. He joined Bright Light News on March 26, 2022, for an interview. He talked about the science behind the Covid-19 injections and the politically correct Covid Narrative, weaponized to silence all dissenters.

  • Who’s behind the unscientific global vaccine agenda?
  • What is their ultimate goal?

Dr. Malone says he is working closely with a doxing group in Sweden.Watch the full interview below.

Doxing: Searching for and publishing private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.

Source: Bright Light News, Vigilant Fox

Full Video: Uncovering the Coivd Narrative


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