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RT on the Russian Plans to Influence the 2024 US Elections – Satire

publicerad 31 december 2023
- Kristoffer Hell
Joe Biden och Margarita Simonyan (RT:s chefredaktör). Bilder: RT
Joe Biden and Margarita Simonyan (Editor in Chief, RT.com).

In the United States, the 2024 US Elections are coming up in the fall, and ahead of the event, the state-sponsored Russian news channel Russia Today (RT) has produced a video commenting in advance on the rumours in the Western media about Russian influence that are expected by the West.

Western media have been harping on the theme of Russian influence in US elections since 2016, every time the election results go against the Democrats in the US. Previous rumours in and by Western media have pointed to former US President Donald Trump as Moscow’s favourite candidate.

In the video below, current US President Joe Biden is being manipulated by the Russian Federation with ”Soviet-era technology” dusted off.

What deserves an extra raised eyebrow is that RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan plays herself in the video, in the role of ”Colonel Simonyan”.


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