WAR & PEACE"A new assassination attempt before the November elections is not out of the question to get the US back on the path of governments under the tutelage of real power in the shadows (Fourth Branch of Government)."
Guest writer
Keep in Mind the Original Aspiration of Establishing Diplomatic Relations to Create a Better Future
WORLD74 years ago, Sweden recognized the People’s Republic of China and became the first Western country to establish diplomatic relations with China.
NATO’s Entry into the Ukrainian War Could Lead to 90 million Dead and Injured
WAR & PEACEThe Union of Concerned Scientists predicts that a US-Russia conflict that begins with the use of tactical nuclear weapons could lead to "a rapid escalation that would leave more than 90 million dead and injured".
Harry Clynch: Why China Does Not Have “Imperialistic Intentions” in Africa
WORLDSpeaking at an event earlier this year, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis was confronted with a reporter who slammed China’s economic and political activities in Africa.
Germán Gorraiz López: Kennedy and the Weightlessness of the Myth
CULTUREJFK set the precedent of being the first Catholic president and the youngest elected president of the United States (43), going down in history as
Ullekh NP on Western hegemony: BRICS nations just want what is theirs
WORLD"Many economists hope that the countries in the Global South, those long denigrated, will have a greater reason than now to stick together. It is in that context that BRICS+ acquires a halo."