NewsVoice is an online news and debate channel that started in 2011. The purpose is to publish independent news, debate articles and comments as well as analyzes.


Vaccinspruta. Foto: Mika Baumeister. Licens:

What vaccines are made of: Monkey kidneys, spinal material, animal pus

MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINES[caption id="attachment_131344" align="alignnone" width="900"] Vaccinspruta. Foto: Mika Baumeister ( Licens:[/caption] "Generally speaking, vaccinations are inoculations that attempt to confer immunity against a specific disease.

Mike Adams, 2019. Photo: Mike Adams, Natural News

Natural News – Why do we vaccinate our cats and dogs?

BIG PHARMAIn the history of human vaccines, the numbers clearly show that in every case, the disease itself was already on the decline when the vaccine was introduced. Most vaccines were scarcely a blip on the radar, not affecting the natural decline of the disease at all. In a few unfortunate cases such as polio, the disease actually increased after vaccinations began.

Mike Adams, 2019. Photo: Mike Adams, Natural News

Placebo stronger than pharmaceuticals study finds

HEALTH & LIFESTYLEA new study showes many pharmaceuticals only work because people expect them to, not because they have any "real" chemical effect on the body. Many medications therefore proved to be completely worthless.