FILM BIOFILM. Nu har Night Shyamalan gjort en sån där svårplacerad film igen. Är det en kalkonfilm, en thriller eller en skräckkomedi? Den enda film
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The Mist
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Hungary explores a new path to form a conscious society
KULTURThe workshop took place during two days (Dec 8-9, 2007) at the Institute of Strategic Research in a small town called Nagykovácsi on the Buda-side near Budapest.
Maryland, USA: Vaccinationstvång under polisbevakning
HÄLSA[caption id="" align="alignright" width="324"] Vaccinationstvång - Grafik: NewsVoice[/caption] Barn i USA behandlades som boskap och tvångsvaccinerades under bevakning av beväpnad polis. Scenen utspelades den 17 november
Peaceful Warrior
FILMThis is a good movie and yet unknown, at least here in Sweden where the biggest movie distributor SF Film ignored it. That was a mistake because people love this movie for many reasons. It got depth, it's thought provoking, it is sound and of course based on true events.