RYMDFARTThis video is a compilation of military experts speculating on the X-37B space plane.
National Geographic: Saturnus måne Enceladus kan ha livsformer
RYMDFART[caption id="attachment_39690" align="alignnone" width="742"] Image courtesy NASA/JPL Space Science Institute[/caption] En omfattande ocean existerar högst sannolikt under den isiga ytan på Saturnus minimåne Enceladus, vilket
NASA har hittat ytterligare 715 planeter i galaxen
RYMDFARTSPACE. Forskare vid NASA meddelade i går onsdag att ytterligare 715 planeter kan tillföras listan över detekterade planeter i galaxen. Det betyder att NASA och
NASA scientist calls for establishment of a Moon base
RYMDFARTChris McKay, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center, is the latest person to advocate for a NASA led return to the moon in the wake of
Scientists expect GOCE satellite to crash to Earth Sunday-Monday
RYMDFART"The European Space Agency says its GOCE research satellite will crash to Earth on Sunday night or during the day on Monday, but debris is
Olympic torch reaches space station
RYMDFARTA Soyuz rocket carrying the torch for the Sochi Winter Olympics has docked with the International Space Station, as part of efforts to showcase next