OPINIONAre there also reasons to suspect that arsonists conspired in Canada to push the climate agenda, which includes the same elements as the COVID-19 crisis, i.e. lockdown, face masks, and tighter restrictions?
Pakistan’s Failed Colour Revolution?
OPINIONThe Supreme Court ruled that "Iran Khan's detention was illegal" and ordered his release. The US will have to wait for a new opportunity to balkanize Pakistan and bring it back to the path of the countries under the tutelage of the "American friend".
Tommy Robinson: ”I am Back”
OPINIONYou haven’t heard from me in a while, so I am glad to be able to finally speak to you again personally. As you know,
Germán Gorraiz López: Default in the United States?
OPINIONThe visceral bitterness between Democrats and Republicans in the US could prevent the necessary agreement from being reached to raise the US debt ceiling and thus avoid 'in extremis' the suspension of payments or default, which could lead to a repeat of Wall Street's Black Thursday, the stock market crash of 24 October 1929.
Donald Trump’s Political Nonconformity
OPINIONWright Mills, in his book "The Power Elite" (1956), indicates that the key to understanding American unrest is to be found in the over-organization of its society.
David Sorensen: Shocking Report about the Agenda to Normalize Pedophilia
OPINIONFor the past two months, I have been working non-stop on a devastating evidence report that reveals the most horrendous agenda being rolled out in