OPINIONI remember the "swine flu" season of 2009. People were rushing out to get vaccinated, scared half to death by the mainstream media which was pushing false reports that the swine flu would kill tens of millions of people.
Paco de Lucia performs Cositas Buenas
CULTUREPaco de Lucía, born Francisco Sánchez Gómez (1947), is a Spanish composer and guitarist. Recognized as a virtuoso flamenco guitarist he is one of the very few flamenco guitarists who has successfully crossed over into other genres of music.
Lars O. Berglund om diabetes: Dietist, du får blunda för direktiven!
HÄLSA[caption id="attachment_113922" align="alignnone" width="696"] Bild: Kost, hälsa och matkunskap. Foto: Shane Rounce. Licens: Unsplash.com[/caption] DEBATT. Allt fler får diabetes, men allt fler av dem som
Johan Linander: Straffrabatten för personer som begår många brott måste bort
ENGLISH[caption id="attachment_101728" align="alignnone" width="900"] Johan Linander - Foto: Johannes Jansson, Norden.org. Licens: CC BY 2.5 dk, Wikimedia Commons[/caption] I Sverige har vi en stor straffrabatt
Bern: Hör klimatalarmismens stöveltramp!
ENGLISH[caption id="attachment_91200" align="alignnone" width="800"] Lars Bern - Foto: Torbjörn Sassersson, NewsVoice.se[/caption] DEBATT. Krav på straff av oliktänkande och hot om katastrofer är gamla beprövade metoder
“Parapsychology – The Forbidden Research”
ENGLISHUniversities downplay research on all things paranormal for the benefit of studies in psychology on why people want to "believe in strange things".